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Chapter 132 Transforming weapons (lead update completed) (please vote for me)

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

Hysterical screams spread in the laboratory. The mental power of a young man wearing a death robe surged out. The screams stopped suddenly. Bai Bian looked at the alchemists calmly and said:

"If we are sure, we can directly cut off the pain and sensory nerves of the experimental subject, and then we will not be disturbed again."

"And this is what it looks like just now when too much mutated flesh and blood material was put in. This may even occur due to the body's natural rejection reaction."

"But don't panic. There is still hope, such as an injection of epinephrine, or similar drugs that stimulate the body's potential."

Bai Bian took out a wrist-thick syringe from the space ring and injected a full shot of adrenaline. Suddenly, a pile of rotten meat on the test table twitched for a few times. The rotten meat that was about to die suddenly increased its vitality. .

"Now that the experimental subject's life fluctuations have been temporarily stabilized, in order to save it, we need to cut open the experimental subject's body, find the artery, add a neutralizing agent, and neutralize the mutated material just now."

As Bai Bian spoke, he found a thick blood vessel and injected a wrist-thick injection of medicine into it.

The energy in the body continues to flow into this mass of flesh and blood.

On the alloy operating table, flesh and blood trembled rapidly, and a strange reaction appeared. A pool of bloody rotten flesh slowly transformed back into a human form in front of everyone's eyes, and it continued to expand.

The average height of the orcs is two and a half meters, and they belong to a relatively tall group. But now the height of this humanoid creature has exceeded three meters. His whole body has become muscled, and his skin is gray and has rock textures on it. With its lines, you can tell at a glance that it has explosive strength and defense.

The alchemists had very serious expressions, either using tablets or pens and paper, recording Bai Bian's words and the changes in flesh and blood word for word.

If it hadn't been for the scream just now, it would have been obvious that they were a group of studious students doing research with the professor.

Bai Bian thought of something, stretched out his hand, and inserted a needle. Immediately, the behemoth, which was about to reach four meters in height, trembled again. Blood began to gush out from the flesh again, and the body began to distort in an unknown direction again.

"There is another situation, that is, there is less material, or the timing of adding it is wrong, or the material is wrong, then their bodies will start to continuously deform like now."

"The one just now was just out of shape, and the one now is a distortion. Although the two are very similar, they are still slightly different."

"The most intuitive difference is that the shapeless failed product has no attack power, while the combat power of the deformed monster may be stronger than the normal transformation, or it may be weaker. Because it is unstable, it cannot be determined."

Bai Bian carefully explained the possibilities, which could help this group of alchemists get rid of the trouble of failure to the greatest extent.

"Once this happens, there is not much hope of saving it. The best way is to directly let the strong destroy it. Of course, it is not completely unrescuable, but you need to find out where the error occurred. "

"The worst situation is now, because I just joined before the success, that is, the transformation that was about to be completed was forcibly destroyed."

"This situation requires the alchemist to use mental power to unblock the distortion and flesh-and-blood sequence."

"These things are in the books I gave you. This sequence is the key and must be remembered because it is the core of the L-shaped transformation. As long as you understand what that sequence represents, then you can do this Transformation will never fail.”

The terrifying mental power of the white plague instantly covered Garit, and the crazy and distorted flesh and blood tissue suddenly trembled, and then starting from the head, it was like squeezing out toothpaste, and the squeezed areas returned to their original appearance when the transformation was about to be completed. .

When the spirit reached his legs, Bai Bian walked over with a scalpel.

"This kind of unblocking is difficult, but if it is successful, then extra drugs, wrong drugs, or even some errors outside of this sequence will form a tumor like this."

Bai Bing pointed at the huge tumor half a meter in diameter on Garit's leg.

"Now, as long as the tumor needs to be removed, the transformation will still be perfect. The experimental subject's slight pain does not need to be managed by you. That is the job of the psychiatrist. Even if there is no psychiatrist, there will be a skyrocketing increase after the transformation. Military pay can mend their souls.”

Bai Yifei slashed a few times, and immediately the two huge tumors fell to the ground, and the cut wounds healed quickly amid a proliferation of flesh and blood.

When it was completely healed, Bai Ying said: "These are the mistakes that may occur in the L-shaped transformation, and the changes that may occur. With any abnormal transformation, you have two opportunities to save your comrades. If you seize it, you will be Qualified alchemical transformer."

Bai Bian said and snapped his fingers, and suddenly a surge of spiritual power poured into Garit's mind. With a slight stimulation, Garit woke up instantly.

[You have successfully completed a silver-level L-type weapon transformation, with an experience value of +2000 and an additional experience value of +2000. 】


As soon as he woke up, he couldn't help but scream. With a surge of mental strength, he found that his body didn't seem to be in much pain anymore.

"Tell me how you feel now." Bai Bian asked with a smile.

Suddenly Garrit trembled, his body naturally shrank, and he calmly moved away from the white plague.

He suspected that the White Plague was seeking revenge on him, but he had no proof.

However, he did not dare not reply to the words of the city lord, so he could only say cautiously and tremblingly: "I don't feel anything, I just feel a little afraid of syringes and knives."

White Plague started scanning Garrett.

[Comparing the charm attributes of both parties. 】

[Garit's charm value is -1, and White Plague's charm value is 9. 】

[Your charm value is 180% of the opponent's, and you gain 100% of the attributes. 】

[Name: Garit

Race: Orc (Cybod.)

Occupation: Berserker (L-shaped transformation.)

Level: The L-shaped transformation does not display the level, and he can no longer level up naturally.

Personal attributes: Strength: 195, Agility 113, Endurance 216, Intelligence 30, Spirit 3, Charm -1, Luck 2.

Legend level: 5.

Rank: Silver high.

Skill: Heavy Slash: Charge up one blow, causing 200% damage.



Fighting: After entering the angry state, it will ignore physical damage and block pain. The lower the health value, the stronger the increased attributes. It will not enter the dying state before the health value drops to 1%.

Tough Skin: The skin is tougher, reducing sharp weapon damage by 20% and blunt weapon damage by 10%.

Berserk: Entering a violent state, strength, agility, and endurance are greatly improved. The angrier the heart, the stronger the murderous intention, and the higher the improvement, up to 70%.

Cooling: 3 natural days.

Powerful self-healing: When the health value is below 10%, endurance +50, and 10% health value will be restored every second, lasting for one hour.

Cooling: 3 natural days.

Evaluation: The modified weapon is extremely powerful. Can you imagine that before the modification, it was just a silver inferior with exhausted potential? 】

Bai Bie was also a little surprised. This attribute became stronger the more he fought, and he had awakened two specialties at once.

With extreme attributes and near death, his endurance might reach 300, right?

Bai Bian is extremely satisfied. This is the person he wants to transform. Although the bronze lower and middle ones cannot achieve this effect, once they form a legion and set up a formation, the existence of the golden lower ones will be torn apart in an instant.

"Remember it, let's start the next one. This time Garrit will watch and get used to his new power." Bai Biao calmly ordered.

Garrit shuddered and stood on the ground quickly.


Without his noticing, the earth was covered with spider web cracks, as if the earth had been crushed with one foot.

Garrit's eyes widened suddenly, and half of the fear and trembling he had just disappeared. Is this really his own power?

Bai Bian smiled and said, "If you destroy public facilities, your first month's military pay will be gone."

Garrit's already huge eyes became even more prominent, and he subconsciously asked: "Why does the floor cost ten thousand?"

Seeing White Blight staring at him, Garit immediately shut up. The four-meter-tall orc, a man with muscles all over his body that could even burst his clothes, looked a little weak at the moment.

He smiled coquettishly: "Yes, City Lord, it's all my fault, and I will compensate."

White Plague's terrifying mental power surged out, instantly dragging his brother Magath in from the door and closing the door.

"I'll give it to you this time without any mistakes."

Bai Bian said, knocking Magath unconscious with one touch, and then quickly started the transformation.

Basically, all the science that I wanted to popularize just now has been completed. This time, the white plague did not cause trouble. It only took about five minutes. In the smooth and flowing distortion, Magath quickly became another four-meter-tall muscular man.

It seems that his touch is particularly good. It can also be said that the two brothers' various values ​​​​are almost the same. They both awakened two specialties during the transformation, and some attributes have reached the limit of silver. It is very likely that they will break out. Win the early golden lower position.

Of course, the premise is that the golden low-ranking person has not awakened too many specialties and does not have any special talents.

Seeing the seriousness of the alchemists, Bai Bian nodded with great satisfaction and captured the two bronze elves.

"The following are the various situations of the M-type transformation and the smooth conditions. Take a good look and learn well."

Bai Bian said and started the transformation. Both transformations followed the same steps. Zero quickly collected various reactions and even the knowledge of various flesh and blood transformations on the Internet and passed them into the clone AI.

In this way, the AI ​​can more accurately control the progress of the transformation, which can be regarded as cheating on these low-level alchemists and providing high-level assistants and teachers to silver-level alchemists.

Thirty minutes later, as the panel prompts lit up, the demonstration came to an end.

[You have successfully completed the silver-level L-shaped transformation, the experience value is +2000, and the additional experience value is +2000. 】

[You have successfully completed the bronze-level M-type transformation x 2, with an experience value of +1000 and an additional experience value of +1000. 】

The L-type weapon modification gives the appearance of a strong muscular man, with muscles that even reach a sickly feeling, while the M-type modification is just the opposite. Originally, the average height of the elves was only about 1.8 meters.

The transformed elf will now look even thinner, and his fair skin will become paler now, without any blood at all.

Their legs are more linear, with some black bumps on their wrists and ankles, which are the natural weapons of this transformation.

But unfortunately, neither of these two people awakened Ghost Step, but only awakened Haste.

Of course, it's impossible for everyone to hit critically, and hitting two silver-level ones is already pretty good.

"The equipment I just gave you is connected to my AI. This AI has been cloned for you. It can assist you in completing the transformation."

Bai Bian looked at the four people who were adapting to their new bodies, and said to an elf: "Go and inform us that the 20,000 flesh and blood transformation quota will be transformed first, and the mechanical needs will wait."

The elf nodded, a little excited. He tapped the ground lightly with his toes, and with a touch, the entire elf disappeared instantly. The alchemist and the Garrit brothers were amazed at the speed.

Bai Bian looked at the five silver alchemists again: "The transformation of flesh and blood will start now with the five of you. Bronze-level ones will do it. You just need to learn."

The five silver alchemists were a little excited, and they couldn't wait to have the opportunity to practice.

As the soldiers of the transformation corps lined up, Wutai transformation was being carried out in this room. Bai Bian stopped taking action and just watched from the side. With the help of AI, they began to quickly understand the transformation.

Bai Ying's proficiency in these two modifications is at full level, and he is not worried about any problems with their practice.

After all, he has at most two chances and he can save people quickly.

As for a silver-level alchemist, with the AI ​​by his side, it shouldn't take long for him to be completely proficient.

The most important thing is that Zero is still updating the experimental data to the AI ​​clone. If a mistake occurs once, it will be difficult to happen again with the reminder of the AI.

Time passed slowly for five days.

In the past five days, the work of flesh and blood transformation has gradually been taken over.

White Plague can also start to be a hands-off shopkeeper and walk out of the camp.

Bai Bian felt extremely relaxed and went to the Arms Department for a walk. The alchemists there were not ideal. The alchemy potions and equipment given by Bai Bian were different from the transformation.

The potion is okay, someone has already managed to make it with the help of the alchemy furnace.

But the equipment is still blank. Even if it is a silver-level Barrett energy gun, it is still difficult to manufacture the ultra-high-strength alloy that the White Plague will bring from the future.

But now it’s just because the time is short, it should be almost the same after a while.

The White Plague went to the official streets of the inner city, and Irene and Mina lived in an official guest residence not far from the Palace of Knowledge.

Walk in.

Bai Bian saw Mina, whose eyes were numb, and Irene, who was bored, sitting in the yard looking up at the sky and thinking about life.

Obviously, they have fully understood what a curse doctor is in the past few days.

Sensing something, Mina turned her head, her eyes a little tired: "Lord City Lord, you are here, have you finished your work?"

"Boss, boss, you're finally here. I'm bored out of my mind." Eileen said helplessly, with deep despair in her eyes: "Although I really don't want to say it, I even miss the work you assigned. This is What a terrible thing?"

She was restrained here for five whole days. She didn't see anyone except Mina for five days. This was really terrifying!

"No, there are a lot of things to be busy with. It's just coming to an end now. This time I came here to solve the hidden dangers in Irene." Bai Bian said and looked at Irene with a mysterious smile: "How did you know that I wanted to let you Are you starting to work again?"

The expression on Eileen's face froze, incredulous: "I'm like this, and you still want me to work? Mr. Orr once said that capitalists should go to hell. Boss, you won't do the same."

Bai Bian ignored Irene's thoughts and turned to Mina and said, "Don't be so desperate. Irene is not completely hopeless. She is not completely a cursed doctor. In other words, her situation is more complicated than that of a cursed doctor." Some."

"Let's go, let's talk as we walk." Bai Bian turned around and walked out.

Behind them, the two of them followed step by step, listening to Bai Bian's explanation: "Irene's inheritance is somewhat special. She absorbed the curse in the inheritance space, but the inheritance space is something in the genes of the elves, so she brings her own elves with her. the power of."

"In other words, the curse on her body is only half, so she has the attributes of a curse doctor, but she does not have the full power of a curse doctor."

"The two sides have reached a certain balance. I believe you can't really let her do nothing these days. Do you know what her healing energy is like?"

"It's good and bad. The vitality of treatment and elimination is almost the same." Mina answered, feeling very headache.

In the past few days, she had let Erin experiment on her. Sometimes it was a curse, and sometimes the treatment had amazing effects.

If there wasn't that kind of curse, it could be said that Irene was one of the most powerful nannies in the world at her level.

She even contacted the Elf Alliance, which are five golden and high-ranking elf councillors.

The council members expressed surprise that the elves could produce an SSS-level genius, but then they heard that he was a crooked man and became a big head after he became a curse doctor.

After searching through almost the entire federation's information on curse doctors, they had no choice but to leave Irene here.

Because they are not sure that they can change Irene's expertise, because expertise is the foundation of a living being. At present, except for forced race change and transformation.

There's nothing that can change feats yet.

Bai Bian nodded and said with a smile: "That's right. I've sorted out the information in the past few days. Irene's future study progress will be as normal. She just needs to add another task of treating diseases and saving people."

Erin's eyes widened, she exclaimed, and asked a little unconfidently: "Me? Save people? Boss, are you kidding me?"

Mina was also a little helpless, but when Bai Bian's footsteps stopped at the door of the City Lord's Mansion, she thought of something and asked hesitantly: "What do you mean?"

"Yes, Luo Ning's prediction talent is very terrifying. If the two of them cooperate, Irene will still be a super genius in the treatment field, and she will have the power to accurately attack the enemy, which is much more powerful than the general treatment system. "

Bai Bian walked into the city lord's mansion: "And this can also train Luo Ning's ability to predict. The two sides can barely complement each other."

"Even when they become stronger, the fighting power formed by the two of them will be so strong that even the enemy may not have a chance to resist."

The moment he stepped into the city lord's mansion, a figure ran over and said in surprise:

"Boss, Sister Eileen, you are finally here. I miss you so much. When will we go back to the pharmacy?"

It's the end of the month, can I ask for a vote? Please, 嘤嘤嘤

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