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Chapter 339: Castle in the Sky

The beginning of predictions quickly dispelled Bai Yi's daydreams.

Two golden treasure chests, one of which was about the understanding of space, and the other was still a potion encyclopedia, which contained a potion that could use the branches of the tree of the way.

However, this potion seemed to come from an older era, and its level was not as high as the potion encyclopedia obtained last time, but the skills in it were something that was leading to another peak.

Walking back to the laboratory, Bai Yi sat cross-legged, and his consciousness gradually sank.

Familiar cabin, familiar decoration, there was no change here this time.

The blood covenant and the holy covenant were sleeping quietly on the table, and Bai Yi did not watch too much. For things that could not be changed, he would always remain silent.

Not touching is the best choice.

After all, he could not be sure whether there would be traps from the Soul Tower in those "simple" tasks.

There was no need to take risks without absolute certainty and low returns.

I checked the recent inheritance with my authority, and it was no different from before.

Without guidance, it seemed that no one could automatically become a saint.

Bai Yi also relied on the power of the panel.

Walked into the Tomb of the Saint and headed straight for the destination.

Bai Yi planned to try the use of the Asking Tree himself. As one of the top alchemists in Xia, Bai Yi was still very confident.

Stretching out his hand, the Saint's Mark emitted a little light, echoing with the Saint's Mark inside.

A consciousness slowly appeared in Bai Yi's mind, and after a low sigh, there was a surging memory.

"It's coming again."


Bai Yi's eyes were suddenly filled with golden light, countless space knowledge poured into his mind, and a golden sphere expanded rapidly.

Quickly became a memory golden sphere.

Bai Yi's huge magic power began to simulate the memory golden sphere, and gradually the second golden sphere slowly appeared.

This can create two memory books, and he also needs to keep a copy of the space knowledge, so that it will be convenient for the Sky City to be transformed into a star sea battleship in the future.

After everything stabilized, Bai Yi left the Tomb of the Saint and checked the reception hall again.

Bai Yi withdrew from the inheritance.

The next time he came in should be a year before the arrival of God.

Without stopping, Bai Yi began to make the Book of Memory.

After giving the Book of Memory to Yuan Tang three days later, Bai Yi fell into the busyness of the Sky City.

The Sky City is not just about flying, all kinds of supporting facilities must be perfected.

Among them, the defensive alchemy array, attack weapons, and various things all require special skill points and a lot of time.

Even Bai Yi stopped making the myth armor for a while.

However, the myth armor has reached 80 people during this time.

The original holder of the myth armor has reached the middle of the gold level and is about to reach the upper gold level.

This kind of growth is that the stronger the talent, the faster the growth. There are not many physical requirements. After all, the myth armor will be backward compatible, adapt to its own host, and grow with the host.

When the time came to the end of 1549, the six special skill points had been used up.

And the construction of the Sky City is about to come to an end.

Although it is a bit crude, it has attracted the attention of all the people of Dawn, and even the top people outside the world are silently paying attention to this place.

After all, Dawn is their root.

Not only them, but other federations are also paying attention to the rise of Dawn Alchemy Civilization.

For example, the Star Federation at this time.

At the border of the stars, a mage throne is quietly suspended in the air in the void. Under the young half-elf, the mechanical army and the huge mage team belonging to the stars are clearing some difficult mutation areas.

Several young legends are constantly fighting with the legendary mutation lords.

In the distance, a figure with extremely dark eyes and an absolute sense of oppression is looking at the half-elf with fear.

But the half-elf seems a little absent-minded.

He supports his head with one hand and puts one foot on the edge of the throne, looking at the huge city in the picture that is gradually covered by alchemical inscriptions with interest.

"Not bad, I'm almost catching up with the teacher."

The moment the low murmur sounded, a strong roar suddenly erupted from the body of the ancient god's messenger in front, and the entire sky suddenly became dark, without any light source.

Low whispers loomed in the darkness, as if trying to seduce the creatures in it to go to the other side of death.

Many mages below, even the newly promoted legends, had pain in their eyes. Their sanity values ​​were decreasing madly. When their sanity values ​​dropped to a certain level, they might also become a member of the whisper.

Noel frowned and looked at the god helplessly.

"Can't we not go through this process?"

He rubbed his eyebrows with a headache: "Still."

He said with a smile on his face: "Do you know you are going to die soon?"


As soon as the voice fell, a magic circle completely shrouded in darkness suddenly appeared in the dark sky.

Behind the magic throne, two other Noels appeared, each holding a completely different staff in their hands, smiling at the messenger of God whose expression could not be seen clearly in the darkness.


In the sky, a huge divine power loomed, trying to bless the messenger of God with divine power.

But it was too late.

The two Noels raised the epic staffs, and the silent chanting suddenly appeared thunderous.

The ancient magic language uttered the syllables belonging to the forbidden spell.

The space suddenly stopped moving, and then the space was rapidly compressed, and all the creatures in it were full of fear in their eyes.

As a crack emerged in the void.

The forbidden syllables suddenly reached a climax, bang~

The darkness disappeared instantly at this moment, and everything around returned to its original appearance.

The only difference was that the messenger of God had disappeared.

At this time, the divine power in the sky suddenly dropped, rushed into the mutation zone, and disappeared.

Noel waved his hand, and the two phantoms behind him shattered, and a dark scroll appeared in his hand.

"Tsk, this forbidden spell can finally be cast, but it consumes too much. It consumes 80% of the magic power at the tenth level. Outrageous."

After a low murmur, he pinched it casually, and in the scroll, a being with eyes full of surprise turned into flying ash and disappeared into reality along with the scroll.

Noel looked at the projection that was not interrupted with interest, and a figure he had only heard of but never seen appeared in the projection.

Alchemical inscriptions around Bai Yi continued to move around. Every time this alchemical inscription arrived at a place, the machinery in that area was suddenly activated, making a subtle humming sound.

Boom boom boom

The sound of the heart resounded in the minds of everyone in Dongwu City.

It seemed to beat in sync with their hearts.

Everyone was excitedly watching the young man in the sky, the human youth who brought hope to the Federation at the age of only 31.

Watching him write his epic again in Dawn and lead Dawn to a brighter future.

A huge faith rose in the entire Federation, and those who watched this place through live broadcasts and various broadcasts were sincerely looking forward to the huge city taking off.

Because this represents the beginning of a truly new era, and it also officially shows the power of the new legend to the people of the entire Federation.

Boom boom boom

The heartbeat became louder and louder, and Bai Yi's huge mental power gradually enveloped the entire city. All the parts of the sky city he wanted appeared in his mind.

Every gear, every alchemical engraving, echoed with his increasingly vast knowledge.

One by one, the alchemists looked up and looked at this scene, with excitement and admiration in their eyes.

This is the alchemist of their Dawn. Although Bai Yi did not say that he had become an alchemist sage, in the eyes of these alchemists, he is the strongest great sage.

It is their indicator and beacon.

Bai Yi's magic power was consumed quickly, but now his holy intelligence of 132, plus various specialties, made him easily withstand this consumption.

One by one, the machines were lit up, and the huge gold-eating bug came to the designated area under the guidance of Zero.

The powerful computing power made Zero start to heat up slightly.

Bai Yi continued to deliver magic power, and it was almost time. The Sky City was about to light up.


At this time, powerful figures appeared one by one in the outside world. Twenty-seven councilors appeared outside the Sky City, including Romen and the Lord of Beiyuan, Deniel.

The Misty Disc always needs to leave a legend, and it is protected by the sword marks of the Sword Saint and the huge federal defense capabilities. It does not need anything else for the time being.

But the takeoff of the Sky City represents something big. This may be the birth of an alchemist sage. The gods would not want this to happen.

Perhaps their ideas have become reality.

At the end of Dongwu City's sight, the black fog began to spread. A young man and some people looked expressionlessly at the huge city where the magic fluctuations were becoming more and more exaggerated.

That was the last powerful god messenger in the Dawn Land, and three ancient god messengers under the powerful god.

Powerful gods are rare, and there are less than ten powerful ancient gods in the whole world.

Among them, the Scarlet God Messenger was killed by the White Plague, and most of the other gods were among Charles's "crowns".

The Star Federation is always so lucky. It has no strong attention, but it has the best resources and the most suitable legends for development.

While hindering the continued expansion of Dawn, these gods have always been paying attention to Dawn.

Whoever can devour this huge federation first will take the initiative in the future return to Xia.

The ancient gods have never united.

If there is a chance, it is not impossible for them to hunt each other.

A strong fighting spirit appeared in Romen's eyes, and an epic axe appeared in his hand, flying forward.

"Mr. Romen, let me do it."

A nice female voice with a hint of displeasure.

Diane appeared in front of many congressmen and faced the four ancient god messengers.

Romen frowned. In his eyes, Diane and the other three generations were still children. Before they surpassed him in realm, they could only be considered weaklings. But now they were standing in front of him, which made him feel uncomfortable.

But he thought of something and turned his head to look at Bai Yi, who was covered with alchemical inscriptions.

The eyes with the saint's mark slowly closed, and more powerful magic was surging.

Romen raised his hand and stood behind Diane with the Lord of Beiyuan and the councilors.

The councilors also had complicated expressions. Romen was away all year round, and they were the ones who really watched these children grow up. Unexpectedly.

Especially Mithras, he opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he just looked at it with a relieved look.

All he could do now was not to cause trouble for his grandchildren and try to take charge of mundane affairs.

Just let them have no worries.

He turned his head subconsciously. In the shield of the white plague, Hedinger and Eric's eyes were equally complicated. The old men seemed to have become a thing of the past before they could exert their remaining energy.


In the sky, four huge beings looked down through the world barrier. The absolute sense of oppression made the residents of Dawn feel a little uneasy.

Among the more than 300 cities in Dawn, cities continued to raise protective shields.

One by one, the city lords shouted loudly, asking all the residents of Dawn not to look up, and they could only follow the gods in the sky through video.

Gods cannot be looked at directly by mortals.

It was nothing when the world barrier was thick before, but now, the world barrier is only a thin layer, and those ancient gods with weak and weak divine power have the conditions to reach into Xia.

The majesty of the gods can gradually oppress the classes below the gods.

Diane also felt a little uncomfortable.

But she had been prepared for this situation.

An epic skeleton staff appeared, and Diane raised the staff high.

Boom~ Ying~

It was like the cry of a baby, or the wailing of the dead exploding in the sky.

A gray wave spread, covering the sky, and a waterfall madly sprayed the breath of the dead, quickly spreading outside Dongwu City.

Undead disaster.

The symbol of the necromancer, the favorite paradise of all the dead.


After the undead breath swept through, the earth suddenly began to surge, the soil was pierced by bones, and arms stretched out from it, as if someone was struggling to get out.

Boom boom boom.

The sound of neat footsteps in the sky sounded, and tens of thousands of higher-level undead carried the waterfall down and stopped steadily on the ground.

In less than five seconds, the ocean of millions of undead submerged nearly 100 kilometers of land in front, and the dense blue fire watched the figure in the black fog in front.

They were uneasy and restless.

The powerful ability of the necromancer spread to every corner of the Federation without reservation.

The black fog slowly stopped, less than ten kilometers away from the gray area of ​​the undead.

The black fog seemed to hesitate.

At the moment when they were about to surge forward.

Diane's body slowly floated in the air, and around her, powerful combat forces such as the lich Or, the evil spirit Ai Nuan, the mechanical bone dragon, the undead knight, and the mechanical skeleton army quickly emerged.

As a ring in Diane's hand turned into ashes, the huge gray hexagram magic circle was spread out instantly.

The sound of Diane's spell spread throughout the range of the undead disaster, causing the black fog to stop moving forward again.

"Respond to my call, the king sleeping among the dead, the destroyer of the world, the mythical dragon: His Majesty Roland Balanta!"


A loud dragon roar resounded through the sky, and the pressure of the undead demigod suddenly descended.

And this time, the demigod has no time limit.

A legendary necromancer is powerful enough to allow a demigod to be blessed in his own domain.

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