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Chapter 136 Dimension Turbulence: Lady of the Night


Two huge breaths rose at the same time,

The defense machinery on the entire Tobu City wall instantly began to recharge, and various legions quickly began to assemble. When foreign enemies invaded, the huge Tobu City began to move.

Bai Bian sensed it, his magic power spread, and his tone was very calm: "The legion is on standby, there is no need to assemble."

After saying that, his terrifying mental power took him into the sky, and the mechanical dragon flew over just in time to catch him.

The speed of Mach 5 exploded, and the sonic boom woke up the city at night.

In thirty seconds, Bai Bian arrived on the wall of the east city gate, hovering in mid-air and looking at the darkness ahead that even the moonlight could not illuminate.

Eric and Heidinger also appeared here. The two did not launch an attack rashly because of the sound of the white plague that resounded throughout the city.

"Mr. Eric, Mr. Heidinger."

Bai Bian stood on the head of the mechanical dragon, bowed slightly to them, and explained: "This is Charles, the Favorite of the Ancient God. He should be here to find me."

Heidinger frowned, because Eric didn't know everything, so he couldn't tell the Federation much about the nightmare world.

Heidinger asked in a solemn tone: "Bai Bian, you should know that people from the Federation are not allowed to establish diplomatic relations with the ancient gods, right?"

"Not friends, but we worked together when we killed the ancient god last time. You can ask Mr. Eric for the rest." After Bai Bing finished speaking, the bone dragon flapped its wings and approached the darkness outside the city.

The players in the city behind were a little excited, but because the east city gate was closed immediately, they could not get out. Only a few players outside the city could see this scene.

Heidinger subconsciously looked at Eric, seeking an explanation.

"Don't worry about this matter. This kid Bai Bian has his own opinions. Don't worry about it so much when you are old."

Eric said casually: "The Federation may belong to him in the future. He can't let the Federation go and become the assets of the ancient gods, right?"

Heidinger paused and thought about it for a while and found that it made sense. The federation restricted the people below from establishing diplomatic relations with these dark forces because they were afraid of only two things, pollution and betrayal.

After all, both the ancient gods and the abyss are extremely corrosive forces, and contact with them can easily corrode one's mind.

The same is true for betrayal. The devils in hell are the best at deceiving people. They can easily make people become their internal agents without corroding them.

The federation has suffered a lot, so there are restrictions.

And if the target is a being with SSS-level potential, erosion is still a concern, but betrayal is a concern.

They should know that at least they can become a member of Parliament in this life, and as long as they break through the Legendary Federation, it will be theirs. There should be no benefits that can impress a young man with a promising future.

Thinking of this, Heidinger was silent for a moment, stopped talking, and looked at Bai Bian's back quietly.

Bai Bing came to the top of the darkness and looked down at the darkness approaching the city with some dignity.

Charles's current aura is golden, and Bai Bian feels a little divine aura.

In the past few months, Charles' improvement has been greater than he imagined.

This is also the reason why White Plague did not directly ask Heidinger and Eric to take action. Beings like Charles have combat capabilities beyond the current level.

It is not good to fall out directly before you are completely sure. The dark power represents part of the evil and weirdness.

Defeating him isn't difficult, but killing him... is hard to do.

"Come out."

Bai Bing said calmly: "Otherwise, I don't mind letting all your darkness be shrouded in gunfire."

"Don't reject me so much. After all, we had a good understanding in our last cooperation."

Some scattered voices sounded, and the darkness stirred. A cool dark throne emerged in the void, and a pale, sickly-looking Charles appeared.

His black hair has grown much longer and is spread casually behind his back. It looks a bit soft, but Bai Bian still feels more cold.

"Long time no see, White Plague."

Charles crossed his legs and greeted with a smile: "I said I would come to you, and now I'm here."

Bai Bian sensed something and launched a soul-based ultimate move without hesitation. Eight hundred points of terrifying spiritual power spread out almost instantly.

In just an instant, a faint blue light enveloped all the darkness. In this realm of the soul, everything was slowed down. Even Charles seemed to be put in slow motion, slowly sinking into the darkness.

Bai Bian also raised his hand with the same slow movement. In an instant, a faceless and transparent man appeared behind him. It had a huge gun in its hand and aimed at Charles simultaneously with Bai Bian.

There was obvious anxiety in Charles' eyes.

A smile appeared on Bai Bian's face, and he pulled the trigger on Charles. The blue figure behind him was instantly shattered, and the realm that restricted people was also shattered at the same time.

But there was a transparent blue bullet that was retained and shot at Charles with a rapid speed.


The darkness roared, and Charles sank into the darkness at his ultimate speed.


A slight sound appeared, and the bullet of the soul directly defeated the darkness and hit Charles hard.

He froze, and the huge darkness rolled back, sweeping through his body in an instant and covering him.

Bai Bian glanced at the panel with a pale face.

[You have been hit by the death curse, the Plague Doctor Suit I has resisted 30%, and you are deducting 7% of your health every second. 】

[You used the stored soul to hit Dark Walker Charles, causing huge soul damage, and 30% of Charles' health was deducted. 】

[You drink 3 gold-level curse removal potions, and the effect of the death curse is neutralized. 】

"It's just a joke, you're going to kill me." Charles reappeared, with a smile still on his pale face, but with a solemn look in his eyes.

That was just a test, to test whether Bai Bian was qualified to speak to him as an equal after his nightmare journey.

Now it seems that the white plague is more powerful than he imagined. If he takes a few more bullets like that just now, he feels that he may be killed instantly.

Bai Bian was very satisfied with the effect of his new skill and played with an empty potion bottle in his hand: "To each other, stop talking nonsense. What do you want from me? If you don't say anything, I don't mind leaving you here forever. .”

"Ahem." Charles coughed twice, drank a bottle of pure black potion, and then said helplessly: "Have you ever heard of Lady of the Night?"

"Night Rose?" Bai Bian was a little surprised in his eyes, and he suddenly thought of the reason why Charles came to him, and it actually coincided with his purpose this time.

"Huh~" Charles felt his soul recover and breathed a long sigh of relief. He looked at the two strong men outside the city wall, bowed to them gracefully, and then continued: "It seems you have heard it."

"The Lady of the Night is the name of the organization that the Ancient Gods mentioned to you. Maybe you don't know, but the Lady of the Night is not an Ancient God, but she is very similar to the Ancient God."

A dark throne appeared behind Charles and lifted him up: "He represents mystery, likes games of intrigue, and also likes fate, so he is ready to create a new order."

"In this order, the ancient gods cannot get involved. All creatures must wear masks and live according to specific rules in the order established by him. This allows him to gain pleasure and certain achievements, and control people's fears, fate, and certain things. The huge future involved behind this choice is her food."

"For this reason, he continues to integrate his power into your federation, trying to invade your federation bit by bit, and finally take control of your federation. He likes this process very much."

Charles smiled and said: "And you, White Plague, you broke the enjoyment of Lady Night. Although no one can be sure that it was you, but I have an intuition that it was you. The mysterious Lady of Night also has this intuition, so, He doesn’t want to play anymore.”

"The remaining power intends to create some gods to destroy your federation. He wants the broken federation, and then waits for the new federation to be re-established, thus starting a new round of erosion."

Bai Bian frowned: "Not an ancient god?"

"Yes, it's not an ancient god. I think you still remember [Evil Secret Black Death]." Charles smiled and said: "And the rules we know now are that you can't meet without a cover, and you can't reveal your identity as a hunter. Use everything you can to Methods erode order and thereby break it.”

"The person who entered the nightmare with us was the Lady of the Night, so he was already dead when he entered."

Charles said with great interest: "He seems to want to use God's showcase to project more power. I only know so much."

Bai Bian's heart sank. The horror of dimensional turbulence made him interested in order. Did he try to treat Daybreak as a toy?

Listening to Charles's narration, Bai Bing inexplicably thought of the weird rules, but this thought only passed by for a fleeting moment. If what Charles said was true, then this lady of the night would be quite dangerous, more dangerous than a god.

Because the ancient gods cannot destroy the nightmare world, but they can destroy the nightmare world by using the God's showcase to sacrifice dangerous objects to the Secret and Black Death.

Although these dangerous existences are not necessarily stronger than God, they are certainly weirder than God. They are things that even God is not willing to touch.

"If you say so, why doesn't He keep an eye on the other two federations? There is more than one federation in the world, and there are no people from Rose of the Night in the other two federations." Bai Bing asked calmly.

"Who knows? Maybe He is in the east? Or maybe there is something attracting Him?" Charles put his head on one hand and crossed his legs again, saying somewhat boredly.

The ancient gods are not afraid of the existence in the dimensional turbulence, they are just wary of each other. If the Night Rose completely invades Dawn, then the other ancient gods will not break Dawn's idea.

To God, the Dawn Federation has always been just a mine with extremely rich soul resources.

They all want these 800 million souls, fear, and despair. It is best to create a nightmare world, so that the ancient gods can also obtain an origin stone.

So if Charles wants to leave Daybreak, he just needs to explain to God that it is more difficult to fight here.

To the ancient gods, the three federations were all the same thing, minerals and toys.

"Let's just tell you the purpose, Charles." Bai Bian got straight to the point and planned to cooperate with Charles.

Because everything Charles says now may be concealed, but there is absolutely no lie. He is creating a common goal for the two of them, and this journey of divine evil is more dangerous than he imagined.

"Haha, you've come to your senses." Charles said with a smile: "It's still the same team. Although there is no freedom in the abyss, there are many resources. Those guys are prosperous in the abyss. If it weren't for the back stab of your mask, This guy might have become a lord."

Bai Bian thought for a while and tried to say: "I can ask Master Luomen to come with us."

"It's best not." Charles put his chin on his hand and said with a smile.

Bai Yi paused and became somewhat silent. For a moment, he couldn't figure out what Charles was thinking. He might be afraid that if Legend were involved, he would be in danger.

It is also possible that he said this on purpose, just to let himself ask the legendary berserker to go.

"I don't want to kill you yet, but you should go to Nanling City. Is the news I know the same as the news you know?" Bai Yi took a deep breath and smiled.

Charles did not change at all, but said casually: "You are right, it is indeed Nanling City, but unlike the nightmare world, this time it is mainly about the rules of the Lady of the Night. If you want to get her things, you have to start a game , Okay, no more chatting, the game will start in a month, I’ll go over there and wait for you first.”

As darkness swept in, Charles had disappeared.

Bai Bian's eyes were filled with thoughts. First of all, Charles knew about the Abomination three months ago and planned to get something after breaking through.

Perhaps his strength was not enough at the beginning, so he made the agreement in the nightmare world.

When he grew to the golden age, he found that his strength was still not enough, so he went to the appointment with the intention of dragging himself down.

There is still a lot of information worth thinking about in the words just now. Bai Ying needs to think carefully about what is in it.

Thinking about it, the bone dragon turned around and flew towards the city.

"What happened?" Heidinger looked at the disappearing darkness and asked.

"It's about Rose of the Night. That organization is causing trouble again. I need some death row prisoners. I will tell you after I understand this matter myself." Bai Bian said, flapping the bone dragon wings under his body, and went to Fly quickly to the inner city.

He didn't know what else Charles was hiding, but he knew one thing. In the trailer of the game, the mouths of the abyss released the cat and gave the god a lot of power. In other words, in the end, Pusheng won

But the future of the dark side is the evil one, so this trip is indispensable. Even if you can't get the cat, you still have to get the information about the evil one. These two are the key points, and the others can be a little more relaxed.

Maybe it’s time for players to try asking about God’s Window, and some more capable death row inmates can also be recruited to ask questions.

God's Showcase is connected to the turbulent flow of dimensions, and transactions are all about asking the other party to do things and responding to the difficulty of the task based on the difficulty of the matter.

What if, instead of letting it do tasks, it just asks questions?

And can it absorb the player's destiny? Which conflict is more severe between it and the panel?

Bai Bian thought about it and planned to go back and change the location of the God's Showcase. He was afraid that the God's Showcase would be blown up and hurt other people.

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