Looking at the little girl's somewhat indecent eating appearance and her increasingly rounded face, Bai Bian's eyes revealed a trace of doting.

This kind of most straightforward concern and action of just wanting you to live can still warm people's hearts.

Seeing Bai Bian looking at her, Luo Ning said vaguely: "Boss, this is the first time. I have never seen anything so good."

"I have already eaten."

Boom, boom, boom.

As soon as Bai Bian answered, he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Turning around, a fat middle-aged human race said with some anxiety: "Well, Mr. Bai Bian, my name is Stis and I am the financial officer of the City Lord's Mansion. The City Lord asked me to I will report the finances to you, saying that this will be your asset from now on, and you must understand the financial situation of Tobu City."

Bai Bian nodded: "Come in and talk."

Stith walked in cautiously, not daring to look around. Although this man was not the city lord yet, he was still worried about whether he would be replaced as an emperor and a court official.

He came to the front desk with his head lowered and carefully placed a silver ring on the table: "Mr. Bai Bing, this is the city's account book. Every day's income and expenditure will be recorded in it, but our city only records ten years' worth." So every day some will be taken out and destroyed, and there is a timeline on it for you to check.”

Bai Bian picked up the ring and penetrated it with his mental power. The space ring was ten cubic in size, and there were only eleven bookshelves inside, each with 366 books arranged in sequence.

I randomly took out a book and flipped through it. It clearly recorded the whereabouts of all the money. It seemed that the old city lord was particularly strict about finance.

Just turn to the last page which is the total for that day.

[Dawn Calendar 1531, June 15th: Total income: 36145.98.10 gold coins, expenditure: 3650 gold coins. 】

Seeing so many account books, Bai Bian didn't think much about flipping through them page by page. He asked directly: "Can you report the funds that the City Lord's Mansion still has now? Do you know the situation of the treasure house?"

Stith quickly replied: "The treasure house is managed by the city lord himself. The key is on the eleventh shelf. The city lord told me to give it to you as well."

“Tobu City’s current funds, gold coins and contribution points add up to more than 500 million points. Because there has been no war in the past three years, the current income and expenditure are almost the same.

The main expenses are still on officials' wages, city construction, school welfare, and the legion, because those who join the army will receive good benefits. The legion's expenditure alone is about 150 million per month, while other Fluctuating around 80 million.

The main sources of Tobu City's income come from profitable projects such as taxes, land leases, minerals, city entry fees, knowledge halls, adventurers' unions, etc. The city can earn about 300 million gold coins every month. "

Stith finished speaking quickly and lowered his head to wait for the answer.

Bai Bian was a little surprised when he heard this data: "Aren't the Adventurers' Guild and the Hall of Knowledge jointly owned by the Federation? Are they all owned by Tobu City now?"

Stith smiled bitterly: "Mr. White Plague may not know much about it. During the war, apart from pubs and brothels, other entertainment shops in the entertainment districts in the inner city probably had little income.

The outer city is always at a loss. With more than 700,000 people in the inner city, it is impossible to maintain a legion of 400,000. Therefore, in all border cities, the profits of any official organization belong to the city itself. "

Stith described helplessly: "Those ordinary people who join the army are fine, their military pay is all silver coins.

But the proportion of extraordinary soldiers among our soldiers is very high. Among the 400,000 soldiers, there are 150,000 in the lower ranks of bronze, 50,000 in the middle, and 30,000 in the upper ranks. Their military pay is all gold coins.

And the salary is several times higher than that of ordinary professionals of the same level. The high expenses are all on these 210,000 professional soldiers. "

Bai Bian has a headache. He originally felt that he still had more than 60 million left, but now, why does he feel like the economy will collapse at any time?

If all three legions were mobilized, Tobu City's economy might collapse after a war.

This economy is unhealthy, very unhealthy!

His first thought was to reduce the number of soldiers, but no one knew when the mutated area would come. Since the city lord has been maintaining such a large army, he must have a reason.

He still has to understand the reasons before he can decide whether to reduce some of the quantity.

The second thought is, if you replace the fat man in front of you, why would a financial officer who can't make money for the city still come?

Finally, the position of financial officer is very suitable for Saab. If he shares 5% of the city's income, then Bai Bian is sure that Tobu City's economy will always be in a state of rapid development!

It doesn't matter where he goes to make money, as long as it doesn't harm his Tobu City, he can do whatever he wants.

Thinking of this, Bai Bian said decisively: "I understand, you can become a quartermaster in the future."

Stith trembled all over, and the big stone hanging in his heart finally couldn't come down anymore: "Mr. Bai Baiyi, um, we have a quartermaster."

"It's okay. You can go back first. Someone will hand over to you later."

Bai Bian waved his hand and didn't want to pay attention to the financial officer anymore.

Instead, he took out his cell phone and dialed Saab's number directly. After two rings, the call was connected.

"Lord City Lord, what do you want from me?"

Sabo sounded a little teasing. There was some noise on his side. He was probably completing the task that Bai Bian had just given him.

Bai Bian glanced at Stith, who was a little lost and was leaving, and said directly: "I just took a look at the economic situation of Tobu City, and it feels very bad, Mr. Sabo."


Sabo's voice suddenly became quiet, and a kind of excitement spread across the phone: "My dearest Lord, please wait a moment. We will meet to talk in five minutes. Regarding the topic you mentioned, I have thousands of words to discuss with you.”

Toot toot.

White plague:.

He was speechless looking at the hung up phone. Sure enough, Sabo's target was the financial officer, but it seemed that the city lord didn't want him to be the financial officer, because the main responsibility of the quartermaster was to manage military pay, military supplies, and food for the soldiers. .

The Treasurer is the Minister of Finance, in charge of taxation, business, accounting and other matters, and has great power.

"Boss, are these things I can listen to?"

At this time, Luo Ning spoke weakly, feeling that the food was a little tasteless. She always knew a famous saying, when the status does not match, it is not good to know too much.

Therefore, every time she makes a prediction, she only predicts how to solve the next danger, rather than predicting where the danger comes from.

This makes every prediction she performs extremely smooth and does not involve too many things.

"These are not secrets, let's eat." Bai Bian touched her head, stood up and walked to the laboratory: "Wait until Sabo comes, just ask him to come to me directly."

"Okay boss." Luo Ning felt relieved and started cooking quickly.

Bai Bian returned to the laboratory, and not long after he sat down, Sabo opened the door and walked in. His ugly face was full of a sinister smile: "Hey, my great Lord City Lord, I am already here, let me guess, Is it time for me to get promoted?”

Bai Bian took out the key to the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion from the silver ring, and then handed the ring to Sabo: "You take a look at the account book first."

Sabo took the ring, skillfully took out eleven books from it, and began to read.

His expression gradually changed from excitement to calmness, and then he frowned: "My friend, this is an unhealthy economy."

"I know, that's why I came to see you. Do you have any good ideas?" Bai Bian looked forward to it.

"Reduce the number of soldiers and officials, and open up trade with other cities." Sabo said without hesitation.

"I need to understand this first."

"There is no need to understand, my friend." Bai Bian's words were cut off, and Sabo said seriously:

"The reason why Tobu City needs so many soldiers is because the border city is not only responsible for protecting the security of the Federation, but also has a role in attacking. For example, the mutated area in the southeast that was bombed by you. If you had not bombed that day, the storm would be The Legion is ready to clean them up.”

He continued: "And now your intercontinental railgun can very well replace the role of the Storm Legion, so the Storm Legion doesn't need so many people."

"We can keep the elites, clean up the ordinary people, and build a professional army like the Apocalypse Army."

"And the Wucheng Army does not need so many people. It is enough to leave 120,000 professional soldiers in the entire city."

"Those soldiers who have been laid off can become businessmen, adventurers, or even private soldiers of wealthy businessmen. This can further make the city more prosperous and even safer."

Sabo did not hesitate to speak out his thoughts. Although he was not bound to Tobu City, he liked Tobu City.

The most important thing is that Bai Bian's talent is top-notch, and he is in tune with him. With Bai Bian, he feels that he can grow faster.

Bai Bian picked up a ledger and looked at it. Professionals, warriors and assassins who joined the army could earn about two hundred gold coins a month for the lower level of bronze, five hundred for the middle level, one thousand for the upper level, and two thousand or even five thousand for the silver level. gold.

Mages and special professions will be higher.

This is undoubtedly several times that of ordinary wealthy merchants, and they also have a military merit system. Relying on the high military pay and military merit system, as long as they are talented, they will not stop at their current level.

When Bai Bian thought of this, he suddenly understood the reason for such high military pay.

The keynote of the Federation is to allow people to grow without limit, to give everyone the opportunity to be promoted, and to constantly select the best from among them.

High military pay allows professionals to have more money to purchase more resources, achieving the goal of rapid growth.

The high military quota seems to be reserved for ordinary people, because when an ordinary person enters any army, he will first obtain the corresponding training knowledge, and have higher wages and more training opportunities.

Although doing this will bring more and more extraordinary people to Tobu City, it will keep Tobu City's economy in an unhealthy state.

"What's wrong? My friend, you see, these officials actually have no real role, but their salaries are also in gold coins. This is very bad." Sabo took out his account book and pointed at officials at all levels in the city. That column said.

Bai Bian took a look and found that the system in this aspect was indeed a bit bloated: "Saab, what if these things are all for the emergence of more extraordinary beings?"

Sabo paused, put down the account book, and spread his hands helplessly: "My friend, the Federation has no choice but to do this, but the law has given the civilians a way to rise, and then use Tobu City to support these people, This is really unnecessary, true genius will not decline in this era."

"And those who can fall, you can't help them up no matter how hard you try. This will only hinder the development of Tobu City."

Bai Bian was silent for a moment and thought carefully. After a long time, he nodded: "You are right. You can go and explain to Stith later. He will be the quartermaster from now on, and you will be the financial officer."

A smile appeared on Sabo's face: "My friend, you are really an enlightened city lord, but should we talk about my salary now?"

Bai Bian thought for a moment and held out five fingers: "Tobu City can only get better and better. After all expenses are removed, you can get 5%."

Sabo rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "My friend, can you trust that fat man to do this as quartermaster? How about I do it too?"

Bai Bian looked at Sabo, speechless: "What are your conditions?"


"No need, Stis is also a very capable quartermaster. I have to go to the city lord's mansion." Bai Bian stood up decisively and walked out.

"My friend, you can think again."

"No need to think about it. If you don't want 5%, I can also work part-time in finance."

"Well, let's still say 5%, but my friend, if there are some bad voices from other city lords, they must be rumors."

"I only want Tobu City to develop faster, and I won't hear anything else."

"That's great, then I'll go get ready. Goodbye, my friend."

"There is a meeting later. You should finish the meeting first and then get busy."

"Uh, okay."

Bai Yi looked at the city lord's mansion and walked directly in. After finding the city lord, Bai Yi said what he had just discussed with Sabo.

The development of Tobu City must indeed be put on the agenda. He is not the city lord to support a city, but a model of mutual benefit.

The city lord provides security to the city while developing the city, and the city gives back more resources to the city lord.

Eric was silent for a while. After a while, he smiled and said: "Now you are the acting city lord. You can decide these things by yourself in the future. Don't ask me. You have to learn to control this city. As long as ordinary residents can still see hope, Then you are a good city lord."

Bai Bian nodded: "I understand."

Turning around, Bai Bian left without hesitation and walked to the largest courtroom of the Judicial Yuan.

He summoned the three corps commanders and a number of officials including law enforcement teams, judicial officers, and various departments.

When all these people arrived, Bai Bian looked at the comparison with silence in his eyes.

There are only three legions here, but there are actually dozens of heads of various departments in the city.

No wonder they have to pay so much salary every month. The official system of Tobu City is too bloated.

After everyone had arrived, Bai Bian glanced at Sabo and knocked on the table lightly: "Today is my third day as the acting city lord, and I found that Tobu City is very different from what I imagined. , so I plan to reform it.”

Many officials in the field immediately frowned, with some uneasiness in their eyes.

Bai Bian ignored them. In this world where force was paramount, the city lord had absolute say. Even if he delegated his power 100%, he would not be afraid of being ignored.

Bai Bian looked at Sifu and said calmly: "The Apocalypse Army remains unchanged and still guards the inner city wall to protect the safety of the inner city."

He looked at a tall orc again. This man was the strongest among everyone present, a level 49 berserker and the commander of the Wucheng Army.

"The quota of the Wucheng Army has been halved, leaving only 100,000 quotas, 20,000 quotas for each of the south, west, and north city gates, and 40,000 quotas for the east city gate. The rest of the benefits remain unchanged."

The White Plague still hasn't cut military spending. Although it will cost a lot of money, it is very risky for them to join the army. They may die in every war, so since they are risking their lives, the White Plague can also afford their money. Sell ​​your life for money.

This decision immediately caused an uproar in the field. Even Badu, the commander of the Wucheng Army, couldn't help but say: "Well, Mr. Bai Yie, is this a bit too hasty? Is this asking the city master?"


Terrifying mental power came out of Bai Bian's body, immediately silencing the noise in the arena: "I'm not negotiating with you, this is an order. If you are dissatisfied, you can go to the city lord. Now, be quiet!"

Many officials couldn't help but swallow. The mental power that even stung their senses made Badu speechless. He thought for a while and finally said nothing more.

But when this meeting is over, he will definitely go to the city lord.

"The Storm Legion quota is 40,000, and the Wucheng Army can also select people from among the eliminated ones, and the treatment will remain the same."

This decision made Eddie couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, but he did not object. Although the 200,000 soldiers suddenly became 40,000, he is not the kind of elf who is greedy for power. He can also take the high-end route. .

The uneasiness in the eyes of the people present is getting stronger and stronger. The army has been directly reduced from 400,000 to 150,000. Will they be worse off?

"The new financial officer is now Mr. Saab. Mr. Saab can reform the finance department on his own and lay off those who need to be laid off."

Bai Bian looked at Sabo, and he smiled and nodded in response: "I obey, Lord City Lord."

The others couldn't sit still anymore. They were once emperors and courtiers, and this one hadn't even become the city lord yet, and now he was making such a big move.

But their uneasiness was not of Bai Bian's concern. He calmly began to name names: "Judiciary, law enforcement."

Every time he read a noun, the people in the corresponding department suddenly started to sweat on their foreheads, staring at Bai Bie without blinking.

But when the tenth name was read, the tension in these people's eyes slowly disappeared, and they looked at the departments whose names were not read with some gloating.

It seems obvious that a city cannot only have legions, they are also an indispensable part.

As for those who weren't named, that's interesting.

"Inspection, the Adventurer's Guild, Education, and the financial matters will be decided by Mr. Sabo, and the rest that have not been named will be disbanded."


In an instant, Bai Bing's mental strength could no longer suppress the noise. This cut off at least half of the department, which would put tens of thousands of people out of work. Adding those from the Legion, that means that starting from today, there are more than 300,000 people. Will be unemployed!

They couldn't calm down after such a huge impact. After all, it was not uncommon to find extremely free and high-paying positions. Coupled with the wealth of wealthy businessmen, this could be said to have affected their fundamental interests.

"The Apocalypse Legion supervises this reform, and all those who resist will be sent to mine."

"Kill those who are stubborn!"

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