Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 1217: Xiao Yan was dumbfounded, Xu Ran could even kill Dou Sheng

【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

"Xiao Yan, do you want me to die that much? It's a pity that you didn't get your wish. Those guys are too weak. If you want to kill me, you can't just rely on those trash." Xu Ran clapped his hands, He jumped down from the roof and stomped Xiao Yan under his feet.

"No, it's impossible. That's a fighting saint." Xiao Yan couldn't believe it. Fighting saints are legendary existences. There are so many strong people in Canaan Academy, but the strongest is only Dou Zong.

Dou Sheng can destroy the Canaan Academy with a wave of his hand.

Dou Sheng is so terrifying.

And Xu Ran offended the Soul Palace, which has so many fighting saints, why is he still alive?

"Dou Sheng? Is it very strong?" Xu Ran smiled dismissively.

Dou Sheng?

The hearts of all the girls shook violently.

Except for Xun'er and the others who knew that Xu Ran had killed the Ninth Heavenly Venerable of the Soul Palace and Xu Ran's general strength, no one else knew about it.

They all knew that Xu Ran was very strong, to the extent that they could not understand. But after all, they are people from a small place. In their cognition, a strong Douzong like Elder Su Qian is already the ceiling.

As for more powerful people, they cannot imagine.

Above Douzong is Dou Zun, and above Dou Zun is Dou Sheng.

Could it be that Xu Ran doesn't even pay attention to the strong fighters?

So how strong is Xu Ran?

If Xu Ran is really so powerful, then so many miraculous things in Xu Ran's past can be explained clearly. The Dou Sheng powerhouse is the strongest man standing at the pinnacle of the mainland.

Xu Ran used to say that he was so powerful that he didn't even pay attention to Dou Sheng.

It's just that at that time they all thought that Xu Ran was deliberately joking, but they didn't expect that what Xu Ran said was actually true. Even Dou Sheng is not looked down upon, what a domineering words.

"Fart, Xu Ran, who do you think you are? Did you kill all the fighting saints in the Hall of Soul? I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Xiao Yan's eyes were red and bloodshot.

If even Dou Sheng is not Xu Ran's opponent, then he is too pathetic.

Then, what's the point of him continuing to practice hard.

The Soul Palace is number one in the mainland, and the Soul Clan is the most powerful Imperial Clan.

Can't even those strong men stop Xu Ran? He doesn't believe it!

"You're right. The two ants in the Hall of Souls were indeed killed by me. What? Do you want to see their corpses? Dou Sheng is indeed very strong, but this is for others. In my eyes, Dou Sheng is just a stronger ant. Even though he is stronger, he is still an ant."

Xu Ran took out the bodies of Datianzun and Ertianzun.

The coercion of a Dou Sheng-level corpse, even if it is dead, still has the coercion no less than that of a Dou Huang Dou Zong-level powerhouse.

And that kind of sense of sacredness is something that even Dou Zong and Dou Zun don't have.

This is…

Although Xu Ran cut off most of Dou Sheng's coercion, the sacred and powerful corpse still made their hearts tremble.

That feeling... They can all understand that the owner of this corpse must be a shocking power! Therefore, even if this mighty man dies, he can still look forward to his life.

"Dou Sheng, unexpectedly fell."

"Even in Zhongzhou, where the undercurrent is surging, there has been no news of Dou Sheng's fall for many years."

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

"The fall of Dou Sheng will cause turmoil in the major forces in Zhongzhou."

Yao Lao's pupils suddenly shrank. Xiao Yan couldn't see it in a terrible way, but as the former Venerable Yao, he knew very well that this is the Fighting Saint powerhouse!

Only a strong fighter can make him feel like his scalp is tingling.

That kind of faint holy power is what all Dou Zun dream of. Countless Dou Zun spent their entire lives, but they were unable to break through the Dou Sheng. Dou Sheng represents the top figures in the mainland.

Dou Sheng has fallen!

This is unimaginable in Zhongzhou.

Now, the Dou Sheng on the mainland are all in a state of retirement, and it is precisely because of this that the powerful forces on the surface in Zhongzhou are basically Dou Zun coming to town.

"Xu Ran can kill Dou Sheng, Xu Ran is so powerful." At this moment, Yao Lao finally understood that they could not defeat Xu Ran. From the very beginning, Xu Ran has stood at the highest peak.

No matter how hard Xiao Yan tried, it was impossible to reach Xu Ran's height.

Even the fighting saints in the Soul Palace are dead, who else can defeat Xu Ran?

With the death of the Dou Sheng, the Soul Palace and the Soul Clan may have hated Xu Ran to the bone now, but can the other Dou Sheng in the Soul Palace really defeat Xu Ran?

"Xu Ran. No. No. Dou Sheng also fell into your hands. So you are so strong." Xiao Yan looked at the body of Dou Sheng in horror.

"Brother Xu Ran, this is really..." Xun'er pulled Xu Ran's sleeve tightly, feeling extremely excited.

Even Dou Sheng fell into Xu Ran's hands, and now Xu Ran is probably famous in the ancient clan.

Even among other imperial families, Xu Ran's reputation would spread quickly.

The Soul Clan has overwhelmed the other Imperial Clans over the years, but none of those Imperial Clans dared to provoke Xu Ran first. So even if the Soul Clan is unscrupulous, the Emperor Clan dare not attack the Soul Clan. But now that the Soul Clan is in trouble, the mainland structure that was originally like a pool of stagnant water suddenly began to move. At this time, the other imperial clans can't wait for Xu Ran to kill a few more powerful soul From Xu Ran's murder of the Soul Clan Fighting Saint, even if Xu Ran has not stepped into Zhongzhou, he is destined to attract the attention of the powerful forces in Zhongzhou.

Even, in the future, those powerful forces in Zhongzhou will visit Canaan Academy one after another.

"As I said, Dou Sheng means nothing to me. You should feel at ease now. Didn't I say it before? If your family doesn't agree with us being together, then I'll convince them." Xu Ran scratched Xun'er's nose and said dotingly.


Xun'er nodded seriously. She used to think that Xu Ran was joking, but she didn't expect what Xu Ran said was true.

Isn't even her father Xu Ran's opponent? What kind of strength is Xu Ran?

Xu Ran seems to have said... Dou Di...

Was Xu Ran really joking?

Xun'er fell into deep contemplation... It seems that Xu Ran has never lied to her since she appeared, and it was because she didn't want to believe Xu Ran.

"Dou Sheng died in the hands of Xu Ran. What kind of evildoer Xu Ran is. I must not be dreaming." Hu Jia pinched her hand hard, feeling the severe pain. Know this is not a dream.

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

Xu Ran... who would have thought that Xu Ran would be a fighting saint?

This made sense, no wonder Xu Ran was able to have such a brilliant pharmacist, and even be able to freely refine elixir without side effects to help others break through.

Xu Ran is a super strong man himself, so it is not surprising to have some powerful abilities.


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