Can’t Take My Eyes Off You

Chapter 1969: nothing

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Jiang Yao directly stuck the phone in the ear of the nail, and then gently embraced the shoulder of the nail with one hand to encourage the nail silently in this way.

The nail looked up at Jiang Yao as if he had gained courage from her eyes. After a few seconds, he shivered and shouted on the phone, "Sister, sister..."

Just like losing other language skills, the nail repeats a word, "Sister...Sister...Sister..."

Ding Xiaomei at the end of the phone was silent for a long time, but her breath was getting heavier.

"Younger brother? Is it younger brother?" Her voice trembles more than nails, and the crying in her voice can't be concealed. "Is it you? Tell my sister, is it you?"

"It's me! It's me! Sister, I miss you so much." The nail's hand was gently pressed against the back of Jiang Yao's hand holding the mobile phone. The whole person started to tremble. He cried, but couldn't hold his eyes. The tears in it hit Jiang Yao one by one.

Distressed, that kind of distress spread from Jiang Yao's heart a little bit.

Jiang Yao didn't know this feeling of separation from her loved ones. She grew up loving her brother and loved it, so she couldn't feel the life of displacement, so she couldn't feel it.

But she was distressed by the little boy who carried the experience that ordinary people couldn't empathize with.

The young left home and didn’t even remember what his name was, but he still remembered to find his sister and remember to miss his loved ones.

At this moment Jiang Yao thought it was worth it, no matter how much money she spent, but looking at having children to find family members, she felt that no matter how much money she spent, it became a worthwhile thing.

"I'm sorry younger brother, it's because my sister is not good. I will protect you when I say it well, but I still let you suffer for so many years." Ding Xiaomei kept apologizing on the phone. The emotion of self-blame after finding the younger brother. A little bit of it came out, she didn’t even dare to ask her brother how he came over these years? Where have I been in these days and what wrongs have I suffered.

At this moment, the resentment that had been put down by her once again firmly occupied her heart.

She hated her father even more, and hated the man who had displaced her and her brother from the outside.

"Sister, when will you come to pick me up? Is your father home? Where is my mother? Who else at home?" Nail said: "I remember we were looking for my father to leave the house."

But for too long, the nails can't remember why they left the village alone with their sister to find their father.

"Sister and elder brother and elder sister and they will pick you up." Ding Xiaomei said nothing about his parents.

"Hurry up!" The nail subconsciously urged, and afterwards realized that it was not good, so he quickly said, "Sister, it's okay, you can take it slowly, I am very good here, Jiang Auntie and Uncle Lu are very nice, and the dean in the courtyard is also very good. I still have a lot of friends here. I will introduce you to you when you come."

Seeing that the nail's mood stabilized a little, Jiang Yao felt relieved. She was really afraid that the nail would be too excited and fainted.

Jiang Yao was really scared when he saw him shaking like that.

The news that Ding Xiaomei’s younger brother found it was spread in that village within a few minutes. While Ding Xiaomei was still talking to Nail, Ding Xiaomei’s brothers and sisters all went to the shop, and he was eager to talk to the youngest brother. Sentence.

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