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Chapter 133 A new era is coming

"You can come back at any time. Where is your master?"

Bai Bian touched Luo Ning's head. The little girl seemed to have grown taller. Luo Ning would be an adult in two years.

In an era similar to the end of the world, adulthood is defined as the age of sixteen, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl.

If the fertility rate of other races in the world hadn't been held back, how could the Federation only have 800 million intelligent beings?

After all, in this era, the cost of raising a child is not high. School is free, and good grades are even rewarded with gold coins.

The rent of the house is very low, and if the food is not required to be delicious, two copper coins per catty is enough for anyone to survive.

"Lord City Lord."

A kind voice sounded, but before Luo Ning could answer, Aisha walked out.

"Let's do this. The two shops next to Liming Pharmacy can be opened. You can move there in the future. Things are a bit complicated, this..."

Bai Bian explained to Aisha about Irene.

In Aisha's surprised eyes, this matter was settled easily.

After all, Liming Pharmacy is in a good location and is quite lively, and the two golden middlemen live together, so they can have some communication.

The group returned to the pharmacy. Luo Ning opened the door, took out a large crystal ball from the space ring, and ran excitedly to his stall.


Putting the crystal ball on the table, Luo Ning looked around happily: "It's great, we are back again."

It has been a year since she came to this store with Bai Bian. After a year, she still has a strong sense of belonging here. At least she likes it here better than the gorgeous City Lord's Mansion.

Eileen was a little dazed. How could any worker like the company?

He entered somewhat gloomily, sat down at the front desk skillfully, propped his chin with his hands, and returned to his working state in a second.

Bai Bian smiled and said, "Wait a moment, you two. I'll go next door to discuss it with the two families."

After saying that, he spent ten minutes, and the two shops were happy to vacate their stores and said they did not need any compensation.

However, Bai Bian still asked the Ministry of Finance to arrange new shops for them. Although it was nothing to cheat those two shops, it was just that as a city lord, he cheated his own people, which was something that even Sabo would not do.

Because in a strict sense, these merchants also belong to their property. If these properties are properly arranged, the property can create greater wealth.

"Al, open up everything on the side and redecorate it according to Eileen and Luoning's requirements."

Bai Bian said something, and suddenly the sound of skeletons colliding began to appear in the assembly line.

The efficiency of the undead is still very high.

However, Bai Bian didn't look much further. He still had many things to do, and he saw that everything was almost arranged.

"Your work will wait a moment. I need to make some preparations." Bai Bian walked back to the laboratory.

It's not that he doesn't like the City Lord's Mansion, it's just that he's more used to living here. Maybe he will move into the City Lord's Mansion in the future, but not now.

He took out the manufacturing method of the epidemic doctor suit and studied it carefully. Luoning's curse resistance was not high and needed good protection.

If danger occurs, it will be a big loss for Daybreak.

When the skill of Plague Doctor Suit appeared on the panel, Bai Plague only spent one skill point to reach the full proficiency level of this skill.

Prepare materials and start making Luoning's style.

[You have created gold-level equipment, Epidemic Doctor Suit III, with experience value +10,000 and additional experience value +10,000. 】

Bai Bian looked at the gorgeous yellow suit in his hand and nodded with satisfaction. This style was obviously not the style of the Bide doctors.

But it doesn’t matter. Once the proficiency points are full, it is still very simple to retain the attributes and change the style.

After giving the thing to Luo Ning and briefly talking about its properties, Bai Bian walked back to the laboratory under the resentful eyes of Irene (who had not received the gift).

He needs to sort out the information. He needs to do all the mechanical modifications in person. The L-type modification is a human shield and tank, the M-type modification is an assassin, and the mechanical modification is long-range firepower coverage.

The modifications that Bai Bing prepared were just basic modifications, and now it was necessary to plan what to put on the soldiers.

Mechanical modification is not difficult, at least not as expensive as the construction of mechas.

Just use the exoskeleton device to connect their nervous system, and then continue to increase the firepower within the range that the exoskeleton can bear.

In White Plague's vision, the exoskeleton can be equipped with many heavy weapons, such as Gatling in the left hand, energy cannon in the right hand, grenades, small missiles, or even a group of tiny machines on the back.

What White Plague needs to plan now is these weapons. The L-type and M-type are both close combat. They also need a long-range unit with sufficient firepower. After the shells and energy are used up, they must have the ability to fight in close combat.

Almost all-round warriors are very expensive to make and have no side effects, because these people have no potential.

[The open beta countdown is 5 days and 12 hours. 】

He glanced at the player's countdown.

Plague begins building exoskeleton machinery.

[You have created an exoskeleton mechanical device, the experience value is +500, and the additional experience value is +500. 】

[Name: Exoskeleton Machinery.

Attributes: Mechanical transformation device.

Effect: Fixed physical attributes: strength 180, speed 120, endurance 100, with built-in auxiliary AI.

Equipment requirements: Strength and endurance 11+.

Evaluation: Powerful auxiliary device, this is the power of machinery.

Price: 2000 gold coins. 】

Bai Yifei is very satisfied with this exoskeleton. This kind of attribute is already very strong even if it is not worthy of other firepower. Moreover, it is not picky, as long as the body reaches the bronze level, it can adapt to it.

[Send a message to the Armament Department and ask the alchemy technician to quickly create the equipment blueprints for them. 】

Zero: [Sent, the captain of the science and technology team responded: The alchemy furnace has been mastered and can start producing ordnance at any time. 】

Bai Bian calmed down and ordered: "Al, start polishing the exoskeleton material."

[Send a message to the Ministry of Finance to provide Orr with enough materials. 】

Zero: [Message has been sent. 】

White Plague's two specialties of rapid production and high concentration are activated, and the time in the outside world is slowly ignored.

At this time, the selection process in Tobu City was becoming more and more lively, under the strong request of many extraordinary people who were preparing to settle down with their families.

Sabo also began to expand the city. The originally huge city with a diameter of 100 kilometers was expanded to a square of 150 kilometers.

The inner city has also expanded from the original 25 kilometers in diameter to 50 kilometers.

With a population of more than five million, the originally crowded city suddenly became relaxed and even seemed a little empty.

The side walls of the outer city are okay. Those walls are originally composed of four powerful mechas. They only need to knock off the stones to reveal the rectangular steel structure inside, and then the city lord issues an order to the Wucheng Army. Then the Wucheng Army The commander of the city army also has the authority to move the city wall.

After moving to the designated location, and adding the strong and quick-drying alchemy materials, you can easily complete the construction of the city wall.

The walls of the inner city were all knocked down, a new inner city was divided, and the walls of the inner city were rebuilt.

The civilian buildings that were accommodated were also very simple, because the civilians lived in wooden buildings.

Whether it's a mage's fire or a soldier's violent demolition, the original urban area can be easily turned into an open space.

Of course, the easiest thing is for the mage to fix it with magic power and then move it directly to the newly designated outer city area. Then even the city construction in the outer city area does not require too much help.

In addition, the land in the inner city has been sold out rapidly with the help of many extraordinary people. Even some wealthy businessmen from other cities will buy a piece of land regardless of whether they want to live here or not.

Everyone can see that Tobu City may become the number one city in the Federation in the near future. As long as the city remains intact after the war, housing prices in the inner city here will skyrocket.

However, perhaps for the sake of the beauty of the city, those who purchase land use rights are required to build their own houses within three months, and the houses can have their own styles, but they cannot be too simple.

With the help of magical materials and alchemical materials, this is not too demanding.

After all, the land currently being used by the entire federation is an alchemical material called [Dibao]. The raw materials are cheap and dry within three days of use. The hardness is comparable to ordinary metal and is very strong.

If you are just building a house, hire a few Bronze-level men, or go to the outer city to find some strong men to help. As long as the project is not too complicated, you can usually build a three-story, fully decorated house within half a month. .

The same is true for the city wall. As long as you use magic to shape the [Dibao] and carve the desired pattern on it within three days, a city wall will be built.

Time passed quickly, the city wall was built miraculously quickly, and the entire Tobu City was extremely busy.

"Look, Mr. Principal, something has changed here." A law enforcer said carefully.

Bai Bing is in seclusion making exoskeletons, and Sabo is busy making money. Nowadays, when many departments cannot decide, they will still think of the old city lord.

The place he was talking about was a newly built outer city area. The original resurrection point for the players has been demolished, and now the new resurrection point is still not far from the east city gate.

Some of the original residents here have been relocated because there are certain forces here that are slightly repelling the residents here.

Heidinger looked at this area of ​​​​the house with some surprise, and there was some disbelief in his eyes: "It is actually multiple spaces, and it is very solid. Is this the place where the wonders are coming?"

"Based on the time given by the white epidemic, those wonders will only come in these two days." Eric said, a little tired, but his eyes were very bright.

Because his energy and blood have begun to fade, but Tobu City is getting better and better now, and its economy, force, and even the number of people are continuing to rise.

Even schools have begun to expand, with a target of thirty schools, which should be equal to the number of children.

All this satisfied Eric.

"I need to do some research and ask someone to enclose all the housing areas here." Heidinger lightly drew a circle with his fingertips.

The building with a diameter of five kilometers represents the resurrection point of the players. Under Heidinger's magic, this place was accurately circled.


The members of the law enforcement team responded and quickly started calling on the walkie-talkie.

Heidinger and Eric walked into it.

The two of them watched and chatted.

"This group of wonders is still very useful. It just so happens that the construction of the outer city has not been completed yet. They can help when they come." Eric looked around and said with some emotion.

Of course they have also read the White Plague's Wonders Manual, and they understand what a terrifying group of players they are.

Their immortality makes them double-edged swords, no, even sharp swords.

If it weren’t for the White Plague’s Wonders Usage Rules, it was highlighted that [attempts to enslave Wonders are not allowed. 】

Perhaps many cities will try to enslave these immortals because they have resurrection points, and resurrection points mean they can be controlled.

As long as the Federation wants to, the disobedient Wonders will never be able to leave the resurrection point and will be killed as soon as they come out.

As long as negotiation + brainwashing + threat of killing, or even more cruel things, then the players are really not that scary.

At least it's not scary for low level players.

"The spaces here are so clever, it's like magic has been used in these buildings."

Heidinger said with great interest. A wisp of flame appeared on his fingertips and flew towards a wooden house.


The raging flames exploded, and in an instant the beautiful building was reduced to ashes.

After about three seconds, the wooden house slowly returned to its original appearance, with only the ashes on the ground telling what had just happened.

Eric was really surprised: "Time reshaping?"

"No, it's not that advanced. It's similar to space interception and space overlapping. Theoretically, this small wooden house can accommodate unlimited people and obtain unlimited wood." Magic power emerged from Heidinger's hand and he demolished a wooden house in an instant. wooden door.

About three seconds later, a wooden door reappeared, but the wooden door in Heidinger's hand did not disappear.

"What kind of power is this?" Eric asked with a frown.


A ray of sword light flashed, and all the wooden houses in his sight were cut in half in an instant. However, because the cuts were too neat, these wooden houses did not change.

About three seconds later, the sword wounds of all the wooden houses that were cut off at the waist slowly healed, as if nothing happened.

"Interesting, old guy, you go back, I want to study it further." Heidinger's eyes were full of interest. Mages are very interested in the unknown, and now he is also very interested in the vision before the miracle comes.

"Okay, I'll let the Wucheng Army guard this place, and the spectacle must abide by the rules. Otherwise, the good Tobu City may be turned into a mess." Eric said and walked out.

At this time, Sabo happened to walk in and met the old city lord who was about to leave.

"Hey, you're here too. I told them not to bother you, so I'm going to criticize them." Sabo said with a smile, looking a little embarrassed.

Eric glanced at him and couldn't help but tell him: "Don't get into too much trouble with the capital."

Sabo paused, lowered his head, and said respectfully: "Yes, yes, I will pay attention."

Eric nodded, feeling that his instructions were generally useless.

When will young people listen to them now?

Sabo looked at Eric's back and his eyes flickered. Soon, a large number of soldiers surrounded the place and began to quickly build a wall. The players were about to arrive, and the transformation army was about to take shape.

The replenishment of the legion will also be completed in the near future

What should be settled and what should be left will be decided within these two days. When the final mechanical transformation is completed, Tobu City's military and financial resources will be even higher.

Sabo showed his iconic smile again and walked into the player's resurrection point.

A new era is coming.

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