Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 362: Holy Descendants

The dark sky revealed some starlight. This world seemed to have no sun or moon. Even the starlight was not bright because of the vicious nature of this world.

The dark red earth, the thin blood mist in the air, the extremely corrupt smell, mixed with the smell of stench.

Bai Yi felt that the dark side was growing with just a slight breath.

He sensed something, looked to the west, frowned, and quickly restrained his breath.

He seemed to know why there was no god to take away such a huge amount of blood.

Did some kind of world consciousness give the gods the ability to move?

Thinking, Bai Yi closed his scarlet eyes, and a huge devouring force burst out from him, and the blood mist that enveloped the entire world quickly gathered.

The dark red ground trembled slightly, and the sound of bones colliding gradually spread.

The places that Bai Yi could sense were all corpses. These bones seemed to have merged with the world after tens of millions of years. It was hard to imagine how many lives had died in the vast battlefield where the two gods fell.

Hell and the Abyss are both top-level planes, and both are planes with full invasion values.

Both worlds have super-strong explosive power, and this war is recorded in many books of the gods.

And the period of occurrence seems to be the timeline of the new gods and the old gods fighting to the death.

The chaos at that time was recorded in the Light God Church with only a few lines of words: the new gods rise, the old gods are defeated, the ground is grinding, the stars are halved, fate is supreme, and order is established.

A few simple words reveal the chaos at that time. In various wars between gods, half of the stars in the sky were extinguished.

And each star represents a world that carries countless lives.



The vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the dark red earth reveals a strong smell of blood and corruption. Red shadows are looming, but they do not try to approach the weirdness of the white plague.

They seem to be afraid of the charm value of the white plague, which is as high as -31.

[Your dark side absorbs a lot of blood and energy, dark side, God·Strength, Agility, Endurance, Intelligence +1]

[Your dark side absorbs.]




A scalpel cut through the void, fixing a phantom in space, and then the second vortex suddenly began to erupt.

[You killed 1 Diyuan, experience value +100. ]

[The Blade of Extreme Evil absorbs a lot of blood and energy, and now the growth rate is 64%. ]

The two vortices became larger and larger, and the Blade of Extreme Evil made a happy hum, flying around Bai Yi with a strong sense of joy.

Some red shadows that just emerged were instantly penetrated by the Blade of Extreme Evil, leaving a series of creepy screams in the air, and disappeared from this world.

[Your dark side absorbs.]

Boom boom boom boom

Bai Yi's heart beat suddenly accelerated at this moment, he opened his eyes, and there were some dark lines looming in his scarlet eyes, and his eyes looked to the west again.

Then, without stopping to absorb blood, he took out a cross-dimensional communication device, sent some information, and then closed his eyes again.


The evil domain suddenly erupted, the suction force increased wildly, and the prompt on the panel accelerated.

The evil blade stopped slaughtering the surrounding [earth creatures] in a call, flew back to Bai Yi's side, and drew a stream of light in the vortex.

About fifteen seconds later.


The earth battlefield began to shake, and blood-colored shadows soared into the sky and circled in the sky.

Various screams broke out, forming a piercing magic sound, trying to destroy the consciousness of all foreign creatures.

At the same time, the dark red earth began to tremble, and extremely corrupt hands stretched out from the earth, like some humanoid creatures unwilling to the world, wanting to grab something.

After another ten seconds, the evil blade instantly entered Bai Yi's body, and then Bai Yi's body flashed and disappeared instantly.


At the moment he disappeared, a loud blood-colored knife sound rang out.

At the same time, the earth began to tremble, with the original location of Bai Yi as the center, and it cracked wildly in both directions.

The smooth mirror-like cut marks had countless densely packed bones. They seemed to feel no pain, struggling to destroy the mirror surface of the cut marks, and crawling wildly from the trembling sky abyss to the ground.

Almost instantly, countless monsters appeared on both sides of the gully.

The arms that had originally rushed out of the ground slowly retracted, and some more terrible crisis disappeared invisibly.

And in the direction where Bai Yi was originally located, a humanoid figure appeared. It held a broken long knife in its hand, and looked at the place where the outsider disappeared with empty eyes, without any movement.

However, all the monsters around did not dare to approach it within a kilometer range. Even those who were originally in this range quickly ran away. It seemed that for the creatures in the abyss, this thing was their natural enemy.


A subtle buzzing sound sounded.

The somewhat chaotic blood-colored mist in the air began to have a pattern and gathered in a certain direction.

Those bloody shadows and the monsters that crawled out of the abyss followed the flow of blood mist and slowly went away.

When the blood mist gathered to a certain extent.

Standing in place, the motionless humanoid creature slowly raised its head, turned around mechanically, and looked in the direction where the monsters were moving.


Some cracks suddenly appeared on the ground, and the human figure disappeared, replaced by a road of corpses.

The dark red of the earth was uncovered, revealing the flesh inside, and the stench continued to worsen.

About thirty seconds after the figure disappeared, the fluctuations in the space rippled slightly.

White Blight and the Blade of Extreme Evil appeared, and two vortices formed instantly.

His right shoulder and half of his body had disappeared, and there was a neat incision there, but the moment he stabilized the wound and divine power, the broken limbs regenerated, and even the clothes were restored to their original state.

An inter-dimensional connector sent the originally edited information.

White Blight absorbed the blood here with all its strength.


When the vortex reached a certain level.

His body dissipated again, and the perspective in front of him changed, and he appeared in front of the ethereal disc again.

"You have another chance to teleport in these three days."

Addis's somewhat cold voice sounded. For the elves, the breath of the dark side of the white plague is very disgusting.

Even if it was the white plague, I knew that I shouldn't hate this power, but when I really saw the dark side, my mind couldn't be as relaxed as when facing the light side.

"No need."

Bai Yi closed his eyes, suppressed the almost overflowing malice of the dark side, and then slowly switched to the light side and walked out.

Three absorptions were enough.

The quality of the blood there was much higher than he had imagined.

It was just that guardian.

[Name: Liviu Rogers.

Race: ? ? ?

Template: ? ? ?

Level: ? ? ?

Attributes: God·Strength: ? ? ?

God·Agility: ? ? ?

God·Endurance: ? ? ?

God·Intelligence: ? ? ?

God·Spirit: ? ? ?

Charm: Chaos.

Luck: Chaos.

Skills: ? ? ?

Features: 1, ? ? ?

12, ? ? ?

27, Destiny: Luck +100, Charm +700.

47, ? ? ?

Evaluation: Before the world collapsed, the corpse that accidentally carried the world's consciousness merged with the two god corpses and the world's endless resentment and obsession to become the guardian. Perhaps He had already died, but now He is unwilling to die. 】

The moment Bai Yi entered that world for the first time, he sensed the breath of this guy, so he left a coordinate at the original place while absorbing blood.

When Liviu approached, Addis used the Misty Disc to let him exit that world.

And the second time he entered, Bai Yi stayed away from that area and went to the other side of the world.

When Liviu approached for the second time, Bai Yi started scanning, scanned the attributes of this guy, and then used the coordinates left when he entered for the first time to start a space transmission.

When Bai Yi felt something, he decisively left that world again.

It's not that Bai Yi's dark side has reached the upper limit. Although it's almost, it can still absorb some more.

It's just that Bai Yi felt the fluctuation of space. After only two meetings, Liviu seemed to have learned something from Bai Yi's behavior.

Just combined with the description of the previous evaluation, Bai Yi no longer felt strange. Now it was a world consciousness that controlled the powerful body.

There are all kinds of wonders in the world, and the world has begun to personally take action to maintain its own life.

It is no wonder that the gods are unwilling to touch those evil resources.

Unless Liviu can be killed directly, but Liviu is the carrier of the world consciousness, and if he is killed, the earth world will self-destruct.

If Liviu is not killed, the characteristics of learning will allow an extremely powerful existence to appear, and it may even become the fourth invasion plane of the heavens.

The upper limit that that world can reach will not be worse than the abyss, hell, and the netherworld.

I took a look at the attributes of the dark side.

God·Strength: 197.

God·Agility: 199.

God·Endurance: 185.

God·Intelligence: 120.

Holy·Spirit: 217.

Charm: -32.

With this data, the agility is almost reaching the true god level, but it doesn't matter much. The current power level of the dark side is taboo, and there will be no more awakening specialties like welfare.

Because the tenth-level taboo = the early stage of medium divine power.

In the future, the awakening of the dark side's specialties will depend on what power to grow, so the awakening cannot choose specialties, or rely on the rewards of the panel to awaken and choose.

This will be a long project.

The space fluctuations around Bai Yi flashed and returned to Dongwu City.

The current growth of the Blade of the Evil has reached: Epic level: 75%.

After a while, Bai Yi will go to the battlefield of the Earth Abyss, but the main focus at present is the upgrade of the light side and the promotion of alchemy transformation.

These two are the most important.

Bai Yi thought about it and asked Zero to apply for parliamentary authority to start checking the current progress of clearing the Dawn Continent.

The speed is very fast. There are no mutation zones and disaster zones within 600,000 kilometers in the east, in exchange for countless small countries or tribes.

The progress in the three directions of the west, north and south is a little faster, but it is still too early to reach the real extreme south of the Elf Forest.

Unless another thirty years come, the influence of the Federation cannot spread to more distant places.

This is still because of the teleportation array.

After thinking for a while, Bai Yi recalled more than 10,000 Whispering Warriors.

The research on that kind of random virus has always been a little worse, but Bai Yi has not had no usable results.

What kind of transformation is perfect?

Controllable, absolute controllability is absolute perfection.

In Bai Yi's current research, it can go further on the basis of MY transformation.

And on this basis, two temporary transformation modes were created using the virus.

The data of this transformation is still pretty good.

[Name: Blood Evil.

Attribute: Flesh and Blood Transformation.

Effect: The main attribute is constant at 600, and two specialties are obtained: Impermanence Blood Prison and Doomed Death.

1. Impermanence Blood Prison: When your health drops to 20%, you have a 50% chance of recovering 100% of your health, and according to the basic transformation, all attributes +100.

Note: If this specialty is not triggered, you will get a weak state that lasts for thirty natural days.

Weak state: Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Endurance -90%.

2. Doomed Death: When you trigger Impermanence Blood Prison, your health is reduced by 19%, but you will get a 3-second life lock and fall into a state of suspended death that lasts for fifteen natural days.

During this period, the person in suspended death will suffer bad luck and have a high probability of death.

Transformation requirements: ML, SY transformers.

Introduction: Get the power of legend for a short time, but this is indeed a gamble of fate, maybe you can win? 】

This transformation is perfect, but it is only temporary, or in other words, the simplest, the lowest cost and the biggest feedback.

Therefore, this transformation White Blight intends to create 10,000 people.

If not all of them are black, and if they are affected by his luck, 5,000 legions with at least legendary attributes are enough to hunt down several seventh-level or even eighth-level legends.

As for the death of doom, this is purely a temporary consumption of their fate to immunize against the negative effects of random viruses.

It only needs to be combined with some life-detecting transmission devices or protective devices, then it should be difficult for them to die on the battlefield because of luck.

And for their fate, as long as it is a normal gold-level treatment system, the problem of healing them will not be too big.

The fate of normal gold is much stronger than the fate of these transformed people, and so is luck.

The luck of the treatment system will offset the bad luck of these people. Although they will choke when drinking water and the squat toilet will explode, it is not a big problem. It is OK as long as they don’t die.

As for the more advanced but more resource-consuming transformation, Bai Yi hesitated a little, because this transformation is really perfect, but it is also really expensive, and there are even some additional conditions that are difficult to achieve.

This is the peak transformation that he can create and fully control at present.

[Name: Saint Transformation.

Attribute: Flesh Transformation.

Effect: The main attribute is constant at 100, and three specialties are awakened: Holy Blood, Ascension, and Saint.

1. Holy Blood: You will return to your original appearance and begin to store the power of Holy Blood.

2. Ascension: Use the power of Holy Blood in your body to ascend, your body will expand 10 times, and the main attribute will increase by 800%, which will last until the power of Holy Blood is exhausted.

3. Saint: When your Holy Blood Power is consumed, your Ascension will be improved once, and 10% of the attribute points will be increased, which will last for 30 minutes.

Transformation requirements: SY Transformer.

Introduction: The original transformation of a certain alchemist sage seems to be not yet perfect, but it is also powerful enough. Perhaps, every powerful saint will have his own guards. 】

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