This transformation is powerful and has no risk of getting out of hand.

However, as the system evaluation said, this transformation is not yet complete and is currently only the basic version.

Just like the city guard mecha series, it is only A-level now, and there is the possibility of S-level in the future.

It's just that transforming something like this is a little different from creating a mecha. The transformation seems to use less materials.

But this is to force an originally weak creature to a height that he will never be able to reach in his lifetime.

Therefore, the preciousness of the saint's transformation is much higher than that of the A-series city protection mecha.

The current estimate of this kind of modified white plague is about 500, and he wants to see if he can create something higher on this basis.

If possible, then the alchemical transformation science can almost reach the sage level.

And once this reaches the sage, coupled with the completed knowledge of the Colossus, then the real Colossus can begin to be repaired.

As for why they don't make more, Tobu City is indeed very rich, but sometimes money can't buy certain materials.

For example, the Ascension Specialty of Saints is mainly a very precious epic-level ore called: [Godly Awakening Stone]

Due to the rarity of this thing and the currently unknown natural formation conditions, five hundred is currently the limit that Tobu City can obtain.

As the rays of light were transmitted one after another emerged.

Boom boom boom.

Neat and oppressive footsteps came from far away. Under the gaze and avoidance of countless residents, the Qingyu warriors walked confidently into the Qingyu station. When they saw the adoring figure, they straightened their backs. Then salute neatly.

The MY soldiers were short in stature and stood at the front of the military formation. The LX soldiers all had ugly faces full of admiration, leaning forward as if they wanted to devour their comrades in front.

It looks impressive but also a little funny.

A smile appeared at the corner of Bai Bian's mouth.

The legions in Tobu City are becoming more and more loyal now.

In the new system, the Federation has already begun to popularize the feelings of family and country, and life is getting better and better. There is also a reason why the thorns have been pulled out. Now the extraordinary people in the Federation have a special psychology that is taking shape.

That's a mixed feeling.

They are the tail end of the previous era, and they have also witnessed this increasingly better era.

Under the leadership of the new extraordinary person's blind worship, the old extraordinary person was somewhat inexplicably resistant to the new system, but also felt that there was nothing wrong with the new system.

At least, although civilians are still a little scared when they see extraordinary people, they no longer have that kind of fear in their eyes, and even occasionally show admiration and yearning.

This did not exist in the old system.

The civilians under the old system only had fear and numbness in their eyes, like walking zombies, but now they are all alive.

Being worshiped by the same kind, no matter what race you are, you will feel satisfied and happy.

The most important thing is that no one will deduct the Legion's treatment now.

Among the high salaries in Tobu City, official positions in other places are receiving salary increases and benefits, and all directions are developing for the better.

"The first five hundred meritorious servicemen will be listed."

Boom boom boom~

With a simple command, five hundred people immediately walked out of the array, of which 300 were X-shaped transformations and 200 were Y-shaped transformations.

This kind of transformation only requires the master of flesh and blood transformation to successfully transform it in his tutorial.

Currently, this kind of transformation is regarded as a reward for Qingyu's military exploits, and the number has exceeded 5,000.

However, the number of mechanical transformations has not changed much, but this is also due to the different focus of the white plague. After the emergence of the Star Core F series robots and the A series of protective mechas, their mobile forts on the battlefield The effect is decreasing.

The white plague should indeed be upgraded, but there has never been time.

Perhaps this can be used as a breakthrough later. After all, the transformation of alchemy technology sages is currently far ahead in flesh and blood transformation.

However, for White Plague, the bonus of mechanical alchemy transformation to proficiency is very low.

The alchemical technology sage's blessing for mechanical transformation really shouldn't be too great. If all kinds of mechanical things in a transformation can be seen through at a glance, then the same level of knowledge will be achieved.

Flesh can increase proficiency by 300 points, so machinery can gain up to 30 points.

Alchemy is divided into three major systems: potion, transformation, and technology.

These three systems complement each other.

An alchemist who simply follows one path will definitely have an understanding of the other two.

For example, the other two of a sage must be masters.

Bai Bian looked at the others and smiled and said: "This time it is a new and stronger transformation, but I need to say something in advance before the transformation."

The soldiers' eyes were all bright, their ears perked up, and they looked at Bai Bie without blinking.

"This transformation can allow you to directly access the power of legend."


The sound of gasping suddenly broke out, and then the eyes of the soldiers burst out with strong surprise and desire.

They gasped and looked at Bai Bie, their eyes full of yearning and fanaticism.

At this moment, Bai Bian even felt a huge and pure faith rushing toward him, and it was absorbed by the demon dimension and became the nourishment of that dimension.

Bai Bian smiled: "Why is the strong the strong?"

"Every strong man is a proud man who has grown up through countless battles and countless setbacks."

"I know you are not bad at all. You have participated in countless battles for Dongwu City. You are defending this city and your home. This is good."

"However, all living things are complicated."

Bai Yi raised his hand, and a virtual light screen appeared in the air, projecting the text on it that could be seen by thousands of people.

"Desire will expand infinitely as power increases. Take a look at these things."

The warriors looked up at the blue screen in the air.

The glowing dawn text on it was imprinted in everyone's heart. Some of them had flickering eyes, some bowed their heads in shame, and some gloated.

"Guarding the war, clearing the war, and supporting the war have left you with less time to stay in this city, but these things are still piling up. What does this mean?"

Bai Yi pointed to the things in the sky and asked calmly.

These are actually a powerful drawback of the Whispering Legion.

They were originally some frustrated warriors. After easily and quickly gaining power, they would inevitably swell in front of those who were lower in rank.

It's not that there was no burning, killing, and looting, but it was always suppressed, even though these extraordinary people were punished according to the law.

But those civilians who didn't die were lucky. After the reform, the newly emerged organization [People's Committee] could apply for sanctions and compensate for all losses, mark the Whispering warriors who committed crimes, and keep an eye on them at all times.

After the Star Core F series spread throughout the city, they can even stop them and punish them.

And those who have died are really dead.

Their families can get a lot of compensation, but people can't be resurrected after death.

Perhaps this is a common and small thing for White Blight, and even the entire Dawn, and it's fine as long as there is a punishment.

However, it depends on the target.

The guys that these Star Core F series service robots can deal with can't cause too much damage and disrupt order no matter how noisy they are.

But the Saints and Blood Evils are different. This is a legendary power.

Legends will not be weak anywhere.

The reason why the A series of city defense mechas have no restrictions on demand is because they are controllable.

But these people are different. White Blight can't keep an eye on them all the time.

Once they have any riots, it will definitely be a devastating blow to the area where they are.

Their power can even deal a devastating blow to the main building of Sky City.

This level of power is controlled by these people with unqualified minds, which is actually an inevitable drawback of alchemy transformation masters.

Many alchemists die at the hands of their own transformations, and this is the reason.

It’s just that now that the law has been changed, Bai Yi needs to make it clear so that these people can keep their sanity even when they are angry or embarrassed.

The warriors all lowered their heads, still maintaining the posture of saluting, and dared not look at Bai Yi.

"Because this kind of power should not be controlled by the weak."

Bai Yi said calmly: "Or, controlling them requires you to pay a price, a greater price than now."

"Micromachines will be planted in your hearts, and your souls will be corroded by poison. These things will remind you what to do and what not to do when you have the idea of ​​destroying Dongwu City."

"If you still do it after the reminder, then the micromachines in your heart will be broken, and the poison in your soul will be activated, erasing your consciousness."

"I can give you one last chance to leave here. I won't pursue your choice."

"Stay, you will become the hero of the dawn, the top warrior of this era, and get the top treatment."

"Now, please make your choice."

Bai Yi looked around and saw more than 10,000 people. Some of them began to tremble.

There was fear, expectation, and unwillingness in their eyes, but as time went on, no one left. Even the discomfort of being completely controlled by life and death could not make them turn around.

Legend, that's a legend.

Legends are no different from gods in the hearts of Dawnbreakers. Legends bring absolute fear to the extraordinary, and also bring them a peace that they dare not even think about.

Dawnbreaker was established by legends. Legends, in the eyes of all the three federations, are gods!

They know very well that between becoming gods as long as they abide by the rules and continuing on the battlefield where they may die in the next second, what should they choose.

"After five seconds, if no one leaves, then it is assumed that all are accepted."


Bai Yi looked around, and there were no surprises. He was confident that these warriors could accept it.

No one can refuse the power of legends, at least those who are willing to become transformed warriors.


"Very good, a wise choice, the gods are about to come, and legends are just the beginning. Since you are all willing, there is no regret."

Bai Yi said as he stretched out his hand, and a huge steel sphere appeared in front of him, with a strange light flashing on the pendant.

Suddenly the huge sphere split into arms, and these arms were connected by a blue mental power.

Bai Yi looked at the five hundred people and said, "Your transformation is different from theirs. You can watch first."

Bai Yi grabbed more than thirty people and threw them to the ground.


The steel ground roared, and all these people fainted without exception.

Bai Yi's mental power is also strong enough. In this year, he took the time to learn several mental skills. If the transformation is the same, he can divide his attention a lot.

And in the state of full proficiency, the transformation is almost 100% successful.

The only disadvantage is that he will become very busy.

Because the soul and destiny of each intelligent creature are different, this is the main reason why the transformer cannot transform many units at the same time.

Of course, simple potion transformation is different. Those things that automatically transform after drinking a bottle of medicine are low-end things.

There are many aspects to consider for something this high-end.

But it's not a big problem. For a god-level soul, as Bai Biao becomes more proficient in multiple transformations, the number of transformations at the same time will only increase. It just needs the assistance of some equipment.

And for this kind of thing, Kexi is perfectly capable of doing it.

Unfortunately, the growth rate of these machines is too slow.

186-A is about to be eliminated. Now it only has the fifth level of legendary combat power, and the trial can only reach the seventh level at most before leaving and returning to the city for supplies.

However, when White Plague is able to produce S-class armored armors, it can be upgraded to the A-series armored armors.

This saves a lot of trouble and materials.

The resources of Shia are indeed the best in all the worlds, but if a certain material is greatly consumed within a thousand years, it will take a lot of time to recover, unless you go to other branches of Shia to find it, such as the underground world. .

As the scalpel composed of nanoscale micro-machines cut into the bodies of these warriors, the screams stopped abruptly.

Their nerves and vocal systems were severed.

But the other soldiers looked at their comrades who were twitching unconsciously like rotten flesh, and felt frightened from the bottom of their hearts.

They thought about the despair they experienced during their transformation.

It was the despair of watching their bodies being cut open but unable to resist at all, and the death-like pain at the beginning, which made their bodies begin to twitch and tremble with the rotten flesh.

After all, the alchemists in Tobu City are all imitating the White Plague when it comes to transformation, and each of them does it lightly or lightly, which can easily cause the shadow of this kind of surgery.

It’s just that as time goes by, each material is used smoothly, and a huge power stirs up the situation around Sky City.

All the pictures within sight were rolling around crazily.

This natural disaster-level aura made the fear in the hearts of the soldiers and the tremors in their bodies lessen.


With a strong roar, the isolation magic deployed by the mage in this station instantly shattered.

The brilliance of the stars spread towards the sky.

Twenty eight-meter-tall blood demons with blood-colored bodies and muscles all over their bodies exploded with their own huge evil aura and absolute power.

The earth made of steel began to dent, and the creations of the alchemist sage seemed unable to stop this unrestrained release of power.

This is the enhancement of the absolute power attributes and powerful defense attributes of the X transformation, which can be called Blood Fiend X.

The other fourteen are Y-modified warriors who are about 1.7 meters tall. Their bodies are getting stronger and stronger, their blood-colored skin has very clear muscle lines, and their eyes are glowing red.

Their bodies flickered slightly, a bit unrealistic, but they could be seen clearly as they calmed down.

"Destroying the ground will result in two months of military pay being deducted."

Bai Bian said coldly, giving those blood evil spirits who were planning to roar again to express their powerful power a pause, and then immediately withered.

In the gloating eyes of other comrades, they could only carefully control their bodies, remain motionless, and try their best to adapt to this level of power.

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