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Chapter 202 Sabo: Guess what I found?

Looking at the evaluation column, Bai Bian thought thoughtfully, is it the root level above the epic?

Root-level weapons are weapons that mortals cannot create. Most of them are items naturally formed by the world, and they all contain some world rules.

Things of the same level as root level and artifacts are true treasures.

It's just that there are weak and strong artifacts. After all, gods also have levels, such as new gods.

They use the quality and total amount of faith and divine power to divide their ranks, and they are divided into five levels of gods in total.

Weak divine power, weak divine power, medium divine power, strong divine power, great divine power.

Among them, only Destiny has reached great divine power, and the rest, such as the God of War, the God of Death, the Dragon God, and the Goddess of Life, are all new gods with powerful divine power.

The Ancient Gods have a system of classification, but after the rise of the New Gods, Shia's transcendents always habitually use the ranks of the New Gods to divide them when recording the Ancient Gods.

Because of the comparison of strength, these divisions are quite similar.

Of course, the power of the artifacts created at each stage of divine power will be different.

After looking at the comments that seemed to say that the Extremely Evil Blade would defect, White Plague didn't bother to pay attention.

This thing's current growth rate is only 1%. Even if White Plague is willing to spend resources, it will not be able to grow to an epic level within ten years.

The reason is very simple. When it absorbed the blood essence just now, at the moment it was promoted to legend, there should be more than 500 liters of blood essence left, and the energy contained in the blood essence is ridiculously strong.

However, after it finished sucking, it rose by 1%.

If the scalpel hadn't been sucked in too fast and dried up before he could react, then he would have retained the five hundred liters of gold-level blood essence.

"The extremely evil blade of insatiable greed, I will break it for you next time."

With a low threat, the extremely evil blade disappeared and returned to the heart of the dark side's body.

In the beating of its extremely evil heart, it seemed to be shaking the blade contentedly, completely ignoring White Plague's warning.

Bai Bian thought about it and decided to upgrade the AI ​​first to improve its ability to absorb knowledge and analyze intelligence.

Entering the laboratory, Bai Ying took off his contact lenses, turned on various instruments, and started upgrading.

The two apprentices silently put down their work, approached cautiously, and observed with interest.

This upgrade lasted for two days. There were many fewer players in Dongwu City during these two days because the three cities in the south, north and west had started some wars.

Some ancient god kingdoms are testing the strength of border towns.

The border city lords have read the Wonders manual given by Bai Bing, and are happy to create battlefields for players to reduce the casualties of local soldiers.

The intensity of this tentative invasion battle is not much higher, and players can definitely use it to level up.

When those probing countries actually invade and the players' levels are all greatly improved, that's when the real war begins.

When Bai Bian completely upgraded his AI, Yue Fang, who was watching from the side, left thoughtfully. He needed a stronger AI assistant.

Ba Tuo's eyes were a little confused. His level and knowledge reserve were too low, and he couldn't understand these manufacturing processes.

But the smart thing about him is that he recorded all of this with the AI ​​clone given by Bai Zhi. When he can understand it, every equipment upgrade of Bai Zhi and every explanation of Bai Zhi will be his alchemy. Improvement of capabilities.

After doing this, Bai Bian temporarily stopped the continued production of alchemical products. He planned to study arcana first, and then specialize in the research of mechanical god possession.

Next comes the testing of various new abilities.

But arcane research doesn't need to be in the laboratory. Although he doesn't hate laboratories, it's good to change places occasionally.

Magic power surged out of his body, and some dust on his body instantly dissipated.

Extraordinary people in this world rarely use water to bathe. Due to the use of cleansing, cleansing and other spells, most mages' bodies are extremely clean, and there is not even a trace of dust that can get close to them.

Alchemists, on the other hand, like to spray their entire body with alchemical potions, which will also take away all dirt.

For example, there is this kind of equipment in Bai Yin's laboratory. Before starting some experiments, Bai Yin will enter the sterile equipment and wash his clothes and body thoroughly.

You can also use the magic power to cleanse your whole body directly, just like Bai Ying is doing now, to ensure that your body is spotless.

However, there are also many people who use water to bathe, such as in civilian areas, or some extraordinary people do the same.

People in civilian areas are really cleaning up the dirt, while those extraordinary people simply like to take hot baths or add some extraordinary plants to enhance their physical fitness.

However, the white plague is easy to come by. Using magic power to clean it can be regarded as exercising the control of magic power, and it can be done in three seconds.

There was originally a deck chair in the Lake Pavilion. The thing was made from the branches of the Tree of Life. It has the ability to attract the natural elements of wood and life elements. It is very precious.

After Bai Bian sat there twice, he decisively gave it to Eric. He was still very young and didn't need that thing.


The hive emerged from the demon dimension and spliced ​​into a throne.

A lot of arcane information appeared in front of Bai Bian's eyes, and he gradually fell into research.

Not far away from him, Irene and Luoning were having a lively chat with two elves, and the transplantation of the Tree of Life also began among the elves of many life tribes.

Unexpectedly, the transplants this time were not all saplings. After all, the adult Tree of Life will produce ten to twenty Flowers of Life every spring.

Picking the Flower of Life at this time is a legendary material, and it is a legendary material unique to the elves.

Therefore, as expected by the white plague, the visitors this time might be all saplings. Unexpectedly, there were also three adult trees more than ten meters high.

This transplant lasted for three days. Three large trees and seven small saplings added a little vitality to the white patch of backyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

And also because of the Tree of Life, the life elements and wood elements in this yard continue to rise. The air here alone makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The happiest person is Eileen.

She is an elf and is naturally fond of the Tree of Life. If Luo Ning hadn't stopped her, she would have even planned to move to the Tree of Life.

In the very distant past, many elves did like to live directly on the Tree of Life, which would make them feel comfortable and secure. After all, it was a gift from the gods.

However, Bolton was very dissatisfied with this. After applying, the Bone Dragon returned to sleep on the wall of the inner city.

For undead creatures, the activation of life energy is like scalding their skin with boiling water, which is very uncomfortable.

"Lord City Lord, the transplantation of the Tree of Life has been completed. This is the way to plant the Tree of Life and the method of reproduction."

A green-haired elf reported in a gentle tone and handed over a thick book.

This book is very new and it can be seen that it was printed recently.

"Thank you for your hard work." Bai Bian smiled and took it: "Say hello to Mr. Hull for me."

"Okay, then I won't disturb the Lord of the City." The elf bowed gracefully and left with a dozen green-haired elves.

Bai Bian looked at the Tree of Life thoughtfully and thought about the core of the arcana.

Bai Bian slid one hand in the void.


An emerald green oriental dragon that was more than ten meters long suddenly appeared beside him. The energy of life continued to gather and flew out under the guidance of his spirit.

Finally, it exploded amidst the exclamations of Irene and Luo Ning.

Life energy emerged dreamily in the snow, and at the same time some buds buried in the snow began to sprout.

"Wow~ Capital amount, boss, I want to learn this!"

Eileen immediately ran over, her eyes full of admiration. If she learned such a cool life-type move, would she be envious of Luo Ning?

Bai Bian glanced at the elf. She definitely wanted to talk about being a capitalist, right? Absolutely?


"Brother boss, Grandma Elena asked me to eat." Luo Ning trotted over and swallowed his saliva and said, his whole person was in a state of anticipation.

"Uh? Boss, we'll learn later and eat first!" Eileen ran to the restaurant in an instant.

Ever since Burton took back Diane's chef, meals have become the most anticipated thing for the three of them.

Moreover, with the support of White Plague, the Adventurer Guild in Tobu City also has many high-level flesh-and-blood missions.

Sometimes it is even necessary for some L-shaped transformed warriors to take the teleportation array to the capital to buy ingredients.

After all, the taste and effect of the things made by top chefs are outstanding.

After Luo Ning had just eaten a few gold-level meals, his energy had now reached the upper limit of bronze. As long as he kept up mentally, he would soon be promoted to silver level.

"Let's go." Bai Bian walked behind with Luo Ning. When they arrived, Irene was already sitting on her seat waiting for her fruits to be cooked. She had never thought that fruits could also be made into cooked food.

Elena is an old but kind-faced old woman. She is over eighty years old, which makes her movements a little slow.

But her behavior always gives people a sense of elegance.

There are many professions in this world, and chef is one of them, and it is the best choice for those who do not have talent to practice mainstream professions.

For example, it is not that difficult to become a chef, but it is very difficult to continue to be promoted.

"Ms. Elena, let's eat together." Bai Bian invited.

"No, these foods are not suitable for me." Elena smiled and shook her head. She would occasionally look into the distance, as if she was missing something.

However, she knew the relationship between Bai Bian and Diane, so she didn't have much objection to coming to Tobu City, because she knew that the child she watched grow up would eventually come here.

Without much persuasion, Bai Ying wore the title of taster and took a bite of today's ingredients.

[When you eat Galaxy Rabbit, your agility will be +1. 】

Bai Bian's eyes were a little surprised. Elena would choose different ingredients based on the occupation of the person eating. If there was no limit on the amount of the meal, whatever she made would be effective against Bai Bian.

Generally, after four or five meals, there will be some feedback.

That's what top chefs are for, and it's a profession that everyone enjoys.

Of course, forget about the ogres in the abyss and the butchers in hell.

These two things are essentially cooks, but they look crooked.


Suddenly, her mental power surged, and Luo Ning, who was eating, raised her head in confusion. Today, her ingredients were also top-notch, but they were just recipes to increase her mental power.

Apparently, she had a breakthrough while eating.

Stars appeared around, attracting the attention of three people.

There was a little joy in Elena's cloudy eyes. She liked this polite little girl very much. She was still very happy to see the food she made helping others.

As the power of the stars returned, Luo Ning lowered his head in embarrassment: "Well, if you look at me, I will be embarrassed."

Bai Bian looked back and sighed, no wonder those perverts grew up so fast.

Since childhood, I have been eating the extraordinary meal that is most suitable for my level. As long as my talent is not too poor, my final achievements will not be too low.

It's just a little expensive, this meal costs 50,000 gold coins.

Unless you go hunting yourself, not everyone can afford gold-level ingredients.

After the meal, Bai Bian left the city lord's mansion and came to the mage school.

There are more and more students in this school. Sabo is expanding the school in the outer city. Bai Bian said that he wants to develop Tobu City, so he will develop it according to his own understanding.

And instead of burning his money, he is happy to develop it like the top capital of a great power in ancient times.

When I walked to the principal's office, Eric and Heidinger were both there, drinking tea and chatting about something.

After he came in, the conversation of the two old men turned to him.

However, as White Blight brought the topic to arcane magic, and after describing some of the characteristics of arcane magic, another council meeting began.

Arcane spells are really useful, but the mage profession cannot be denied just because there are arcane spells.

The mage is no worse than the arcane, in White Blight's understanding.

The mage's main focus is intelligence and his secondary focus is spirit.

Moreover, mages have a certain suppression effect on arcane masters of the same level in single duels.

The main part of arcana is spirit, and the secondary part is magic power.

And based on knowledge, they need a longer casting time and a longer growth time. The advantage is that the requirements for qualifications are not that great.

Moreover, alchemists, diviners, and mages can all practice arcane magic.

Therefore, under the final decision of the parliament, the arcane profession became the sixth largest profession in Daybreak.

The Hall of Knowledge is also preparing to begin collecting arcane knowledge and organize it into a new profession.

However, the Federation does not recommend that alchemists and mages practice arcane arts at the same time. Of course, it will not stop them.

Because the knowledge system of alchemy and mage is too huge, even people with skill points like Bai Bian cannot complete the knowledge of this department.

If you continue to study the arcane system, which will become even larger in the future, then even the most talented person's cultivation progress will be delayed.

Even Bai Bian only plans to use arcane theory to practice the method of the soul.

However, Daybreak and the Federation of Stars have a very tacit understanding, that is, although arcana is divided into professions, the first step is to pilot the scholars.

After the scholars have learned enough, they will then be allowed to serve in schools.

This can cause minimal career impact, and also allow these academic geniuses to see the shining points of arcane magic first.

After this meeting ended, the sun in the sky set westward again.

Bai Bian looked at the sky, his eyes full of thoughts. The matter of knowledge came to an end for the time being. Now it was time to study the mechanical spirit.

I just wanted to go back to the city lord's mansion to make some equipment with constant attributes.

Suddenly a high-pitched voice rang out, and Sabo didn't know when he appeared not far from White Plague.

His expression was a little exaggerated, and he looked very excited with his hands spread out: "My dear City Lord, guess what I found?"

"What?" Bai Bian's eyes were a little solemn, but he still didn't notice any breath. Sabo could actually sneak within ten meters of him. This is a dangerous distance.

Sabo smiled mysteriously:

"The devil's game, there are still two, but these devils seem to be a little wary?"

"So we should discuss how to keep their treasures."

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