Can’t Take My Eyes Off You

Chapter 1968: When can i see you

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"When I left home, I was too young. I don’t remember where my family lived. I just remember that there was a ditch in front of the house and there were walnut trees. I don’t even remember that I had a few brothers and sisters besides the younger sister. , But I remember that I didn’t have a sister, and I remember that I came out with my younger sister to find my dad and was cheated and sold by a bad woman who claimed to be able to help us find my dad."

Hearing this, Jiang Yao knew that the nail was the younger brother Ding Xiaomei had been searching for for a long time.

"It's okay, I didn't blame you. You should be guarded. It's right to remember to protect yourself from time to time." Jiang Yao patted the nail on the shoulder. "The fate is really amazing, and your sister and I I’ve seen it, and I’ve been around for a while."

Jiang Yao originally wanted to say that she had seen his father, but when he thought of the special status of nail father, he finally chose to hide it.

"Aunt Jiang has seen her sister? Did she have a good life? I heard that she was sold to a poor and poor place to give birth to a daughter-in-law as a daughter. How is she?" Nail said, crying suddenly. Get up, "Aunt Jiang, is my sister always looking for me?"

"Yeah, she kept looking for you. She didn't go home after she escaped from that village. Instead, she wandered around with her children while looking for you. No matter how good your sister was before, but your sister is very good now, she and your nephew Going home, she said she would go home and wait for you, and your nephew looked very similar to your sister, very obedient, and very clever." Jiang Yao's tone was very heavy, "your sister has always been very self-blaming, always think it is She has lost you, so she has been wandering around with her children, and without finding you, she says she has no words to go home to see her family."

"I don't blame my sister. I really don't blame my sister." The nails quickly wiped tears. "Aunt Jiang, when can I see my sister?"

Xu is a young man who left home so young that he doesn't have much impression and miss on other family members. Instead, he has a strong dependence and miss on Ding Xiaomei, the youngest sister who was sold together.

He may not remember what his sister looked like, but he can always remember that the sister squeezed his little hand and urged him to take her away.

But there are too many bad guys in this world, no matter how he is led, in the end it is still scattered.

Jiang Yao originally wanted to say that she would have to wait a few more days, but when she thought she had Ding Xiaomei's contact information, she immediately smiled, "This will call your sister!"

Ding Xiaomei's phone number is the phone number in her village near her shop. Jiang Yao called and said she was looking for Ding Xiaomei. The other party asked her to wait for a while, and then she could hear the shopkeeper using the local dialect across the phone. Shouting Ding Xiaomei.

The office is very quiet, the voice on the phone can be heard even the nails, listening to the familiar and distant dialects, the nails follow the softly to learn, once, twice, from rusty to familiar, it seems that these words were only spoken yesterday same.

"Hey, is it Dr. Jiang?"

Ding Xiaomei's voice came after five minutes, and took her panting after running.

Jiang Yao said nothing, and handed the phone directly to the nail, giving the nail an encouraging look, and said silently to the nail: "Quick call."

The nail's hand was shaking, and it was impossible to hold the phone, and his lips were shaking, too much to say.

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