Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 126 Legion Transformation

Bai Bian looked thoughtful in his eyes. The pilot films of the Federation of the Sun and the Federation of Stars were similar, and the Kingdom of the Ancient Gods was the main line of the following three federations.

Even the main plot of the following decades, because even if the one favored by the ancient god dies, the ancient god will choose a new one.

And as the concentration of Shia's magic power continues to rise, the strength of this group of gods' favored ones will continue to increase along with the magic power.

Basically, you can see the extent of the influence of the ancient gods on Shia by looking at the God's Favorite.

The White Plague pulls the trailer of Daybreak to the time when the gods are out of trouble and the perspective picks up.

Bai Bian raised his hand, and huge magic power was built in his hand, gradually recreating all the scenes in the battlefield, and then circled the center of the current perspective.

[Search for the exact location here. 】

Zero: [Later.]

Zero: [Nanling City, one hundred kilometers outside the south city gate, in the barren forest and wetland. 】

Zero: [The ground here is always wet, covered with poisonous miasma, and is in a restricted area. However, Nanling City has relevant medicines that can basically neutralize the toxins. 】

Bai Bian thought in his eyes, Nanling City is far away, and in the future, Dongwu City will also be in the flames of war.

But if you go early and come back early, it shouldn't be a big problem.

He tried to zoom in on the picture of the east of the four war zones, but he only saw a patch of scarlet.

Bai Bian had some thoughts in his eyes, is he the Scarlet Lord?

The Scarlet Lords can be considered a relatively powerful group among the Ancient Gods, as can be seen from the Scarlet Sect.

The other ancient gods couldn't even invest their strength, but he already had a sect.

Moreover, the Scarlet Lord's favored methods are very strange, and they seem to have multiple forms. They are bosses on the same level as Charles.

Thinking of Charles, Bai Bian had a headache. This was an old Yinbi. When dealing with him, you basically had to concentrate on it. If you were to relax a little, you might get in trouble.

That guy said he would come to Tobu City, and he could already imagine how troublesome it would be.

Throwing a soul crystal into his mouth and chewing it, Bai Bian cleared these complicated thoughts from his mind.

Nanling City is going, but not now. Dongwu City needs a wave of armed forces.

Now Tobu City has a lot of money, and Bai Bian plans to use all this money to arm Tobu City. As long as a virtuous cycle is achieved, there will be no worries about resources.

I glanced at the panel and saw that I now had 2.5 million experience points, but it was only enough to upgrade to one level. Subsequent upgrades were becoming more and more difficult.

All of them were added to the panel, and suddenly, the magic power and spirit in his body increased slightly.

There are still thirty-five free attribute points left, and all spirit is still lost. Only when the spirit and soul continue to become stronger can the dark side have the opportunity to continue to grow. Now the spirit of the light side is the indicator of the progress of the white plague.

In an instant, Bai Bian's spirit reached 730. The terrifying mental power twisted around him, and the space became slightly rippled. It seemed that his spirit could already open up space.

Bai Yie first debugged the panel and separated the data on the light side and the dark side. In the future, the dark side will also have a special panel, and it is time to open it independently.

[Host: White Plague. (Light)

Race: human.

Template: Alchemist.

Occupation: Alchemist.

Level: 52 (1256400/1800000).

Experience: 0.

Gold coins: 2059011.

Personal attributes: Strength 89, Agility 76, Endurance 93, Intelligence 440, Spirit 730, Charisma 9, Luck 1.

Free attribute points: 0.

Legend: 89 (The youngest border city lord, no one.)

Rank: Gold lower level.

Title: Future Star: ★★★★★★, Hunter: ★★★★★, God Hunter: ★★★★★★★

Skills: Intermediate Alchemy and Pharmacy (4926/5000) (expand), Master Alchemy Technology (8564/50000) (expand), Advanced Alchemical Transformation (2300/10000) (expand), Spirituality (expand).

Skill points: 38.

Personal expertise:: Highly focused, profiteer, and rapid manufacturing.

Boss template expertise: Alchemy Demon, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Defense, Soul Gourmet, Light and Dark (unique), Magical Fountain, Demon Soul Blood.

Boss growth: You can choose a boss specialty every ten levels. Now the number of feats you can choose is: 0.

Evaluation: I have hunted the existence of gods. Although it is only an unknown side, your power is still shocking. 】

Looking at the data on the bright side, Bai Yifei is still very satisfied. His mental power can actually be used to learn some mental ultimate moves, and the power should be quite good.

However, Bai Bian was not in a hurry to study. He needed to arrange things first. Arming Tobu City was the first element. Then, he had to wait for the transformation of the dark side to be completed before he could settle down to study and enrich himself.

The city lord doesn't care about everything.

[Connect with Saab. 】

Zero: [Connecting, connected. 】

"My friend, what do you want from me?"

"If there is no evidence in the future, the capital will not care about you."

"Really? This is really good news." There was some surprise in Sabo's tone. He had already thought about his next trip to the abyss.

Bai Bian thought for a while and said: "But Sabo, Tobu City has too much liquidity. You have to find a way to make him a foundation. For example, the army has to look at it, as well as the school and the medical center you mentioned. .”

"My appointment will be known to the whole city at dawn. A new era has arrived. Don't worry about the quartermaster. You can change it if it doesn't work for you. All I can say is that within the next year, we will have a war that is about to break out. .”

Bai Bian's tone was somewhat solemn: "And the war will continue forever."

Sabo's excitement disappeared and he asked solemnly: "War?"

"Yes, this time I went out with the old city lord and saw the rise of many kingdoms. Those favored by the ancient gods will walk in Shia and establish kingdoms in this world. They will not let order rule Shia again."

Bai Bian fumbled with the ring on his index finger and said, "I need elites."

Sabo didn't say anything for a long time, and after about thirty seconds, he said: "I understand, but my friend, the elite you mentioned are not suitable to appear in the formal army.

Moreover, the laws of Tobu City need to be revised, and the cost of crime needs to be higher. For example, the crime of going to jail should be changed to mining, and the crime of mining should be changed to death penalty, and I need more death sentences. "

Bai Bian thought of something and asked: "Reform?"

"Yes, evil gods are very suitable for transforming war weapons. This is the fastest thing to form combat effectiveness. We only need to freeze them before they go crazy, and then let them play the vanguard before the war begins. Then the victory of the war will eventually belong to We." Sabo said calmly: "It's just that it's cruel."

White Plague is somewhat silent. Criminals also have families. It doesn't matter if they are executed for the most heinous crimes. They brought it upon themselves, but it is not good to increase the severity of the law.

Moreover, in terms of crime, more extraordinary people are actually involved. Using them as biological weapons may cause Tobu City's reputation to continue to decline.

The reputation of Tobu City is actually quite good now. After all, Saab will not target the masses, but only targets local tycoons. The wealthy businessmen will be cheated, and the extraordinary people at the lower level will applaud.

"Sabo, have you ever thought that Tobu City belongs to us?"

"The laws of Dongwu City cannot be changed, but I do have some ideas about the transformation you mentioned. As for biological weapons, when the war starts, let's fight with war. You can transform the enemy's people at will. Those are the ancient gods. Those who have eroded their minds will not enjoy human rights."

Bai Bing continued: "Recruit from the private sector. I need a team of alchemists, and all indicators in the legion are in accordance with the highest federal standards. We are not short of money now, so we need to develop benefits. We need to increase the quota for the three legions. It’s so popular that they are trying to get in.”

"There are also some places in the military that can be allocated to schools to motivate our students."

"In addition, I would like to make an announcement that one-tenth of the soldiers in the legion can become the ace team and directly use the best weapons and resources in the legion.

And establish a new legion, with 30,000 people, only recruited from the army. Anyone who feels that their potential cannot go any further, but still wants to stay in the legion, can participate in the interview for this branch of the army.

Let’s just say that I have mastered a lot of alchemical transformation techniques that have no side effects and can help them achieve success in one step. "

"There is also a bottom elimination mechanism that will be launched every six months. A thousand people who are at the bottom of age + combat merit + level + potential will start a private arena competition and let them enter the arena. The winners will stay in their respective legions, and the losers will directly abdicate. We only want the winners and the strong.”

Bai Bian expressed his thoughts: "Finally, the surveillance is in place. Where there is competition, there will be dirt. Try to reduce the possibility of these things happening."

After finishing speaking, Bai Bian looked at Sabo: "Do you have anything else to add?"

"You are really a genius, my friend." Sabo asked with a smile: "Are there any tickets for the arena competition?"

White plague:.

"You go ahead and arrange these things first, and you will take control of the finances. You must ensure that even if the war starts, the income must be equal to the expenditure." He hung up the phone.

His eyes were full of thoughts, there must be two special legions, the transformation legion and the special legion.

Just as Sabo said, transformation is the easiest way to produce combat effectiveness. The evil god's transformation is very cruel and does not require many resources.

But healthy transformation is relatively expensive. For example, a bronze-level warrior will have silver-level combat effectiveness after being transformed by White Plague.

The flesh-and-blood transformation is okay. The potential of flesh-and-blood transformation is not that high. It can be regarded as a kind of transformation for the common people. The material cost is only about one thousand gold coins at a time.

As for higher-end mechanical modifications, such as the modification of the bone dragon, it costs several million directly. The soldiers in Tobu City do not need that high-end, and a silver-level mechanical arm also costs thousands of gold coins, plus other modifications.

The material cost of a fully modified mechanical warrior can reach nearly 10,000 gold coins, which is equivalent to the cost of an intercontinental missile.

However, people are not comparable to rigid missiles. The value they can bring is very high.

And once the war starts, the high-end combat power will definitely only focus on the enemy's high-end combat power.

The low-end battlefield is still important.

Otherwise, if Tobu City is gone, how much of a loss would that be?

Therefore, based on Dongwucheng's current financial resources and Bai Bian's energy, 10,000 mechanical warriors and 20,000 flesh-and-blood warriors are already at a limit.

Because the welfare issues of the legion are all based on the top ace troops of the Federation, which can indeed make the people and adventurers flock to the legion.

But the military pay for the 180,000 troops, the redemption of the battle merit system, and the maintenance of various facilities are all expensive that other cities cannot afford.

In return, Tobu City will directly become the city with the strongest military capabilities in the entire federation.

There is no doubt about this, after all, the White Plague's goal is to enable the ace troops to hunt gold.

Without Sabo, Legion Tobu City would not be able to afford such luxury.

[Online, three legion commanders, quartermaster, law enforcement captain, and chief judge. 】

Zero: [Connected while being connected. 】

Bai Bian didn't waste any time and said calmly: "I have officially become the city lord. The financial officer will give some orders in the next few days. Please cooperate with me. All matters in the city will be reported once every three months. I need to see detailed data. , everything will be done in accordance with the laws and military laws of Tobu City, and there is no need to report frequently during the rest of the time."

After receiving the messages one by one, Bai Bian decisively cut off the communication and asked: [How is the analysis of the divine war going? 】

Zero: [The high-end battle has been analyzed. Next time there is a battle of this level, Zero will turn on the auxiliary battle mode and take over the control of the tiny machine. 】

Bai Bian walked out of the laboratory and entered the workshop. After collecting the solar energy for this month, he took away the various materials that Orr had been polishing.

Micromachines will be damaged a lot in every battle, so these skeletons are still working day and night.

The only difference is that Orr is not as tired as he was at the beginning. Although his strength has not grown after gaining resources, it is more than enough to create more skeletons.

Back in the laboratory, White Plague began to replenish micromachines. This was the key, and the light side's combat effectiveness basically relied on this.

As for the others, it still needs time to ferment.

The news that Bai Bian became the lord of Tobu City began to spread wildly on the Internet. At the same time, Sabo sorted out Bai Bian's requirements and directly extended the welfare benefits of the legion to the level of the capital law enforcement team.

The number of lower bronze ranks remains unchanged at 200. The reason given by Sabo is that if these people do not seek advancement, there may not be a quota for lower bronze ranks in future legions.

But the military salary for the middle-ranking military officer is doubled to one thousand gold coins per month, and the military salary for the upper-ranking military officer is doubled to two thousand gold coins per month. This is the salary of 90% of the silver-level soldiers in the Dawn Federation.

For Bronze-level creatures, these gold coins are enough for them to purchase various knowledge and materials, and they are even rich enough to go to the Red Mansion Pavilion every day.

The silver-level ones are even more incomprehensible. The lowest is 4,000, the middle is 8,000, and the upper is 30,000. Thirty thousand is enough to buy a lot of gold-level knowledge, and the price of gold-level equipment is generally the same.

If you save for a year and go to the black market, if you are lucky, you can even buy top-level resources like soul crystal cores that 99% of people have no access to.

As for gold, each gold only needs high-end resources. Even the city owners of many small towns cannot get gold. This is why small towns have no say.

In addition to the combat merit mechanism, which can be exchanged for things that cannot be seen elsewhere, there are additional subsidies for mages and alchemists.

There is also a special legion named Qingyu. Although there are only 30,000 people, its characteristic is that its potential cannot be further promoted. It was personally transformed by the city lord Bai Bian and became a sharp sword in the hands of Dongwu City.

This is a fatal attraction for this federation that values ​​strength.

When all kinds of news were released, the entire network was immediately silent in the pride of Tobu City, and then a huge wave broke out.

A great migration from various cities to Dongwucheng took shape instantly.

Those comments on the Internet that followed Xiaocheng and accused Saab of cheating quickly disappeared.

Because they seem to know where the money that was cheated will eventually go.

That's their pocket, at least there is a chance it will flow into their pocket.

In response to this, some people on the Internet automatically started to form a Saab support group to support Saab in going to their city to do something, and then continued to relax the quota for the army.

There are 800 million people in the entire federation, and there are at least 100 million extraordinary people. The quota of 180,000 is too few.

And all the legions in the federation silently turned their attention to their own legion commander.

The legion commander turned his attention to the financial officer.

In the end, the financial officer went to find his city lord while cursing. After being scolded, he cursed and complained on the Internet.

They were the ones who felt the most uncomfortable, shivering between the legion commander and the city lord.

This wave included other border towns, which directly gave Sabo a severe wave of hatred belonging to the financial officer.

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