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Chapter 338: Inheritance Precognition


Bai Yi paused slightly when he was about to continue making the myth armor.

The door of the laboratory was opened.

Seeing Luo Ning walking in somewhat depressed, Bai Yi greeted him sullenly: "Brother."

"What's wrong?" Bai Yi asked softly.

"My master is going to die." Luo Ning said sullenly.

Bai Yi frowned: "It's okay, I'll take care of it."

"I feel a little bored and want to stay with my brother for a while. My master told me a lot, and I respect her choice."

She was silent for a while and murmured: "I just can't see the future of my master."

"It's okay." Bai Yi touched her head: "Stay if you want, I'll talk to her."


Luo Ning responded in a low voice, staring at Bai Yi blankly, a little confused.

Bai Yi didn't mention the things in the illusion, and naturally started to make the myth armor.

The relationship between him and Luo Ning is actually very complicated. Diane is a simple love.

But Luo Ning's side is more complicated. Sensitive girls always have more complicated thoughts, but Bai Yi is very clear that it is not a simple love.

Or it could be said that a little indulgence in this era is more appropriate.

Absolute dependence + strong anxiety + the girl's indistinguishable family affection + the despair of the times = the extremely complicated emotions now.

Bai Yi still has great hope for the future, so family affection prevails over Luo Ning.

But Luo Ning seems unable to distinguish this emotion, and with the factors of other people, the two emotions are mixed together.

However, in this special era, Bai Yi will not let too much sadness appear. Alchemists will not indulge in desires, but the two girls don't mind. What is he, a big man, entangled in?

But the same thing, everything is fine as you like, and the rest is not so important. Maybe there will be an accident tomorrow, and God will suddenly come, and everyone will die together?

The time of creation always passes quickly.

Bai Yi is not in a hurry to find Elsa. He knows what these old people are thinking very well, and persuasion is useless.

Dawn calendar: In early 1549, the construction of the sky city was basically completed.

The rest of the things do not require too much help from alchemists. Bai Yi needs to connect the heavy machinery and finally start it up, so that the Sky City, a huge city that consumes almost one-third of the resources of the Federation, can be launched.

For four years, everyone's eyes were on Dongwu City, and the Internet was full of news about the Sky City.

Countless words of envy were cast on the small household register of Dongwu City, but unfortunately, Dongwu City currently has a population of nearly seven million.

It cannot accommodate more people to live, and it is difficult for people who want to immigrate here.

But when the floors are higher, it may be opened.

Of course, Bai Yi did not completely focus on the Sky City.

Instead, he came to Ms. Elsa.

Luo Ning was also there. She had been sticking to her master for nearly a year, not for anything else, just to accompany her more.

"What does the city lord want to talk to me about?" Elsa's attitude completely returned to the beginning, and even with some kindness.

The fortune teller's premonition of her own life span was very accurate, and she could clearly feel the countdown to her death.

Half a year.

Although she wanted to go around, she finally found that it was better to stay with the hope in her eyes.

It doesn't matter if she can't teach in foreknowledge, she can continue to teach this disciple in other aspects.

Human relations, various stories.

She is still very satisfied with her life, at least everything is developing in a good direction, and the only regret is God.

Not waiting for the return of God is the regret of all the old men of Dawn.

"Nothing, I just heard that you are dying, so I came to see you."

"If you die, you die. Uh."

The kind old lady was about to express her own feelings, but suddenly her eyes went black and she fell in the direction of Luo Ning.

Luo Ning: ? ? ?

"Is this what you said to deal with it?"

Bai Yi waved his hand, and the alchemical inscriptions around him appeared, and he quickly flew towards Elsa.

A formation that sealed consciousness quickly took shape, and then put Elsa, whose consciousness was stagnant, into the time slowing zone of the demon dimension.

One thousand years, no need to rush at all.

He nodded as a matter of course: "What else? I just said I came to see her, and she was going to give me a lot of life reflections. Is it useful to reason?"

The shock in Luo Ning's eyes gradually faded. She thought about it and actually felt a little agreed: "Yes, I talked to Master for so long and she was unwilling. Reasoning really doesn't work."

"So, it's not necessary to reason all the time. In this world, it's more reasonable to have a big fist." Bai Yi taught.

Luo Ning nodded thoughtfully: "Is this a kind of selfishness?"

Bai Yi was silent for a while and nodded: "Yes."

"That's fine, at least I don't want to experience life and death, selfishness is selfish." Luo Ning stretched and looked at Bai Yi: "Brother, are you done with your work?"

"Not yet." Bai Yi thought for a while: "I'm going to the capital now, do you want to go?"

"No, no."

Luo Ning waved her hand without any interest: "I don't like their eyes, I'd better stay at home."

Bai Yi nodded, and the space around him fluctuated. When he appeared again, he had arrived in the capital.

This place is more prosperous than three years ago. The resources of the entire federation are converging to Dongwu City, but it does not mean that other cities are stagnant.

At present, the federation has a lot of resources under its control, which is enough to support the common progress of a federation.

Bai Yi stood at the door of the Sword Saint's mansion in silence.

The two soldiers at the door were already gold-lower-ranked.

Now the proportion of extraordinary people in the entire Dawn is constantly increasing, and the number of strong people is naturally increasing.

They saluted Bai Yi, but did not mean to stop him.

In the current federation, Bai Yi has the highest reputation, no one else.

The Sword Saint was indifferent to everyone for a long time, and the attention of the new star far exceeded that of this old man who was about to decay.

No notification, no interruption.

Bai Yi walked in.

The natural elements are becoming more and more active. The natural element treasures that Romen found are almost piled up into a small mountain, shining in the Sword Saint's mansion.

These materials can create many high-value potions in the hands of alchemists, but at this moment they are just to increase the concentration of life elements.

Bai Yi did not disturb the old man, and the old man did not wake up as usual.

Bai Yi knew that this state would continue for a long, long time.

Until he died in such a rich natural element, or fell on the body of the invader.

After Bai Yi replaced the natural blood, he turned around and left here.

After standing at the door for a while, a somewhat unexpected person appeared.


Bai Yi greeted gently: "Why are you back so soon?"

"Come and see."

Yuan Tang said, "What realm are you in now?"

"Sixth level, the moment when Sky City took off, the seventh level limit." Bai Yi estimated it and answered.

Yuan Tang sighed: "It's really fast, go back, I'll go in and take a look."

"His consciousness can no longer be seen outside the body."

"I know."

Looking at Yuan Tang's back, Bai Yi didn't say anything, the space around him fluctuated and flickered, and was about to disappear.

"Is there any wine?"

The surrounding space was instantly stable, and Bai Yi followed Yuan Tang silently into it.

It seems that this is not the first time he has come.

But he did not enter the innermost.

Bai Yi took out several bottles of ten thousand year old natural wine and opened the corks. Suddenly, the extreme natural elements made the surrounding elements sway, as if the wine could intoxicate the elements.

"Good wine."

Before drinking, Yuan Tang praised: "The quality is much higher than your last time. Has the world that can control time evolved?"


Bai Yi poured them both and took a sip.

[You drink the ten thousand year old natural wine, charm +3, natural affinity +2. ]

Yuan Tang took a sip and sighed: "This thing may be useful to you."

He casually threw a space bracelet over and drank by himself, with some complicated meaning in his eyes.

Bai Yi took it, probed into it with his mental power, and then he was a little surprised.

"Where did you get it from?"

"A dead world, the world level is not low, but it was eaten by the ancient gods."

Yuan Tang saw Bai Yi pouring wine, and took the wine jar in his hand and took a gulp: "That is a world, and it can be seen that the process of world collapse has lasted for five hundred years."

Bai Yi collected the corners of the colossus, which was the scraps of a war colossus.

The colossus was made of top resources, so it is still very valuable.

He played with the wine glass and asked with a smile: "Are you scared?"

Yuan Tang paused, and some wine flowed from the corner of his mouth, but it was only for a moment, and he continued to drink it up in big gulps.


"Fear is not shameful." Bai Yi took a sip and said calmly: "But you can't be without the courage to take a knife."

"Not afraid." Yuan Tang repeated, as if he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his brother-in-law, and also seemed to cover up some fragility in his heart.

Bai Yi nodded and didn't continue to ask. Fear is something everyone has, and there is no need to make such things too clear: "That's good."

Silence. Yuan Tang threw a piece of parchment with some magic coordinates on it.

"These are what we collected, some graves of necromancers and alchemists' inheritance. When you have time, go with her. She's quite lonely."

Bai Yi put it away, and the power of the demon dimension flowed for a while, and four or five jars of wine appeared.

He stood up and responded: "Yes, but not now."

Bai Yi said, turning around: "Come to Dongwu City in three days, I have something to give you."

Walking out of the Sword Saint's mansion, the space fluctuations around him flashed, and in a very short time, Bai Yi returned to Dongwu City.

"So fast?"

"It was nothing." Bai Yi smiled and raised his hand, and a pattern appeared.

Luo Ning breathed a sigh of relief: "Not bad."

After sensing it, he caught a few waiters who had not made a fortune and prepared to start another saint inheritance.

Bai Yi thought for a moment: "This time I want to understand space at a higher level, the better."

He is no longer lacking in knowledge. The Star Sea Battleship, the S-series mechas, the Colossus, the Complete Potion, and a series of high-level knowledge require dozens or even hundreds of special skill points.

It is useless to continue to pile up high-level knowledge. Since the fragments of the future have already appeared, it is necessary to guide these geniuses more.

Moreover, space is not only for Yuan Tang, but also very helpful to Bai Yi.

The space knowledge required for the Star Sea Battleship is not small. It is a battleship that can wander in the Star Sea. Too extreme speed can easily crash through the world. Space jump is the correct way to travel.

"Well, whatever you want, brother can think about it. After all, their fate will change completely if you are satisfied."

Luo Ning explained and waved.


A crystal ball and two divine inscriptions appeared, and the glory of fate flowed wildly.

Hula la~

Some waves sounded, and it seemed that a person's life passed quickly behind Luo Ning, and in an instant, more than 30 years of life of this waiter were finished.

"Let's speed up this time, Xiao Hai."


The crystal ball made a buzzing sound, and in the sound of waves, the scene of a woman opening a treasure chest quickly split and suddenly became ten split screens.

The pictures in them were exactly the same.

Bai Yi was a little surprised, but then he felt it was natural. The legendary daughter of destiny had already maxed out the foresight.

"Brother, are you ready?"

"Let's start."

"Okay, let's start."

The moment Luo Ning finished speaking, the picture on the crystal ball began to change. Ten people began to walk towards different treasure chests, quickly scanning each treasure chest.

It didn't take too much time. The inheritance of the saints was fixed during their lifetime and would not change with the change of time.

With the ten split screens, two golden lights appeared.

Bai Yi subconsciously looked at Luo Ning.

But then he thought that space has always been the top rule, and it doesn't seem strange that multiple saints choose the space path.

Luo Ning's eyes turned golden. After carefully checking the fate of the waiter, she looked at Bai Yi and said firmly: "Brother was thinking about something else just now."

"Something else."

Bai Yi frowned and thought for a while, looking at the demon dimension. What he was thinking about was a branch in the demon dimension that was inserted into the black soil but did not sprout.

[Name: Asking the tree branch.

Attribute: Material.

Quality:? ? ?

Introduction:? ? ?

Price:? ? ?

Submit to the panel: You can get the Expertise Awakening Permission ×1 or 2/5 Origin Stone. 】

Bai Yi's eyes flickered and asked: "Can this mode be tested?"

Can this thing still be grown?

"Yes, fate is changing all the time. For example, if it is not frozen now, these two boxes will not emit golden light. Brother's fate is too powerful, and the fate of this waiter is too small."

Luo Ning thought for a while and explained: "One of your thoughts is her life. As you said, the strong can easily change the choice of the weak."

"Okay, then try it, just open these two boxes." Bai Yi smiled.

If it is really what Bai Yi thinks, as long as the Tao Tree can appear, then who can withstand the infinite Origin Stone?

He can even use the Origin Stone to create a god directly.

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