Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 324 The favor of the world?

The ice is melting, the snow is melting, and nothing can stop the blazing sun from exploding.

The deep cold gradually turned into a solar storm, and the snow clouds in the sky were dyed into burning clouds at this moment.

Space cracks suddenly spread across the entire world, the turbulent atmosphere of space was filled with tongues of fire, and everything was being carbonized, crystallized, and lava.

The strong eruption continued, and the light of the sun chased the white plague.

The damage prompt on the panel directly refreshes the screen.

God-level explosives don't care whether you are the creator or not. Everything within its explosion range will be destroyed.

This thing can no longer use a simple range to divide the explosive power.

The terrifying shock wave destroyed the ice along the way and affected the fleeing White Plague. His flesh and blood tissue quickly carbonized and even vaporized.

Ding ding ding.

The silent metal rhythm formed an elegy of guardianship, seemingly intending to use powerful physical impact to temporarily resolve the wrath of the sun.

But as the golden-red light approached, the gold-eating insect cone was instantly vaporized, and the Wanmagnetic Machinery on the back layer was also scrapped at this moment.

The terrifying wave of flames pushed Bai Bie's back and flew into the distance.

The refresh of experience points continued to appear, and those snowman souls that had not originally planned to cause trouble for the white plague were also eliminated without discrimination.

When the sun rises, be it a good god or an evil god.

It's always above your head.

Perhaps the main material of the lava version of Praise of the Sun is Lava Core.

This squirting lasted for a long, long time.

White Plague ran forward crazily, its health value sliding up and down at 20%.

White plague has a charm value, and the lower the health value, the stronger the recovery power.

The power of [Praise to the Sun·Lava·Fire Sun·God] is beyond imagination.

Amidst the prompt sound of the panel refreshing, Bai Bian paid keen attention to one point and expressed his shock.

[You use Praise of the Sun to kill the seventh-level legendary universal creature, the experience value is +4000000, the special skill point is +1, the attribute point is +5, and the additional experience value is +4000000. 】

[You are impacted by the Praise of the Sun, health value: 15 \u0013!\u0015%]

Pu Sheng is dead?

Bai Bian ran with all his strength, his mental power moved slightly, and a huge piece of ice appeared on the way to his escape, blocking the hot shock wave.


The extreme cold and heat reacted violently, and White Plague's HP suddenly returned to 40%.

The burnt skin and flesh on his body immediately recovered as new.

At the same time, he kept looking for kill records.

When he ran for about five minutes, Bai Biao finally felt that the shock wave began to weaken.

He breathed a sigh of relief and slowly stopped running, letting the remaining heat waves wash over his skin.

Click click click.


A crack spread throughout the space, and a large hole was formed in the sky at this moment, through which the night could be seen.

This night light is not something obscured by snow clouds in this sealed space, but the moonlight from Shia.

In other words, this Praise of the Sun directly exploded the space of this world, allowing the world to connect to reality.

Click click click.

The cracks in space are still spreading, and the earth occasionally trembles slightly. The snow in the entire world quickly melts into water and flows into the space cracks and into different spaces.

The world is shaking, and the atmosphere of rules is gradually shattering.

The alchemy formations and magic lines are all crumbling, and the life of the world has obviously entered a countdown.

Bai Bian calculated silently, turned around, and the speed under his feet suddenly exploded, rushing towards the center of the explosion.

His body was constantly being burned, but he recovered quickly. Apart from the pain, there was no danger to his life.

As for the painful part, Bai Bian's willpower can ignore the feedback of these senses.

He couldn't help but take another look at the information about killing Pu Sheng. It seemed reasonable, the experience points were sufficient, and the rewards were not low.

But Bai Ying just doesn't believe that this guy can die so easily.

It's not that Bai Bian doesn't believe that ordinary people will die, but it just feels too simple.

A Praise of the Sun, even though it is a god-level power, it shouldn't be right.

His speed gradually increased, and his health gradually remained at around 30% while walking in this restricted area.

Whenever his health drops to single digits, the triggered ultimate recovery power will always restore him to about 30%.

But the only bad thing about it is that it uses too much magic power.

The lava version of Praise of the Sun seems to be able to suppress all energy except the power of the sun, which includes the restorative power of the dark side.

And walking on this earth full of magma, every step needs to consume part of the magic power, otherwise it may sink.

As for flying, that is indeed possible, but the effect is the same. This space is currently shrouded in the sun.

As White Plague approached the core of the explosion, his health stabilized to about 20%.

From a distance, he saw a black shadow lying on the ground with sun flames burning on its body.

Pu Sheng's figure was not seen next to the virtual shadow, as if Pu Sheng was directly blown to ashes by the praise of the sun.

With the scanning skill enabled, this evil creature currently still has: 8% health.

But there was no breath at all, and even his body was melting.

This is a specialty of this evil being. After dying, his strength, speed, endurance, intelligence, and spiritual power will all increase significantly, and 50% of his health will be restored.

It's just that the aftermath of Praise to the Sun is a little long, and this second life is almost gone.

The white plague quickly approached, the extremely evil blade appeared in its hand, and the evil light reflected in the lava.

The black figure twitched, as if it was trying to float up. It roared like a trapped animal, raised its head as hard as it could, and looked at Bai Bie.

But the flames of the sun's praise are still burning on it, inhibiting all its activities and recovery.

White Blight's pace is getting faster and faster, and the aura on his body continues to become stronger. The trapped beast's final counterattack is terrifying.

However, the rules of the sealed land have been seriously violated.

When the white plague got close to a certain distance, a kind of death crisis enveloped him, and the body of the god suddenly became insubstantial, as if it wanted to die with him.

But the next moment, Bai Bian's body disappeared again.

Space penetration.

The broken rules cannot stop the white plague from tearing apart space.

The huge power of the blazing sun filled the space with turbulence along the gap that penetrated the space.

White Plague health: 7%.


A shadow of blood passed by.

Kill maliciously.

The light in Heiying's eyes suddenly froze, and the energy erupting from his body also completely froze at this moment.

It slowly lowered its head, and a small dagger was not pierced in the fatal place, but just pierced in the right arm. It slowly moved its gaze towards the human god not far away who had a large area of ​​carbonized body.

The madness in his eyes seemed to have regained some clarity, and a doubtful emotion slowly emerged.

how come.

These three words appeared in the god's almost unusable brain, and then his body was filled with malice and gradually dissipated in place.

[You used Malicious Slash, and the evil side of the dark side was slightly reduced. God·Strength, agility, endurance, and intelligence were -3. 】

[You killed the Abyss God, and the dark side absorbed a lot of negative aura and blood: God·Strength, Agility, Stamina +3, God·Intelligence +5. 】

[You killed the level 94 Ji Abyss evil, the experience value is +7000000, the skill point is +3, the attribute point is +5, and the additional experience value is +7000000.

Level-up bonus: Optional feat ×1, Heart of Cold ×1. 】

[You kill the evil being from ancient times and trigger the world’s additional rewards: World Favor +3, Destiny ×1. 】

[Because your charm value is too low, and actions such as creating an evil creature and silkworm life, the favor of the world cannot take effect, and you gain destiny x 1. 】

White plague:.

I glanced at a lot of panel information.

Bai Bian raised his hand, and in front of him, the extremely evil blade trembled, then slowly flew back to Bai Bian's hand.

He checked and found that the growth rate of the Extremely Evil Blade was: 90%.

It's coming soon, it will reach the epic level soon.

As for the world extra rewards on the panel

White Plague didn't care, but he knew what it was.

The new gods can gain something like merit to protect the world. This shows that they are favored by the world. This should deepen the potential of the god's personality.

For others, this favoring is similar to the closeness of a rule, making it easier for people to understand Shia's rules.

Without paying much attention, he put away the extremely evil blade.

The white plague suddenly rose into the sky.

The surrounding space collapsed more and more violently.

The entire sealed land was like a shattered mirror, and everything in it was collapsing crazily.

The moment the white plague approached the big hole in the sky, the huge power of the gods suddenly gathered.


As if giving the world a final blow, the moment Bai Bian's body disappeared, the whole world suddenly began to self-destruct.


The mountain where the seal is located has long been destroyed, but now another force is constantly collapsing and spreading.

The scorching heat of the sun appeared in the night, and the earth, trees and grass were all ignited at this moment.

A disaster spreads in these mountains where there is no established order.

In the sky, White Plague has returned to the bright side, looking calmly at the collapse below.

The mental shield on his body was constantly charging, and huge mental power enveloped the entire area.

No matter what, even if Pusheng Zaizhong is really dead, he still has to stay here to confirm that the seal completely collapses.

What's more, Bai Ying didn't quite believe that Pu Sheng's slaughtered species would die so easily.

In other words, with Pu Sheng's character, if the mortality rate could be that high, he would not take the risk at all. The moment he entered, he would give up all possible gains and leave the world.

Because if the weak White Plague encounters the irresistible Charles, he will make the same choice.

It doesn't matter whether you hold back or not. Only by living can you have a chance to take revenge and defeat this originally invincible enemy.

As for White Plague, he would stay and face an enemy that he could not resist. There was only one situation where he would be 100% sure of escaping from the enemy.

There is no second possibility.


White Blight's mental power continued to sweep across the battlefield, but no trace was found.

In the scorching sun, there were only the vaporizing mountain trees and wild animals, and the common aura seemed to have completely disappeared.

Bai Bian looked at it expressionlessly, the mark of the saint gradually appeared in his eyes, and his eyes from a higher level kept scanning, full of the brilliance of his soul.

After watching for a while, Bai Bie calmly turned around, and the space fluctuations began to flicker, flying into the distance.

After leaving the hot breath of Sun Praise, the space in the White Plague Demon's dimension flickered, and the sleeping Luo Ning appeared in his arms.

The temperature in that area was too high, and the revised version of Praise to the Sun might have burned out for tens or hundreds of years, and White Plague had no intention of putting out the fire.

It’s good to leave a piece of the Flame Mountain behind.

Praise of the Sun is very high-end, and the sealing place is also very high-end. The two sides have become a special area, and perhaps some special resources will be born someday in the future.

There is no need to control this area.

White Plague's spiritual power invaded Luoning's soul.


A soft moan sounded, and Luo Ning opened his eyes in a daze: "Brother."

Some soft sounds sounded, downplaying the short-lived but extremely exciting battle atmosphere.

"Watch your step and stand still."

Bai Bian's voice was a little gentle, which made Luo Ning's thoughts gradually return.

"Oh well."

Luo Ning whispered, suddenly thinking of something, he was a little nervous: "Brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay, but we have to go back later."

Bai Bian reached out and touched her head: "It will take about a month."

A large amount of ice is still in his demon dimension, and materials of that level must be well protected.

Otherwise, the demon dimension will be affected by the strong ice rules.

"It doesn't matter." Luo Ning breathed a long sigh of relief, and a nice curve appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Did you help brother this time?"


"That's good"

The more desolate north.

A young man appeared, all pale and weak, holding a dying cap cat.

He let out a long sigh of relief and fell to the ground.

"How come there are explosives of this level when I almost died? Is this a taboo level thing? He can always surprise me regardless of the level."

A low murmur sounded, but this time there was no familiar meow in response.

He sat down on the grass and put the cat on his lap.

Looking at the sky blankly.

"You said... will our goal be achieved?"

"If I could be as lucky as him, maybe I wouldn't be in such a mess now, right?"

Cumulonimbus clouds naturally gathered in the sky, blocking the light of the stars and the moon.

The air began to become humid, and one could imagine that a heavy rain would soon be here.

In this entire world as big as the solar system, the four seasons are always synchronized, and the rules will allow every area to experience the changes brought about by the four seasons.

The yellowish leaves are drifting away.

No one answered Pu Sheng's words, and of course, he didn't need to answer.

His eyes were very complicated, and he was clearly an extremely powerful Abyss Lord.

But what comes to mind right now is a child struggling to survive in a gathering place of intrigue.

Whether childhood is lucky or unfortunate, it seems to be particularly missed.

People always wonder if they could change something if they could go back in time.

But that was always a fantasy.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

The raindrops fell one by one and landed on Pu Sheng's body.

This subtle touch seemed to wake him up, and the nostalgia in his eyes was disappearing.


The raindrops seemed to make the fainting cat particularly uncomfortable. It shrank into Pu Sheng's arms and made a purring sound, which sounded like dissatisfaction but also joy.

The thoughts in Pu Sheng's eyes became more and more confused.

He didn't use any strength, he just used his somewhat worn clothes to protect the cat from the rain.


The roar of thunder in the sky signals to the creatures that have not yet found shelter to quickly hide under something tall.

Pu Sheng was stunned for a while.

When the rain is so heavy that you cannot see five meters in front of you.

He chuckled.

"Oh, forget it, there is no need to envy other people's lives."

"The road is at my feet. I can go wherever I want."

Pu Sheng stood up, the confusion in his eyes quickly disappeared.

He asked teasingly: "I learned that people in the order always give their children and pets a nice name. What do you want to call them?"


In the heavy rain, the sound of the cat, which was not wet, was masked by the sound of rain.

But Pu Sheng had no intention of getting an answer.

He kept murmuring to himself: "Maybe we will be together for the rest of our lives, and we must have a name."

"If you don't speak, it will be taken as acquiescence."

"My name is Pu Sheng. What should your name be? It's so difficult to come up with a name. Many people come up without names."

"Let's call her Xiao Jiu. It sounds friendly and is the limit of numbers. If my name becomes your surname, it will be: Jiu Pu Sheng."

"Nine. Pu Sheng, save Pu Sheng, save Pu Sheng. Very good, it's such a happy decision!"

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