[Breaking news, Tobu City has begun to change the laws and prepare to start a new order! 】

One day after the white epidemic entered the dark world, a headline on the Internet suddenly exploded the Internet full of wars.

At the same time, it also attracted the attention of many families and capital.

Tobu City has already attracted much attention, and Bai Bing is the pioneer who leads the dawn technology.

In addition, there are three top potentials in Tobu City.

All this makes the news about Tobu City very sensitive.

This title has been widely reposted and discussed in a short period of time.

After all, a few months ago, Tobu City began to build houses for civilians, and even built high-rise buildings, entertainment areas, and a large number of schools, which made people speculate.

Now some people's worries have finally died.

With the update of this account, the network has faced unprecedented pressure.

[Hello friends, I am an alchemist in Tobu City. There are many laws that have been promulgated and abolished in Tobu City. As an alchemist who is very interested in history, I have sorted it out a little and summarized it. For a moment.

More than three hundred years ago [Lou Shanming] once led a sub-border town to become independent. At that time, Lou Shanming failed in a short period of time. What he wanted to build was a world without any privileges. In other words, the golden transcendental master and the ordinary people An era when people are equal.

Fortunately, the current Tobu City is not so whimsical. It has not eliminated the privileges of extraordinary people, but it has weakened these privileges and added some powers to ordinary people.

For example, ordinary people in Tobu City, of any age, only need to pay a small amount of copper coins to enter the school to study, and a new cultivation system called [Arcane] is popularized.

Maybe you don't understand this system well. If you have a scholar's house, you can go and take a look. 90% of the scholars have become extraordinary people because of arcane magic in just a few months.

This is a system with extremely low thresholds, and it does not pursue occupation, qualifications, or age at all. It is said that it comes from the distant Federation of Stars, so I won’t mention it for now.

In addition to the school laws, I have summarized the laws that have been promulgated in Tobu City.

1. If any force or capital hires civilians in Tobu City, the working hours of civilians must not exceed eight hours.

2. Tobu City residents must have a Tobu City household registration to stay permanently, otherwise they will be deported back to the original city within a certain period of time.

3. You need to apply for the household registration in Tobu City. Only civilians who have passed Tobu City and other places can move.

4. The minimum annual salary for residents of Tobu City is 1 gold coin.

5. Tobu City residents can apply for a business license. After the application is approved, Tobu City will have a newly established agency [urban management] to assist and protect residents in setting up shops.

6. Robbery and fighting are prohibited in Tobu City. Those who commit minor offenses will be fined, and those who commit serious offenses will be sentenced to 3-30 years in prison or mining.

7. Expand the grain base and start cultivating more diverse and cheaper vegetables.

8. Support animal husbandry and open enterprises that produce a large amount of common meat from animal husbandry. You can get some jobs in Tobu City, and major campuses will buy these meats in bulk.


18. To democratize alchemy technology, Tobu City will launch mobile phones that can be purchased with single-digit silver coins. In the future, high-value but not extraordinary technologies will be launched to improve Tobu City.

Final summary: In Tobu City, extraordinary privileges have shrunk sharply, and civilian human rights have sharply expanded.

[Brothers, I am leaving and traveling far away with my luggage. Otherwise, if I hire civilians to work in my current alchemy workshop, the cost will increase more than 30 times. I am really short of money. Goodbye Tobu City. Deleted 】.

Follow-up post: What the fuck? Am I on fire? Don't worry, brothers, I will continue to report on this unspeakable behavior in Tobu City for you! Please pay attention.

There is also a household registration only for ordinary people, extraordinary people do not need a household registration. 】

Similar articles swept the entire Internet in an instant, and were even more outrageous than the last time Tobu City opened a gambling bureau.

Because the network covers the entire federation, even if there is a fee now, it will not stop more and more people in it.

After all, the Internet fee of one silver coin per month is not much for an extraordinary person. What is expensive is only some transactions and some paid knowledge.

There are many voices on the Internet, but most of them are the same as what the old city lord said. Why should they weaken their rights?

It's like a person who has spent several years and failed tests to finally get a driver's license, but Tobu City announced the next day that the driving test was cancelled, and everyone can drive without a driver's license.

This imbalance makes many people criticize Tobu City.

Of course, everyone is omnipotent, and if there is opposition, there will be support, no matter what the matter is.

The supporting faction occupies less than 1% of the network, and most of them are weak extraordinary beings, but their voices are still quickly drowned, and public opinion is one-sided, including the legions of Tobu City.

Complaints abound, but few leave.

The average bronze warrior in the outside world earns a military salary of 100 to 150 gold coins a month, but even the Wucheng Army, which has the lowest military salary, has a monthly salary of 1,000 gold coins.

Just like a job with an annual salary of one million, even if the leader scolds you, few people will resign directly.

A lot of other officials left, but as Tobu City's welfare further improved, these positions were filled instantly, leaving only the inner city in a state of chaos.

But under the patrols of the three-meter-tall Whispering Legion, there wasn't much trouble.

But the outer city fell into a state of disbelief.

Common people at dawn earn a salary of dozens of copper coins every month and work 13 to 16 hours a day.

But as soon as these laws were announced, the entire outer city immediately erupted into thunderous cheers after a brief silence.

Goblins, humans, and even some elves with particularly poor talents all burst into loud cheers as if they were celebrating the New Year.

The days of falling into hell despite being in order are finally coming to an end.

Sounds of thanks chanting Bai Bie's name began to spread. Originally, the change of city masters could only make them awe, but now, they are finally no longer cheap tools, but real people.

Smiles began to spread in the outer city. The lifeless outer city was extremely lively at this moment.

Some players who were doing tasks looked at this scene and seemed to think of themselves in the past. They couldn't help but smile, a sincere smile. It was so good.

Luo Ning, who was on top of the city lord's palace, even had some tears in his eyes.

Listening to the praises outside, I couldn't help but look at the sky and murmured: "Mom, maybe there will never be anyone like you again."


Capital, emergency meeting.


"This is nonsense!" A member of Glory slammed the table angrily: "What is he doing? Is there any more royal law? Can the Lord of Tobu City be so unscrupulous?"

The head of the Luowa family was also dissatisfied and said: "Remove, remove him! What kind of city should a child manage? Let him come back to practice, and the city will be managed by others!"

Their family is the third richest among all the families in Daybreak, and most of the basic equipment and high-end equipment in the Federation are made by his family.

The pricing of equipment at all levels throughout the federation is based on his family's standards.

The manufacturing of equipment is related to a series of industries such as mining, transportation, ore cleaning and polishing.

Among these industries, some without any technical content require extremely cheap civilians to work on.

One gold coin can hire twenty level 10 orcs for a month.

These are high-priced jobs in the entire federation.

Even the tenth-level races are rushing to do it.

The annual income of a farmer is only twenty silver coins, and being a farmer in this era is already considered a high-end profession among civilians.

Because the food they grow is not high-yielding crops, but a variety of vegetables, which are provided to various restaurants.

Ten silver coins a year for an ordinary worker is pretty good, but tens of copper coins a month is the norm.

The white plague directly set the wages of civilians at no less than 1 gold coin per year.

For a parliamentarian family like Rowa, this means that the originally low expenses will increase several times, and the profits will also drop many times.

Of course, this may not have spread to them yet, but if all civilians ran to Dongwu City, wouldn't the effect be the same?

Moreover, the hearts of civilians will be unbalanced, and a series of reactions will have a huge impact on the current federation.

There were many congressmen who agreed, but surprisingly, not all of them.

The councilors headed by the head of the Luowa family looked at these silent families with doubts in their eyes.

Before they could ask, the aura of the undead suddenly appeared, and in a black mist, Diane slowly walked out.

This was her first time coming to the parliament hall, but there was no curiosity in her eyes.

"Hello, fellow congressmen."

Diane bowed slightly and said with a smile: "This time I represent Dongwu City and I am here to answer some of your questions."

The congressmen frowned, but Diane was already an adult, and his strength was not weak. The necromancer who had reached level 59 might not be weaker than them in some states.

But they all grew up watching the third generation. In such formal occasions, they always feel that these little dolls are unreliable, and the more familiar they are, the less reliable they become.



The head of the Luowa family was interrupted by a slight cough as soon as he opened his mouth. Mishus couldn't help but teased: "Why do you represent Tobu City? Are you planning to change your surname to Tifeng?"

Diane blushed and glared at the old man: "Grandpa, don't interrupt, I have business to do."

"Hahaha, okay, okay, you represent Dongwu City and you are really not a good candidate for women," Michus said while stroking his beard and shaking his head.

However, with his interruption, the originally tense atmosphere suddenly began to relax.

Takamoto Komen also joked: "Tifeng, didn't we already agree that we would let that boy marry us? What? Now we have changed our minds?"

Fuman Helen, an old woman, also said: "Tsk, he may have been to Tobu City twice and was persuaded. But what you are doing is illegal. Be careful that Ogna will arrest you."

Michus: "You are just jealous and look down on you!"

The rare head of the Will family also appeared this time. There was a sword box on his somewhat clumsy back. Even among the extremely precious materials, there was still some edge left.

He said calmly: "I'll beat you if you keep playing."

Michus: "Old man, if you can't joke, just don't do it. It's very cold!"

"Hey, this busy guy is back too. I support you in beating him up. Beat him up so hard that he will scream all day long."

The Lott family, the Hull family, and the Yongyi family. Nearly half of the councilor families spoke out, making the atmosphere in the venue a bit strange.

The head of the Luowa family frowned and couldn't help but knock on the table.

suppressed the increasingly joyous atmosphere in the parliament.

"What's wrong with you?" Patriarch Luowa said calmly: "Do you know what this means? Think about three hundred years ago, even if we could withstand it, this change would bankrupt many small families. For the Federation, The existing system and economy have been dealt a fatal blow."

"Even the civilians who benefit will face a situation of no benefit at all. Don't tell me that you can't see it. Do you really think that every city is as rich as Tobu City?"

Michus looked at Diane, smiled and said, "Don't worry, you say what you want."

Diane nodded, looked at the unhappy MPs and said, "This is my first time coming to the parliament to make a proposal on behalf of Tobu City."

After she spoke, a little nervousness in her heart slowly disappeared.

She was not completely unprepared.

In the past two months, except for a small amount of time for practice, he successfully persuaded his brother. Then the two went to find Michus in secret, and finally gained his support.

Later, with the help of the Tifeng family, they found the half-elf who was discovered from the common people. Yuan Ming Yongyi was the top glorious assassin.

This half-elf was directly found by the elf family Yongyi after experiencing hardships. She was very supportive of the white plague's idea.

So the half-elf used his bloodline advantage to bring the five elven councilor families who already like peace and equality into the camp, as well as the law enforcement captain Ogna.

So far, she now has the support of six councilor families and three top potentials.

Then under the operation of Diane, her brother Yuantang Tifeng found his good friend, Helen Renchu.

After two days of persuasion, the most talented mage in the entire federation, who even reached level 75 at the age of twenty-four, also supported the reform.

Although the head of the Renchu ​​family still has the final say, with Helen's talent, as long as he speaks, the head of the Renchu ​​family will support him even though it is difficult.

Now there are seven families, the Law Enforcement Palace, and four top geniuses standing on the side of White Epidemic.

Next, the Fore family and the Lott family where the official letter is located.

Guan Xin, this guy, said to Diane: I didn’t expect that not only could you not defeat the White Plague, but you were so cowardly that you successfully joined their team.

Then came the top geniuses of the Lott family. With five of the six top talents in the capital participating, Lott Zheng Quan hesitated for a long time. He felt that it was the general trend and the fortune teller Aisha, so he did not stop his grandson from entering. .

And now all the families and elf families with top potential, perhaps they already have top potential, and they think that it doesn't matter whether they have the oppressive law or not.

They all support the beautiful world described by Diane.

After all, Diane didn't just rely on her words. She checked a lot of information. She read the laws of every powerful empire in the New God period, and finally compiled various economic, data, and power comparisons.

Maybe there is a reason why the liberated world can bring them better benefits.

After Diane received this support, he went to the Corman family. The majority of this family's income now comes from the Internet. Regarding the thing they proposed, they just said they would remain neutral.

Finally, he contacted Eric and Heidinger. Now Diane has attracted 70% of the forces in the Federation except Legend.

She did not bother the old sword master, but she went to ask the returned Berserker Luomen for his opinion.

Of course, as a berserker, Luo Men was always too lazy to pay attention to these things and told Diane not to bother him without saying anything.

But if you ignore the most important legend...

Diane described what Bai Bing [Grassroots Reform Plan] had described, and the future she had calculated.

Finally, he said confidently: "So, Bai Bian and I have the idea to implement Tobu City's system to the entire federation based on the current situation of each city!"

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