Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 335: Epic Blade of Evil

"Oh~ my friend, what's wrong with your knife? Stop it, this is a very good material."

At the moment Ye Kou died, Sabo quickly walked out of the darkness, feeling a little distressed but also a little afraid.

The scalpel that pierced the woman's throat now seemed to have come to life, constantly sucking the woman's blood, causing the originally plump and beautiful female body to gradually dry up.

Bai Bian ignored him and asked, "Is there any inheritance?"

He casually threw a golden ball into the devil's dimension. This was a memory absorbed by the evil will. Bai Bian had no interest in watching it.

Precognition is not something that goes well with an alchemist, but you can consider making a book of memory and giving it to Luo Ning.

But Bai Bian took a rough look at the methods involved, and basically it was the knowledge of how to swallow up other people's fate at no cost.

It shouldn't be of much use to Luoning.


Bai Bing looked at the golden balls that were almost piled up in the time slowing zone.

These are all stored memories, and the useless ones have been disposed of. These have some value in the eyes of Bai Plague.

However, he is still in a hurry now. After the floating city takes off, it may become a consumption point in Tobu City.

The book of memory is different from ordinary text, and the fee can be slightly higher.

"No." Sabo felt a little regretful: "She tried to escape into the dimensional turbulence just now. Although I stopped her, I couldn't stop her from throwing some things into it."

Bai Bian did not respond, quietly waiting for transformation.

The Blade of Evil has drunk too much blood. The epic level is a threshold and represents a limit of mortal creation.

Further up are the artifact and root levels.

That should be a long process, but White Plague is still very confident. When the Evil Blade drinks up the divine blood, it will only be a matter of time before it becomes an artifact.

"My friend, I will still be an integral part of the subsequent cooperation with Xingchen."

Sabo said with a smile, carefully looking at the mummy in front of him, and finally shook his head in disappointment: "What a pity."

"Okay." Bai Bian responded casually, with thoughts in his eyes: "The evil god may be unable to sit still. Is there no problem with you?"

"Don't worry, if God doesn't fear, then she won't show up."

Sabo said with a smile and stretched greatly: "I'm going back first, I'm still very busy recently."

As he spoke, the space fluctuations around him gradually flickered and disappeared instantly.

As the beautiful figure in front of him slowly turned into powder and disappeared, the scalpel with scarlet lines in the dark was quietly suspended in front of Bai Bian.

A special wave flickered, like a newborn baby, stretching out its hands towards the white plague.

Artifacts have spirits, such as the blood contract in the saint's inheritance space or Luo Ning's crystal ball.

However, Bai Bian could feel that the consciousness of the guy in front of him was different from that of Luo Ning and Blood Contract.

The panel prompt appears.

[The transformation of the extremely evil blade is completed. 】

[Please choose one of the three effects below. 】

[Blade of Time and Space: Sharpness +400. 】

[Extreme evil absorption: Adjustable killing growth rate, killing nutrition absorption, up to 100%. 】

[Maleful Spirit: The Evil Blade can create a clone. This clone carries 100% of the consciousness of the extremely evil spirit, temporarily reduces the holder's all attributes by 20%, and creates a clone with 100% of the attributes of the holder after it is weakened. 's clone. 】

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment, looking at these three effects, he chose the one that seemed to be the most useless without hesitation.

The second is similar to a plug-in, which can limit or accelerate the growth of the extremely evil blade, but White Plague does not need it. The growth of the dark side is a headache for White Plague.

It has been restricted, but it will soon reach the taboo level. The growth of killing, whether it is the rapid growth of the extremely evil blade or the rapid growth of the main body, does not mean much.

The root of the white epidemic is still the bright side.

And whoever chooses the third one is wise.

This is a blade of extreme evil, not a holy sword. Give it the power to control the host's body, even if it doesn't start backstabbing immediately.

Now the extremely respectful Blade of Evil is because the dark side of White Blight is more evil than him. If it is stabbed in the back now, White Blight can directly seal it or even destroy it.

But try to use the same attributes?

As soon as it was selected, the Extremely Evil Blade made a strong buzzing sound.

An extremely special wave suddenly began to spread, covering everything around him almost instantly.

Gaps appeared in the space, as if someone had cut the paper open with something extremely sharp.

The turbulence of space continues to appear.

A consciousness seemed to struggle violently for a while, and Bai Fei looked at the dark scarlet dagger expressionlessly.

The prompt on the panel suddenly lit up at this moment.

[The new effect of the Awakening of the Extremely Evil Blade: Extremely Evil Intent. 】

[Extremely evil intention: The holder can input strength, blood, and malice into the extremely evil blade to construct a clone with 30% of the holder's attributes.

The clone is controlled by both the extremely evil blade and the wielder. 】

Bai Bian frowned and stretched out his hand.

The extremely evil blade that seemed to have collapsed suddenly flew over, leaving a shallow white mark in the air.

There is such a thing as sharpness.

An average sharpened kitchen knife is 5 to 10.

Bronze-level general knives can reach 15~30.

At this stage, it is normal to cut iron like clay.

Silver level caps at 80.

The eighty-degree sharpness can cut through most alloys of the same grade, and the free-falling object can be inserted into cement or ordinary metal at will.

The gold level is no more than 200.

This strength can already cut through special alloys. For example, if Barrett is cut by this thing, it will most likely be scrapped.

Legendary long swords are generally around 350.

With a sharpness of more than 300, most shields will be cut directly, and it can even cut through the armor of the city protection mecha, which is a super alloy.

A thing developed by the alchemist sage.

But now, the sharpness of the extremely evil blade has reached a terrifying 700.

According to some records, as long as the sharpness reaches more than 500, it can easily cut through space.

White Blight originally thought that this attribute was already very luxurious, but this thing actually had one more trick, and could awaken a new effect on its own with the blessing of the panel.

Fumbling for the handle of the Extremely Evil Blade, Bai Bian thought with a smile and said, "Be obedient. There is no need for disobedient things to exist."


The Extremely Evil Blade trembled, and an extremely obedient feeling came over his consciousness, as if he was acting coquettishly, which made Bai Bian feel inexplicably happy.

However, White Plague is not too surprising. The mechanism of the panel is like this. It is only an auxiliary direction, rather than appearing out of thin air.

The things that can be awakened on the panel are all things that can be awakened in the first place.

I checked the properties of the Evil Blade and found that the epic weapon was indeed very powerful. No wonder the Federation took it seriously.

[Name: Extremely Evil Blade.

Quality: Epic.

Equipment durability: 990/990.

Effect 1: Sharpness: 300.

Effect 2: Armor Break: The Evil Blade ignores the percentage of the enemy's armor and stamina. The specific amount depends on the gap between the weapon level and the opponent. The minimum armor break is 10%.

Effect 3: Bloodthirsty Blade: Any damage caused by the Evil Blade is accompanied by a high bleeding effect. The enemy requires a large amount of energy to expel this bleeding effect. This effect increases with the growth of the Evil Blade, and the bleeding effect is now visible. : 7% per second.

Effect 4: Scarlet Demon Blade: The damage caused by the extremely evil blade to living creatures can purify the enemy's blood into blood energy and restore your damaged health. The degree of recovery is related to the enemy's level. The higher the level, the higher the blood energy. The higher the energy.

Effect 5: Malicious Slash (unique): When the target's health is below 10%, the next attack of the Evil Blade will extract a large amount of malice from your dark side, causing a mind-killing effect.

Cooling time: 30 natural days.

Note: The stronger the malicious intent extracted, the higher the upper limit of beheading.

Effect 6: Blade of Time and Space: Sharpness +400.

Effect 7: Extremely Evil Intent: The holder can input power, blood, and malice into the Extremely Evil Blade to construct a clone with 30% of the holder's attributes.

The clone is controlled by both the extremely evil blade and the wielder.

Growth: Absorb blood, malice, and soul to grow.

Ready-made length: 0%

Equipment requirements: Exclusive equipment.

Growth: The extremely evil blade, each time the quality grows by a large level, a special effect can be awakened.

Introduction: It seems to have its own consciousness. Could the Killing Blade also be afraid?

Selling price: Not for sale. 】

White Blight is trying to inject divine power into the Blade of Evil. This thing has no cooling time. Does it mean that it can make many clones at once?


Opposite the white plague, a bloody shadow loomed, and an extremely evil aura appeared, making the city, which was already in fear, even more panicked.

Bai Bian ignored some vague sense of peeping.

After some estimation, 10% of divine power can create a clone. Can there be at most three clones existing at the same time?

While thinking, the clone in front of him suddenly moved, a sound broke through the air, and he punched Bai Bian in the chest.


An extremely dull voice sounded, and Bai Bian's chest slowly sunk a little, but recovered instantly.

[The strength and speed of Gold's upper level don't seem to be of much use. 】

Bai Bing stabbed the extremely evil blade into the clone's chest with his backhand.

A scarlet streak flashed, and the guy in front of him disappeared instantly.

[The power cannot be recovered. The opponent has some thinking, and he can still control it 100%. The extremely evil blade dare not resist. 】

After obtaining this information, Bai Bian took the extremely evil blade back into his body, and the space around him flashed, disappearing in an instant. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in a jungle.

I glanced at it casually with my mental energy.

A huge brown bear appeared in front of him.

When this bear faced the white epidemic, his eyes were full of fear. It was trembling constantly and its body shrank back unconsciously.

It is the only silver-level monster in this area.

Belongs to the overlord of this forest.

White Blight took out the extremely evil blade and lightly scratched its skin.

Without using any strength or divine power.

In an instant, the bear trembled, and its soul began to dissipate rapidly.

At the same time, an evil force crazily poured into the bear's body, and its blood rushed out like a dam bursting. In three seconds, the moment its soul completely dissipated, a limp bear appeared. In front of you.

The bleed effects are great.

It is also difficult to defend, but this thing is also determined by the opponent's various numerical values.

For example, this three seconds deducts 100% of the blood.

But in Legend, it may only be 7%, or even lower.

This is related to the enemy's level and resistance.

Numerical values ​​are just rigid things, more like listed on the panel for reference.

The space around Bai Bian flashed, and he returned to Tobu City in about five minutes.

After the efforts of hundreds of thousands of alchemists for so long, White Plague is about to begin further construction of the floating city.

During these times, Oshie was about to reach the top gold level. Although his workload was constantly increasing, the level of Heart of the Colossus was too high.

Those blood energy will be greatly improved even if it is absorbed by the dark side.

After solving the fate system, the world fell into peace again, even unprecedented peace.

Except for the Federation of the Sun, which had a big fight when Charles was causing trouble, both Stars and Daybreak were developing steadily.

At the end of 1547, the cheers at dawn suddenly reached a new level.

All SSS classes from Journey to the Heavens have returned this year.

The prosperity of the Federation is inspiring.

Except for Helen, who has never been seen.

Now, the Legend of Dawn has a total of 11 legends and 104 city protection mechas.

Become the absolute pinnacle since the establishment of the Federation.

Go to the SSS level of the heavens and all achieve the legendary path.

Diane has not returned since she left for the Realm of the Dead in the middle of the year, but White Blight has the devil's will on her, so she can be sure that she is not in danger now.

Luo Ning is level 79 and is just one chance away from reaching Legend. He is currently the most talented SSS leveler, bar none.

Because she is only 23 years old now, the youngest SSS level currently, and her progress is not slow at all.

But there are also gaps in legends.

information currently known.

Juggernaut is still the absolute first echelon.

Next is White Plague, whose combat prowess has surpassed that of Juggernaut to some extent, becoming the strongest person in Daybreak at present.

Immediately following was the veteran genius Luo Men, who was promoted to level seven, reaching the seventh level of legend.

Next is Yuan Tang, Dai An’s brother and a second-level legend.

The rest are unified to the first level.

This includes the law enforcement captain Ogeana who just broke through.

But in terms of race, Legend currently only has humans and elves, and the other races are still at the highest gold level.

Of course, Sabo cannot be counted among them. He is very special. In the entire history of the world, there is no one who has tried to control the evil god with a mortal body and is about to succeed.

The special one is Diane, the necromancer's biological daughter.

And after there are more legends, those who control the federation are still the golden ones. After all, the world is recovering better and better. In this context, those who can go further will not be entangled in mundane things.

After the White Plague's reinforcement and transformation of Tobu City reached the progress of those alchemists.

He finally had some time.

Walking in the City of Steel, Bai Bian's footsteps were not fast, following an increasingly older man.

"Ten years later, it seems that my original choice was right."

"It's good that I didn't disappoint you."

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