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Chapter 325 Specialty: Whisper of God


A large number of magnetic machines were built into a research laboratory. The huge magic power divided the laboratory into several rooms, and Bai Plague quickly created [Element Layers].

But this thing won't last long.

The ice properties of the solid ice are too advanced, and simple insulation materials will be frozen through.

But it doesn't matter, all White Plague wants is some time.

As long as it can be stored for thirty days.

Then put it into the time slowdown zone, that is eighty-three years.

After a while, the demon's dimensional transformation is completed, and the time will have to be doubled.

Therefore, only a simple version of the sealed object is enough. It is very simple. Just add some seal inscriptions to the element layer.

For white plague, it doesn't take much time.

As for the month I talked to Luo Ning

That was because Bai Biao planned to study the solid ice directly here. This kind of thing was a bit dangerous, so it was better not to study it in the City Lord's Mansion.

Also, he needs to use the solid ice to arrange something here.

He could feel that before the players arrived, Sabo's evil god would enter the world in advance.

Prepare what you can prepare first, so that you can be absolutely sure when the evil god comes.

The golden ancient god Sirsis is still impressed by White Plague to this day.

Sabo said that he could suppress the true god's strength to the level of legend, and the true god descended into legend.

It must be much stronger than ordinary taboos, the kind that will kill you if you are not careful.

In the battle just now, if the controllable body hadn't been powerful enough, White Plague might have died.

The devil's soul blood may not be able to block that kind of powerful sun salute.

The power of the true god was still too strong, and he destroyed a small world that was about to take shape with one blow.

Even if this kind of power is weakened, it still requires complete preparations.

Bai Bian glanced at Luo Ning, stretched out her hand, and the holy magic enveloped her whole body.

White Plague quickly created more elemental layers, and huge covers of about two meters each appeared. He quickly put ice into them, and then took back the demon dimension.

Time passed quickly, and White Plague collected a total of five hundred pieces of ice.

These ices represent the five hundred snowmen with the lowest gold level.

This is a huge force, and finally turned into these almost regular ice.

By the time all the white plague was produced, five days had passed.

Only the last small piece of solid ice was left for experiments.

But before doing the experiment, White Blight used the specialty selection gained from hunting the gods.

He thought about it for a long time and decided to continue strengthening his dark side.

Still thinking about it, God is too powerful, and White Plague's main combat power also comes from the dark side.

If the gods continue to improve, they will be able to compete with the gods.

After all, to a certain extent, the evil being is actually a kind of god.

Except that almost all the gods have no thoughts and can only destroy and kill, they are actually a weakened version of the ancient gods.

[You have enabled dark side expertise selection authority ×1. 】

[Please choose one of the three specialties below. 】

[Deep Cold (Fake): Your energy is blended with the power of deep cold, and the ice resistance is +200. 】

This specialty is somewhat interesting, but it is not what Bai Biao wants. Things like resistance are no longer important to him.

It is even said that this specialty may be to weaken him, and Shen Han may not be as strong as the extremely evil.

And all he wants now is recovery and attack power.

Anything is terrible when it reaches its limit, just like the White Plague can now walk into the explosion remnants of Praise of the Sun without any protection.

As long as the recovery power can be infinitely superimposed, then he may be able to truly reach the level of immortality.

The Lord of Immortality cannot even be sealed. His immortality is so ridiculously strong that he is a terrifying existence that cannot be killed even by his killing power.

It can only be exiled, and even sealing is almost impossible.

The current dark side of the White Plague is also developing in that direction. Coupled with the powerful blood-sucking ability of the Evil Blade, it already has preliminary immortality.

For example, in the battle just now, Bai Plague used the flesh and blood torn off by Pusheng to carry his consciousness, so that he could leave the scope of the ice and become the final winner when the ice came.

[Whisper of God: Can absorb faith growth. 】

Bai Bian was a little silent. There was something wrong with this thing.

And a little confused.

There are not many ways to grow the dark side, and now there is one more.

Just faith

It can be called the most magical thing in the world. If it can absorb faith, it means that it will not reject beautiful faith, which also means that it can control faith to a certain extent.

This is standard equipment for the New Gods.

Bai Bian is still very excited about this.

Thinking about it, Bai Bian looked at the third one.

[Illusory body: Retain the current expertise and become an illusory body. In the future, physical expertise will no longer be awakened. 】

Ignoring the third one, Bai Bian hesitated for a while and chose [Whisper of God].


Many whispers suddenly appeared in Bai Bian's ears, like some beings praying to him, or some kind of messy whispers, which made Bai Bian's eyes become extremely scarlet.

【kill! Hahaha, this kind of power is indeed the latest work of the White Plague City Lord, Kill! Thank you White Plague! 】

[I have an exam today, and I hope Your Majesty Bai Bian can bless me and successfully become a member of the Alchemist Academy. 】

[Ten years ago, I could not have imagined that such a prosperous age would exist, thanks to the White Epidemic! 】

【.Thank you for the white plague! 】

There were more and more murmurs, and coordinates kept appearing in his mind, and some intermittent pictures gradually appeared in these coordinates.

This seems to be a white plague statue built in the outer city of every city.

It is also a white plague statue that civilians place in their homes.

There were constant whispers from these statues reaching Bai Bian's body. The power of the dark side began to slowly increase, but the sight of the civilians' homes was quickly disappearing.

It seems like the disappearance of some kind of thought

As some information came to his mind, Bai Bian decisively closed this special state.

He closed his eyes and decisively began to delete his nearly contaminated memories.

Soon, a golden ball appeared in Bai Bian's hands, and he put the ball into the demon dimension time slowing zone.

He breathed a long sigh of relief.

No wonder it’s called God’s Whisper. It turns out to be such a whisper.

It seems to have opened up the connection between him and those statues, just like a new god, able to look at believers through faith.


Bai Bian looked at his hands, his eyes thoughtful.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? Your destiny has changed." Luo Ning's tone was a little worried, but he knew that nothing could happen to Bai Bian, so his tone seemed a little complicated.


Bai Bian said and turned around, and was stunned for a moment when he saw Luo Ning.

Because, Luo Ning suddenly had a strong attraction in his eyes. This was pure faith, and it was faith in him.

According to the New God's classification of believers, Luo Ning seems to be at the level of [devout believer].

Bai Bian just looked at each other, and her faith poured into those scarlet eyes without hesitation.

Devotees, in her eyes, are you a god?

[Unbelievers] are a small group of people. These people do not believe in any god, which is still very unbelievable in Shia.

[Shallow Believer] is similar to the Chinese players, they have respect for God, but they will only pray to God when necessary.

For example, people in China would pray to the God of Wealth before scratching their lottery tickets.

However, shallow believers are believers after all, and in terms of pure faith, they still crush the people of the Celestial Dynasty.

After all, they only believe in one god, and believers will not smash up temples or bombard gods just because it doesn't rain.

The higher level is [Believer], which is also the most numerous existence. It has long-term faith in a god and will not easily betray its god.

Continuing up are the [true believers]. The quality of these believers is already very good. Most of them are familiar with the teachings of the god they believe in, and will gather together to pray to God on special dates in the teachings and contribute the power of faith to God.

To put it simply, it is someone who is willing to go to church and worship with the priest, and who can change himself for this purpose.

After that, there are [devoted believers]. The core members of the religious sect are all at this level and are loyal supporters of God.

Finally, there are [fanatic believers]. Their worship of God is blind and crazy. As long as it is beneficial to God, they will do it at all costs. Almost all the popes in the New God period were fanatic believers and had direct Communicate faith in God.

And Luo Ning has the potential to become a fanatical believer.

"What? What's wrong?" Luo Ning was a little embarrassed by the stares, she lowered her head and asked in a low voice.

"It's nothing, I just feel that Luo Ning is getting more and more beautiful." Bai Bian said casually, returned to his bright side, stretched out his hand, and covered Luo Ning with huge magic power.

Luo Ning's face suddenly turned red, and her hands unconsciously pinched the hem of her clothes: "It's okay."

She quietly raised her head and breathed a small sigh of relief when she discovered that Bai Biao had begun studying the solid ice again.

Sitting on the desk and chair that I had spliced ​​together with the Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body, I took out [Liu Guang], a complete collection of divination knowledge, and started studying seriously.

Occasionally when she was tired from studying, she looked up and saw Bai Bian studying the solid ice, and her eyes gradually filled with happiness.

In her dream world, this scene appeared countless times, and now it can be regarded as a small dream come true.

Time passed quickly, and White Blight became more and more familiar with things like solid ice.

This is part of the Ice and Snow Goddess's application of the rules of the ice system, which is similar to making all the Snowmen have the potential to awaken divine magic.

And this is the core of divine magic.

If you can find a way to activate all its power in an instant, it will burst out with quite terrifying power.

It can even completely freeze the space and rules of an area for a certain period of time.

If it can be paired with the power of Deep Cold, the power of this thing will increase.

Bai Bian thought about it and came up with a combination.

If this thing could be made into an explosive similar to Praise of the Sun, then this would be a god-level hard control.

The only drawback is that it's difficult to escape by yourself.

Bai Bian thought about it, took out the book of memory called the Potion Encyclopedia, and began to study the use of the potions in ice materials.

In fact, the three major systems of alchemy have a lot in common.

In other words, all knowledge professions have something in common.

That is the use of materials and the use of energy.

These two points are always inseparable.

Therefore, after learning some potions made with ice materials.

So in the use of ice-based materials, whether it is releasing ice-based arcana, making ice-based equipment, or even ice-based transformation, one will have a certain degree of proficiency.

Therefore, if you want to master the ice in a short time, you still have to reach more than 60 skill points.

Or have reached as many as six special skill points.

Only with the blessing of endless knowledge can there be innovation.

Time passed by little by little.

Just by simply staying together, Bai Bian could feel that Luo Ning's psychological problems were weakening.

After all, to put it bluntly, she respected Bai Bian as a god and was afraid that Bai Bian would abandon her.

These worries are all because the sense of security provided by Bai Bian does not match her dependence and expectations.

As long as she realizes that the white epidemic will not abandon her and needs her very much, her psychological problems will naturally disappear.

When White Plague fills up the fifth epic potion.

He started to attack the solid ice.

The estimated one month does not seem to be enough.

Bai Bian and Luo Ning stayed in this deserted place for a total of two months, but the results of these two months were also gratifying.

White Blight has basically mastered the rough use of ice and created two recipes for using it.

[Name: Absolute Zero.

Properties: Explosive.

Effect: Releases absolute zero in a short period of time, freezing an area of ​​100 meters x 100 meters.

Introduction: After the extreme cold comes the baptism of heat. I hope someone can give it a try - White Plague. 】

[Name: Cold Prison.

Attribute: Extremely cold field.

Effect: Transform an area into an extremely cold field, and continuously release deep cold, causing soul frostbite to the enemy every second, which lasts until the ice disappears.

Soul frostbite: suffers from the negative effects of deep cold, agility -30%, will cause 1%~5% soul damage every second, leaves a ring of deep cold mark in the body every three seconds, when stacked to ten layers, 30 will be deducted %life value.

Introduction: A must-have for sealing and the first choice for ambush - White Plague. 】

After Bai Bing created these two things, he stopped continuing to study the solid ice.

The reason is simple. White Plague doesn't have that much ice to use. Five hundred dollars will eventually be used up, unless he can recreate the Yeti clan.

Otherwise, this is a non-renewable resource, and there is no point in going further.

"We are going back to Luoning."

Bai Bian breathed a long sigh of relief, his magic power began to flow, and the fatigue and some dust on his body disappeared.

"Uh, um, okay." Luo Ning replied immediately, and obediently put the book in his hand into the dimension of destiny.

Although she still wears the space ring, she has awakened the private space of destiny. She keeps all the important things in that space, and the ring only holds personal items.

Bai Bian put away all the Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body, and the space fluctuations around him suddenly broke out, leading Luo Ning to quickly dodge to the Dawn Federation.

However, Bai Bian did not go to Tobu City immediately, but went straight to a huge building in the capital that belonged to the Elf Alliance.

Solid Ice is the manifestation of ice rules.

The city lord of Nanling City, Addis, is a legendary mage who specializes in the ice system.

Perhaps the ice can be a great inspiration to him.

Of course, the white plague also needs some elven things, such as the core spring water of the legendary [Wisdom Spring].

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