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Chapter 201 Legendary Weapon: Killing Ability

Demacia fell into deep thought. If the monsters in this game start to run away when they see the players, then how can their players grow?

He died once again at the Black Dragon, and he was only at level 23 now.

[Anchor, go to the forum and have a look. There is more than one case like this near Tobu City. 】

[Anchor, you said that the Xiahousi went to film, what about its bugle? Can you buy it? It feels quite important. 】

[Anchor anchor, I want to watch Xiao Mo! 】

The continuous barrages brought Demacia back to reality.

He summoned two rats, flew back, and started checking the forum at the same time.

Players have very high mobility after level 20. It is not difficult for the bronze warrior type to reach a speed of about 200 per hour, and the magic type can also learn flying skills.

Even an alchemist can drive a motorcycle,

So now there are players everywhere in the wild, and with 1.0 they can choose to go online when they go offline, which allows players to extend their range of activities infinitely.

It is said that some scenery party members have gone to a place 30,000 kilometers outside the city, and were very lucky not to be killed.

In the exploration of these players, there have been four or five cases similar to Demacia, and a large network can be vaguely woven towards Dongwu City.

He continued to search for some keywords on the forum and found that the four major border towns had similar situations, but in other border towns, those from the Kingdom of the Ancient Gods did not escape.

The war between some players and the Kingdom of Ancient Gods has already begun.

It just hasn’t extended to the four major cities themselves.

"The bugle is that guy's lifeblood. I wanted to borrow it for fun, but he wouldn't let me. As for Xiao Mo, it has a poor appetite recently. Didn't you see that the two rats didn't scare it away when I called it just now? Hehe, I may be entering adulthood, and my hard days are coming to an end."

Demacia answered the barrage, took out his mobile phone to edit the text message, and couldn't help but muttered: "I don't know if White Plague knows the situation here. I always feel that the Middle East Wucheng will be the most difficult in this war, that guy from the Guard Brigade I don’t know what I’m doing.”

He looked up at the sky, thought of something and asked, "When do you think the cat in the trailer will come out? Is it possible to turn it into a summoned object?"

Seeing the barrage crazily destroying his self-confidence, Demacia didn't care: "People have to have illusions. This time the monster is gone. The two rats come out and continue to hunt for treasure!"

As the big bat appeared, Demacia took off again and headed farther away.


Zero: [A message from Wonders Demacia: There are a large number of teleportation arrays from the Kingdom of Ancient Gods appearing in the wild, but they disappear as soon as they encounter Wonders. 】

Zero: [According to the information released by Qi Ke on the Alchemy Magic Network, the war may officially begin within a month. 】

White Plague, who was using super alloy to update the hive, was stunned for a moment.

But he ignored it and continued making.

It is normal for the war to start. The original 2.0 to 3.0 were always at war.

After Dongwu City was destroyed, the border city to the east became Chaoyang City, and the battlefields in the south, northwest, and northwest never stopped.

At that time, there were Rose of the Night and players in the Federation causing trouble, and there were many ancient god kingdoms outside that were besieging them. It was fine, and now it will be fine.

The four legions in Tobu City now spend hundreds of millions every month. This money is not used to support good-looking people. Tobu City has never been afraid of war.

With a population of more than five million, a large number of adventurers and extraordinary people are trying to join the four major legions. The masses have long been unable to hold back their desire to start a war.

Even the first two wars between players were criticized by the extraordinary people of Tobu City. After all, people would die in the war. When people died, there would be vacancies in the legion. If there were vacancies, they could join the legion.

As for whether they will die after joining the legion, it doesn't matter. The mortality rate of adventurers is not lower than that of the legion. First, they must get high-paying positions.

However, Bai Ying still explained it to AI: [Look more at the official stuff. 70% of the stuff posted by Miracles is exaggerated. Basically, 100% of the stuff with the word "shock" is exaggerated. Your resolution module Need to upgrade. 】

Zero: [.I can’t understand. I will only make analysis based on data. 】

White Plague: [I will upgrade it for you after I finish making the hive. 】

After the honeycomb was completed, Bai Bian looked at the two apprentices and asked, "Is there anything you don't understand about the manufacturing process just now?"

Ba Tuo was a little confused, but still said: "I have recorded the steps of the city lord, and I will watch it again and again."

There was a trace of fanaticism in Yue Fang's eyes: "Lord City Lord, can you teach me the technology of your alloy? I feel that it is hundreds of times stronger than the alloy I can make now."

Bai Bian glanced at his mechanical arm, was silent for a moment, and then nodded: "Yes, but your rank is too low. From now on, the work of compressing and extracting solar energy will be left to you until you can make it." I’ll leave it to you when the time comes.”

He thought for a while and said: "I will give you a quota of 100,000 gold coins. With this quota, you can buy any materials you want to make what you want. And I will ask people to buy these things at a price that is 10% lower than the market price." price to purchase.”

"I can guarantee that everything you create can be sold immediately, but how much growth funds you can obtain later depends on you."

Ba Tuo and Yue Fang's eyes lit up and they agreed directly. After all, this model is actually the growth model of ordinary alchemists, but the alchemical creations of ordinary alchemists are not so easy to sell.

For example, in the Dawn Pharmacy in front of White Plague, before it became famous, elves still needed to bring the goods.

Bai Bian thought for a while, then piled most of the knowledge he had collected so far in the corner of the room and classified it.

"It contains all the basic knowledge of alchemy and a large part of the rare knowledge of alchemy. You can watch it freely. This is a bonus."

As he spoke, Bai Bian felt something, took out two Dawn Badges from the Demon Dimension and threw them to them, and said calmly: "I am going to make bullets for the energy gun now. You can choose to watch, or you can go by yourself. Research."

As he spoke, Bai Bian's eyes turned scarlet, and at the same time, he was in the devil's dimension.

A small blood pool exudes a light golden brilliance. One day here is equal to more than two years. After these few days of development, the blood essence has finally reached the gold level.

All kinds of rare materials are completely integrated into the blood, and any drop of blood essence is as powerful as all the magic power of a bronze transcendent.

In other words, if a bronze-level transcendent takes one sip, it will explode.

Bai Bian checked it out.

[Name: Blood Essence.

Properties: Material.

Quality: Gold.

Introduction: Blood contains huge power, and even a little power of rules appears in it.

Price: 500 gold coins per liter. 】

The most evil blade appeared in the demon dimension.

A force emerged, one-third of the blood essence was divided, and the extremely evil blade slowly sank into it.


A buzzing sound appeared, and the silver-level extremely evil blade suddenly burst out with incomparable suction, absorbing blood crazily.

Scarlet lines gradually appeared on its black blade, and the small scalpel gave people an extremely sinister feel.

The growth column is rising rapidly.

One thousand liters of blood essence had only dropped by one-third when the extremely evil blade suddenly erupted with a buzzing sound.

Suddenly a subtle power of rules emerged, and the extremely evil blade was directly promoted to the gold level.

And it is still rising rapidly.

When the thousand liters of blood essence was completely sucked dry, the growth rate of the Extremely Evil Blade reached 30% again.

Bai Bian, who had switched to the light side, was a little surprised. The energy of this blood essence seemed to be greater than he imagined.

After all these blood essences are absorbed, the extremely evil blade seems to be able to reach the legendary level.

After making a bullet, Bai Bian thought about it and left a hundred liters of blood essence, because this thing was originally sacrificed to the god Scarlet Lord.

The value of it is very great. There are some experiments to be done on the White Plague. If some blood essence is added to some modifications, the power may become much greater.

A hundred liters less should be enough to reach Legend, right?

When White Plague was making the second bullet, the Evil Blade had already plunged into the Blood Essence, frantically absorbing the blood originally contributed to God.

After White Plague made thirty super alloy bullets, more than 2,800 liters of blood essence had disappeared, and the extremely evil blade also burst out with a strong sense of sharpness at this moment.

A sharp rule seems to be opening up the dimension of idealism and coming into reality.

At the same time, behind this small scalpel, the shadow of a ferocious beast loomed, its scarlet eyes peeping at the outside world, staring at the time slowdown zone in the devil's dimension.

White Blight gave the bullet to the new version of Hive, and was taken into the Demon Dimension by them.

Even now, the hive is still very practical. It has a transformation module and so on. In an emergency, it can be an alchemy experiment bench, and it can also become Barrett, a poisoned assistant or something.

After taking a look at the Demon Dimension, Bai Bian thought for a while, let the two apprentices learn on their own, and walked to the backyard.

The upgrade of AI still needs to wait, the growth of the extremely evil blade is the key.

Arriving at the Pavilion in the Heart of the Lake, Bai Bian's pupils turned scarlet, and the surrounding natural elements that were relatively close to him instantly collapsed and fled into the distance.

He stretched out his hand, and a pitch-black scalpel appeared in his hand. At the same time, an extremely sharp feeling emerged around him, and a humming sound emitted unconsciously.

Checked the panel.

[Your Evil Blade has reached the gold level and gets optional special effects x 1. 】

[Your Evil Blade has reached the legendary level and gets optional special effects ×1. 】

[You have activated the Evil Blade's optional special effect x 1. 】

[Please choose one of the three effects below. 】

[Scarlet Demon Blade: The damage caused by the extremely evil blade to living creatures can purify the enemy's blood into blood energy and restore your damaged health. The degree of recovery depends on the enemy's level. The higher the level, the greater the blood energy. high. 】

[Extreme sharpness: sharpness +50. 】

[King Kong Blade: Durability +300. After the durability of the extremely evil blade returns to zero, the energy contained in it is stimulated to quickly repair the extremely evil blade. 】

Bai Bian paused for a moment and looked at the effects of these three equipments, with some confusion in his eyes: blood-sucking, attack, and defense.

What should I do if I really want to do it?

Why should he make the choice? Can't you choose them all?

However, this can also show the strength of the blood essence. The extremely evil blade that is enhanced with this thing has much stronger effect options.

He struggled for a while before finally choosing the [Scarlet Demon Blade] because it was a weapon of the dark side, and the dark side's specialty [Evil Body] had no weaknesses.

If you have this ability to recover, plus the expertise of getting stronger by killing people, a system that gets stronger as you fight and is infinitely enhanced will emerge.

That is a battle system in which the outcome of this battle has not yet been decided as long as I have one tentacle.

But the other two are also very good. Once the sharpness exceeds 200, many armor-type equipment will become like paper.

Even if the Evil Blade now reaches the legendary level, its sharpness is only 160.

After Bai Bian chose this equipment effect, the appearance of the Extremely Evil Blade began to change. On the pure black scalpel, scarlet lines began to appear.

The lines were like blood vessels, spreading from the tip of the blade to the entire blade, and even the entire handle was covered in scarlet lines.

If the extremely evil blade looked like a scalpel burned by fire at first, now you can tell at a glance that this thing is not a good thing.

After sizing up the new skin, Bai Fei hesitated to select the last effect.

[You have activated the Evil Blade's optional special effect x 1. 】

[Please choose one of the three effects below. 】

[Bloody Summoning: You can summon the dead souls under the extremely evil blade to assist in the battle. The number of souls that can be summoned is now: 5.

Cooling time: 30 natural days. 】

[Sharp Sky Breaking: +80 sharpness. 】

[Malicious Kill (unique): When the target's health is less than 10%, the next attack of the Extremely Evil Blade will extract a lot of malice from your dark side, causing a mind-killing effect.

Cooling time: 30 natural days.

Note: The stronger the malicious intent extracted, the higher the upper limit of killing. 】

Bai Bian was stunned, and then decisively chose his only ability.

Killing was something he had always dreamed of, and this killing ability perfectly matched his abilities.

For a purely evil creature, having malice extracted represents an all-round weakening, because the root of evil thoughts is malice.

That is to say, every time you kill someone, it is equivalent to adding a year or even several years of growth, and the price is not small.

But for Bai Bian, this was simply giving him a pillow when he fell asleep. The hidden dangers he had always had disappeared with this ability.

What did the dark side use to invade his soul?

Why is that extremely evil will dangerous?

This is all malicious!

This ability is more suitable for his ability than tailor-made!

It can even be called a life-saving straw.

There was real relaxation in Bai Bian's eyes. Well, now his crisis has turned into combat power. If he finds a way to layer his soul, then the invasion of the dark side will also become the upper limit of killing.

After taking a look at the attributes of the Extremely Evil Blade, which is now considered luxurious, the bleeding attribute is the most exaggerated. Can it only be said that it is a legendary exclusive weapon?

[Name: Extremely Evil Blade.

Quality: Legendary.

Equipment durability: 480/480.

Effect 1: Sharpness: 160.

Effect 2: Armor Break: The Evil Blade ignores the percentage of the enemy's armor and stamina. The specific amount depends on the gap between the weapon level and the opponent. The minimum armor break is 10%.

Effect 3: Bloodthirsty Blade: Any damage caused by the Evil Blade is accompanied by a high bleeding effect. The enemy requires a large amount of energy to expel this bleeding effect. This effect increases with the growth of the Evil Blade, and the bleeding effect appears. : 5% per second.

Effect 4: Scarlet Demon Blade: The damage caused by the extremely evil blade to living creatures can purify the enemy's blood into blood energy and restore your damaged health. The degree of recovery depends on the enemy's level. The higher the level, the higher the blood energy. The higher the energy.

Effect 5: Malicious Slash (unique): When the target's health is lower than 10%, the next attack of the Extremely Evil Blade will extract a large amount of malice from your dark side, causing a mind-killing effect.

Cooling time: 30 natural days.

Note: The stronger the malicious intent extracted, the higher the upper limit of killing.

Growth: Absorb blood, malice, and soul to grow.

Ready-made length: 1%

Equipment requirements: Exclusive equipment.

Growth: The extremely evil blade, each time the quality grows by a large level, a special effect can be awakened.

Evaluation: Unparalleled growth speed, epic, root, and may not be able to stop its growth, but its owner should be careful. As an extremely evil weapon, the extremely evil blade is not a sacred weapon. When your extreme evil is not enough to suppress it When, maybe it will leave?

Price: Not for sale. 】

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