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Chapter 240 Epidemic Outbreak

"How is it? How is it? Is it okay?"

"Cough cough cough"

"Cough cough cough"

The coughing around them became more and more violent, as if they were coughing out their lungs. The elves around them, even the cold Moonlight Tribe, could not maintain their elegance and coughed until tears and snot flowed from their noses.

Irene kept asking, but Luo Ning was in disbelief.

"how come?"

"In the end what happened?"

"Your current treatment is all about diseases. Your treatment will make them die. Never use treatment!"

Luo Ning is also very anxious. Now Irene doesn't know that the people in this world are real. If she knows, then Luoning can't even imagine how broken Irene will be.

"Tree of Life. Yes, Tree of Life. Sister Roni, let's go to the Tree of Life. Its leaves carry life energy. Maybe they are useful?"

Erin thought of something, and quickly carried Ronnie, who was coughing crazily, and shouted to the surroundings: "Everyone, come with me. The leaves of the Tree of Life can heal you. Come with me to the forest."

"Ahem. Ahem."

Increasingly exaggerated coughing sounds were heard all around, and blood even appeared at the corners of some people's mouths.

Erin's eyes were a little red, and she ran to the forest behind the city without hesitation. Even if it was a life sacrifice, as long as it reached the silver level, it was still very easy to carry a person on its back.

She kept running, and Luo Ning felt that she couldn't keep up, but she had to keep up. Only she could help Eileen now. Once she left, the consequences would be disastrous.

The people around heard Irene's words, and slowly moved towards the forest with their already weakened steps.

They can feel that this epidemic seems to be serious.

Irene kept running, her eyes full of guilt. Even though this place was virtual in her perception, and even though she always thought that she was just an ordinary person with no kindness, she still didn't want these people to die.

The elf is always vigorous. She ran out of the city quickly, but her steps froze.

Because, with her arrival, the forest is also withering

"It's impossible. It's impossible. How can a disease be spread to humans and plants at the same time? It's not highly toxic."

She murmured, gritted her teeth, and moved forward quickly. A smell of decay came, just like the smell of moist dead wood, giving people a disgusting feeling.

Luoning felt that she could no longer keep up. Gold appeared in her eyes, and her pace suddenly accelerated, barely keeping up with the Elf in the forest.

It's almost here.

Erin thought in her mind that she seemed to be able to see the huge tree that was more than fifty meters tall. It was a gift from God, and its leaves could cure any natural disease.

"Cough cough cough"

The coughing sound kept ringing in her ears, and Erin felt a little warmth coming from her neck, and a trace of blood was spreading.

Erin's body stiffened, and then her speed became faster. This big sister who always took care of her could not die!


A slight cough sounded, and Erin's steps suddenly froze. She struggled to maintain her balance because she saw an incredible scene.

The tree of life is withering. Under the towering tree, a blond boy is sitting under the tree of life, coughing slightly.

There were many people around him, old people, children, guards, and waiters.

They were all chewing the leaves of the Tree of Life, but their coughs were still getting worse.

"Count Weilewa?"

As soon as Luoning caught up with Irene, he was stunned. Unexpectedly, the ruler of this territory seemed to be infected as well.

As if he noticed the movement, a middle-aged man with a kind face turned his head slightly and looked at the three of them.

"Are you residents of Life Town?"

He tried to keep his tone as kind as possible. He was a kind ruler who was always very kind to his people. He was not arrogant like other nobles.

"Cough cough cough"

The coughing on Erin's back got louder.

She didn't care about that much anymore. Even if the leaves of the Tree of Life were useless, she still wanted to try them.

She quickly approached and caught a falling leaf. With Luo Ning's help, she carefully put down Roni on her back.

Irene stretched out her hand to wipe the blood from the corner of Roni's mouth, put the leaf in her hand close to her lips, and said carefully: "Sister Roni, eat, you will be fine after eating."

Ronnie was a little weak. She seemed to want to say something, but she could only cough. She opened her mouth slightly and held the leaf in her mouth, chewing it slowly.

But the expected life energy did not appear, and Erin raised her head sharply.


At this time, a gust of wind blew, and the leaves in the entire forest were falling rapidly, forming a rainstorm-like curtain, which looked very incredible.

This is true even of the tree of life, which remains green all year round.

"Sister Eileen, it's now!"

Irene was stunned, and the powerful light of life in her hand suddenly burst out. In desperation, she directly used her life sacrifice, sacrificing 30% of her own vitality to treat the opponent's maximum health.


The extremely rich radiance of life was blooming, and the emerald green radiance enveloped the area. The curse doctor's expertise amplified the healing effect by 300%, and the opponent was just an ordinary elf.

Logically speaking, even if the heart has just been crushed, a new one will grow instantly during this horrific treatment.

But Ronnie's face did turn rosy, and her weak breath disappeared, but...

"Cough cough cough. I'm much better. Thank you, Xiaolin. Cough."

Erin, who turned pale, was stunned. She looked at Luo Ning, who was panting beside her, in confusion, and asked in a low voice: "Why is it useless? She is wearing our equipment. As long as her disease is treated, She should be fine."

Luoning was silent. She didn't know, but she saw the death of these people. Everyone who could see it!

"Cough cough cough"

That terrifying coughing sound sounded behind him, and in the heavy rain of falling leaves, some vaguely poking figures were approaching, those were the residents of the town of life.


"Cough, cough, cough, save me. It's in so much pain. I can't breathe. Cough, cough, cough."

After some people or elves fell, they kept moaning. In front of them, the condition of Count Wei Laiwa's team was also getting worse, and the coughing sound became Irene's nightmare.

"No. There must be something wrong. It's impossible, it's a sacrifice of life."

The pale Erin kept murmuring. She thought of some records in books and also thought of some things.

"Curse doctor, by the way, every curse doctor is a cruel swordsman."

Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she quickly took out a small scalpel from her space ring.

"Sister Eileen, don't." Luo Ning raised his hand to stop him.

But Irene interrupted: "No, Luo Ning, before you came, the capitalists said that every customer has their own needs. As long as we meet these needs, we can harvest gold coins."

"Maybe this metaphor is a bit inappropriate, but this is the inheritance space of curse doctors. They want me to become a curse doctor, and curse doctors always require surgery. As long as I follow them, I can save her with your help. !”

Erin, who was pale, had bright eyes at this moment. She looked at Luo Ning expectantly: "Luo Ning, tell me, if I operate on Roni's lungs, will she die?"

The power of destiny fluctuated around him, and Luo Ning's eyes widened: "No...but..."

"No, that's fine." She looked at the scene of crazy falling leaves around her, and threw her space ring to Luo Ning.

"We don't have medicine to get rid of the disease, but we do have medicine to treat wounds. Luoning, please."

"Please feel free to stop my next move. Now, in my eyes, they are all diseases. I don't know what is right and what is wrong. You must stop my over-treatment."

There were more and more people around, and Erin didn't care about the elf's chastity, and directly started to untie Roni's equipment.

Almost instantly, Roni appeared in front of her wearing only her bottom layer of clothing.

She kept coughing and wanted to resist, but the next moment she couldn't feel her body.

"Sister Roni, I have temporarily cut off your perception of the body. You will not feel pain, but don't struggle, otherwise I will cut off your nervous system. Trust me, please trust me."

Erin murmured and swallowed, her hand holding the scalpel trembled a little, Ronnie had closed her eyes, and some tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

There are more and more people around.

They coughed, making the operation extremely noisy.

Luo Ning clutched the space ring. What she wanted to say was that lung surgery would indeed prevent death, but the diseases on their bodies were not limited to the lungs.


The sound of the sharp blade cutting through flesh and blood tissue was masked by the cough. A bright red mark appeared on the elf's snow-white neck, and the unconscious cough disappeared instantly.


After another slash, a wound appeared on the elf's perfect body. The fair skin with the red marks of flesh and blood looked a bit ferocious.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on Erin's forehead, which was pale.

She said extremely calmly: "Life-sustaining medicine cannot cause Sister Roni to bleed to death."

Luo Ning obediently took out a bottle of emerald green potion from the space ring, and suddenly the breathing around her began to become heavier. She opened a scroll without hesitation, and a huge silver-level brilliance bloomed.

Isolating this place from the outside world not only blocks the falling leaves, but also blocks the darkness in some people's hearts.

After pouring the emerald green medicine into the hideous wound, Roni's face gradually turned pale and her vital signs stabilized.

Surrounding sounds are blocked.

Erin's face became paler and paler, and she carefully extended the knife towards the elf's lungs. The bright red color shrank slightly, looking a bit scary.

Her knife was getting closer and closer, and her eyes were a little blurry. In her eyes, not only the lungs, but also the elf's internal organs were diseased!

Including the heart, there is also a foreign body that does not belong to the heart. It is just that the lungs are the largest, which makes people cough and unable to breathe.

"Is this foreign object real?"

Erin couldn't be sure. She kept repeating in her mind that she was a cursed doctor and had been denying the existence of these diseases, but it was really... so real.

"Well, really."

Irene's knife tip suddenly paused, and she turned her head instantly. Her eyes widened, her pupils shrank, and her long silver hair stained with blood looked a little crazy at the moment.

"Are all the internal organs real? Isn't it the cursed doctor's eyes causing trouble?"

Luo Ning couldn't bear it, but still nodded.

The despair in Irene's eyes grew. This was all brought about by her, the gentle sister, the kind neighbor, the earl who brought happiness to his people, everything seemed to be destroyed by her.

Why is there an epidemic in the world? She hates epidemics like never before!

"I can do it. These are not terminal diseases. Since I can see them, I can cure them. I can do it."

She murmured this, and the trembling scalpel in her hand gradually stabilized. She took a deep breath, and the scalpel slowly fell.

The elf's lungs were spasming, but a five-centimeter gap was still cut open, and a black ball appeared inside. It seemed to be a living thing, trembling slightly.

This is one of the sources of the epidemic!

Its shape was particularly disgusting, like an insect, which made Erin feel sick to her stomach.


There was a slight sound of breaking through the air, and the sharp scalpel lifted the black ball that was about to escape, and was chopped into pieces while it was in the air.

Suddenly a black air rose up, which seemed to be the wail of illness, which suddenly made Erin feel an inexplicable joy and peace in her heart.

She looked at the other lung. The scalpel was much more stable. The cleaning technique cleaned the bacteria and blood on the scalpel. Her blade killed the other disease in the lung.

Her operations were getting faster and faster, and the diseases in her internal organs were quickly removed, leaving only the heart.

But now, Roni's entire chest and abdomen were opened, and she could barely breathe with the power of the potion.


"Use your mental power to help me stabilize her blood pressure. The flesh and blood recovery potion is always ready."

Erin said, without any hesitation, she carefully started to cut Ronnie's heart with a knife.

Almost, almost.

Erin thought about it, and the moment the black thing appeared, she picked it out without hesitation, and then chopped it into pieces with a knife.

At the same time, Luo Ning also poured in the flesh and blood recovery potion, and quickly pulled up the various wounds with mental power and closed the skin tissue.

When the recovery potion began to take effect, Roni's life characteristics finally stabilized.


"I did it, I did it"

Erin kept murmuring, with indescribable happiness in her eyes. It was not only the joy of rescuing her friend, but also the pride of a doctor.

But as soon as she raised her head, she was stunned. There were dense crowds of people around her. Everyone surrounded the magic light curtain, coughing silently and staring at her with expectant eyes.

As the medicine continued to take effect, there were no wounds on Roni's body except for some scars.

Irene's eyes were somewhat evasive, and she connected Roni's perception system, and Roni was able to move immediately.

"Thank you, Xiaolin."

A subtle and gentle voice of thanks rang out. Luo Ning looked at Eileen with worried eyes, looked up at the forest where leaves were still falling, and looked up at the sky through the gaps between the leaves.

"I can save you, I can"

Listening to Irene's more determined murmur, Luo Ning raised his head and asked silently: What should I do, boss brother?

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