Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 135 Preparation before leaving

[You have created an exoskeleton mechanical device, the experience value is +300, and the additional experience value is +300. 】

[You have upgraded, your level has reached fifty-four. 】

[You have created Praise of the Sun, a gold-level hive, a powerful recovery potion, and a large amount of alchemical poison. Your experience value is +50,000, your skill point is +1, and your additional experience value is +50,000. 】

Bai Bian looked at the exoskeleton mechanical devices piled up in the laboratory and space rings, and let out a long sigh of relief.

In thirty days, only two thousand sets of exoskeleton mechanical devices were made. Let's wait for the rest. It is still a bit too reluctant for one person to make equipment for ten thousand people.

Moreover, a large number of equipment manufacturing of the same type has been causing the experience value of the manufacturing brush to decrease.

But this was not surprising to him.

He has researched it. The previous experience value is the extra experience value when the magic power in the body is tempered. The additional experience value and the experience value from spawning monsters are the plug-ins of the panel.

In other words, even if there is no panel, he will still gain these experiences when building these machines, but it will not be displayed.

The panel plug-in of the boss template is indeed very large. Perhaps because NPCs are different from players, the panel does not make Baiyi feel that this is a game.

There is still a slight sense of accomplishment for upgrading.

[Contact the Department of Arms, ask them to come over and move the exoskeleton machinery, and report the changes this month. 】

Zero: [Message has been sent, please wait for the report. 】

It took a long time to retreat from the white epidemic this time. The exoskeleton mechanical device required more than 60 pieces of gold-level equipment every day, which was too intense.

He also needs to take a rest and wait for the remaining eight thousand, or see if he can go out and abduct a gold-level alchemist transformer back.

Otherwise, if we keep manufacturing, it will take half a year to equip these 10,000 pieces of equipment.

And the most important thing is that he had a hunch that the evil in Nanling City could not be delayed any longer. He should go to Nanling City first and continue after returning.

If that doesn't work, then we can add another two thousand people to the Transformation Legion, and it's okay to only have two thousand people for the Mechanical Legion.

【Changes in Tobu City. 】

[1. With the arrival of Wonders, the Ministry of Finance has requisitioned the work of Wonders. On average, 70,000 Wonders are working in Tobu City every moment. The huge area of ​​the outer city is filling up rapidly. Through the few words of Wonders, it can be inferred that a certain stock The force issued them large-scale construction tasks. 】

[2. At the auction a year ago, the products such as critical hit potion and absolute filth sold by Mr. Sabo faced after-sales problems. People who drank the critical hit potion had their heads glowing and accompanied by weird soul sounds. It pollutes other people's moods, and this side effect can only be solved by the Golden Median Mage.

Beings with insufficient potential came to Tobu City exhausted, but their protests were fruitless and they were getting emotional.

However, they accidentally leaked the existence of absolute filth and made some secret realms and minerals with ancient prohibitions a restricted area. They tried to find an argument with Mr. Sabo, but were dissuaded by Mr. Sabo's proposal of dividing the minerals and secret realms into 50%. 】

[3. The number of successfully transformed flesh and blood legions has exceeded 3,000, with a failure rate of 1%. Death pensions have been paid. Your reputation has been slightly damaged, but the powerful effect of the transformation has not aroused widespread discussion. 】

[4. The construction of the inner city is about to be completed. Rich businessmen and residents are building their own houses as soon as possible. Tobu City is unprecedentedly prosperous. 】

[5. Forty schools are planned in the city and have been contracted to builders. It is expected to be completed next spring. 】

[6. Tobu City has more than 4 million poor people and nearly 2 million extraordinary people. It has officially become the city with the largest population in Dawn. Due to the transformation of the army, the military strength of Tobu City has also become the largest. 】

[7. Mr. Saab placed an order for 200 silos from the Timman family. They are currently being installed with the assistance of professionals and are expected to be put into use next spring. 】

[Summary: On January 1, 1538 in the Dawn Calendar, Tobu City will be completely stabilized and become the number one city in terms of economy, population, potential, military, and education, except for the top powerhouses. 】

Bai Bian was a little surprised in his eyes. With this development, Sabo had only been in power for ten months. In such a short period of time, he had developed a mediocre city into a first-class city.

Although it hurt the economy of other cities, this achievement is also the first in history.

At least in the 1538 years since Daybreak was founded, no one has been able to surpass Saab's development.

Didi didi.

[Boss, some people from the Armament Department came and said it was your order. 】

Bai Bian came to his senses and a worker bee flew out. With a ding, the mechanical door opened and soldiers entered one by one.

"These will be moved to the Transformation Corps, and the transformation engineers will finish the current transformation. By the way, the Armaments Department will move all the transformed weapons there. I will teach you how to transform this thing."

"Follow your orders." The soldiers quickly began to move things. Bai Plague had five 100-cubic space rings, but except for the commonly used one, the others were full and there were still a thousand exoskeleton devices left.

Even if this thing is closed, it is not too small, and it cannot be too oppressive. These soldiers are a little cautious when moving things.

After they all moved in, Bai Bian walked out of the laboratory. Outside, Eileen and Luo Ning shared a stall. People who treated illnesses or fortune-telling were lined up here.

The levels of both of them have increased slightly. After all, they have been working all the time, and their experience, magic power and mental strength are already very good.

Without disturbing the busy girl, Bai Bian walked out of Liming Pharmacy and walked towards the outer city.

There were some fine raindrops falling in the sky at this time, and some stalls began to hold up their own huge umbrellas.

The cold air with a bit of humidity is not enough to make the extraordinary feel uncomfortable.

Bai Bian looked at the time and saw that it was already late October. After a few rains, it would be winter. A year went by so fast.

Bai Bian took a car and drove to the reform station.

The Wucheng Army is stationed not far from the four city gates, the Storm Legion is stationed next to the east city gate, the Apocalypse Legion is stationed in the inner city, and the Transformation Legion is not far from the west wall of the inner city.

This legion is mainly for support, vanguard, and ace. It does not need to be so close to the outer city. On the contrary, the inner city needs their protection more.

So it took Bai Ying twenty minutes to arrive at the reformed military camp. He popped a gold coin into the passenger seat, got out of the car and walked in.

In the past twenty minutes, Wutai's transformation has been completed. Fortunately, none of these transformations failed.

The thirty soldiers who failed were mainly because the five alchemists were not proficient enough, but with the reminder of the AI, they made fewer and fewer mistakes.

Although it is impossible not to fail every time, it is still possible to reduce the failure rate to less than 1%.

Place a thousand exoskeleton machines in the open space outside the transformation room, and order L-shaped modified soldiers to guard them here.

Bai Bian walked into the reforming room and looked at the increased number of reformers. The number of reformers was smaller than he expected. Among the five hundred alchemists, there were only a hundred alchemy reformers in total.

Perhaps it was also a deliberate selection by the Armaments Department. Among the seventy-two people who came later, there were two Silver-level Transformers, and the rest were at the lowest Bronze level.

Bai Bian looked at the two silver transformers and asked, "Have you prepared their equipment in the past few days?"

The two of them nodded with reverence in their eyes. Not only them, but other new transformers also took out scanners, mobile phones, high-end mechanical headsets and other equipment from their arms.

Bai Bian looked at it and ordered: "Bring them all together. There will be AI clones that will live in your equipment later. In the future, as long as you are Silver level, you can complete the transformation independently."

"Those below the silver level who have not changed their level or rank within half a year will be kicked out of the transformation team. This will be carried out by Ladd."

"Yes, Lord City Lord." Ladd stood up straight and responded respectfully.

Bai Bian nodded, turned to look at a bronze-level human race, and waved to him: "You come first."

Excitement appeared in the eyes of the human race, and he trotted over quickly, lying down on the test table obediently, unable to suppress the corners of his mouth.

"I have only made two thousand exoskeleton devices this time. The number of transformation quotas for the mechanical army is tentatively set at two thousand people. The rest will wait. Those who can't wait can also go for flesh transformation." Bai Bide looked at Ma who was helping here. The two Gatt brothers confessed.

Then he said calmly: "The most difficult part of mechanical transformation is exoskeletons, or direct mechanization of flesh and blood. What I choose here are exoskeletons, because the installation is relatively simple and has no technical content."

Bai Bian looked at the human race and grasped his power.


The excited look on his face froze, and he lost consciousness instantly.

"This time we only need to connect the exoskeleton device to his nervous system and bones. The rest of the modifications are to add weapons to the mechanical device."

Bai Bian picked up a black cube of about thirty centimeters, turned the fainted human over, and slashed his back with a scalpel, exposing the spine.

In an instant, blood overflowed and the gore began to spread.

White Plague and the surrounding alchemists were all surprised. How could any transformation be bloodless?

He clicked the switch of the exoskeleton mechanical device, and a steel skeleton suddenly appeared and automatically began to cling to the human's body.

Gradually, his body was wrapped, and a steel structure appeared from his feet to his head, as if he had a cool layer of armor on his body.

Bai Bian's mental power surged out, connecting the extremely thin wires in the exoskeleton device to the man's brain.

As the exoskeleton device automatically climbed, it completely overlapped with the human's skeleton.

The white plague sprinkled some recovery medicine, and the soldier's flesh and blood tissue healed quickly, tightly wrapping the parts connected to the bones and nerves.

The powerful healing effect allows the two to quickly achieve a new fusion, so that even if the transformed person is awake, they will only feel weird instead of painful.

"The only thing that needs to be paid attention to in this kind of transformation is the connection of the nervous system. This requires precise control of mental power and magic power, but generally a silver-level transformation master can complete it."

Bai Bian said, just in time, the Armament Department also sent some equipment.

Bai Bian used his mental power to stimulate the human race to wake him up.

He started to arm himself while he was covered in blood and in a dazed state.

The first is the left-hand Gatling combination. He only needs to hold the Gatling close to his left hand. The moment he holds the special grip, the exoskeleton automatically climbs and turns Gatling into his left hand.

A long bullet chain was wrapped around his waist by the exoskeleton, and he could carry up to 50,000 rounds of armor-piercing bullets at a time.

These bullets are only enough for a soldier to fight for twenty minutes, and the ammunition must be replenished after twenty minutes.

Because White Plague only slightly increases the rate of fire, but more importantly, it is more powerful. If nothing goes wrong, one bullet can kill a bronze-level being, and multiple bullets can instantly shred even a silver-level mage's shield.

But this is already the limit of Gatling. Forty-one bullets per second is very fast, much faster than ordinary bullet-type firearms.

The white plague in his right hand is equipped with a newly developed sniper. This sniper is not as powerful as Barrett, but it is still a silver-level product and poses a slight threat to gold.

But the quantity is enough.

Then there are the small missile launchers on the back, the grenade launchers on the shoulders, the thrusters on the back, and the laser weapons above the head in combat readiness.

With this set, every soldier will become a small artillery position.

"This is the standard configuration of a soldier. Do you have any questions?" Bai Bian asked and ordered in his mind: [Synchronize the transformation process just now to all AI clones. 】

Zero: [All connected and synchronizing. 】

"No, it's a very clear transformation." Rad replied immediately. This was much simpler than flesh and blood transformation. If he couldn't make it without the exoskeleton device, then he could easily complete this transformation.

"That's good. Your AIs have been synchronized. You can do the rest of the modifications yourself. Prioritize mechanical modifications. Flesh modifications still give priority to power-based races."

As he said this, Bai Bian turned around and walked out.

Mechanical modification and flesh-and-blood modification are not compatible, nor are they completely incompatible. Compatible modification is a bit laborious, requiring the modification of machinery in flesh and blood, and there is a high probability of rejection reactions.

Because the core of mechanical transformation is machinery, and this transformation device keeps the force and speed constant. Exceeding this speed can easily lead to mechanical damage and paralysis of the exoskeleton.

Therefore, the most cost-effective option is to use the weakest group of soldiers to carry out mechanical transformation.

In the early stage, due to racial differences, races such as orcs and dwarves were born with stronger physical combat capabilities than humans of the same level.

As for these soldiers, mages form a mage regiment in other legions. There are very few divine magicians in Daybreak, and there are logistics and armament departments in the alchemist legion.

Therefore, 60% of the Transformed Legion are warriors, 40% are assassins, and there is no legal profession.

The rain in the sky gradually became heavier. Bai Bing looked at the dark sky, ignored some players, got into the legion's own car, and returned to the pharmacy.

Bai Ying entered the laboratory to make final preparations for heading to Nanling City.

When he came out again, it was already nine o'clock in the evening, the store was already empty, and it was already closing time.

After all, the main purpose of Irene and Luoning's opening of the store is to exercise, not to actually go to work. They need the guidance of their respective masters in the morning and evening.

"Boss" Luo Ning called hesitantly.

Erin, on the other hand, was already paralyzed with exhaustion. She looked at Bai Bian with her hands on the pillow, her beautiful face full of exhaustion, and even her pointed ears were a little droopy.

Bai Bian ignored Irene's gaze and asked gently: "What's wrong?"

"Boss, are you going on a long trip?" Luo Ning hesitated even more. She couldn't see Bai Bian's fate clearly now, but this trip might not be so smooth, and she didn't want Bai Bian to go.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Bai Bian asked with some confusion.

"that is."


A powerful aura suddenly shot up into the sky, overwhelming the entire Tobu City.

Luo Ning's eyes widened: "Boss, someone wants to cause trouble for you."

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