Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 1218: Han Feng's posture, Yao Lao was furious

【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

Hu Jia is completely dumbfounded now.

She never thought that Xu Ran's strength would be so strong.

No wonder Grandpa and Elder Su Qianda seemed very reserved every time they saw Xu Ran. Now she sort of understood. It turns out that Xu Ran is a fighting saint!

That's Dou Sheng!

Originally, she only thought that the powerful fighters were legendary existences.

The strongest person she had seen before was only the great elder of Canaan College, Great Elder Su Qian.

Elder Su Qian is so powerful, he is only a strong Dou Zong.

And Xu Ran is a Dou Sheng, no, Xu Ran is more powerful than a Dou Sheng. Otherwise, how could it be possible to kill Dou Sheng. Then Xu Ran can easily crush anyone in Canaan Academy.

Hu Jia blushed for a while, she actually used an ax in front of a fighting saint before?

dead dead.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

That's Dou Sheng!

How could Xu Ran be so powerful? The gap between myself and Xu Ran is too big.

Xiao Mei, Xiao Yu and the others were also shocked. They only knew that Xu Ran was very strong, but the corpse of such a strong fighter was placed in front of them, but it made them deeply understand how strong Xu Ran was. Even the Dou Sheng powerhouse died in Xu Ran's hands, who else in this world can rival Xu Ran?

Soul Palace, the number one force on the continent, but will Soul Palace really be Xu Ran's opponent?

At this moment, they were full of confidence in Xu Ran. Xu Ran has been invincible since he appeared in their world. They believed that no one in this world could threaten Xu Ran. Xu Ran is the most powerful existence in this world.

Xue Ni stood aside, clenching her teeth, unable to tell whether it was joy or disappointment. I was accepted as a disciple by Xu Ran by mistake, and Xu Ran is so strong, but I am so mediocre.

As a disciple of Dou Sheng, no matter how weak her own strength is, with her status, the general Dou Zong and even Dou Zun would probably need to give her some respect.

Originally, I was just a very mediocre student in Canaan Academy, but because of Xu Ran, I suddenly had such a noble status. Xu Ran changed her life, no matter what she used to repay Xu Ran, it would not be an exaggeration.

"Xu Ran. Why do you have to be so strong?"


"Why am I no match for you no matter how hard I try. You have long been a fighter, but I'm just a little big fighter. It's ridiculous that I still want to fight you. I really wishful thinking."

Xiao Yan's face was full of despair. At this moment, Xiao Yan's face became lifeless, his pale face was filled with dead silence, suddenly it seemed that Xiao Yan's body had gone through a lot of vicissitudes.

This is the grade of a teenager, but it seems to be middle-aged.

"Xiao Yan, your greatest honor now should be Yao Lao. You came from the Yao clan, one of the ancient imperial clans. I don't know what it would be like if you lost this beloved teacher." Xu Ran sarcastically said.

Xiao Yan is still so arrogant now because of Yaochen.

He wanted to see what Xiao Yan would grow up to if he lost Yao Chen.

"Xu Ran, what do you want to do? No, you can't do that."

"You have hurt me enough, why do you still cheat me? Can't you spare me? As a fighter, why did the teacher bully me? Just because I am easy to bully? "

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

Xiao Yan's dull pupils instantly recovered, and he roared at Xu Ran in horror.

Think back on your own life.

Losing Xun'er, being hated by the family, and the two brothers were brutally murdered by Xu Ran, now... Xu Ran is going to do something to Yao Lao?

Xu Ran is a strong fighter, he must know the existence of Yao Lao!

Although Yao Lao is his teacher, in his heart, Yao Lao is his father!

If Xu Ran wants to deal with Yao Lao, he will definitely fight Xu Ran desperately.

"Oh. Is that so?" Yao Chen sighed, he knew that sooner or later he would be dealt with by Xu Ran, it was only sooner or later. Although he knew that fighting against a ruthless person like Xu Ran was undoubtedly courting death, but Xiao Yan was his disciple, and he absolutely could not tolerate his disciple being bullied.

When Xiao Yan was bullied, he was also slapped in the face.

Therefore, after helping Xiao Yan several times, he understood that sooner or later he would be disliked by Xu Ran.

"Xu Ran, I admit that you are very strong, but in my eyes, Xiao Yanzi's talent is no less than yours. As long as you give him a little time, Xiao Yan's future achievements will definitely not be inferior to yours." Yao Chen said from Xiao Yan's Walking out of the body, he said with a solemn face. He didn't want Xiao Yan to be killed by Xu Ran, so he deliberately stimulated Xu Ran.

"Yao Chen, you and I are smart people, I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, I won't kill Xiao Yan now. Such a good plaything, if it dies, where can I find others? This precious disciple of yours won't die until you have had enough fun." Xu Ran said with a smile.

Yao Chen is just a soul body now, as an eighth-rank pharmacist, his soul power is very pure.

"Is this Xiao Yan's support?" Xun'er and the others suddenly realized at this time, they said why Xiao Yan's cultivation base can break through so quickly, it turns out that there are masters behind Xiao Yan.

" Yaochen, there is an old friend, you should want to meet."

"Han Feng, come out."

Xu Ran called out to the distance.

"Han Feng, I have met the master." Han Feng was wearing a black robe, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed respectfully. Now, the person Han Feng fears the most is not Yao Chen or Soul Palace, but Xu Ran.

Xu Ran just squeezed it lightly with his hands, and broke the neck of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Soul Palace, which was terrible.

A fighting saint was randomly slaughtered by Xu Ran like a weak chicken. He could no longer imagine who could stop Xu Ran.

Now, he just wants to hug Xu Ran's thigh and follow a peerless strong man, even if he is a dog, that is a great chance.

"Han Feng..."

Yao Lao looked at Han Feng's familiar face, and his soul throbbed.

Han Feng used to be his best disciple, and the only one he cultivated with all his heart. Since he was a child, he has used medicinal baths to wash Han Feng's body. For Han Feng, he gave almost everything.

But Han Feng betrayed him in the end. If it wasn't for his strength, he would have died a long time ago.

He had a deep hatred for Han Feng, but after seeing Han Feng bowing his knees to Xu Ran, his hatred for Han Feng seemed to have dissipated a lot, leaving only the anger and pity of hating iron but not steel.

In any case, Han Feng was once his disciple. Han Feng is now lying in front of Xu Ran like a dog. The man has gold under his knees, yet Han Feng kneels down to Xu Ran without dignity!

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

This is slapping him in the face!

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