Cannon Fodder Strategy

Girls in Acrobatic Class (6)

After having the money, Lily took the 5,000 yuan and first bought gasoline to make the car run again, and then replaced all the props that could no longer be used with new ones. She asked Zhao Jinying to drive the car and use this method again. After half a month, not only were all the equipment in the car replaced with new ones, Lily also saved nearly 20,000 yuan, and the reputation of the Zhao Jiaban Acrobatic Troupe began to spread in the suburbs of the capital. The area slowly gained some fame and became louder. *

After wandering outside the city for half a month, no matter how beautiful the acrobatics were, after the fresh excitement, there were not as many people watching them for free as at the beginning. Lily drove the car into the city again. There were many famous people in the imperial capital. There are only a lot more people in colleges and universities than outside the city, but the colleges here are much more strictly controlled and it is not easy to get in. Lily thought of the scene in the plot where Zhao Xueer and the boss behind the scenes teamed up to trick Zhao Baihe. Although at the beginning The main purpose of this trap was to target the original owner, but in the end, the acrobatic troupe still attracted a lot of attention to the real estate developed by Boss Mu Hou. In the end, not only the sales of houses there were much better, but also the acrobatic troupe The reputation of the group also skyrocketed in the end. In the plot, only Zhao Baihe was unlucky. In the end, Zhao Xueer only betrayed a sister who grew up together as a child, and then got a chance to become famous, and the big boss was even more beautiful. Not only did she get rid of a thorn in her side with a small amount of money, but she ended up not losing money at all. It was equivalent to the fact that the five hundred thousand yuan not only made her angry, but also gave her a free advertisement for her real estate, which she earned. Bowl full.

This time, Lily was not prepared to give up this advantage to Zhao Xueer and the big boss behind the scenes. Even if she didn't make money, she was not prepared to give up this opportunity. The Zhao family class wants to be famous. But he didn’t become famous in Zhao Xueer’s hands! It's still early now. After all, there are only a few people who build houses on land, and the real estate market is not as hot as it is later in the plot. With the convenience of knowing the plot, it is not difficult for Baihe to find a developer with outstanding status and background, but the difficulty is how to follow him. Such a character just comes next.

Fortunately, Lily was not an introverted and cowardly person like the original owner. After she chose a target person, she rented a house in the imperial capital and lived in it. Since she still had 20,000 yuan on hand, she didn't have to worry about food and drink for a while. . Lily and Li Jinying stayed at the place where the target person might appear. The target person Lily selected this time was originally from the military, and his parents all had outstanding positions in the military. This person was not the eldest son. There was no need to inherit the family business, so he simply partnered with others to develop land and start a real estate business. For Lily, such a target person didn't care about money because of his background. Once she got in touch with him. It's not hard for a circus to stay afloat.

Compared with some rigid and stubborn businessmen, such young people are very competitive. Easier to persuade.

Most importantly, the real estate company run by this target person and the boss behind the scenes in the plot has a competitive and hostile relationship. With the huge difference in family status between the two parties, neither one can do anything to the other. If Zhao Xueer If he really gets involved with the big boss behind the scenes, he will try to plot against him later. If he gets involved with this target person, no matter whether he knew him before or not, given the young man's youthful and energetic temper, he will definitely... He will stand up for himself, and then the big boss behind the scenes will have to pay a price even if he wants to settle the matter.

In the plot, Lily Qiu, who was cheated by Zhao Baihe, never thought of relying on this target person to help her get revenge. She just wanted to use this target person to disgust Zhao Xueer. This time, she wanted Zhao Xueer to be like Zhao Baihe in the plot. There is no way to tell the pain, and there is no place to complain if you have grievances!

After squatting for several days in a row, the hard work paid off. Lily finally waited for the target person. As Lily guessed, the target person was somewhat interested in acrobatics. Lily said that he was willing to develop it himself. When performing on the site, the young man readily agreed to Lily's request, and before Lily mentioned the money, he had someone take out a check for 30,000 yuan.

After the man's car drove away, Zhao Jinying laughed a little silly: "Sister, I didn't expect it to be so simple. This gentleman came up with 30,000 yuan so easily." This was just a person. It's just a deposit. The young man said when he left just now that if the acrobatic troupe is useful and he can make an advertisement by then, he will give him additional money. Lily thought of the people who left Zhao's class before and curled her lips: "First call back the people from Zhao's class who left, Jinying. This is the acrobatics class that the class leader left behind. It didn't matter if we didn't have money before, but now we have money. It's always good if we can recruit everyone back. .”

In the plot, Zhao Xueer, after receiving the support from the big boss behind the scenes, called back all the people in the Zhao family class. In the end, she took the money from betraying Zhao Lily and became the person who saved the entire Zhao family class. Many people who were originally She thought that after leaving Zhaojiaban, only the people who worked in the fields would be grateful to her, and in the end they worked desperately for her. Zhao Xueer easily obtained the entire Zhaojiaban, and in exchange for her good reputation and prestige, Zhao Xueer finally Relying on these people, he became the new leader of the Zhao family class and became famous in Kyoto. Before Zhao Baihe died, Zhao Xueer had already established a traditional acrobatics guild with the help of the boss behind the scenes. , he became the president of it, with unlimited glory.

Although Lily doesn't care about those fame and prestige, she can't let Zhao Xue'er get it again, not to mention that Zhao Xue'er should be dealing with the big boss behind the scenes at this time. Although Lily knows that these two people are here for her, but Zhao Xueer was already ambitious. If Lily wanted to cut off her escape route, she would never leave her a chance.

Zhao Jinying didn't think about it that much. His eyes lit up when he heard Lily asking him to bring back the people from the Zhao family class. After his father passed away, the people in the Zhao family class left one after another because they were leaderless. Although there is a banquet in the world, Zhao Jinying was the most helpless about this situation. He was originally going to take over the Zhao family class in the future, but it was a pity that his father passed away. The team collapsed. In fact, he wanted the Zhao family class to reunite more than anyone else. It not only represented his past glory, but also represented the name of the Zhao family and one of his identities.

Therefore, as soon as Lily finished speaking, Zhao Jinying nodded hurriedly. Everyone in Zhao's class left their numbers after they left. It had only been less than a year since class leader Zhao passed away, so some numbers could still be used to contact people. Zhao Jinying called each other and contacted most of the people in the past. When they heard that the Zhao family class now had money and wanted to reorganize, many people happily agreed to come. In less than half a month, they left the Zhao family class. The people from the class came back one after another, but this time when this group of people came back, they were no longer led by Zhao Xueer, but with Lily, who could now regroup them, as the leader.

Many people began to train consciously. Some people have become rusty in their skills after leaving Zhao's class for a few months. Now that the team has been dispersed and reorganized, everyone cherishes this opportunity, especially those who have returned to their hometowns. After discovering that he had no other specialties except acrobatics, he desperately hoped that the Zhao family class could be reorganized. After all, if given the choice, no one would be willing to abandon what they were good at and start farming instead.

Under such circumstances, the former members of the Zhao Family Class trained very hard. During the first performance, the boss Lily contacted not only had someone specially free up a large performance venue for the acrobatic troupe, but also used the skills in his own hands. The powerful people invited reporters and some media to make this performance of the Zhao family acrobatic class a big hit, making the acrobatic team famous in the imperial capital even before the performance started. This performance was watched by Lily herself. , naturally no accidents occurred, and the performance was very successful, which surprised some media who have been accustomed to watching Western magic in the past two years.

Compared with magic in Western countries, traditional Chinese acrobatics still have its own unique charm. Some projects such as swallowing swords and breathing fire have become hot topics recently. The Zhao family acrobatic class has become completely popular, and the success of the acrobatic team is naturally also The boss behind it was naturally very satisfied with the popularity of real estate, so he officially signed the acrobatic team and promised to sponsor them for one year, and the price increased more than twenty times from the original 30,000 yuan.

After this incident, and with such a sum of money, the people in the Zhao family class were naturally even more devoted to Lily. Although no one has said who is in charge of the Zhao family class, in the minds of everyone in the Zhao family class, Lily is naturally the well-deserved new class leader. Even if no one directly says this clearly, everyone knows this fact.

Half a month later, it will be the first day that the house under the name of the boss, who is currently signed by Zhao Jiaban, will start selling. The young boss attaches great importance to his first business and wants to get a good start, so he specially sent someone here. Lily was told to ask the people in the Zhao family class to perform well on the opening day of the new house in order to attract more customers. In the plot, this day is also the day when the property under the name of the mysterious female boss behind the scenes goes on sale. At that time, Zhao Xueer used the incident of Zhao Baihe falling from the wire to make a lot of talk. During that time, everyone gathered around the behind the scenes. Things are swirling around the female boss and the Zhao family class. In the plot, few people pay attention to the performance of the real estate property owned by this second-generation military man. (To be continued...)

ps: First update. . .

Try to update three times today. . . If I can't make it three times, I'll keep it for now and make up for it tomorrow. Don't think that I'm going on a happy date because I'm miserable. . . Because right now I might be on my way back to my hometown to give out red envelopes during the crowded Spring Festival travel season...


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