Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 48 Extremely Evil Creatures

"Oh, my friend, what do you want from me now? I'm a little busy and may not have much time."

Sabo's voice sounded, and there was a trace of fatigue in it, as if he was busy.

Bai Bian didn't waste any time and said decisively: "I will send you a list later. You can help me find these materials. The higher the level of the materials, the better."

"I understand, friend, but if something is particularly difficult to find, it is not suitable to look for it now, because our attention should be on the auction in a month." Sabo's tone was somewhat consultative, and he felt a little out of his depth.

After all, Sabo had been the quartermaster for three years, but what really took off was after Bai Bian came to Tobu City. He was quite unknown in the previous time. I wonder if he was digesting the inheritance.

Bai Bian said calmly: "One hundred thousand."

Sabo's tone suddenly became energetic: "My friend, are you really just looking for something?"


"That's no problem. As long as it's not God's thing, there will be news within ten days. Send it to me." Sabo's tone was full of treachery, and there was no hint of fatigue.

Bai Bian cut off the communication. As long as this guy is given money, he can unleash unimaginable potential. There is no need to worry about whether he can do it.

Otherwise, White Blight would not have regarded a bronze-level dwarf as a true partner of interest. This guy had escaped the killing and was already on his way to take off.

Send the materials list to Saab.

Didi. Didi. Didi.

As soon as he sent it, the communicator suddenly rang a rapid ringtone. Bai Bian glanced at it and saw that it was Sabo.

Ignoring it, the badge with more than 200,000 contribution points left was also passed on through the transmission device, and the ringing suddenly stopped.

Because those materials are all negative things and even sources of pollution, the price is not as high as expected.

Roughly speaking, you can get them all with about 100,000 gold coins, and the grade is not low, but it is more difficult to obtain.

It might take him several months to collect it on his own, but it shouldn't be difficult for Sabo to explode his small universe.

Bai Bian picked up the book and continued to turn the pages. Now he was waiting to fully understand the transformation of [Evil Thought]. As long as it was revealed on the panel, the seven skill points were prepared for him.

Time passed quickly, and five days passed by in a blink of an eye. Bai Bian looked at the pile of flesh and blood tissue exuding a very evil smell on the test platform, his eyes full of joy.

Because this bloody mass is still squirming, this shows that the experimental subject has resisted the malicious intrusion and successfully survived.

Even if he didn't use the things on the materials list, the effect of the practice was not much different.


A trembling sound seemed to come from another dimension. The furless flesh and blood tissue of the white mouse trembled violently, and even more extreme evil thoughts suddenly emerged.

In Bai Bian's spiritual eyes, he saw things that ordinary people couldn't see. He saw the soul of the white mouse struggling, and he also saw the whole process of the pure soul being polluted.

When the blue soul turned completely black, the mutation began!

A pair of eyes and tentacles poked out from the small mass of flesh, peeping at the outside world with absolute malice and greed. They were waving wildly.

The tentacles struck on the operating table, making a clicking sound. There was no consciousness, and there was no kindness anymore, only incomparable greed, evil and a trace of lust.

Bai Bian looked thoughtful in his eyes and casually grabbed the flamethrower near the test table. The hot flames instantly swept across the operating table.

"Wow wow. wow."

It was as if a baby's screams suddenly exploded. In an extremely strange scene, a mass of frantic flesh and blood slowly stopped struggling.

[You killed a level 1 extremely evil creature, and your experience value +1. 】

A message on the panel floated by, and the thoughts in Bai Bian's eyes receded.

He rummaged through the Alchemical Transformation on the panel, and soon he found a separate piece of knowledge.

【Evil Thoughts-——1/3000】+

Bai Bian was a little surprised, his proficiency could reach as high as 3,000? This seems to mean that this transformation science has not yet been perfected.

The upper limit of proficiency does not mean that the higher it is, the stronger it is. As long as it is a complete system, the proficiency level should be 500. No matter how difficult the skill is, 1,000 should be the full value.

Because proficiency is not a skill upgrade. For example, if you fry egg fried rice a hundred times, you will become proficient. It cannot become super egg fried rice just because you fry it too much.

There are only so many steps to make egg fried rice. Once cooked, it can only be fried faster and taste better, so proficiency in these skills is literally what it means.

Unless you reinvent and break through, but that may develop new skills, it won't be of much help to the original skills.

And this thing can be as high as 3,000. According to the proficiency increase of 1 to 3 for each repeated potion, it seems that the panel believes that he cannot completely control it even if he makes this modification a thousand times.

This is the one with the highest proficiency among the white plague panels.

But it doesn't matter, he has skill points, he just needs to appear on the panel, he doesn't have time to slowly practice this transformation.

add a bit.


Bai Bian felt his mind buzzing, and then a terrifying scene came into view.

The arrogance of looking down on everything, the greed that wants to swallow up the world, the created anger, the desire for reproduction, and the jealousy of beauty.

Many malicious thoughts appeared in front of Bai Bing's eyes, but they were captured and spliced ​​together at will as Bai Bing's transformation progressed in his mind.

The transformation surgeries, the splicing of flesh and blood, the wailing of the transformed, the tentacled worms, everything are repeated over and over again.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time of this mental torture, when Bai Bian felt a little numb, the scenes in his mind began to fade away.

Bai Bian's body swayed, and his face became even paler. He took out a bottle of silver-level mental recovery potion and drank it. The effect of the medicine took effect, and the whole person's spirit was slowly replenished.


There was some trembling in the low murmur, and he seemed to understand why those who touched the taboo went crazy.

This collection of malice seems to destroy the host's spirit, and then pollutes the host's soul through the spirit, releasing all malice into the world.

But these contaminations are all due to the fact that their souls are not strong enough to resist evil thoughts, or that their bodies are not strong enough!

Alchemists are not known for their strength, and those who can be transformed by alchemists are destined not to be very powerful.

Therefore, this transformation of [Evil Thoughts] has produced nothing but madness until now.

However, even if the soul is strong, under the attack of evil thoughts day and night, the creature will still fall into extreme evil in the end.

It seems that this thing is destined to fail in the transformation, and because it is extremely destructive and growth-producing, it has been passed down as a taboo.

Bai Bian looked at the description of light and darkness, and thoughts appeared in his eyes. The two bodies and souls are symbiotic, but completely isolated. This evil transformation may still have some impact on him.

But if it doesn't affect you for a long time, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Because [Soul Gourmet] has been raising the upper limit of the tolerance of evil thoughts, as long as the soul continues to be stronger, he can exert stronger power.

Bai Bian looked at [Evil Thought], and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

【Evil thoughts-——1001/3000】+

Is the upper limit of a skill point equal to 1,000 proficiency levels?

Bai Bian thought, and continued to click the + sign. Only when he was 100% proficient would Bai Bian transform himself. Once he made a mistake, perhaps his perfect expertise would no longer be perfect.

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