Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 90 Dark Valley (Updated daily)

After arranging these things, Bai Bian walked out of the court.

Of the 150,000 soldiers, the upper 30,000 bronze soldiers will definitely be left behind, as will the middle 50,000 soldiers, and the rest will most likely be professionals in the lower bronze ranks.

Now the normal expenditure of the legion has suddenly dropped from 150 million to 60 million. Even including equipment maintenance and normal military supplies, the maximum monthly expenditure is 70 million, and the lowest is 63 to 4 million.

The salary of various positions in the city has dropped directly to 20 million. Including maintenance and various expenses in the city, it will not exceed 100 million a month.

In other words, this wave of layoffs can save more than 100 million a month.

With this money, all his resources can be used at the highest level, and he can also arm these 150,000 soldiers to greatly increase their combat effectiveness.

And there is still money left over to build inner cities.

As for the outer city, everything can continue as usual. That is the basic foundation of order and civilization, so don't destroy it at will.

Bai Bian's mood gradually became happier. When the trade route to Sabo opened, Tobu City was about to enter a state of rapid development.

And he can also start recruiting alchemists. When there are more alchemists, the inner city of Tobu City will become the most prosperous area in the entire federation.

But when he was in a happy mood, many people began to feel unhappy.

For example, the old city lord Eric.

He looked at the group of people kneeling and crying in the distance with an expressionless face, and suddenly felt a little uninterested. Originally, he had given so many places to give up more opportunities.

And now looking at these people's lack of enthusiasm at all, he also doubted whether he was wrong.

"Do you also feel that this is wrong?"

He looked at his disciple: Badu.

As the commander of the Wucheng Army, Badu is actually not smart, but in this era, potential is more important than intelligence, so he is the commander of the army, and his task is to defend the city that is the most mindless.

Just looking at Badu who was a little confused, Eric waved his hand casually: "I said, everything in the city is subject to Bai Bian's orders, you can go down."

"As ordered." Badu bowed respectfully and then strode away.

He won't think so much, but he has one advantage, that is, he obeys the city lord's orders 100%. Since the city lord let him go, he will go back even if he doesn't understand.

Eric looked at the sky with a sense of sadness. After walking out of the civilian area, he knew the impact of what was happening now.

But since he chooses to let go, he will not make any intervention. When the white epidemic reaches gold, he can really retire.

As the sound of neat footsteps came, Sifu led the soldiers of the Apocalypse Legion and dragged the people kneeling on the ground away expressionlessly.

Since these people don't give up, they all go mining. After a few years of mining, they figured out that there are quite a lot of mineral resources belonging to Tobu City nearby.

The Department of Mineral Resources has not been disbanded, and it is enough to accommodate this group of people.

In addition to the city, the Wucheng Army and the Storm Legion also exploded. The soldiers looked at their superiors uneasily, but they could not stop the reduction of the legion quota.

As expected by Bai Bing, the middle and upper ranks of bronze were all retained, while the lower ranks were determined purely by level and profession.

Alchemists and mages will not move. Warriors and assassins can only stay after reaching level 15. All those below level 15 will be forced to retire.

As for the world that is unwilling to engage in magic, rebellion cannot really occur. At most, the Ministry of Mineral Resources can only have more miners.

With strong execution, the entire Tobu City system took on a new look. In just three days, a large number of military camps were demolished, and a large number of official residences were vacated, becoming Tobu City's resources.

And suddenly there were more than 300,000 unemployed people in the city, which created a huge wave of income for the Adventurer's Guild, and also allowed those wealthy businessmen to hire more extraordinary people.

The steam train has now connected the southeastern part of the federation. Now the wealthy businessman who bought the steam train has begun to make a profit. He also needs a lot of extraordinary people. After all, the city and the areas in between are not absolutely safe.

In addition to his city coming forward to clean up the dangers along the road, it would be best if there were extraordinary people following the car.

These people actually don’t have to worry about where to go.

It just made the price of hiring extraordinary people in Tobu City slightly lower.

It doesn't matter. After a while, the price will rise again.

After all, the reason why professionals' wages are linked to their strength is because of the palace of knowledge and the price of materials.

Federal laws set prices for professionals, and they can only be more but not less.

Because regular people have calculated that the lower bronze level has 30 gold coins a month. In addition to food and drink, a small amount of knowledge or resources can be purchased from the federation every month for progress.

Therefore, thirty gold coins is the bottom line price of bronze. Of course, most wealthy businessmen will only increase this price a little bit.

Bai Bian looked at Irene who walked out in confusion and stared at him.

He asked with great interest: "Has your talent awakened? What talent has been awakened?"


Erin yawned and stretched out her hand. White light flashed in her hand, and a feeling of healing came.

Bai Bian was a little surprised: "Is it therapeutic? Not bad. What career do you plan to take?"


Eileen yawned again and asked vaguely: "Boss, please add the salary."

Bai Bian carefully looked at the healing energy in her hand and nodded: "Yes, the healing energy is quite rare, but you are still in the middle of bronze. You can get 250 gold coins a month."

A smile appeared on Eileen's face reluctantly: "Haha, I just said that Luo Ning's prophecy was inaccurate. He also said that I am short of money in my life. Doesn't this mean that I will have money?"

Bai Bian: "But you have been sleeping most of the time this month. Those days will be counted as absenteeism, and fifty gold coins will be deducted first!"

Erin: .

"Damn it! This is my awakening talent! How could you do this! That's my hard-earned money!" Eileen suddenly became more energetic and looked at Bai Bie with a look of resentment.

Bai Bian raised his head slightly and asked condescendingly: "Just tell me whether you have done any work!"

"Well, it seems that there is no ha~" Erin said and yawned, stood up and walked to the room, muttering softly: "Damn capitalist, it seems that my talent has not yet fully awakened. Wait until I finish awakening." I’ll come out and bite you to death!”

"So, what is your profession?" Bai Bian showed a pleasant smile on his face, teasing this elf always gave him a sense of pleasure.

"In the inherited memory, they all call me the Life Sacrifice. I won't say any more. I'll take a nap first. Bye!" Irene replied in a daze, opened the door to the room, fell directly on the bed, and fell into sleep. middle.

White plague:.

So she came out for the awakening ceremony just to get a raise?

He suddenly felt a little pain in his conscience. After all, Miss Elf had achieved this level, and he had deducted her money.

Bai Bian silently decided to tell her that she had heard wrongly after her awakening was completed.

"Boss, those wonders who are very familiar with you said they want to see you. Do you want to go and have a look?" Luo Ning came in from outside carrying a food box and said curiously.

Bai Bian glanced outside. Wei Brigade and the other five people arrived at the door at some unknown time. There were many players around them, all looking inside.

Opening the forum, it was as lively as ever. I clicked on Wei Brigade’s homepage and flipped through it.

After quickly watching the latest video, I roughly understood what happened.

To put it simply, after they completed the task of finding the members hiding the Night Rose, they planned to try the main task again, but they were stopped just after leaving the city. Then they tried to ask for help, such as the NPC Chamber of Commerce, or went on an adventure. The player union will issue tasks.

It's a pity that all it got was the destruction of the group, and even the Adventurer's Guild had no one to take the mission because the value they could pay was too low.

Originally, god-level tasks were really difficult to complete, and no one complained about it. Then last night, that guy from Demacia said with a mysterious face that coming over tonight would definitely get White Plague to agree to help.

That vow made the players very curious, so some players will come over to take a look today.

Bai Bian was also a little curious, so he stood up and walked out: "Okay, I'll go take a look and check out the store. Remember to register if anyone comes to see me."

"Okay boss, be careful~" Luo Ning said obediently, opened the food box and started to cook.

As soon as he walked out of the store, dozens of players around him looked at Bai Bie eagerly, looking like a boss asking for help.

Bai Bian paused and finally looked at Wei Brigade: "What's the matter?"

Wei Brigade looked at Demacia and motioned to start your performance.

Demacia did not hesitate, looked around, and said in a low voice as if he was very careful: "Mr. White Plague, top secret information, a war is about to begin."


They looked at the live broadcast room and twitched the corners of their mouths. Ah, don't these guys know that the Wei Brigade is live broadcasting? Do you have such a strong desire to perform?

"War, what kind of war?" Bai Bian asked in cooperation.

Demacia paused for a moment. Seeing that there was no mission, he was a little discouraged: "That's it. Recently, we have been tracking down the matter of Rose of the Night, and then I discovered a situation by chance. The people of Rose of the Night tried to activate a In the mutated area, we plan to attack Dongwu City and then take advantage of the chaos to kill you."

The players were shocked and then excited. This seemed like a war mission!

Bai Bing was confused. Rose of the Night was known for being secretive. How could she leak such war information?

"How did you know?"

Other players also pricked up their ears and were full of curiosity. Even Wei Brigade and others were the same. They had met a lot of people from Rose of the Night. After being caught, the vendors in the market yesterday did not reveal a single word until their death. useful information.

Demacia suddenly wilted, and her tone was full of resentment: "I didn't want to either, I just wanted to hide my staff, and then I walked to a basement, and finally..."

He gradually began to cry: "My staff was taken away again! They are still discussing things on my body! It seems like something from the headquarters can temporarily control the mutated area."

As he spoke, he finally couldn't help crying: "Mr. Bai Yie, they took away two of my staffs. They and I are incompatible!!!"

Guard Brigade: 6.

No wonder he is so coy and mysterious, that's why.

"Haha. Uh..."

I don't know which player couldn't hold it back and laughed, and then everyone was surrounded by suppressed laughter, and some even laughed unscrupulously, causing the NPCs to point and point.

The live broadcast room is even more unscrupulous, hahaha, the screen is full.

Bai Bian was also speechless: "Where did you hide the staff?"

"Outer City West District, Mr. White Plague, you must avenge me!" Demacia suddenly howled louder as she listened to the laughter around her.

Bai Bian: Who among the serious people would hide their magic staff so far away?

But if this is the case, it may indeed be true, because in the past, players were resurrected in ten seconds. In other words, during these ten seconds, he could watch his body disappear and wait for his consciousness to be pulled directly back to the resurrection point.

But now it's different. After being killed so hard by him that the server was stopped, the players' resurrection rules have been changed. If Demacia's resurrection time is an hour or even longer, maybe they can leave their consciousness in the land of death. Looking at his murderer

Bai Bian suddenly had an idea. Can players become self-destruction monitors? Throw the Guard Brigade into the enemy's base camp and kill it, then hide in the corner and watch the live broadcast?

As soon as this idea came up, Bai Bian couldn't help but want to try it out, but unfortunately it was not the time yet.

After thinking about it, the power of the contract flashed, and Bai Bian snapped his fingers coolly.


The space shook. Amid the exclamations of the players, a mechanical dragon suddenly approached, exuding terrifying dragon power and hovering in the sky.

[You are frightened by the dragon's power, speed -30%, strength -20%]

The players' eyes were bright. Although their attributes had been reduced, they all stared at the behemoth in the sky with wide eyes, eager to try, as if they planned to touch it when this guy came down.

After all, the dragon usually stays on the city wall, but they can only watch and cannot go up the city wall at all. Players who tried to break through the card were killed on the spot.

"Take me there. If this is true, then I will give you the staff you lost." Bai Bian said with a smile.

Demacia's eyes lit up. Does this mean he can ride this dragon? This, this, this, this wave of crying is not a loss!

"No problem, no problem. I am a good citizen. If I encounter any abnormal situation, I will report it to Mr. White Plague as soon as possible!" Demacia nodded repeatedly.

Being stared at by resentful eyes, he couldn't help but straighten his back, as if to say: Look, this is a crying child who is fed milk, you know nothing!

The corner of Wei Lu's mouth twitched, what kind of bullshit luck

The next moment, the five of them were carried by a force and flew into the sky with Bai Bian.

In the envious eyes of the players, the dragon spread its wings and the six people disappeared in the inner city in an instant.

"Is this what it feels like to be a dragon knight? I love it!"

Demacia yelled, glanced at his teammates, and said slyly: "Mr. White Plague, the one who said he wanted monsters to attack the city was an old guy wearing an angel mask, and the guy opposite him was wearing a hood. The guy whose face can’t be seen clearly, the specific location.”

He was a little stuck as he spoke, and his eyes became a little blank. Anyone who is familiar with players knows that he was watching a screen recording.

Bai Bian was not in a hurry, and the mechanical dragon flew to the west wall of the outer city, staring at the west city area with a pair of scarlet eyes. Players, residents, and soldiers were all looking at this side.

But they all knew it was something belonging to the White Plague, and they didn't dare to get close.

Of course, the reason why players don't get close is because the city wall prohibits non-soldier units from getting close, and anyone who gets close will be shot.

After about thirty seconds, Demacia said: "I remembered, that place is called Dark Valley! They have already gone!"

After Bai Bian paused, he immediately recalled the mutated area where he and Lao Lang fought into Dongwu City. It seemed that that was the name.

The boss there is a powerful abyss lord. After taking advantage of the creatures from the Shia continent, his strength was limited to level 69, with the top gold level. He was very cunning. He just used the old wolf to collect the essence and blood of the whole city, and finally broke through. Gold is on top.

After the player's resurrection point was forced to move, he eventually died at the hands of the cutscene CG, the legendary berserker.

Unexpectedly, after so many changes, it is still this mutated area!

But the time has been advanced, and the old city lord's energy and blood have not faded yet. In the pure mutation area, even if Night Rose can control the city wall, it is meaningless.

If the siege was planned by Rose of the Night, then there must be a back-up plan.

"You are very good. Now can you tell me where you heard the news?" Bai Bian's tone became solemn.

At the same time, the emphasis on players has been taken to a higher level.

[White Plague’s favorability +10, you provided high-value intelligence, and you triggered the main mission, Veil of Night. 】

[Mission: Veil of Dark Night.

Attribute: Main quest.

Mission description: Rose of the Night attempts to use the mutation zone project and kill the White Plague with SSS-level potential, which seriously threatens the security and future of the Federation.

Please get more clues about the Rose of the Night and help the White Plague eliminate the distribution of the Rose of the Night in Tobu City.

Mission Difficulty: Hell.

Mission reward: Optional special job transfer ×1, experience value +10,000, gold coins +500, free attribute points +20, skill points +20.

Introduction: The dangerous rose reveals its spikes, eradicate it and kill it! 】

Demacia's eyes were filled with excitement, and he quickly pointed to a building not far away: "That's right there, there is a passage underground, and in the passage is a basement!"

Bai Ying looked at it and saw that it was actually a school in the outer city!

There was some depression in his eyes, and he said calmly: "Wait for me here, I will come to you later."

As he spoke, his mental power controlled the body to fly downward, and then he thrust his mental power into the guardian ring without hesitation.


A special message flashed in the direction of the city lord's palace. The function of this ring is to protect. While predicting danger, it can also transmit this prediction to a specific unit, that is, the city lord.

Feeling a soft gaze cast over him, Bai Bian said softly: "Lord City Lord, things here are a bit serious. I may not be able to handle it, and I need your help."

After the words fell, after waiting for about three seconds, the shadow of an old man slowly solidified, and the fluctuations in the space continued to flicker.

The old city lord and Bai Bian came to the school gate together: "Is there a problem here?"

Bai Bing nodded: "Maybe it's the branch of Rose of the Night in Dongwu City. Qi Quan has heard a lot of news here. Let's deal with it first and then talk to you in detail."

The city lord nodded, without any authority on his body, just like an old grandfather leading his serious grandson, and walked into the school called Dongsheng Academy in a leisurely manner.

The school cannot make mistakes. Once a fierce battle breaks out here, the losses will be too huge. Therefore, the simplest way is to shake people and ensure that nothing goes wrong.

White Blight will not act like a hero. Tobu City is his now and will be his in the future. It is time for these rats to make them pay the price.

He, Bai Bian, never fights an uncertain battle.

Thanks for the tip, Daju will work hard to update.

By the way, I would like to recommend a good book "Tokyo Begins with the Washing House Wife"

Introduction: This author has been blocked for four books, and they all say that he seems to have gotten past the moderators. Regardless of the small number of words, you must go early, otherwise the early version will be forced to make major changes. I understand everything.

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