This time Diane also came with Michus. Michus was getting older and it was basically impossible to get into Legend, so he ran around with Diane.

Now the Difeng family basically revolves around these two brothers and sisters.

And Diane's growth was faster than everyone expected. When she obtained the undead body, she was only over level 30, but now, only a year later, she is already level 58.

This can only be said that with no shortage of resources, the Necromancer is worthy of being the top profession.

After all, it was a body given by God, completely comparable to that of a natural necromancer.

White Plague spent this birthday very happily. After all, Daybreak people generally don't celebrate birthdays, and there are even very few holidays. After all, everyone thinks about how to strengthen themselves instead of pursuing spiritual happiness.

It was he who taught Diane to come over to celebrate his birthday. In my memory, every time it was Diane's birthday, Bai Bian would find a reason to surprise her. However, the surprises were made with Diane's money.

After all, how could the white plague have money at that time?

Although a large portion of Diane's money was embezzled on every birthday, the eldest daughter gained happiness, he gained wages, and both parties were quite satisfied.

While practicing his memory ability, Bai Bian recovered almost all his memories, and then he discovered a very speechless thing, that is, the time he traveled through might be earlier than he thought.

Even twenty years ago, a child could not bear the memory of a twenty-year-old adult, so the memory was temporarily sealed.

When his brain was strong enough to withstand the memory injection, a memory awakening occurred, but the sudden impact of memory washed away part of the memory that originally belonged to him, causing something similar to amnesia.

But this can also explain why he was able to master the words and knowledge in his memory in just half a year.

That is more than one brand-new text and a brand-new system of knowledge.

The construction of the outer city is getting faster and faster, and there are more and more speculations on the Internet. All kinds of malicious or well-intentioned speculations point to Tobu City.

However, Bai Bian ignored their intentions and has been waiting for them recently.

Waiting for the third test to come, we are also waiting for a meeting from the Federation.

"What are you doing?"

Diane looked curiously at the construction projects in the outer city and couldn't help but ask.

"A new world!"

The answer was not Bai Bian's, but Luo Ning's, who had been in an especially good mood these past two days.

She actually had doubts when she was very young, why people outside are so miserable, but people inside are so prosperous.

When her mother died, she was even a little afraid of the Federation and wanted to hide, because she only saw malice towards them in the Federation, but not the slightest bit of kindness.

When she was somewhat stable here in Baiyi, she once asked if she could change the environment in the outer city.

Originally, Luo Ning was trying not to trouble Bai Bie as much as possible, but she still said it. It can be thought that this is actually her obsession.

So, when large-scale construction really started in the outer city, the world she once imagined appeared in her dreams.

"New world?" Diane looked at Luo Ning with extremely bright eyes in surprise, and fell into deep thought.

"Yes, everyone here will have smiles on their faces in the future." Luo Ning said, thinking of something: "Except goblins and dwarfs!"

This time it was Bai Bian's turn to be a little surprised: "Why?"

"Um" Luo Ning was stopped by the question. She thought for a moment and said, "I don't know, but in my dream they were all begging, or they were lying at home without any smiles."

She thought of something and quickly added: "But that's not all. Goblins and dwarfs with human blood are still smiling happily."

There was thought in Bai Bian's eyes. It seemed that neither he nor Sabo had thought about racial characteristics.

If we insist on counting, these two races can actually be classified as dark races, but they are naturally afraid of the strong, so they will abide by the law under the management of order.

But it doesn't matter. Goblins and dwarfs only account for 20% of Tobu City's population, and Sabo doesn't want all races when he's in the outer pit.

This small amount of population dislocation will not affect the overall situation.

"what are you up to?"

Diane frowned and asked, "Why do I have a bad premonition?"

Bai Bian knew she would ask, but there was nothing he couldn't say. As soon as his thoughts changed, Diane's phone buzzed a little.

She picked up her phone and looked at it. There were dense messages on it.

[Grassroots reform plan. 】

This is a plan written by AI, and will be reasonably expanded based on some ideas from Bai Ying and Saab.


She quickly swiped her phone and finally turned off the screen. She stared at Bai Bian with wide eyes: "You are breaking the law."

"If I have to do it, will you support me?" Bai Bian asked, with a calm smile on his face.

Diane was silent, lowered his head, his eyes full of thoughts: "How long will it take for you to implement these things?"

Bai Bian thought for a while: "The moment the war starts."

"But it should be earlier. The legion will take a breather first, and I won't stop some soldiers who are leaving."

Diane nodded, held the phone tightly and turned around to leave: "I'm going back first, I have to think about this matter."

Bai Bian paused but did not stop him. He touched Luo Ning's confused head and asked with a smile: "Luo Ning still wants to go shopping?"

"Um, is Sister Diane angry?" Luo Ning asked worriedly.

"No, she just wants to go back and make some people shut up at certain times." Bai Bian said with certainty.

Luo Ning thought for a moment, then pointed at the numb and bewildered civilians around him and asked, "Brother Boss, why do so many people in my dream seem to not want to see them smile?"

"Because they laughed, many people couldn't laugh anymore. For example, those who built the railway would go bankrupt." Bai Bian explained patiently.

"If you are interested, you can ask your master"

He changed the topic: "But when I was in the city lord's mansion, why did I always see Irene's master, but not your master?"

"Master went out and said there was some opportunity or something. He has been out for a long time." Luo Ning also missed it a little. After all, her master was very kind to her, and Luo Ning was very grateful.

Bai Bian thought thoughtfully: "Didn't you predict your master?"

"I knew it. She will probably come back when the weather gets hotter." Luo Ning nodded and said seriously.

Bai Bian asked: "How about we go back?"

"Okay, listen to my boss brother."

The war in the border city is getting more and more intense. The players in the other three border cities have gone crazy and their respective legions are ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

Only Tobu City was still under construction, and it was becoming increasingly eerily quiet.

Counting from the player's last war, it has been four months in a row that other cities have been at war, and only Tobu City has enjoyed peace and prosperity.

But for the extraordinary world, four months is also very short.

Bai Bing also started manufacturing micromachines after Diane left. He needed to continue to strengthen himself.

The Ministry of Finance also frantically purchased solar energy and various strange materials under Bai Bian's order. The prices for these materials were once purchased at inflated prices.

Such a huge expenditure has caused many people to start discussing, but when a hot spot comes on the Internet, the old hot spots are quickly suppressed.

This includes the construction issues of Tobu City. In the increasingly larger wars in other cities, these issues still seem a bit insignificant.

However, the news is mixed. Peace can indeed make Tobu City develop more rapidly, but the bad news is that there are fewer and fewer players in Tobu City.

Most players still prefer war.

When the time came to May, there were only about 400,000 players left, which was a 60% decrease compared to nearly one million at the peak.

With the help of so many players and the extraordinary people of Tobu City, the construction of the outer city has exceeded 20%. If such a huge Tobu City is to be completely transformed, it will have to wait until at least 1539.

The white plague didn't matter, but Sabo couldn't wait any longer.

He needs a lot of resources, and Tobu City's 10% tax, even if it is doubled now with the addition of the Internet, is still not comparable to his initial predatory income.

"My friend, the school I built first, now there are as many as fifty schools in the outer city, and various low-level material factories, mines, and factories have opened outside. I feel that our plan can start ”

Bai Bian made a gold-eating insect and asked with a smile: "Is there going to be a war?"

Sabo said with a grimace: "My clone told me that because of the rapid decrease in the wonders of Tobu City, those ancient god kingdoms plan to wait."

"But my friends, they have all united. I have plundered three abyss lords in the mutated areas in the past few months. The resources are under pressure."

Bai Bian was a little helpless: "But even if the reform starts, all the investment will be made in the early stage, and there will be no income, right?"

"But at least it's started." Saab spread his hands and said, "I don't even know how long it will take if we just start construction."

"Then let's do this. Let your clone help me find a space full of time and space stones. After finding it, I will give you 10% of the time and space stones. How about it?" Bai Bian thought for a while and asked.

"Space-time stones?" Sabo's eyes widened: "How many are there?"

"I'm not sure. It's said to be some relics from the New God War. The number should be no less than ten million." Bai Bing said thoughtfully, "But it's hard to find. I only know the general direction and how I appeared. Not too sure.”

"That's enough!" Sabo suddenly became excited: "My friend, please tell me the location. You really saved me from fire and water!"

"In a place called the Peninsula Desert, about 50,000 kilometers to the southeast, very far away."

"My friend, take your leave and wait for my good news."

Before Bai Bian finished speaking, Sabo had already disappeared. It could be seen that he was really anxious.

Bai Bian looked at the two apprentices next to him. They had improved greatly in the past few months, especially Yue Fang, who was almost at the silver level.

But Yue Fang simply couldn't see it now. The mechanization of this guy's body has now reached 60%.

The limbs and part of the torso have been fully mechanized, and the AI ​​he developed himself has begun to grow. Perhaps when his brain also begins to be mechanized, his strength will increase even faster.

I ignored it and continued to create gold-eating insects.

[You created a gold-eating insect ×1, and the experience value is +1. 】

[You have been upgraded and reached level 63. 】

[Saint 3: War. 】

Bai Bian stopped his hand and looked at the sky. It was the end of May.

The silence of half a year seems to have finally begun.


"You report to the Armaments Department and prepare to start the war."

Bai Bian said and walked out quickly. It would not take more than ten days from the reminder of the mission to the arrival of the mission.

It should be soon.

"my friend."

Sabo's search for the Space-Time Stone Plane was not his own. In other words, in his opinion, Tobu City's subsequent income was the bulk of it, but if he was looking for a place, his clone would be enough.

Bai Bian was a little surprised: "How many clones do you have?"

Sabo spread his hands: "One, but my friends, some informants I planted told me that the opponent's army has begun to gather, and the number of troops coming to attack our Tobu City this time may reach tens of millions."

Bai Ying paused and said calmly: "It doesn't matter, the plan can start. I'll prepare some things."

As he said this, Bai Bian walked to the backyard. About ten minutes later, Wei Brigade, who was full of the aura of a scholar, appeared here.

"Mr. Plague."

He gave a slight salute to show respect, and Demacia and the others had already gone to other border towns.

After the alchemy technology teleportation array connected the border towns, players' ability to choose maps has been greatly improved, and it is basically impossible for players to have a sense of belonging.

"The war is about to begin." Bai Bian said directly: "And I want you to do me a favor."

"Summon other wonders?" Wei Brigade was a little embarrassed. Players are not just summoned by a host.

"No, no, you should take a look at this first." Bai Bian handed part of the grassroots reform plan and the results to Wei Brigade.

Of course, he did not use the word reform, but changed the word: Tobu Reform.

Wei Lv took it with some doubts, but his expression suddenly changed as he looked at it, his eyes full of solemnity.

Wei Brigade, who knew the background of the Dawn Federation very well, knew what the things in his hands represented. It was a new era.

Perhaps it will lead to a reform of the entire federation.

And this is very familiar to players of the Great Celestial Dynasty.

When I was reading history, I saw a person who tried to create an equal world, but died miserably.

The extraordinary person Bai Bian still has privileges, but he has raised the various rights of civilians and eliminated the extreme oppression.

But this is enough to make civilians throughout the federation flock to it.

He saluted Bai Ying again, this time with a hint of respect in his tone: "Mr. Bai Ying, what do you want me to do?"

This is just a game, but in his eyes it is more than just a game.

"Public opinion, I know your wonders are good at this. Tobu City issues rewards to control public opinion on the Internet. The reading rate is 10 copper coins." Bai Bian smiled: "Probably tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow at the latest, public opinion will break out."

Wei Brigade breathed a sigh of relief. Players are not omnipotent, but the Internet in this world has only been around for two years. The online experience of their players crushes this world, and others may not be able to do it.

But writing a short composition is a professional match for players!

Looking at the task that appeared, he decisively agreed: "No problem! Leave it to me."

Bai Bian patted the guard brigade on the shoulder, smiled and said, "Go ahead. If you do it well this time, I'll give you a promotion."

Wei Lu bowed slightly, turned around and left with a smile.

After thinking for a while, Bai Bian decisively called up the panel: [Enter, the world of darkness! 】

[We are entering the dark night world. The time flow rate in the dark night world is 50% of Shia's. 】

[Please do not kill or bewitch important characters. When an important character dies due to you, there will be no reward in the current settlement of this world. 】

Bai Yi didn't pay attention to this reminder, and his figure gradually faded and disappeared.

All he wants this time is some slaves.

On a tens-of-million-level battlefield, what power can compare to [Frenzy·Blooming]?

When a thousand wild blooms appear on the battlefield, the mutation zone? The kingdom of the ancient gods?

If their kings come together, more than half of them will die.

This is the most powerful flesh and blood transformation technology currently available to White Plague.

This technology broadcasts the whole process live to the parliament, coupled with the super combat effectiveness of the Tobu City Legion.

He sees no obstacles to reform.

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