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Chapter 390 The 10% chance of winning has arrived

The God subconsciously raised his hand to block, and the evil god rolled over, as if trying to avoid something.

But the next moment, the sword flashed.

The Sword Saint held the sword and stood still, and the God and the evil god also stood still at the same time.

The huge sword intent that enveloped the entire federation collapsed.

The power of the five evil gods was decreasing at this time. Roland and Xing Sen caught up instantly and killed the five evil gods with almost no effort.

The evil gods were just the products created by the ancient gods. They did have god-level power, but their expertise could not keep up.

Similar to an empty shell, in the eyes of the gods, the evil gods were not threatening.

Only the powerful destructive power of that kind of frivolous thing can make the gods look twice.

As for really fighting with the gods, they don’t need to be at the same level. A normal demigod is equal to an ordinary god-level evil god.

This is also why the gods are afraid of the white plague, but they are mainly afraid of the explosives that cannot kill them.

Of course, that was the god before this battle, not the current god.

After all, Bai Yi, the evil god, has a panel and his own system, while other evil gods are chaotic.

Rules have absolute suppression power over ordinary evil gods.

At this time.

In the consciousness space of the four gods, an old man is standing opposite them.

This is a competition of rules and a competition of intentions.

A long time ago, Bai Yi went to find the Sword Saint, and the Sword Saint taught Bai Yi that he could focus on the "intention", which might be able to solve the side effects of the dark side.

This "intention" has many meanings.

The intention of all living beings but not faith, one's own intention but not rules.

And the sword currently displayed by the Sword Saint is the intention he mentioned.

With his own protective intention and the intention of yearning for what he once yearned for, erase all obstacles that block the will.

The evil gods have no intention and no rules, so they will break at the touch.

And the ancient god.

A humanoid ancient god with snake eyes, blue-gray scales and a thick tail, after the initial surprise, quickly regained indifference.

Kaso just looked at the old man who raised the sword in his consciousness. He did not directly destroy this huge will, but asked calmly: "Is this what the human race calls a bond? Or is it similar to Alex's sword will?"

The sword master continued to raise the blade in his hand, and his will became more and more tenacious and sharp. The indestructible quality was something that shocked the gods.

"No, it seems not."

He thought for a while and looked carefully at the old man in front of him.

Except for Alex and the deceived Ilia, among the eight gods, he was the only weak ancient god of divine power, so he could see it more clearly.

When the sword master's broken sword was raised high, Kaso's eyes showed a hint of understanding.

"Does personal will affect the rules?"

The look he gave the sword master changed completely. This tenth-level legend was different from other legends.

He could probably think of what the opportunity for this system to appear was. He had top talent but no way to go, and tried to use his own will to walk out of a new taboo road.

He did succeed, but he also failed. Taboo is the path that countless mortal ancestors have walked out of.

The Sword Saint is just one person, so there are many traps in his attack, and he has only developed one attack in the past few hundred years.

"You were born in the wrong era."

Ka Suo suddenly said: "It seems that the roots have made some mistakes in the classification of power levels. Among the three land kingdoms, you and the evil god should be ranked second."

Some pictures appeared in his mind, which were the scenes of the Sun Federation and the Star Federation.

In the west, under the disk of a big sun, in the light column illuminated by the sun, a cold face full of youth is extending his power to the entire federation.

And outside the coverage of the sun, the ancient gods are watching silently, but they have no intention of attacking at all.

The sun disk contains the rules of the sun. In the prayers of Heli and the residents, the power of the sun god can make Heli use the power of the sun disk to 100%.

In other words, as long as the residents below live normally and contribute enough sun faith to Heli every day, no ancient god with powerful divine power can defeat Heli within the coverage of the sun disk.

Because, at this time, he is the sun in the sky.

Even if the power of the sun disc is smaller at night, it can still protect the federation and stand firm in the eyes of the gods.

This is why those powerful ancient gods are so disgusted and even want to kill Charles.

Sun disc = part of the control of the Xia sun = part of the authority of the sun god.

The north is shrouded by the purple sky.

A giant is standing in front of a huge passage, and for a while, it prevents the abyss from entering Xia.

Behind the giant, huge mechas stand neatly. Above the center of the mechas, a half-elf looks at the huge abyss crack with indifference.

He plays with an extremely special staff, and for a moment, he even feels a little bored.


With a buzzing sound, another powerful mecha, loaded with countless missiles and various familiar machines, appears.

S series city defense mecha + star core B07 + sun tribute cannon, make this group of newly appeared city defense mecha legions look a little hideous.

However, these pictures are only fleeting.

The Sword Master's Will Slash was ready.

At this time, Ka Suo raised his hand, and the joy on his face turned into a smile.

"Your sword can indeed kill gods. They are still waiting and watching, so I will help you."


The vicissitudes of life, the ancient and powerful will suddenly came.

When a new path appears, it always needs to be observed, and it just so happens that He knows the Sword Master's thoughts. That's great. Isn't it a competition and suffering of wills?

The experience of a small character from weak to strong suddenly appeared. The ancient gods are not those flowers in the greenhouse.

In that barbaric era, they fought their way up step by step. They ended one life-and-death enemy after another, or assisted themselves with Xia's rules and became gods.

This kind of will cannot be shaken by a sword master who is more than 1,500 years old.


Dawn is the first ray of sunshine that appears in the darkness. It does not represent everything. As long as this ray of sunshine is strong enough, it can cut through all the darkness.

After cutting through the darkness, more sunlight follows, completely opening up the dawn.


God's ancient, wild will was fully formed.

In this world of consciousness, a towering giant suddenly emerged.

The silence in Ka Suo's eyes spread, and the rare smile on his face disappeared.


This fragment of our world built by two wills was instantly annihilated into nothingness along with the old man.

outside world.

The broken sword in the sword master's hand shattered into pieces, and traces of illusory dust floated in the air. The aura on his body began to wane, but his eyes remained calm.

In fact, the only ones he can kill are divine beings.

But what about him and a god combined?

Among the illusory debris in the void, a vicissitudes of vicissitudes, ancient, silent will flashed away.

The sword master's will, which was still competing with the other three minor powers, was shattered in an instant, and together with the will he had accumulated to protect the federation for fifteen hundred years, it turned into nothingness.

But this disappearance takes away something fundamental.

A certain balance among the three ancient gods was broken by a powerful will.


Divine blood spilled into the sky.

The breath of God began to wane.

The sword master felt the little remaining strength in his body and looked at Ka Suo.

In fact, they are all the same. Only one of the four of them will be perfect. If they do not erase the will of the Sword Master, then the will of the Sword Master will erase their rules and wills with one sword. part.

If whoever takes the lead in erasing the will of the Juggernaut first, then their will will be simultaneously transmitted to the will of the other Juggernauts, taking away all the will and rules released by the opponent with a superimposed power of annihilation.

It would be easy to understand if you were a new god.

Godhead and faith have given them power. The sword of the Juggernaut will envelope all the strong men who are affected by the dawn, and then use the power that can kill the existence of the Juggernaut's will the fastest to wipe out those who are left to resist the Juggernaut's will. strength.

If the opponent uses the godhead to defend against the sword master's will, then that part of the godhead will be annihilated. If it is the soul, then the superimposed annihilation can annihilate that part of the opponent's soul.

The strategy of dying together can indeed kill the gods!

Ka Suo turned his head and looked at the other three gods.

The moment they looked at him, the three ancient gods disappeared at the same time, escaped into the void, and left the dawn.

Because their rules are even more incomplete now. If these top potentials are left and work hard, they may be able to stay here forever.

At least they couldn't stop one of those large-scale explosives again.

"Juggernaut, how long do you have?"

Facing the god's question, the sword master felt it and said calmly: "Three minutes is enough."

He raised his hand, and a sharp sword appeared in his hand. It was a legendary long sword, and it made a pleasant sound in his hand.

Ka Suo nodded, turned around, and looked at the city in the sky hanging in the sky: "In three minutes, I will give you my last words. In three minutes, this place will be mine."

In His eyes, this old guy who created a new path is no longer a threat, but he helped eliminate those competitors, which is still worthy of His pleasure.

The sword master said nothing, his old eyes were no longer sharp, and even his sword intention was a little shaky.

The fire of his life was fading.


But even so, a loud sword cry still erupted in the air.

Ka Suo was a little unhappy and raised his hand.


The legendary sword shattered, and the sword master's body staggered in the sky, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Below, Luo Men and Diane looked worried in their eyes and wanted to go up to help, but another feeling told them that if they moved, they would die.

Moreover, this is not what the Sword Master wants to see. What he wants is for this federation to go on for a long time and return to the original order.

The sword master looked at the only hilt of the sword in his hand, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

Ka Suo ignored him, but looked at the giant dragon with wingspan of several kilometers not far away, and the headless horseman who distorted the space.

"Do the undead want to help this kingdom?"

A calm voice exited.

Roland and Xing Sen looked at each other.

The dragon lowered his head slightly, and the knight slowly caressed his chest.

The dragon's dull voice sounded: "Our mission has been completed, and I would like to say hello to Your Majesty."

The passage between the undead and Shia was immediately opened, and the dragon and knight disappeared into the passage.

However, Xing Sen stopped at this time. The armor on his back gradually formed a human face. He said calmly, "But this necromancer is the one that our Lord wants to protect. If she is fine, the necromancer and His Majesty will not be enemies."

No one would offend the ultimate winner at this time, especially the necromancer who has a big family but no corresponding strength to guard.

It is surprising that he can state his position.

Ka Suo paused, glanced at Dai An, and then looked away without interest.

In order to avoid more trouble, he needs to get the things of destiny first, and also needs to kill that special evil god first, and then he can pay attention to the threat of the necromancer.

But just when he was about to leave.


The sword sounded again, and Ka Suo was a little impatient. He raised his hand, and the huge power poured back instantly.

If you don't know what's good for you, then kill him first.


The sword light suddenly became bright, offsetting the power he released.

An inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly appeared in Kaso's heart.

His thick tail swung violently.


The sound of fine iron colliding sounded, and in an instant, the god disappeared.

When it appeared again.


Another sound of fine iron colliding sounded.

The god saw this thing clearly.

"The artifact of the God of War?"

Kaso was a little surprised, and he looked at the sword master whose vitality was already very low.

If the sword master could get the recognition of the artifact of the God of War, then his combat power should be stronger, but he has never used it.


The sword master was also a little surprised, the hilt of his sword broke, and the artifact of the God of War appeared in his hand.

He looked at the sword in his hand, the emotion in his eyes disappeared, and he looked at the god.

The sword of the God of War will only recognize the will it recognizes, and that will has always been Will's ancestral precepts.

Go forward bravely and unstoppable.

And what he, the sword master, wants is just protection, so no matter how strong his sword will is, he cannot use this artifact.

Now, although I don't know what the reason is, since it is willing to help, then it is naturally the best.


The sword light surged wildly, even if he had no sword intent, he rushed towards the god again.

There are two minutes left. He can't leave the god intact.

And once the god is damaged, those disappeared peeping eyes will be cast on the god again.

Everything can still turn around.


Sky City.

Under the Misty Disc.

Luo Ning gently stroked Bai Yi's sleeping face, and then looked at Irene's pale face next to him.

She couldn't help but whispered: "Brother, I see that your future path is no longer so passive. It's great."

She raised her hand, and three God's inscriptions appeared, wrapping up Bai Yi.

She felt the collision in the distant place, closed her eyes, and scenes appeared in her eyes.

"Perhaps, this is the best choice."

The huge fluctuation of fate began to flow.

The Misty Disc began to locate.

Just when Luo Ning was about to make a decision.

A new picture suddenly appeared in her mind.

There were more and more similar scenes.

It even made her mentally unstable.

She suddenly opened her eyes, raised her hand, and buzzed~

The three gods' inscriptions were recovered and surrounded her.

The sadness in her eyes disappeared, and she looked at the battlefield: "The 10% chance of winning is here"

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