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Chapter 91 Cleaning up the Night Branch

Dongsheng Academy is one of the few schools in the western district of the outer city. These schools are officially established by Tobu City. The teachers in them are all professionals and their salaries are very high.

Moreover, students who go to school here not only do not have to pay tuition, but those with good grades can also receive scholarships and even be promoted to aristocratic schools in the inner city.

Just like Bai Bing did when he was in the capital, he relied on the scholarship and Miss Diane to survive before time travel, and even became a twenty-level alchemist.

This kind of school has no threshold, and anyone aged 6 to 16 can enroll for free. There are many people in it, and because it is noon, the huge campus is full of youthful vitality.

From half-meter-tall dwarfs to two-meter-tall orcs, you can see them everywhere. There are even many goblins who have little potential and are obviously here to make a living.

Because the Federation will not hinder any intelligent being from studying. After all, although the Goblin race is not good at anything, it also has individual differences. For example, there are Goblin scholars in the capital.

Race does not represent everything. In the eyes of the Federation, they are just creatures with different starting points.

"Lord City Lord, do you need to ask all the students to get settled first?"

Bai Bian looked at the children downstairs who were holding books, studying, playing around, or even falling in love, and asked softly.

"No need." There was some nostalgia in Eric's eyes. A long time ago, the school he went to was not as good as this. Now hundreds of years have passed, and in his hands, he can finally give more people the opportunity to change themselves.

He sighed with emotion: "Look, this is the inheritance of fire. You are the city lord now. No matter how tight the finances are, the school's expenses cannot be reduced."

"I know." Bai Bian followed Eric, nodded, and replied in agreement: "But later I plan to re-establish some schools, such as military schools. After graduation, the students in them can enter the legion reserve, or be in various professions. Exclusive colleges and schools are divided into subdivisions, so those who study well or have the right talents can get more targeted education."

He never wanted to cut spending on schools, and anyone with eyes knew what those schools represented.

Eric nodded with satisfaction: "You are the city lord, just watch and come."

While they were talking, the two of them had stopped at an old teaching building. Demacia didn't say the specific location, and Bai Bian and the old city lord didn't ask.

After all, as long as the specific location is known, whether it is Bai Bian's powerful mental power or the old city lord's perception, he can clearly see the abnormality.

This anomaly is not an underground space, but a secret formation arranged underground. This formation is difficult to detect, but only if the person who perceives it does not know that there is a space below.

Otherwise, mental probing and perception targeting can detect the difference between the formation and the stone.

It was lunch time, and there were not many students in this teaching building. Eric and Bai Bian came to a place where debris was piled behind the teaching building.

Bai Bian sensed it, cleared some old tables, pointed to a piece of ground that looked normal, and said to the city lord: "The secret formation, early warning device, and defensive spell are a bit troublesome."

Eric smiled and walked forward.


An extremely thick magic power emerged and directly enveloped the area. In an instant, a piece of land rose up, revealing a deep passage.

Eric pointedly said: "Whether it's technology or magic, as long as you have enough power, you don't need any skills. As long as you bypass the things they protect, they won't report anything inside."

White Blight followed Eric into this dark passage. He listened to the city lord's instructions and looked up, a little stunned.

If the defense mechanism here was a locked door, then the city lord simply cut off the walls around the door.

The door is not broken or opened, so naturally it will not trigger some mechanisms.

After the two of them walked into it, the strong magic power behind them gently lowered the land and returned it to its original appearance.

This passage is very deep, and there is no light underground, making people walking on it feel uneasy.

After walking down for about two hundred meters, the stairs reached the end, and a space with warm lights appeared in front of them.

The sound of whispers came, which meant that there was someone inside.


A subtle sound appeared, and each worker bee flew forward silently and released some gas that was difficult to detect.

The city lord didn't say anything and just walked inside calmly.

"What. Uh."

Before a question could be spoken, a short and rapid groan sounded, followed by a series of sounds of falling to the ground.

[You used alchemical poison to kill a level 28 mage. Due to the large level gap, the experience value was greatly reduced, and the experience value was +30. 】

[You used alchemical poison to kill a level 25 alchemist]

With such a high level gap, these people, except for the mage, died before they could even react.

By the time Bai Bie and the old city lord reached this space, there were no living people here, and some machines had also been softened by a special poison and lost their original effects.

Eric glanced at Bai Bian with some confusion, but didn't say much, and looked at everything around him calmly.

This is a room similar to a data room. These dead people have more or less paper materials in their hands. It seems a little chaotic and they must be planning to evacuate.

After all, Wonders will not die, and with Rose of the Night's vigilance, she will definitely run very fast.

"There is a strong contract curse on their souls, and no information can be obtained by spiritual exploration."

Bai Bian first explained: "City Lord, you should be careful. Each of their important city strongholds is guarded by one or two gold."

Thirty worker bees appeared around Bai Bian, flying around, picking up the materials that those people planned to take away and stacking them.

Bai Bian's mental power also spread to the entire audience at this time. He sensed it, walked to the wall, and groped for a while.


On the wall, a hidden door opened, and behind it was a deep passage.

At this time, the city lord looked at a piece of information in his hand, his eyes becoming extremely sharp.

[Cheng Shen, age 12, ethnicity, potential assessment B, is in contact, no invitation has been sent out yet.

Detailed information: Father Cheng Gao.]

He put down the information in his hand and picked up a piece of information at random. The pressure on his body became lower and lower.

[Gong Wen, age 11, race elf, potential assessment A, under observation, no invitation has been sent out yet. 】

【Fan Fei, age 13.】

Rose of the Night is disturbing the foundation of the Federation!

Bai Bian came over and was a bit silent when he saw the information in the hands of the city lord. Rose of the Night was an organization that only recruited geniuses. If he hadn't had very good grades and transferred to the top aristocratic school, he might have been invited.

At that time, he was still so weak and he really didn't have the qualifications to refuse.

As for why there are so many words that Rose of the Night is observing or coming into contact with.

That's because their invitation method always sends out crushing combat power. If you accept the invitation, everything will be easy.

If they don't accept it, then the child will die unexpectedly. Only for geniuses above S level, they will carefully look for opportunities to invite them.

For example, when Bai Bian went to find Lao Lang, his potential evaluation at that time was S, and the Federation could not detect anything when he died unexpectedly outside the city.

A and B-level people don't have so many scruples, but they don't dare to blatantly invite people, so they maintain a special rule to invite people.

No matter how weak the child is, there is no chance to refuse, because the Federation attaches great importance to potential and will not pay more attention to potential below S level.

This is also the reason why Night Rose is secretive enough. The invitees have no chance to refuse, and apart from the contract hidden deep in their souls, they will grow up normally in the welfare of the Federation.

And obtain resources and positions normally, integrate into the federation, transform the federation, and even occupy the federation.

They knew each other's existence and how big their organization was. Coupled with the transformation of the contract like Rose of the Night, this allowed them to occasionally show that lofty look.

In their eyes, they are just acting out their current identities.

Eric looked at the database that was piled up into a hill by worker bees, and walked towards the passage with an expressionless face. The terrifying magic power fluctuations were looming.

Bai Bian put all these information into the space ring and followed the city lord inside.


A trembling feeling came, and Bai Bian quickly followed. He immediately saw corpses on the ground, and there were faint traces of cracks on the surrounding walls. All the technological equipment was destroyed at this moment, and the slightest arc was in some places. Corners kept popping up and two doors were violently vandalized.

A rapid red light lit up in the underground base, and the sound of alarms kept ringing, making people feel panicked unconsciously.

Bai Bian looked around and did not see the city lord, but there were magic waves flickering in the passage on the left.

Bai Bian hesitated for a moment and planned to walk to the passage on the right, but during just this moment of hesitation, there was a wave of magic power coming from the passage on the right.

Eric walked out of it with evil eyes in his eyes: "There is no gold here, and there is not much silver. Do you know how to track down Rose of the Night's people other than death?"

Bai Bian thought for a while and said, "Then their gold should have gone to a mutated area called Dark Valley."

"There is no way to track down Rose of the Night." Bai Bian shook his head: "Even if you check his life, you can't find any clues. The god this organization believes in represents mystery, and their contract may come from that mysterious god. "

Bai Bian hesitated for a moment: "I belong to Rose of the Night. Rose of the Night is a secret organization. If the people of Rose of the Night read this sentence, they will die, but"

"What are your concerns?"

Bai Bian glanced at the depressed city lord, and said: "It's just that this kind of exposure only has one chance. When their gods react, this method will be ineffective, and it can easily become a method for Rose of the Night to prove herself. If you want to use this If we use words to track down Rose of the Night, we can only do it secretly, and there are not many opportunities."

"Check, must check! The entire federation will investigate together!" The killing intent around Eric could no longer be concealed, and a suffocating breath came, making Bai Bian feel a little suffocated.

"Wait a little longer." Bai Bian shook his head. Under the puzzled eyes of the city lord, Bai Bian said calmly: "What if I say that among the twenty-nine council members, there are people from Rose of the Night?"

Eric was stunned, and his murderous intention became even more intense: "Then kill, as long as it threatens the federation, there is nothing that cannot be killed!"

Bai Bian spread his hands: "You believe me, but do others also believe me?"

The killing intent around Eric paused. He was silent for a while and then said: "Leave this matter to me. You just need to tell me which congressman is who."

"Glory Councilor Im Machado, a level 75 mage, I only know this one."

Bai Bian did not hesitate to reveal directly that in the past he had thought of using this as a trump card, but he did not expect that the Federation would value him to such an extent.

But now it is different. He is already the preparatory city lord. The more stable the federation is, the better. Now is the time to fully target Rose of the Night. If this organization is not eliminated, the federation will not be peaceful for a day.

"I understand. You can handle the follow-up here." Eric was obviously stunned and walked out solemnly without stopping at all.

Although in his mind, the congressman was clearly only level 70, he did not doubt the veracity of White Plague's words. This kind of lie had no other effect except causing shock to the federation.

The stability of the federation is a great blessing to the border cities. As the reserve city lord of Tobu City, Bai Bian has no need to lie.

Bai Bian looked at the back of the city lord, thought for a while, and quickly scanned the underground base. There were a lot of bronze and silver-level equipment, but the most important thing was the information that had not been taken away and destroyed.

Bai Bian took a rough look and found that although there were no famous geniuses, there were nearly 10,000 potential young people in Tobu City.

It is even more detailed than the official survey. These people are considered potential stocks. They can try to cultivate them after the city's Rose of the Night is cleaned up.

After making sure nothing was missing, Bai Bing walked out of the basement.

After taking a look in the direction of the principal's office, the school didn't need to be closed. Night Rose had planned to abandon this base and would definitely not come back.

Bai Bing returned to the city wall and saw the expectant eyes of the players.

He smiled and said, "Your name is Demacia, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's right, Mr. White Epidemic, how are you?" Demacia looked at the school and asked expectantly.

"That should be a branch of Rose of the Night. It's a pity that you came a little late, but your contribution this time is great. What reward do you want?" Bai Bide said gently, and then asked.

Demacia looked at the unfinished tasks and didn't care. No one said that Tobu City could only have one distribution. He said somewhat flatteringly: "Hey...Mr. White Plague, the staff you mentioned earlier"

Bai Bie's spiritual power penetrated into the space ring and took out two staffs from it: "I'll give you one more to see if your strength grows slowly. One is the top bronze level, and the other is the silver level. "

"The night roses are hidden too deep in the city, so I have to bother you with the spectacle."

Demacia's eyes suddenly lit up. He grabbed two gorgeous staffs and found that no matter in appearance or anything else, they were much more advanced than the two he had thrown away.

He smiled and shook his head: "No trouble, no trouble, we are all good people, and these are what we should do."

The Guard Brigade and the others looked very envious. In the early stages of the game, they had already obtained silver equipment without completing the mission.

This is really enviable!

Bai Bian glanced at Wei Brig and the others. Wei Brig's live broadcast was very popular and he was considered the most popular anchor among the three federations. Every time he brought him along, he could save a lot of things. For example, if he had anything to say to the players, just Said next to him, there is a high probability that all players will know.

"I'll give you some more gadgets. If you find any clues about Rose of the Night, you can come to me at any time, and I will give you generous rewards."

As Bai Bian spoke, five pistols full of technology appeared in front of him. The special effects of these pistols were extremely cool, but they had little power. They were considered products of Bai Bian after a failed experiment.

I originally wanted to sell it to players, but later I felt that the profit was too low, so now I’ll just treat it as a special easter egg.

Demacia's eyes were even full of admiration, and the Guards Brigade's eyes also shone when they looked at this cool pistol.

"Mr. Bai Baiyi, isn't this a little too expensive?"

Demacia said, quickly tied the staff to her waist, and then reached for the pistol with a smile.

"It's just some gadgets. You're welcome. There are some things that only you wonders can discover. The silver-level staff given to you is worth about five hundred gold coins. If any of you find a similar base, you can get a similar value. We need to work together to maintain the peace of Tobu City."

Bai Bian patted their shoulders, and with a surge of mental power, he sent them off the city wall, and let them mount the dragon and fly to the inner city in an instant.

Demacia's eyes widened and she looked at the Guards blankly: "How much more? Five to five hundred gold coins?"

The four members of the guard team glanced at him with contempt: "You look like you have never seen the world, Madu is so envious."

High play: "Envy +1" × 3

Live broadcast room: "Envy +1"×n

"Hehehehe, I'm just saying, a crying baby has milk, don't you envy it? Don't you envy it?" Demacia looked at the properties of the gun in her hand.

[Name: Shining Sparks.

Quality: average.

Durability: 60/60.

Equipment effect: Automatically absorbs surrounding magic energy. When fully charged, it can release a large amount of electrical energy, but because the electrical energy is too dispersed, it cannot cause much damage.

Cooling time: 10 minutes.

Magazine: 1/1.

Equipment requirements: None.

Introduction: Who said it’s harmless? I once used it to electrocute a whole pond of fish! --White plague.

Price: 0.1 gold coin. 】

Demacia was a little disappointed, and he fired a shot into the sky.


Strong electric light exploded in the sky, and countless electric arcs spread out. Even the midday sun could not suppress the splendor of the arcs.

The surrounding residents looked at each other, and their somewhat numb eyes seemed to be a little clearer, as if they were seeing this beautiful scenery for the first time.

"Damn it! So handsome? If it's night, you're not allowed to take off?"

Demacia was shocked: "Wow, Kaka. Master took off. From now on, please call me the No. 1 Master in the Chinese server!"

The four members of the Guard Brigade also touched their pistols with bright eyes and shot into the sky one after another.


Four brilliant electromagnetic fireworks exploded, and extremely gorgeous special effects immediately exploded in the live broadcast room. Words of envy continued to flood the screen, giving the five high-level players a sense of satisfaction.

It was really worth it this time!

This thing seems to have been invented by Bai Bian, which means it is out of print!

Although it has little power, the price of out-of-print items among the player community may rise all the way up.

"Have you figured out where to hide the staff? If it explodes again, it will be awesome!" Feng Chen reminded him sourly.

"Explode? What explosion? I won't leave the city. From now on, I will squat in front of Dawn Pharmacy. Who dares to explode me?" Demacia said firmly, holding the staff firmly and not letting go, looking around vigilantly.

The corner of Wei Lu's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but remind: "Have you noticed that although this game does not have a space system, there is a place called a pawn shop. If you get good things, you can go to the official pawn shop to temporarily store them. Just set the date. After that, it will be like a warehouse.”

Demacia:! ! !

"What the hell?" He was shocked and immediately said: "Wait for me, I'll come as soon as I go!"

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