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Chapter 391 My name is Bai Yi!

Demon dimension.

clank clank.

With the sword slashing wildly, Alex cleared one enemy after another in his path.

His eyes were extremely fierce, and the blade in his hand changed from a bone blade to a special steel blade.

But in fact, this is also a bone blade, but the material it is made of is very special.

It was the metal that Alex extracted from a special race that almost killed him. It was blended with his exoskeleton and the sustenance of his sword intention, and finally became an exclusive weapon.


With the final slash, the enemy in front of him was split into two, and the surrounding area was filled with blood and broken earth.

Knife marks were all over the space.

tick tick tick

The special dark clouds in the sky began to rain lightly.

Alex ignored it and turned around and walked into the night.

This war is a war with the human race. The special race of the human race appeared very early. They are a naturally born race.

Within ten thousand years, it had established a foothold in this wild land and began to expand outwards.

Their astonishing ability to reproduce and their astonishing talents make human beings in this barbaric era like cockroaches in modern society, hated by other races.

After all, the number of humans could easily exceed the resource limit of their territory, and expansion became inevitable.

In addition, during this period, the human race had extraordinary talents per capita, and this expansion caused them to have constant wars.

And this was a war between the human race and the Bone Spirit Tribe. What Alex slaughtered was the royal city of a human race force.

Their king was cut in half, but his feet were still standing on the ground, and his upper body fell into the mud, struggling to reach a long sword that had been severed.

Woo hoo step.

Some sounds were lost in the rainy night.

But the being covered in blood stopped in his tracks.

Hua Hua

This rain is getting heavier.

The extremely quick transition turned into a torrential rain, washing away the blood on Alex's body.

He turned around silently, tilting the blade slightly, and looked at a wild but somewhat gorgeous building in the broken city.

The strongest one here is a sword master.

Very strong.

Half of the surrounding slash marks were the work of that sword master.

However, in this barbaric era, whether it is swordsmanship or swordsmanship, it is worth mentioning.

They are still just prototypes.

The six major professions and various minor professions were only included and organized after the gods appeared and the big forces began to rule Shia.

So even though the level difference between Alex and the sword master was not that big, he still won the final victory with his superb talent and crushing weapons.


He walked towards the ruins of the building.

Woo woo

Perhaps because the footsteps were a little loud, the whimpering in the ruins became extremely suppressed, but in the ears of the high-level legend, this low whimpering was still very clear.


Alex approached silently, feeling some overdraft in his body. His scarlet eyes showed no emotion at all, and he slowly raised the long knife in his hand.


At this time.

A bolt of lightning pierced the sky, followed by thunder roaring angrily, seeming to accuse the human tragedy below.

The smell of blood became more pungent.

But Alex stopped what he was doing at this moment.

The silence in his eyes was somewhat broken.

Alex likes to collect the memories of various races, and after the despicability of goblins, the elegance of elves, and the brutality of orcs, he prefers the cunning and certain morals of humans.

This is also the reason why Alex clearly didn't like the Bone Spirit Tribe, but when the war between the Bone Spirit Tribe and the human race fell into a disadvantage, he still came to help solve the biggest threat.

The human race had a great influence on Alex. Although the human race during this period was very annoying to other races, this did not include Alex.

His growth is inclusive of all rivers, and his sword intention is also inclusive of everything.

Alex raised his long knife and looked at a little girl wearing tattered animal skins in the cracks of the ruins, with fear in her eyes and dirt on her face.

a long time.

He put down the blade in his hand, turned around and walked into the rainy night.

There was a trace of doubt in the fear in the little girl's eyes. She didn't say anything harsh, and she didn't know why the monster let her go. But what she knew was that this time she didn't seem to have to die.

She struggled to dig out an exit in the rainy night and ran quickly into the darkness.


About thirty minutes later.

Alex is back here.


The loud sound of the knife sounded.

Alex's mind relaxed, he looked back, and disappeared into the rainy night again.

And the direction he looked.

The little girl who was hiding under a corpse and surviving the disaster began to have a huge emotion in her eyes, hatred, hatred of being exterminated, but she did not dare to make the slightest move.

The inheritance continues, and Alex's life has not changed much. He practices swordsmanship, challenges strong men, fights, and practices.

The weak will in Alex's mind could not be hindered. He could only keep walking according to the script.

Ten years, a hundred years.

Shia, where the rules are still being strengthened, a period without gods, a Shia where the road is not perfect, time is completely meaningless here.

They are beings who are trying to cross the river. Their growth is like the geniuses of the Dark Age, but the difference is.

The genius of Dark Chance can only grow a little after the world recovers a little.

And as they continue to strengthen themselves, the rules are also constantly improved, allowing the world to grow bit by bit.

And during these times, Alex has an additional Avenger in his life.

The little girl back then was now a mature woman.

The human race is only a hundred years old, but the gold level has reached five hundred years old.

The girl kept following Alex's footsteps. She didn't hold a sword in her hand, but a knife.

After every battle with Alex, she would inevitably appear, comprehending the remaining sword intentions, and based on these sword intentions, she would continue to innovate and grow.

Finally, after a life and death crisis with a powerful enemy.

Alex was hit hard again.

The same scene, a broken city, pungent blood, and a beheaded king.

But the only difference was that the scorching sun was now in the sky.

The disorderly blazing sun coated the world with a layer of light red.


Alex walked out silently with heavy steps.

But at this moment, the Avenger appeared in front of him.

Alex stopped.

The woman in front of her was still dressed in animal skins, with black hair, black eyes, and a long knife in her right hand. The hatred in her eyes was still strong after a hundred years.

Alex looked at her quietly for a long time, ignoring this woman as he had done countless times before, and shifted his steps a little, walking to the side.

But just at the moment when the two were about to pass each other.



The woman flew backwards and crashed through some broken buildings.


The cry of the knife followed closely, but Alex's knife only stayed less than ten centimeters on the woman's neck and did not fall again.

Even the light of the knife scratched the woman's skin, and a trace of red flowed from it.

If he takes another half inch, this woman will completely fall.


Alex coughed up some blood, put away his knife, turned around, and slowly left the city with heavy steps.

In the ruins, the woman held her broken knife tightly, looking at Alex's back with hatred and complexity in her eyes, but in the end the complexity gradually disappeared, and hatred filled her heart again.

She was originally a princess of a human kingdom, and the hatred of her royal city being slaughtered could not be washed away.

The legacy continues as Alex recovers from his injury and continues his own growth.

He quickly reached the ninth level legend from the seventh level legend.

In this godless era, he is already at the top of the strongest.

What remains is how to break the shackles of living beings and enter the taboo level, or even the god level.

In battle, killing followed Alex throughout his life.

And the woman full of hatred has been following Alex. After assassinations after life and death crises, Alex's inexplicable mercy allowed the woman to survive.

But the result is

A woman can fail countless times, but this original swordsman will die if he fails once.


The broken body was chopped off.

After countless battles with powerful enemies until Alex lost his strength, he never crushed a woman who had already reached the realm of legend again.

This woman is like a replica of Alex, her sword skills are almost exactly the same, only the intention of the sword is different.

Alex's sword intention encompasses all things and can accommodate all systems, but this woman's sword intention only has one thing, and that is...hate!

Tap tap tap tap

The woman ran quickly, without saying a word from beginning to end, raised her long knife, and stabbed Alex hard in the head.


Alex tilted his head with great effort, and the woman's blade slid off the exoskeleton on his face, piercing deeply into the earth.

Alex gasped, looking at the faces so close.

This woman has been chasing him for nearly seven hundred years. Although her face is still young, her eyes have become as silent as his.


He took the initiative to speak the first words in the battle: "What's your name? I feel you are very familiar with it."

The woman paused slightly, frowning at first, and then her eyes became silent again: "Is that why you didn't kill me?"



There was nothing indecisive about the woman, and the blade that sank into the ground cut directly across.

There was a clash of metal, and the blade sank into Alex's exoskeleton.

Blood gurgled through the exoskeleton.

"I don't know, I guess. I should know your name, but I'm not sure."

Alex seemed not to feel the fatal crisis, and his weak tone was hesitant.

"Then take a guess."


The woman answered Alex, drew out the bone blade, and stabbed Alex in the head without hesitation.

In the huge knife intention, the hatred turned into a sharp blade, making the thin and long knife full of sharpness.


Alex tilted his head slightly, and the long knife penetrated the exoskeleton of his cheek into his mouth with strong hatred, slicing his cheek open.

This level of pain was just a daily occurrence for Alex, and he looked confused.


He murmured: "Your name is Diane? Diane Emperor Peak!"

"It's such a familiar name, and it's also very important. It seems I shouldn't forget it."

The woman frowned and said coldly: "No, you don't need to know. I just want you to die."


The blade slashed horizontally, and the blade and the exoskeleton made a harsh friction sound.

Alex ignored the pain and life-and-death crisis and stared closely into the woman's eyes.

His vision suddenly blurred, as one of his eyeballs was cut open, causing blindness.

The scarlet blood was accompanied by the crisis of life and death, as well as a hint of relief and sadness that the woman was about to get her revenge.

In the blur, this figure is like an anchor, making a series of memories clear.

["Hello, new classmate, my name is Diane, what is your name?"

"Are you so aloof? I heard that your grades are very good? But don't you think class is boring? You really want to go out and play."

"Hey, new classmate, don't ignore me. There are a lot of holes in your clothes. How about I take you clothes shopping? It affects my mood when you dress like this."

"What, you don't believe it?"

"Hey, I thought you were deaf and mute. Isn't your hearing very sensitive? If you accept my money, you have to talk to me~ What's your name?"

"White plague."

"Bai Yi? What a strange name? Why not call it Bai Yi? Or Bai Yi? Doesn't this mean a better thing?"

"White Plague.\

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