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Chapter 125 10 The Kingdom of Evil Gods (Additional update for the leader of Wild Elk)

Chapter 125 1.0 Kingdom of the Evil God (Additional update for the leader of Wild Elk)

Lot Zheng Quan sat down in his seat and looked at Bai Bian with sharp eyes. Like most elves, he was the founder of the family. Compared with those hereditary family heads, he had a bit more edge.

Families in the continent of Shia basically use the name of the founder as their surname, so the name of this golden man is Lot.

Behind him, Aisha couldn't hide her curiosity as she looked at Bai Bian. Thirty minutes ago, she clearly felt that her fate had fluctuated. Her fate, which was originally stable, was now full of vitality again.

This means that she has a great opportunity, and the source of the opportunity is this parliament.

"Little guy, you continue." Lot Zheng Quan said calmly.

Bai Bian smiled: "Okay, no one will come now. I am holding a meeting this time mainly because there are a few proposals that need to be approved by the parliament."

His fingers unconsciously fumbled for the guardian ring on his index finger that had been neglected for a long time. This thing was almost useless. He could give it to Luo Ning when he returned home.

Because after the transformation of evil thoughts is completed, his combat power will be close to that of gold. At dawn, no one can kill him in a short time.

Once entering a fight, the speed of federal support will make the enemy desperate.

"The development of Tobu City is obvious to all, but I don't want any more federal law enforcement teams to come and detain my people when Tobu City has not clearly violated the law."

Bai Bian smiled and said: "We in Dongwu City have our own law enforcement team and our own laws. We will handle what we can handle. If we can't handle it, we will ask the capital for help. What do you think?"

"You mean the financial officer, right? You should know what he did. In this era, no one can make deals with the enemies who are about to destroy us." said Dili Hull, the only congressman elf who came today. .

The elves hate the abyss. They hate the abyss no matter when the god is there or when the god is not there, so it is impossible for him to agree to let the city cooperate with the abyss.

Bai Bian smiled and asked: "But when my financial officer established diplomatic relations with the Abyss, the law only did not allow the holding of Abyss sacrifices, but did not prohibit transactions with the Abyss, and my financial officer solved the problem without any effort. A mutated area, what crime does he have?"

Dili paused, his eyes clearly showing displeasure, and the same was true for other congressmen.

After all, the four forces of Evil God, Abyss, Ancient God, and Hell are all extremely evil places. It is not allowed to use their power, let alone do business with them.

However, the Federation did not explicitly write it into the law. The main reason was that no one expected that someone would actually do business with the Abyss and be discovered.

"The duty of the capital city law enforcement team is to uphold federal laws. The border city also belongs to the Dawn Federation. There is no need to discuss this." The head of the Kenner family said calmly.

A smile appeared on Bai Bian's face again: "Members of Congress, maybe I didn't make it clear. What I said is, don't confuse me when it doesn't violate federal laws.

I am not advocating trading with the Abyss. I am just disgusted that someone is detaining my people privately without providing relevant regulations. And even if my people have violated the law, they should be judged by me. The lord of the border city even does this. Are all rights gone? "

The congressmen looked around and realized that this request was actually not too much. They had such a big reaction because it was Saab's bad luck. I don't know who took the photo of him and posted it on the Internet.

And the parliament has zero tolerance for this kind of thing, which has led to the current embarrassing situation.

Even Sabo himself couldn't guess who did it. After all, he had offended a lot of people.


With Heidinger taking the lead in voting with a smile on his face, and other council members having no objections, the proposal passed easily.

Originally, this kind of thing was acquiescence, but now this acquiescence will be written into the law.

Bai Bian smiled and said: "Thank you for your support. The next thing I want to talk about is about the wonders. It has been almost half a year since the wonders disappeared, but I have news that the group of wonders will come to Shia again in two months, and their number will reach Millions."

Seeing the different expressions of the council members, Bai Bian continued: "This time, thirty cities will become their resurrection points. I believe you have already studied the characteristics of the spectacle."

"But I still want to remind you that the wonders are not that trustworthy. Anyone can issue tasks to them, but during the period you issue the task, they are trustworthy."

"You can summon the city lords of Chongqing to carry out in-depth development of the wonders. For example, you can let them go to explore some dangerous places and some wars with large casualties. As long as they accept the task, they will The best soldier."

"Wonder is a double-edged sword. If you use it well, it will be beneficial. If you use it incorrectly, it will hurt you. When the meeting is over, I will compile a manual for the use of wonders and give it to the council. You can just circulate it among the city lords. "

After Bai Bian finished speaking, he looked at the congressmen. They were already studying the wonders themselves and already had methods to utilize them, but they were just not perfect.

Seeing no one objected, Bai Bian continued to propose: "The next thing is, I need a life priest with at least a gold rank to come to Dongwu City to open the Life Church."

"Federal law states that members of the Congressman family cannot stay in border cities. Boy, you like to talk about laws, so what do you say about this?" Lott asked with interest.

And Dili Hull looked at Bai Bian with a look like, "You have offended me just now, how can you have the nerve to make such a request?" and was ready to refuse directly.

Bai Bian spread his hands and said: "I just want a golden life priest. She just needs to leave the family. After all, I found a ninety-year-old life priest who has awakened to inherit the memory and has reached the bronze level. I think she Needs a teacher.”

Dili Hull's eyes lit up, and the slight discomfort just now dissipated: "What's the potential assessment?"

"I don't know, but she has already prepared to go to Baiyin when she was still a teenager, so she shouldn't be far behind." Bai Bian said with a smile.

Dili Hull's eyes flickered, and before other council members could make a decision, he made a decision: "I agreed to this matter. An elf will come over in a few days. She will be from your Dongwu City, not A member of the Hull family.”

The other congressmen twitched their lips. Is it really okay to exploit loopholes in the law in front of them?

But this is something that everyone is willing to do. They are all separated from the family. Regardless of whether it is a nominal separation, there is nothing wrong with it on the surface.

After all, do the four major border towns really not have business from their congressman families? How can it be? It's just not on the surface.

Bai Bian looked at Lott and said with a smile: "Finally, the Lott family, Ms. Aisha also needs to belong to our Tobu City."

Lot Zhengquan:.

He knew that there would be nothing good in coming here. If Aisha hadn't strongly requested it, he would never have come to attend this meeting.

Feeling Aisha's emotions, Lott said stiffly: "Reason."

"SSS-level divination genius, Bronze-level can clearly see things about gods, such as the Rose of the Night." Bai Bian said lightly: "I think she also needs a mentor. After all, she is only thirteen years old and is not suitable to leave the East. Wucheng.”


Heidinger, who was just about to drink tea, dropped his tea cup and looked at Bai Bian. He was waiting for him here. No wonder he asked so many questions.

He started to have a headache. It was the worry of happiness. There were too many geniuses, but they didn't want to go to the capital. What should I do?

How should he persuade these old guys?

Eric looked at the sky silently. They were all in Tobu City, so he couldn't even find it, right?

None of the congressmen were calm, and Aisha even widened her glasses. Did the fluctuation in her fate come from here?

"No, we have to come to the capital."

"It's bad enough for a border city to have one white plague, but another one? No, absolutely not."

"It's best to bring the White Plague back together and follow the example of Eric."

"If there are two more, will one legend be able to take charge? Then we might as well move the capital!"

"There are so many, so what if we move the capital? We'll just move it!"

"How about we go and kidnap them together."

There was a flurry of discussion, and there was no hint of gold being on top.

Bai Bian silently looked at Heidinger, his eyes seeming to say: [What did you say half an hour ago? 】

Heidinger felt a little sweaty. He looked at the more and more outrageous suggestions over there and didn't know how to interrupt for a while. These old men were all crazy about talents and wished they could lead a super genius.

Now they are all running to the border. What does he say? He couldn't help but look at Eric. After all, in his opinion, Eric was stubborn and he was the one who left the white plague in the first place.

Eric felt the strong gaze, thought for a moment, and asked Bai Bie in a low voice: "Is there anything else you want to say?"

"No, I deliberately put it last." Bai Bian said helplessly.

Eric nodded, touched it, and slapped the stone table in front of him into powder. The loud sound silenced the parliament that had turned into a vegetable market.

"Stop arguing. If people don't want to go, then they don't want to. What's the point of forcing them to go to the capital? Old Heidinger and I can protect them. If your support doesn't arrive before we two die, go The capital is also in danger."

Eric said calmly: "Now I ask, old guy Lot, will you give Aisha?"

Lot Zhengquan:.

He looked at his old friend who was already excited and asked helplessly: "Can I say no?"

Eric didn't get used to it at all and said directly: "Don't want to? That's fine, then we'll look for it again."

"No, you old guy, why are you still so irritable? Give it, give it, isn't it okay?" Lott said quickly, sensing Elsa's emotions.

He had a hunch that if he really didn't let her go, Aisha could give up the Lott family and switch to Tobu City without even ending the meeting.

After all, these solo extraordinary people hope to find a suitable successor when they grow old, and now that the most suitable successor has appeared, there is no need to ask.

"That's enough. Send it over as soon as possible. Learn from the Tifeng family. If you want geniuses to be born on their own, it's better to give more opportunities to the people. What's there to fight for?"

Eric waved his hand, and the powerful magic power cut off the screen.


"It has to be you, old hob meat." He sighed, and then looked at Bai Bing: "What's the matter with you? You are still hiding this kind of news from us?"

Bai Yie spread his hands and said, "I just discovered it not long ago."

Eric said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, as long as it's safe, you can move here during this period. I plan to live in the school. Let's take a closer look. What if we can find a hidden little guy again? After all, Tobu City's Feng shui really seems to be better than I thought.”

Bai Bian thought for a while and said, "You can continue to live here. My place is very good. I let them treat people in the city and do divination. They both still need to exercise."

"It's up to you. I'll live in my school. As long as your place is empty, you can come whenever you want. Someone will take care of it if you don't want to come." Eric pulled Heidinger out and said with some emotion. : "As we get older, it's time to make way for young people. We should just do our jobs well, don't you think so? Lao Hei."

"You old guy, why are you calling me Lao Hei again? How long did it take for you to stop? How many times have you said, I'm not a black man!" Heidinger was inexplicably irritable.

"I know, I know." Eric was a little helpless: "But Old Hei, you didn't give the little girl a gift. Let's go, let's go, I'll buy you the materials, make ten or eight scrolls and send them over."

"Are you good at being a scroll? And don't call me Lao Hei. You can call me by my full name or old buddy, you old man!"

"I know, Lao Hei, stop inking."

Bai Bian watched the two old men disappear into the city lord's mansion, and began to sort out the players' information with some emotion. Just as he said, players would be invincible if they used it well.

It can greatly reduce the casualties of soldiers, and there is no need to hide this thing. With the help of AI, a detailed [Wonder Manual] was quickly compiled, and he sent it directly to Heidinger .

After all, he didn't have the means to contact the parliament yet, and he still had to mention it to Heidinger.

Zero: [Received information from Mr. Heidinger, entered the parliament convening number, and Mr. Heidinger’s number. 】

Bai Bian exhaled and walked towards the treasure house of the city lord's palace with ease. He had not entered the treasure house yet.

Arriving next to the city lord's council hall, he used a key to open a steel door, and suddenly a passage leading to the underground appeared. Multiple layers of magic protection automatically closed after the door opened normally.

As Bai Bian walked down, he was immediately shocked by the treasures inside. There were countless resources of all levels, including many high-end and general-purpose gold essences, mithrils, soul crystals, and soul crystal cores.

Bai Bian decisively took away the things he needed and put the other things in the treasure house.

These things are not placed in the city lord's space ring because they are afraid that if the city lord has an accident, they will become enemies. If they are placed underground in the city lord's mansion and protected by formations, it will be much safer.

Because they have all been beaten here by the enemy, it means that the city lord is in danger. And with the support of the capital, if the things here can still be taken away, it means that the federation is in danger.

Therefore, the treasure troves of the Ministry of Finance and the City Lord's Mansion are built underground and guarded by formations.

Moreover, these formations are densely packed with alarm functions. There are not many defensive formations, only a few golden ones at the core.

[You get 5 tons of mithril, 2 tons of gold essence, 3615 soul crystals (large), 13 soul crystal cores (small), 2 soul crystal cores (medium), 1 soul crystal core (large), special metals .]

A series of panel prompts lit up, Bai Bian came out expressionlessly, and his hand unconsciously touched the ring.

He became a millionaire directly this time, so he had to pay attention at all times. He thought about it, walked out of the city lord's mansion, and walked to the Hall of Knowledge. After purchasing the soul potion formula using soul crystal cores as materials.

White Plague has returned to the store. He needs to wait for the evil thoughts to complete the transformation first, and also needs to see what updates have been made on the player forum, especially the pilot film. This is really useful.

With the official title of Rise of Dawn, it is definitely a boss opening, and then the conflict points are directly told to the audience.

If possible, White Plague would not mind killing the boss in the pilot film before the players arrive.

The forum still looks familiar to Bai Bing, with a lot of people urging the official to hurry up and discuss the plot all day long.

Bai Bian clicked on the trailer about the Dawn Server, and immediately, a deep purple filled the entire screen.

"Hehe. Drink."

Subtle murmurs began to spread, and a gap gradually appeared in Youzi, like someone's first-person perspective.

The gap gradually widens, and a white roof appears.

The owner of the sight seemed a little confused. It looked around, and some guys wearing robes appeared in front of it.

This perspective suddenly turned scarlet.

boom! Wow~

It started to struggle, but the sound of chains was heard, and the angle of view was slightly downwards, and it immediately saw a furry hand bound by a bowl-thick iron chain.


A slight growl sounded, and the screen became increasingly scarlet.

In the cold eyes of these researchers, this unknown creature struggled wildly.

"The flesh and blood of the Lord of the Abyss is not enough, but it is a pity that the flesh and blood of the Scarlet Lord was not obtained."

"We can't be sure. It may be that the battlefield is not full of blood, the war above has not met the requirements, and the missile war is not the war we need."

"Gods can indeed be created. Their potential and power are in line with expectations. Let's destroy them first."

"Indeed, Abyss is a plane god. If it is not an ancient god, its divine power is indeed useless. 01 can be destroyed."



The indifferent discussions among the mages made the owner of the perspective struggle even more crazily. The rattling of the chains made the mages' voices even more terrifying.


Suddenly, the entire laboratory began to tremble. A missile exploded on top of the base. The huge sound and power caused the laboratory to shake.

But this had no effect on the mages. The mages began to chant incantations indifferently, and the violent fluctuations of magic power were clearly visible in the perspective.

They are destroying this so-called Experiment 01.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of artillery fire became more and more terrifying, and some screams were heard from above.

The spells of the mages became faster and faster, and the tide of magic gradually formed.

But the next moment, some tiny channels flickered on the experimental subject, and some power was forcibly poured into the experimental subject's body.


There was a clear sound of chains breaking.

The owner of the perspective stood up in chains.

"The power of the abyss?"

"how come?"

The mages panicked, and the tide of magic in their hands became more and more turbulent.

"Meow~roar~" clatter

But with a tearing cat cry and the sound of chains dragging, blood began to bloom.

The perspective switched to the third perspective. It was a large cap cat, but its shape was very weird. Its body was more than two meters long, and its vertical pupils were purple.


The underground laboratory seemed to have no protection and was torn apart by missiles, and fire began to spread in the laboratory.

Strong air currents spread among the killings, and a night invitation was ignited by extraordinary flames, floating in the air, and gradually turned into ashes.

The perspective zoomed out, revealing a battlefield, with artillery fire and killing sounds shaking the sky. The technology of the alchemist, the magic of the mage, and the roar of the berserker were divided in the vast battlefield.

The battlefield quickly zoomed out, and the war did not stop here. The four border cities seemed to be caught in the flames of war. Behind each blurry figure was a majestic existence, with a deep crack looming behind these existences.

Finally, a line of words appeared: [1.0 Kingdom of the Evil God. 】

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