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Chapter 241 The white plague enters the inheritance

"Build a bond, establish a sense of belonging, use the disease to make her feel guilty, and then use the disease to make her hate the pain and improve her strength."

"This feeling of disgust is in contrast to the patient's gratitude and joy of saving his friend, and the expectations of the patients around him."

"The purpose is to make her like saving people, hate epidemics extremely, and cultivate the original heart of a doctor."

"If that's the case, what's the next step?"

Ding Ziyuan murmured, her eyes full of thoughts as she wrote and drew in a notebook.

The muttering in his mouth continued.

"If you want to destroy a person's cognition, then after the doctor's heart appears, it is to destroy the doctor's heart, so that the doctor's guilt towards the patient and disgust towards the disease will reach their peak, and they will even doubt themselves."

"Under this kind of suspicion, if we continue to use high pressure and make mistakes more frequent, and then tell her the truth, let her know that this is a real small world and the people in it are also real people."

"Extreme guilt, the initially established heart of a healer, and guilt and disgust will overwhelm a person's heart and gradually lead to collapse."

"In the end, in the psychological protection mechanism, perhaps cognition will be distorted. Let the negative side of yourself disappear, leaving only the heart of a healer and the aversion to the disease."

"No, no, it's not absolute. Human thoughts are very complicated. Under this level of high pressure, it may make people crazy and completely degenerate into madness."

"But the hearts of all curse doctors are pure. They are unreal hearts that are being reborn in broken regrets."

"Why is the inheritance of the Curse Doctor certain to succeed? Are there other forces interfering with her talent as a Curse Doctor?"

"No, no, all intelligent creatures are selfish. This selfishness may make people blame all mistakes on this force, and then resentment will break the purity and distortion of the curse doctor."

"What else is there that you didn't expect?"

As she murmured, the faces of the people around her became more and more solemn. Irene is still underage.

Bai Bian sensed something, and a strong will came over him instantly. After four days, he finally waited for the opportunity.

He looked at Heidinger and Eric: "I will fall into a semi-sleep in a moment. Principals, please protect my body."

Eric and Heidinger were stunned and nodded.

Heidinger stood up, terrifying magic power fluctuations began to appear, and began to arrange the magic circle. As long as the mages were given time, their level could exceed their upper limit by a lot.

Although this place is outside the range of intercontinental missiles, it is still very close and generally there is no danger.

Bai Bian sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and his consciousness gradually sank.

He has been looking for a way to enter this world. Just now, perhaps the plot reached a critical stage, and a vague connection suddenly appeared.

So Bai Bie decisively used: Mechanical Possession!

【Fall into sleep! 】

Without any hesitation, after Bai Bian issued the order, his powerful will instantly replaced the soul of a newly born mechanical life form.

A strong sense of separation came, and Bai Bian felt it and relaxed a little.

When the time flow rate of the ontology and the projection of consciousness are different, the soul and consciousness will be separated. However, the soul of the saint is too powerful, and this newly born world cannot really cause harm to him.

But we have to do it quickly, before the world collapses!


Above the sky, a mechanical cube is deforming, and the worker bees of the hive form an extension of his body.

The deformation module is very powerful, and coupled with the characteristics of the life form given by the mechanical god, this silver-level hive quickly takes on the appearance of the white plague in the outside world.

After flexing his wrist, Bai Bian was quite satisfied with his new body.

Possessing gods is very magical. It does not only possess humanoid machines, but any machine can possess gods.

He is the master of these machines, and it is very simple for an alchemist to use his consciousness to control the machines.

The seventy-level Bai Bian is already a very powerful person and can easily do things that he couldn't do before.

He looked down at the deciduous forest, rapidly descending.

A large number of machines from all over the world are gathering here. Bai Bian originally thought that if he could not interfere with this talent awakening, he would directly destroy all intelligent creatures in the world.

Forcefully interrupt this trial.

Although that would be troublesome, more preparation time can make this kind of psychological destruction less fatal.

But after his consciousness came, everything became much simpler.

There are not so many uncertainties anymore. He is confident that a normal curse doctor will be born in his own hands.

Reversing the Curse Healer's aberrations may be difficult, but what if a good healer was truly created.

Turning the roars of gifted patients towards doctors into true gratitude may also change some of Eileen's thoughts, but it may also lead to the emergence of a real new profession.


The powerful air waves dispersed the fallen leaves, revealing the scene below.

It was only a short time outside, but half a day had passed inside. Irene had saved many people. These people were thanking her, while others were looking at her expectantly.

Even some people who were in bad health and fell to the ground and died still looked at the isolated light curtain. That kind of look made people want to avoid it, but it was there, looking at Irene quietly. Operation.


A huge gunshot sounded, and the silver-level magic shield suddenly shattered. Luo Ning had many scrolls, some of which were given by others, but most of them were given by her master.

In this world where the upper limit is silver, no one can break this magical shield.

Of course, except for the outsider White Plague.

The huge movement attracted the attention of many people, including Luo Ning.

"Cough cough cough"

"Cough cough cough"

Coughs kept ringing around, and the disease was getting worse!

"Brother Boss!"

Luo Ning screamed out in surprise, her voice and eyes full of surprise and attachment. She wanted to fly up and hug the brother she hadn't seen for a year, but in the end she held back and looked at the crowd around her vigilantly.

Erin was not disturbed. This was her thirtieth operation. The sleepless operation made her a little exhausted, but her scalpel was still very stable. She would not be disturbed in any way until the operation was completed. .

Bai Bian glanced at the people around him and stared at the space ring in Luo Ning's hand with a malicious look.


The electromagnetic stance spread instantly, and the surrounding people who were ready to move, or those who had no intention of moving, instantly felt their bodies go numb.

The coughing sound disappeared instantly. Except for the two dozen healthy people who were resting not far away, all the patients fell to the ground, twitching continuously.

"Brother Boss, this"

Luo Ning's eyes widened and he looked at the twitching crowd around him in disbelief.

"Has grown tall."

Bai Bian reached out and touched Luo Ning's head: "He has grown up too and is doing well."

Luo Ning's eyes were full of dependence, and a nice blush appeared on his face as soon as he was praised: "Well, brother boss, you should take a look at Sister Eileen first."

Her tone became very soft as she spoke: "Those people have recovered, but they don't have much life left. I'm worried."

"It doesn't matter, just leave it to me." Bai Bian said and looked at Irene who was undergoing surgery. She was very focused. The blood on her silver hair had begun to dry. She looked a little fragile and tired.

Bai Bian stepped forward and silently observed her movements. It had only been a day, but her level had improved. The knife was very stable, and it seemed that she was about to develop a special skill like Yue Jie.

The talents of curse doctors in the world of curse doctors are really strong.

When Irene was about to put the knife into the patient's heart, Bai Bian suddenly said: "The heart is not wrong, this is a trap."

Irene paused with the scalpel, closed her eyes, shook her head vigorously, and stretched out her hand.

Luo Ning quickly handed a bottle of potion to Irene. As the healing potion was poured into the patient's body, some magic power pulled the wound closed. With the powerful healing effect, she saved another human race.

He looked up tiredly: "Luo Ning, next."

Her words stopped abruptly, and she looked at this figure in disbelief: "Capitalist."

It was obvious that she hated capitalists before and always wanted to go against him, but now that capitalists have really come, her eyes slowly turned red.

The little mouth flattened, and the pointed ears that stood up drooped: "Wow"

She hugged Bai Bian instantly. Although Bai Bian's body was made of steel at the moment and was extremely hard, she just felt so warm and a sense of peace of mind came over her.

It seems that as long as that annoying capitalist comes, all crises will no longer be crises.

Bai Bian paused and reached out to touch her head. A slight electric arc appeared on his fingertips, making the blood stains in her silver hair disappear.

"Okay, you're a ninety-two-year-old elf, why are you still acting like a child?"

"I suck. I still have eighteen years to reach adulthood."

"Luo Ning is younger than me. I don't dare to cry in front of me. Wow."

Erin sobbed and cried again, and the crying became more fierce, and the whole elf was twitching.

Bai Bian was a little disgusted: "If you smear your nose on me again, your salary will be deducted!"

"Wow. I'm like this, and you still bully me, wow."

Bai Bian was a little helpless. He looked at the fainted people around him and said helplessly: "Okay, no more, no more, these people will die if you keep crying."

Irene's crying stopped for a moment, but she couldn't help but hiccup wildly: "What should I do with hiccups?"

Bai Bian was helpless, and the steel arm slowly crossed her back with the electric current, and the unpleasant breath was smoothed by the electric current.

"Continue the operation. This is your inheritance. You won't be able to get out until the operation reaches a certain point."

"Can I do it?" Erin sniffed and asked dully.

"Okay, you did a good job up front." Bai Bian said, looking at the other little girl with red eyes, feeling helpless: "Don't cry."

"No, no."


Two voices sounded, and they looked at each other, their faces slowly turning red.

I was a little embarrassed. I didn’t even want to cry. It was all the fault of this capitalist (brother of the boss)!

The two of them were thinking at the same time.

But the inheritance continued, their spirits were very relaxed, and then sleepiness hit them.

Bai Bian saw this trace of fatigue.

He waved to Luo Ning.

Luo Ning walked over obediently, Bai Yian reached out to fish it out, and put her on his back. Some mechanical buckles appeared, allowing Bai Yian to lie down stably without holding her up.

Bai Bian said gently: "Thank you for your hard work, Luoning. You can take a nap first."

"Well, okay, thank you, boss brother." Luo Ning felt at ease like never before, just like that snowy night a long time ago.

Bai Bian stretched his hand back, easily got the two space rings, and checked the contents.

His eyes were thoughtful.

Noticing Irene's envious gaze, Bai Bian felt a little disgusted: "What are you looking at? Start quickly. Your inheritance is not hers. You can't sleep."

Eileen muttered: "If you don't want to sleep, you won't sleep."

She looked at the fainted people around her and hesitated, but the next moment, a mechanical arm grabbed a person's ankle and pulled him in front of her.

"The heart, liver, and stomach are fine, but there are parasites in the arms and eyeballs. Just kill them. Pay more attention to the muscle lines. Your knife skills need to be improved."

Bai Bian's somewhat random voice sounded.

Irene felt more at ease all of a sudden. She wiped the tears on her face, picked up the scalpel, and started to cut it firmly.

The blood began to spread, but this time the blood did not have the uneasy feeling that made her feel uneasy.

A slight snoring could be heard, and a slight smile appeared on Bai Bian's face. He kept moving his hands and began to mix some potions.

"The boss's recovery potion," Eileen's voice sounded, as if she was worried about disturbing the white plague's matching potion.

Bai Bian said calmly: "No, these people didn't give me any money. What kind of recovery medicine do you want? You have a lot of money, but now you owe me more than 100 million gold coins."

Irene was dumbfounded: "No, why should I..."

"Forget it, what should we do with these people?" Eileen was a little confused: "Will they die if they keep doing this?"


A needle appeared on Bai Bie's wrist: "If there is a wound, sew it up and wrap it with their clothes."


"Remember to disinfect and drink this." Bai Bian interrupted her words and threw the potion prepared in his hand to the stupid elf.

"Uh, ah, okay." Erin was a little confused.

Looking at the needle inserted into the patient's wound and the medicine in his hand, he subconsciously drank the medicine, and then looked at Bai Bie in embarrassment.

"I want you to read more. You have to go to bed, watch, and study hard."

Bai Bian looked at the confused elf, stepped forward steadily, squatted down, and casually tore off the clothes of the patient in front of him. The magic power surged in his hand, and an extremely thin thread appeared, and it was automatically threaded into the eye of the needle. .

Bai Bian glanced at Irene and said with disgust: "Look, human internal organs are very fragile, and your energy is uncertain, so just don't use energy, can you use mental power? I remember I asked You have learned the mental exercise method."

"Um...okay" Irene felt a little guilty: "But I'm not familiar with it."

White plague:.


"Ouch, it hurts!"

"Then practice more!"

Bai Bian continued: "Use your mental power to stabilize the blood, then don't shake your hands, and sew the wound directly. This disease is very simple, and you don't need to be extraordinary to cure it."

Bai Bian's hand started slowly, then slowly increased speed, and finally quickly emerged from the afterimage.

In just two minutes, the patient's internal organs and skin were sutured in front of him, and even these very thin sutures had an inexplicable sense of beauty.

There was some admiration in Irene's eyes, and her pointed ears stood up.

But the next moment, she was a little confused: "Eh? Boss? What are you doing?"

Bai Bian took out some copper coins from the patient and threw them to Irene: "What are you doing? You are not one of those rigid curse doctors. You still owe me more than 100 million gold coins. You don't charge for treating diseases. What do you want to pay me back?"

Erin: .

"Is that so?"

"Of course, remember, no matter who you treat, the person who deserves the money must collect the money. Why should you treat them if you don't have money?"

"But didn't I bring the epidemic? How can I collect money?"

"Who said you brought it? If you don't want to be a Cursed Doctor, others can't be Cursed Doctors? They are originally patients prepared for Cursed Doctors, and this will happen sooner or later. Since they are patients, they must collect money."


"Why are you hesitating? Next, I will not continue to compound the money you owe me, but you must pay back the 198,080,000 gold coins, and the other 8,000 will be wiped out for you."

"Damn capitalist!"

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