The destruction of the Crystal Principality did not cause much ripples at Daybreak.

After all, even if it is a principality, it is not as good as any Dawn City.

What everyone is talking about is the energy fluctuations and the aftermath of the battle that erupted in that area.

Although the Federation has not publicized the matter of the God's Envoy, everyone knows that the city lord who has extraordinary talent and leads the Federation has won another battle.

As the trade between the Star Federation and Daybreak was completely opened, the huge A-series protective mechas made the entire Federation start a carnival.

The Federation of Stars only sold one hundred A-series city protection mechas to Daybreak.

Originally, with the area and size of the Star Federation, after supporting a quarter of the Sun Federation's mechas, it would be impossible to send over a hundred more.

After all, the Alchemist Sage built so many A-series city protection mechas day and night for the Federation of Stars.

But I couldn't bear the fact that the legendary master Noel was extremely talented. He was already at the ninth level of legend, and it was said that he was about to touch the threshold of the tenth level.

Based on the longevity of half-elves and legends, it can even be said that the taboo is already a certainty.

Coupled with the continuous breakthroughs of new talents, high-spirited young leaders no longer care about these rigid machines.

That’s why so many spots were released to Daybreak.

Of course, Bai Bian has no intention of continuing to get an A-series city-protecting mecha as a dependent. Although he still has a dependent position, his goal is higher, and the Star Sea Battleship still has good things.

And now Bai Bian is glaring at Luo Ning.

The two of them have been in this state for a whole day, and it looks like they still have a long time to go.

The lucky waiter next to him almost fell asleep, but the crystal ball still didn't respond at all.

Luo Ning looked at the [Liuguang] inheritance for a while and couldn't help but said: "Brother, how about you change the standard?"

"No, that's it."

Bai Bian decisively refused. The growth of the destiny system gave him a very headache. On the premise of keeping Sabo, that guy must die.

"All right."

Luo Ning muttered, his eyes focused on the book of inheritance again.

She is almost reaching Legend, and she has been working very hard recently. She has a feeling that as long as she can reach Legend, she will begin to have combat effectiveness, and the evil god inheritor cannot escape her fate.

She could even peer into God's matters without being discovered.

And her intuition has always been very accurate.

Looking up and glancing at Bai Bian, who was staring at the crystal ball seriously, Luo Ning continued to lower his head and gradually fell into concentration.

As time passed and it was getting late, Diane also came back from outside.

But this time she came to say goodbye. Half a month was enough for her to arrange everything, and she went to the world of the dead with her huge soul resources.

As for why you are so anxious.

Like Luoning's recent efforts, she also arrives at Legend in no time.

As for the legendary Necromancer, his combat effectiveness will not be weak no matter where he is placed.

Even in Diane's current situation, she surpassed White Plague in some combat effectiveness.

Money can make ghosts push the mill, and the god of death is also a ghost.

As long as he is not facing another god, Diane can summon a divine spell to kill him directly.

The only limit is whether her body can withstand the power of God.

Once you reach the legend, the operating space will be greatly improved.

When the night sky slowly brightened, as if it was the shining of the early sun, a golden light appeared on the crystal ball.

In just an instant, the three people present were all energetic.

[You have opened a random reward ×1. 】

[You have obtained the right to upgrade your title to stars x 1. 】

[Name: Title rising star.

Properties: One-time panel permissions.

Effect: Titles under seven stars can be upgraded by one star to enhance the effect of the title.

Note: If you sacrifice other titles, the effect of this star promotion can be enhanced. 】

Bai Bian was a little surprised that he could still offer sacrifices?

But it is a pity that there is a star rating limit, otherwise, if there is no star rating limit, the seven-star title of Alchemist Master who can produce resources is the most cost-effective title.

White Plague may not even look at the five-star title of Hunter.

But if it is used directly now, it will only be strengthened from five stars to six stars, which is certainly not as big as imagined.

But if you want to sacrifice. God hunter, hell hunter, abyss abomination, soul master, alchemist master, future star.

These titles are very useful, and the role of any one of them cannot be compensated by a simple tracking ability.

Looking at the title, Bai Bian felt a little helpless and could only use the one-star title [Taster] to try to strengthen it.

However, the one-star title White Plague does not have much confidence in this enhancement.

The effect of this thing is only to increase taste buds. Bai Yifei will only wear it when eating, and even ignore it most of the time.

Can we strengthen it a little bit?

Bai Bian threw a Dawn Badge to the waiter and touched Luo Ning's head: "Thank you for your hard work, go and rest."

Fluctuations in the space around him flashed, and he appeared in the laboratory in an instant, and then decisively began to use his title to upgrade his star.

[You have chosen the star promotion title: Hunter. 】

[You have chosen the title of sacrifice: taster. 】

【Star rising begins.】


A buzzing sound from another dimension suddenly exploded in Bai Bie's mind, and his panel turned golden at this moment, as if he was feeling extremely overloaded and somewhat unstable.

But as time goes by, the title column on the panel [Taster: ★] slowly fades away until it disappears from the panel.

[Your title [Hunter] has been transformed. 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained the six-star title: Hunter. 】

There was no unusual phenomenon in this upgrade, everything seemed so bland.

Bai Bian checked the new title and was stunned.

[Name: Hunter.

Attribute: title.

Quality: ★★★★★★.

Wearing effect: You can use the medium to lock the target for a natural day and enter the hunting state. In the hunting state, the other party will always be shrouded in a sense of crisis, and you can taste the other party's emotions and location.

Wearing requirements: None.

Cooling time: 3 natural days.

Introduction: At the moment of hunting, what does the opponent smell like? Cream cake? 】

Is this a sacrifice? Isn't this a fusion of titles?

The original aura was secretly gone, and instead a 'smell' that seemed to be from another level became a means of tracking.

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Yifei decided to try out the effect of this thing, and it would be best to use the fate system to test it.

After all, no one can escape better than the fate system.

In the previous life, if Luo Ning had not appeared on her own initiative, neither the Federation nor Night Rose would have been able to discover her.

As for the media

The space around Bai Bian fluctuated and flickered, and the next moment he appeared next to Sabo, startling him.

"My friend, you scare me."

Bai Bian said without any nonsense, "I need the other party's medium, whether it's breath or something else."

Sabo's eyes lit up and he immediately said: "Follow me, my friend. Its sudden attack did break some of my plans, but I am not without results."

The two quickly arrived at the prison. At this time, there were many prisoners on the first floor of the prison.

The most eye-catching thing was the group of guys who were shouting crazily, as if they wanted to die.

They seemed to have lost their IQ, constantly insulting the White Plague, the Federation, and everything they could think of.

The prison is divided into three floors. The first floor is for criminals with minor crimes.

But now, in addition to these guys with no IQ, those guys who committed petty thefts, fought and made troubles were all sitting in the corners of their cells, covering their ears and looking like they were trembling.

After all, under the ever-improving laws, the first level of imprisonment is only less than three years.

Endure it and it will pass.

And if a bitch chimes in with a few words, then they may have to go to the second floor to wait for death.

Insulting the strong will get you killed in this extraordinary world.

The law of dawn is to protect the weak, but it is not the reason why the weak can bully the strong.

Under the privilege, if the strong don't kill, Dongwu City will kill them too.

It cannot create a truly equal situation, which is inherently unequal to the strong people who have worked hard to cultivate.

Bai Bian frowned and looked at Sabo.

Sabo snapped his fingers helplessly.


Everything around them was muted, but these people looked at Bai Bing without any fear and were still cursing silently.

"Wait a moment, my friend. The ones whose destiny is swallowed up will be wise. If they are not separated from each other, they will all be killed by fighting on their own."

"And to find the culprit who swallows up fate, we need to let them continue to do irrational things because of the influence of fate."

"After all, even if the other party's destiny is strong, the causal relationship cannot be easily erased."

Sabo explained as the special fluctuations around him continued to spread.

For about thirty minutes, these silent curses suddenly became more intense. They seemed to be stimulated and banged their heads against the prison door crazily.

The smell of blood began to spread.

Bai Bian looked expressionless as he watched Sabo's operations.

As the impact of these people gradually weakened, a wave of destiny appeared in front of Sabo. This wave continued to drift away, seeming to be connected to the distance, but it was extremely unstable.

"My friend, this is all I can do. The other party cut off the original destiny, and if you want to connect cause and effect, this person is not enough."

Sabo breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

Bai Bian nodded, approached, changed his title to a new hunter, and reached out to touch the extremely illusory ribbon.



A scarlet thin line appeared in Bai Bie's eyes and extended into the distance.

In Bai Bian's mouth, there was a feeling of fear first, then it turned into anxiety, and finally it turned into fatigue.

A series of emotions brought a smile to the corner of Bai Bian's mouth.

The effect was much better than he expected.

In his feeling, the thin strings in his eyes were getting longer and longer, and seemed to be moving away at a rapid speed.

Judging from the current distance, it seems that the other party has been running away from him since he obtained the title and star promotion rights.

The destiny system is indeed very difficult to deal with, and it also has a powerful ability to strategize.

But they have a fatal flaw, that is, insufficient combat effectiveness.

"Follow up."

Bai Bian's eyes appeared scarlet, and he whispered, the space around him flickered instantly, and he quickly moved towards the target.

Bai Bian's current understanding of space is much faster than the teleportation array.

And Sabo is also a functional entity with all its resources invested in it. It is slightly better than White Plague in terms of space travel.

Distances of hundreds of thousands of kilometers are covered in three minutes.

White Plague did not stop at all, and directly crossed most of the Dawn Continent, getting closer and closer to its destination.

Occasionally, when he caught a glimpse, Bai Bian also felt a little emotional. Breaking Dawn was now developing better and better.

After most of the mutated areas were destroyed, some of the order of the New God Era has been restored to the entire vast land with a diameter of 600,000 kilometers.

Every time I travel, I can feel the atmosphere of order. There are far fewer killings in each gathering place, and sparks of civilization are constantly appearing.

Unfortunately, this situation lasted only six years.

Six years later, even if the White Plague has the power to fight against God, the entire federal front will have to continue to shrink. These places of order.

I’m not sure about the federation’s current strategy, but Bai Plague doesn’t care.

He will only take care of what he needs now. If he can't save himself elsewhere, he shouldn't think about saving the world.

Over a small city that is about to step out of the scope of order.

Bai Bian instantly stopped moving, and his huge mental power enveloped him downwards.

The tracking was interrupted here, but Bai Biao could feel that the guy was here.

After all, the whole process of White Epidemic only took five minutes. This time was the limit for her to get rid of the tracking of the six-star title.

It is unrealistic to want to leave this area.

Extremely evil realm!


A huge domain enveloped the city. Bai Bian didn't know the name of the city on the edge, but there was no need to know.

Amid the horrified shouts, Bai Bie slowly fell down.

He pursed his lips, and the last taste that lingered in his mouth was fear!

This seems to indicate something.

It has only been more than forty minutes since I obtained the permission to upgrade my star. Even the fate system cannot predict absolute randomness.

Walking in this area, the divine power of the gods began to spread, gradually covering this city with a diameter of only more than ten kilometers.

He appears in a random place every step he takes.

Wherever there are fluctuations in magic power, divine power will smooth out the magic power, and the white plague will then appear in this area.

Once caught, no matter how hard you hide it, it will be useless.

"My friend, I think I found her."

Sabo's excited voice sounded.

In an instant, White Plague appeared at the coordinates given by Sabo.

What greeted him was not an attack, but an extremely beautiful woman kneeling on the ground, looking at him pitifully.

"Sign the contract, a slave contract. It's up to you to decide everything. You can sign any contract."

A smile appeared on the corner of Bai Bian's mouth: "Saab."


After a strong buzzing sound, Bai Bian stabbed her throat decisively.


[You use Malicious Slash to kill the level 85 evil god inheritor, the experience value is +700000, the skill point is +3, and the additional experience value is +700000. 】

[When you use Malicious Slash from the dark side, God·Strength, Agility, Endurance, and Intelligence -1. 】

[You kill the level 85 evil god inheritor, your dark side absorbs a lot of fear and blood, God·strength, agility, endurance +1, God·Intelligence +2. 】

[The growth rate of your extremely evil blade has reached 100% and is undergoing transformation]

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