Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Ending Chapter of Cannon Fodder (2)

Lily had just arrived, and she was temporarily doing cleaning work. On her first day here, after cleaning a yard, she went to have a meal with a group of low-level maids, and then returned to her temporary residence. She was the lowest maid, so she was not qualified to live alone. Instead, she was in a spacious room with a wide and long stone bed in front of her. Many people lay down on it after eating. bed.

Arrived for the first time today, Lily picked an empty seat and climbed up. A woman next to her moved to the side as if she was disgusted. The woman sleeping outside turned off the light. The woman sleeping next to Lily turned over and suddenly said:

"Sister Guizhi, I heard that our family is sending a new master over, right?"

Having just entered this world, Lily had a disdain for everything here. After she first returned to Li's territory today, she was assigned to clean a courtyard by a middle-aged man. She was new here, and no one even talked to her today, let alone inquire about the news here. Lily heard someone speaking and mentioned certain situations. Although her eyes were still closed, she was attentive. They eavesdropped, trying to get some useful information.

This is the territory of the Li family, and the so-called Li family should be a big family in the world of immortality. But when Lily heard the words 'main family' and the words 'new master', her mind suddenly became vivid. Come.

In other words, there should be an owner here, and since there is a 'main family' and the word 'pai' is used, it proves that this place is most likely just a branch of the Li family. At present, it should be owned by the Li family. A member of the team temporarily becomes the owner and manages this place. The 'main family' should be the center of Li's power. The mention of 'new master' proves that it is very likely that a new Li clan member will appear here.

"What does it have to do with us?"

A woman's cold voice rang out, and the girl sleeping next to Lily trembled when she heard this. Once someone speaks first. Others plucked up the courage to speak: "Sister Guizhi, you are the one who has stayed here the longest. Recently, people in other courtyards have been saying that 'my family' is sending someone over. What kind of master will they send?" "

The speaker was a girl with a clear voice. As soon as she finished speaking, the woman known as 'Sister Guizhi' was silent for a while: "A slave's life is like a piece of grass. I live a long life because I am the cowardest."

As soon as she said this, everyone fell silent. Lily waited for a while, but no one spoke again, and she did not get any useful information. After a while, everyone seemed to be frightened, and no one spoke again.

At first the atmosphere in the room was tense, but gradually the girls all fell asleep in silence, and after a while the sounds of breathing began to stop one after another.

These people were asleep, but Lily couldn't sleep.

Originally, she was still dreaming about finding an opportunity to sneak to the Shuiyue Lake she discovered today to practice, but after entering here, she discovered that it was heavily guarded. It was not easy to get in and out of the main power center of the Li family. There was no way for her to enter this area at will and practice physical skills by Shuiyue Lake. I don’t know what happened to this mission. She couldn’t receive the plot or memories. Fortunately, Lily has a calm personality, and she has entered the mission world of cultivating immortals. This means that she will have a lot of time, as long as she lives. , practice slowly, it is always possible to touch the clues of the mission.

It's just this time's environment, coupled with the family surnamed Li. It couldn't help but remind her of Li Yanxi.

He once told himself. He would send himself to the world where he was originally. Unfortunately, he was not encountered in the last mission world, and Lily didn't know what method he would use to send himself to his original world.

With something on her mind, Lily couldn't sleep that night. The girls around have already fallen asleep. They are like ants in the world of immortality. There are many things to do every day. The people who can live here are the lowest beings, doing the dirtiest and stupidest jobs. If they don't get a good rest at night, they won't have the energy to do things during the day, which will make them angry. Steward, they might even die.

So these people were sleeping soundly, Lily got up quietly at night, and these girls were still sleeping. Although they couldn't go to Shuiyue Lake, she could practice in this place. Everyone is asleep at this time, and this is the residential area for the lowest servants. No one will come here. From what 'Sister Guizhi' said before, we can know that low-level servants are the most dangerous. In such a world where she could lose her life at any time, she had to practice hard so that when one day she had the power to protect herself, she would not let anyone prey on her.

She quietly pushed the door open, and it was quiet outside. There was a whole row of places where such low-class servants lived. Although Lily guessed that this place might not be the main center of power of the Li family, this area was not. It was small and had many slaves. From where this row of low-class servants lived, one could see that the end of the house was invisible in the night. She picked a place with heavy shadows and began to practice star training, but this time she quickly discovered that something was wrong.

Lily just made an action and found that her body fit her perfectly. Generally speaking, when she enters the mission world and uses other people's bodies to practice physical skills, it will take some time for her to adapt. In other words, when she first started practicing physical skills, the effect would not be very good because she was in the adaptation period. But this time she found that her body could do whatever she wanted, and she could complete one movement easily, which surprised her a little. Yes, after completing an action, in addition to attracting the spiritual power from outside, it seems that something inside the body has been resonated and is ready to move. She was startled and stopped. Logically speaking, the little spiritual power she had just introduced into her body should have dissipated without a trace as soon as she stopped moving.

However, this spiritual power did not disperse. It was as if some energy was sealed in the body. When this spiritual power entered the body, it resonated with this energy. It was as if this energy suddenly began to riot. A large amount of spiritual power It started to rush around in her body. Her body had not reached the point where it could accept such a large amount of spiritual power. She gritted her teeth, and the spiritual power in her body was rushing around. This energy was so powerful that she could not control it, and Lily was all muscled. Her pulse was extremely painful, her expression changed, her legs softened and she sat down on the ground, and her body began to tremble.

Fortunately, after getting used to the pain, Lily felt the familiarity of this energy. This feeling was the same as the feeling in the starry sky. She closed her eyes and endured the pain. After a long time, the spiritual power slowed down. Slowly calming down, being restrained into her body and quieting down again, Lily seemed to have almost died. She was covered in cold sweat and her clothes were soaked. She opened her mouth wide and gasped, and her eyes suddenly widened. .

This energy was like the power in the starry sky. She was wearing the clothes she originally wore when she was in the starry sky. This body seemed to be her own. She did not have the same feeling of entering someone else's body in the past. This is the world of cultivating immortals, and the owner here is named Li. She remembered that Li Yanxi once said that he would send her back to his original world. At this time, there was nothing Lily didn't understand.

She probably didn't know what happened. In the last mission world, after the island exploded, she was somehow sent here by Li Yanxi. He once said that he would send her here, but Lily always thought that when he sent her into her original world, he might meet her. She thought he would have something to say to her, but she never thought that things would turn out differently. Such suddenness.

Lily sat back on the ground, her heart suddenly heavy as she thought of being separated from him before she even had a chance to see him. She entered the original world of Li Yanxi, and he used all his strength to send her here. He said at that time that he would pay the price for sending himself here, and he would disappear.

The circles under her eyes began to feel unbearably sour for some reason, and the warm liquid enveloped her eyes. Lily seemed to have something stuck in her throat, and her hands tightly hugged her knees. She was like an abandoned and homeless cub. Li Yanxi had been by her side all the way. She knew that there would always be someone to accompany her after completing the mission, so she had never felt like this before. Lily suddenly felt empty in her heart when she suddenly discovered that the person she thought would always be by her side, the person who once made her feel a little overwhelmed, might never see her again.

Li Yanxi has always been determined to win her, and she is not an enthusiastic person. In fact, the more forceful others are to her, the more she will feel withdrawn. Although Li Yanxi has already admitted in her heart that he should be her other half, she can Lily never thought about how she felt in her heart.

She does like Li Yanxi, but this kind of love is not serious enough to be unforgettable. She just recognized Li Yanxi in her heart and did not resist avoiding him. However, her personality was too cold, so she was not very enthusiastic about him, and she didn't like him as much as he liked herself. She always thought that she and Li Yanxi would go on like this for a long time. She never thought that such a powerful man might disappear one day.

Li Yanxi once told her that he was trapped by Yun Munan and could not escape from the mission world he created. If the reincarnation continues in the long run, one day he might be like Yun Munan thought, when he lost his memory, Will be controlled by Yun Munan. According to his character, he would rather be broken than destroyed, and he would never shrink back out of fear, so he wanted to send Lily to his original place.

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Second update!

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please give me some encouragement, I will work harder tomorrow to update again~~~~~

Asking for a monthly ticket. (To be continued ~^~)

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