Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 49 All attributes are beyond the line

In a blink of an eye, the time has come to the last day of December.

A lot of things happened during these days, and luxurious caravans came to Tobu City one after another.

Some of them came through teleportation arrays, some came through Warcraft, or ordinary caravans, or even came in steel spaceships.

In the past few days, the inner city of Tobu City has been quite lively. The Apocalypse Legion, which originally guarded the inner city in groups of 2,000 people, has been directly replaced by two shifts, each with 5,000 people, strengthening the control of the inner city. management.

The federation has laws, and the city has laws. If there are more powerful extraordinary beings, some conflicts will also increase.

However, these people will give face to the old city lord and try not to cause trouble. After all, the old city lord's power is recognized.

However, some violations of the law are still unavoidable.

Of course, Mo Sen will not give anyone face. All his law enforcement is in accordance with the law, whether he is a member of the family or a powerful and extraordinary person.

As long as they cause trouble in Tobu City, they will be sent to jail. If there is no bail, they will either be killed directly, or they will be sent to work as coolies to open up wasteland.

In short, after killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, Dongwu City has regained its peace again.

Didi didi.

Dawn Pharmacy, Laboratory.

Mechanical beeps kept ringing. At this time, 30% of the instruments in the laboratory were destroyed, and 70% of the places had varying degrees of damage.

Various materials were scattered on the ground, and some potions or special pharmaceutical liquids fell on the ground, making this place look less like a laboratory and more like a battlefield.

Bai Bie, who had been sleeping for three days, was covered in blood, and looked extremely pale, had his eyes moving slightly.

He opened his eyes in a daze and looked at the ceiling quietly, a flash of scarlet in his eyes.

After a long time, he finally seemed to remember what happened. Four days ago, Sabo found most of the materials he needed, including the best materials and alternative materials, and the grades of these materials were not low.

At that time, Bai Bian had already reached full proficiency in the transformation of evil thoughts, and had completed the orders scheduled by the wealthy businessmen. He was replenishing the pharmacy's potion reserves and preparing to strengthen various institutional guards in the pharmacy.

After seeing the many materials sent by Sabo and the returned Dawn Badge, Bai Bian first checked the Dawn Badge and found that there were actually 40,000 contribution points in it.

Therefore, Bai Bian decisively began to transform his dark side. After all, Saab could refund the money, and the money would be refunded on the ninth day.

This means that it is impossible to find all the materials in the short term.

Most of these materials are gold grade, such as this one.

[Name: Desire Demon Tentacle.

Properties: Material/stump.

Grade: gold.

Introduction: The tentacles from the fifty-eighth level demon of desire in the abyss are highly polluting and seem to be the perfect material for making some kind of sex drug.

Price: 30 gold coins. 】

The proportion of gold-level things like this is not too small, because in the abyss, although gold cannot be said to be everywhere, there are really not many abyss creatures with lower gold levels.

And why are gold-level material panels quoted at 30 gold coins?

Quite simply, the value of this thing is not high. Apart from evil transformation and evil potion, it has no use at all.

Digging a hole and burying it will pollute the land.

Bai Bian turned his head slightly, the scarlet red flashing in his dark pupils again.

He turned his consciousness into his body. Around his heart, a drop of dark blood was trying to penetrate into his heart, but it was blocked by the flow of blood.

Just by peeking through his mental power, Bai Bian even felt the unwillingness and anger of this drop of blood!

Bai Bian rubbed his brows and sat up. The material level given by Sabo seemed to be a bit too high. His current soul power and expertise limitations were not enough.

He thought for a while, stood up with a somewhat frivolous step, and while swaying, he took out a soul crystal core from the medicine box.

There is some hesitation, because this thing is obviously worth more when it is made into a potion.

But now there is not so much time, and even because of the too powerful influence of the dark side, he may not be able to develop a potion that exceeds the level.

After thinking for a while, he put the fist-sized soul crystal core to his mouth and took a bite like an apple.

Suddenly the expertise of [Soul Gourmet] was touched, and azure crystal fragments suddenly appeared where his teeth were in contact with the soul crystal. An extremely delicious feeling came, causing all Bai Yie's movements to stop for a moment.

A message crossed the panel [You eat the soul crystal core, your mental power +18. 】

Bai Bian felt that his mind was a little clearer, and the sublimation of his soul allowed him to suppress some of the influence of the dark side.

He drank a bottle of energy potion to replenish his body's needs, and then drank a bottle of mental recovery potion.

Only then did Bai Bian answer the call from outside.

"Huh~ Boss, you finally made some noise. A powerful alchemist came just now. He bought all our potions and said he wanted to see you alone. Now he is resting in the reception room."

There was obvious relief in Erin's voice, and she quickly explained everything.

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment, then turned his head subconsciously. On the box where the gold coins were stored, there was an extra Dawn Badge at some point.

He stepped forward and checked. There were 80,000 contribution points in this badge, which was exactly the total price of the medicines that Bai Plague had replenished some time ago.

"I understand, I'll go out in a moment."

He finished the soul crystal core in his hand in two or three mouthfuls. The first crystal core he ate directly added forty points of spiritual attributes to him, which was undoubtedly a huge improvement.

Bai Bian thought for a while, and from the hem of his windbreaker, thirty worker bees flew out. Twenty-eight of them began to clean up the laboratory, and the remaining two sprayed out water vapor and began to clean the blood and stains on his body.

The information on the panel is jumping, most of which are messages about increased mental power.

These are all the attributes he gained by constantly eating soul crystals.

After carefully sensing the impact that the dark side might have on him, he added the last twenty attribute points to his spirit.

Suddenly, the vague uneasiness completely disappeared. At this moment, the sublimation of his soul allowed him to take control of his body again, and the drop of dark blood next to his heart was completely calm.

Bai Yan breathed a sigh of relief. Now that everything was completed, he truly had the attributes of a BOSS. Now it was time to develop the economy and find time to level up.

Seeing that the worker bees had piled the completely damaged instruments into the corner, Bai Bing had almost cleaned himself up, and his clothes were quickly drying under the magic power. He took the worker bees back, admired his luxurious panels again, and walked out.

The current White Epidemic panel does not even look like the height that any professional existence can reach. It can only be said that BOSS is worthy of being BOSS.

It's only in the middle of silver, but some of its attributes have reached the low level of gold, and it's also divided into breaths, which is very comfortable.

[Host: White Plague.

Race: human.

Template: Alchemist.

Occupation: Alchemist.

Level: 37 (41900/150000).

Experience: 15124.

Gold coins: 68993.

Personal attributes: Strength 10 (405), Agility 10 (431), Endurance 10 (300), Intelligence 109 (63), Spirit 392 (10), Charisma 9 (-2), Luck 1.

Free attribute points: 0.

Legend: 61 (Continuing to rise, you will be the brightest star in the Federation.)

Rank: Silver middle.

Title: Future Star: ★★★ (Only the bright side can be worn, negative charm will conflict with the Future Star, causing the bonus to become invalid.)

Skills: Intermediate Alchemy and Pharmacy (2856/5000) (expand), Intermediate Alchemy Technology (3811/5000) (expand), Intermediate Alchemical Transformation (1005/5000) (expand), Spirituality (expand).

Skill points: 4.

Personal expertise:: Highly focused and profiteer.

Boss template expertise: Alchemy Demon, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Defense, Light and Darkness (unique). 】

Boss growth: You can choose a boss specialty every ten levels. Now the number of feats you can choose is: 0.

Evaluation: All attributes exceed the level, Silver BOSS, undisputed. 】

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