Cannon Fodder Strategy

Girls in Acrobatic Class (5)

As expected, there was a wall surrounding the place about 800 meters away. At the moment, gymnastics music was playing inside. It was hard to hear it from a distance, but when Lily ran closer, she could clearly hear it. This was the music of the capital city. There is a nine-year compulsory school outside. Lily ran around the wall and found that the school occupied a large area. By now, the students inside should have been awakened by the bell to make the morning announcement. It was time for gymnastics, and the lights in the surrounding dormitory buildings were already on. It was a mess inside, and an idea came to Lily's mind.

After standing on the road with my feet stomping for about half an hour, the sky gradually became brighter, and there were more and more people coming and going around. The school security room also turned on the lights, and the iron gate for entering and exiting the school was opened in the morning. Some students living nearby also began to enter the school carrying schoolbags. Lily easily entered the school among the students. After she randomly found a student and asked about the principal's office, she walked directly in that direction. passed.

This school is not a key middle school, and today is not an important holiday. The door of the principal's office is open, and a middle-aged man sitting inside suddenly raised his head when Lily passed by. Lily nodded at him and smiled slightly. She stood at the door and said hello before introducing herself: "Hello, teacher, my surname is Zhao. I was originally studying art performance. I happened to pass by here with my brother and saw your school. I wanted to I want to give a free performance at your school. I just do it for my hobbies and don’t care about money. As long as the teacher can send a few students from the school to help me move the equipment and borrow a place in your school. Is that okay?"

If Lily had said that she was part of an acrobatic troupe and wanted to perform for a fee, the principal would have kicked her out before she could finish her words, but now she said that she would not charge money and that it was just for fun. The performance didn't require any money from the school. It was just a matter of borrowing a place and sending a few students to help move the equipment. Although he didn't know Lily's origins, when the principal heard about such a good thing, a smile suddenly appeared on his face. Come. After signaling Lily to come into the office for a detailed discussion, the principal almost agreed to perform in the school. Since Lily didn't charge money and it wasn't a business transaction, the principal didn't check Lily's origin and surname, just that The principal was afraid that Lily would regret it. Therefore, she finally made a request to sign a contract. Lily nodded and agreed. After writing down all the ten items she wanted to perform and signing that she would not charge any fees, the principal sent her away with a smile on her face. office.

When she returned to the truck with such a simple contract, Zhao Jinying was already up. At this time, the door in the car was being pulled open with a clanking sound. When Lily went out in the morning, she locked the big iron door at the back of the truck. He couldn't open it from the inside. After Lily came back, she easily climbed up and opened the iron door. Zhao Jinying's face turned red from holding back, and his curly hair was messed up by him. At this moment, he glared at Lily bitterly. He glanced at her and didn't care to ask her where she had been in the morning. After shivering, she quickly jumped out of the car and ran to the grass chop next to her. It was obvious that he was panicking just now.

Lily suppressed a smile, and Zhao Jinying was a little embarrassed to look at Lily's face when she came out from behind the grass, trembling. A little depressed again: "Sister, where did you go this morning?"

"We are going to perform at the school in the afternoon." Lily said, holding up the contract in her hand. Zhao Jinying now also knew that the acrobatic team made an agreement with others to perform, unlike the older generation who had just agreed and tied up the shed. Cheng, now performances require a contract, signature, and fingerprints. When he heard that he could perform, his eyes lit up at first, and he said with some surprise: "Really? But we don't have enough manpower. Sister Xueer and Brother Lingfeng are not here." , when the school feels that the performance is not good, will it ask us to refund the money?"

"I don't need them to be here. I can just perform by myself. I don't charge any money. How can I get a refund?"

When she heard the names of Zhao Xue'er and Zhao Xue'er, Lily's originally smiling face suddenly turned gloomy. She put the contract in her hand into her pocket. When Zhao Jinying heard that they would not charge money, she felt as if someone had taken care of her. As if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him, he gritted his teeth and was speechless for a long time. Lily ignored him and agreed to perform now. Although she had taken over the body of the original owner, Lily still had to perform many acrobatic tasks. For the first time since then, she wanted to practice before the afternoon. It was always good to at least get familiar with it. Although she told Zhao Jinying that she would not charge money, Lily had never really thought about not charging her.

Zhao Jinying followed Lily depressedly and watched her start to practice some simple gymnastics movements. She hesitated several times and hesitated to speak. Finally, when Lily ignored him, Zhao Jinying also began to get sulky and sat aside silently. .

It was definitely impossible to practice tightrope at the moment, so Lily had to find a rope and tie it between two big trees outside, and tried to jump up to find a sense of balance. She had practiced martial arts many times during the mission. The reason is that there is no fear of heights. Lily jumped down as long as she felt a little bit like the original owner.

As expected, the school sent a group of male students over to help move the equipment at noon. When these students heard that there were no classes in the afternoon and there were free acrobatics to watch, they all looked happy. Although Zhao Jinying was still a little unhappy at this moment. I was happy, but I was not the one who thought of the performance, not to mention that Lily had already agreed, so I had no choice but to move the things together. With the voluntary help of the school students and some male teachers, the shed was built. She got up quickly. In less than two hours, a temporary acrobatic venue had been set up in the playground. After the appointed time, Lily changed into clothes that were convenient for performing and got on the stage before the performance started. A trip to practice on the tightrope. I wonder if it was because Zhao Baihe fell off the tightrope twice in the plot. When Baihe got on the tightrope again, her body was still a little scared. She forced herself to walk twice in a row before the instinct in her heart emerged. The fear was suppressed.

When the students finished the previous class in the afternoon, many people on the playground moved their stools and got ready to watch the performance. In the past, although Zhao's class also performed in crowds, the size of the crowds was not large. Big, this school covers nine years of compulsory education from primary school to junior high school. There are nearly a thousand students, plus the teachers and family members of the school, etc. It is packed with people all around. Because Lily initially stated that it was only for performances. Because of the money she received, the school accepted her favor and specially equipped her with speakers this time. Zhao Jinying, who was in charge of announcing the curtain before the performance, was not very happy at first, but when she saw so many people, she became a little excited. After he fluently reported the tightrope walking event that Lily was going to perform, he was in a rare good mood and told a few witty jokes. This young man was handsome and cute. As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the venue laughed in awe.

A good start is half the success. When Lily stepped on the iron frame and climbed onto the wire bridge, many students saw that she was not even tied with a protective rope, and many of them covered their mouths and gasped. , the principal sitting at the front stood up anxiously, obviously worried that something might happen to an otherwise free performance, but when Lily successfully passed the wire bridge, the audience suddenly burst into thunderous applause.

Many students have seen magic shows, circus performances, etc. on TV programs, but this is still the first time to see them with their own eyes. It was still early when the ten projects were finished, and many students looked at the stage eagerly and were unwilling to leave. By the end of the show, some people were begging for another performance. Zhao Jinying glanced at Lily with some embarrassment. Lily looked helpless and walked towards the principal. She had agreed with the school that she would only perform ten items. Now that the ten items have been performed, if anyone in the school Of course you can watch the show, but you will need to pay extra for each show.

This is just like requesting songs. There is a free period in front of it, but once the free period has passed, if you still feel that you are not enjoying yourself, you will naturally have to spend money. The price Lily set was not high, and everyone in the school agreed without hesitation. In the end, not only Lily once again performed a thrilling air walk, but even Zhao Jinying also performed a wire-tying project. His performance was not There is no standard or skill to speak of. He just used a brute force to break the thin steel wire that was originally tied to his body with a loud roar. In his last performance, I don’t know if it was because of his good looks, but it attracted a group of girls. Sitting there and refusing to leave, when Lily followed the principal to the finance room to settle the bill, Zhao Jinying was still in the middle of the stage and refused to come out.

When he came back after getting the 5,000 yuan he earned in school, some students around the school were already dismantling the acrobatic tent. Zhao Jinying was also counting money in the middle. At this time, he was not afraid of the cold in the cold weather. Standing there with his upper body covered with joy on his face, his eyes lit up when he saw Lily coming over, and he waved to her hurriedly: "Sister, I sold it for a lot of money."

There was a steel wire on the ground next to him, and some parts of his body were strangled with red and purple. Lily nodded and motioned for Zhao Jinying to put on his clothes. Only then did she realize that he had just attracted the attention of many male classmates after performing a performance of breaking the steel wire. After he After the performance, I bought a lot of steel wire from him. At a rough count, it was nearly 500 yuan.

This free performance earned the two of them more than 5,000 yuan. Lily also knew that the traditional acrobatic art was not completely dead, but it still lacked some promotion. As long as she continued on this path, There will definitely be no problem with food and drink. As long as the problems of food, clothing, housing and transportation are solved first, it will not be a problem at all to deal with Zhao Xueer and the so-called big boss behind the scenes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come)

ps: Third update...

The third update: Kill Tudou instantly, Tudoujun’s He’s wall will be updated~

I wish you all a happy Valentine's Day in advance tomorrow, because I have to go back to my hometown to worship my ancestors tomorrow.


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