Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 1288: Say good strategy together

【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

Xin Lan looked at Xu Ran somewhat at a loss. Originally, she didn't want to peek, but she was a little surprised that Han Yue could stay with Xu Ran so closely.

Obviously agreed to attack Lord Xu Ran together, but Han Yue passed the level directly?

"Your Excellency Xu Ran, hello, I'm Xin Lan. We met once when I joined Yueling last time." Xin Lan quickly concealed the embarrassment on her face, and greeted Xu Ran naturally.

But thinking about it, Xin Lan is also a cold and arrogant person, obviously not as friendly as Han Yue. Even flattering and flattering Xu Ran can't conceal her haughty temperament.

Xin Lan is considered the top pharmacist among the students in the inner courtyard at Canaan College. She seems to be a fourth-grade pharmacist with a very high talent for alchemy. There are also many people who pursue Xin Lan in the inner courtyard.

Alchemist has always been very proud, after all, it is the most prestigious profession on the mainland.

"I remember you."

"You came to see me for something." Xu Ran remembered the entanglements between Xin Lan and Xiao Yan in the original novel. In order for the family to re-enter the Pill Tower, the family must have a talent in alchemy, so Xin Lan asked Xiao Yan to pretend to be her fiancé.


Xinlan panicked immediately.

She originally wanted to get close to Xu Ran, and then figured out a way to get Xu Ran to help her after she got acquainted with Xu Ran. And those requests are really hard for her to say. Even if Xu Ran was to pretend to be her fiancé, she would not be able to say this request.

If it's an ordinary person, it's fine, Xu Ran has so many beauties who are not weaker than her. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to bring this little capital of my own to Xu Ran?

"Ye Xinlan, from a family of alchemists, do I need to continue?" Xinlan stood there in a well-behaved manner, like a little girl who had done something wrong, and Xu Ran couldn't help but laugh out loud at this gesture.

Are you so scary?

Xin Lan is also a talented alchemist girl, and her influence in the academy is even higher than that of Han Yue.

There should be quite a few people who usually fawn over Xin Lan.

"Sit down and talk, rub my legs by the way, maybe I will agree to your request as soon as I feel better?" Xu Ran shook her legs, signaling Xin Lan to sit down there.

He knew exactly what Xinlan wanted him to do. But since Xinlan didn't mention it, he naturally wouldn't say it.


Xin Lan's beautiful eyes widened, but she also understood when she looked at Han Yue at the side.

How could she miss such a good opportunity to get close to Xu Ran. Even if Xu Ran refused to agree to her request, it would be of great benefit to her to give her some advice on alchemy.

Almost all the Elder Elders of Canaan Academy highly admired Xu Ran, so putting aside her own selfishness, she naturally had a good impression of this well-known figure in the alchemist world in front of her.

In the inner courtyard, there are many people pursuing her. And one of her requirements for choosing a mate is to surpass her in alchemy.

If it was the man in front of him, he would naturally far surpass her.

The more Xin Lan thought about it, the more enthusiastic she became, she sat down under Xu Ran's instruction, and then Xu Ran put her leg on Xin Lan's lap openly.

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

Very happy.

To be honest, Xu Ran can't enjoy such happiness anytime.

These two are also extremely outstanding talents of Canaan Academy. If the animals of the Canaan Academy knew that their goddess was so docile by Xu Ran's side, they would not know how they would feel.

"Really enjoy it."

Han Yue and Xin Lan looked at each other, and the two women looked a little awkward together.

With Xu Ran's skilled appearance, it is obvious that he has enjoyed this kind of treatment not once or twice. This made the two women discuss in their hearts. However, there are so many beauties around Xu Ran, and as such a powerful Master Xu Ran, it seems normal to enjoy this kind of treatment.

Both women asked for Xu Ran, so they worked hard to serve Xu Ran.

Xin Lan has never had the habit of serving others, but what Xu Ran said just now made her hopeful, so even if she rubbed Xu Ran's legs and massaged her, she did not hesitate at all. She took off Xu Ran's shoes and mastered her strength kneading.

Gentle country, gentle country.

Even if the technique is very unfamiliar and the strength is not good, but seeing a stunning woman doing her best to help her leg, the satisfaction in the heart is naturally greater than the satisfaction in the body.

No wonder the pillow wind is so effective. Even now, he who is so comfortable doesn't want to spoil the beauty's interest.

Han Yue couldn't help being a little annoyed when she saw that Xin Lan was beating Xu Ran's legs vigorously, while Xu Ran was resting on her lap and she could only help Xu Ran's shoulders. If his performance is not as good as Xin Lan, wouldn't he be at a disadvantage?

Master Xu Ran promised to help Xin Lan, but he still has no background here.

"Master Xu Ran, the Xu Clan, which has spread so miraculously in Canaan Academy recently, should be the faction you created." Han Yue recalled the faction that the academy's senior management admired so much recently.

He suddenly appeared near Canaan College, and was recognized by the college and even formed an alliance. UU Reading

When outsiders were discussing the origin of the Xu family, she had roughly guessed that the Xu family was related to Xu Ran. Only Xu Ran can make the college spend all its money to form an alliance with the Xu family.

Xin Lan also stopped at this time, with a look of sudden realization.

She is a pharmacist who focuses on alchemy, but she has heard of Xu Ran who suddenly appeared.

"I heard that the entrance requirements of the Xu Clan are very strict. But if it is the sect established by Master Xu Ran, it is normal for the conditions to be a little harsh." Xin Lan said.

Xu Ran is a strong fighter, at least a pharmacist of the eighth rank or higher. This lineup is enough to attract countless Douzong Douzun strongmen. Moreover, those people around Xu Ran are all super strong, and these people are enough to match the top lineup of any force.

But now the outside world doesn't know the depth of the Xu family, so it is definitely a very cost-effective choice to join the Xu family in advance. In the future, when the details of the Xu Clan are known, the difficulty of entering the Xu Clan will increase exponentially.

"If you want to join the Xu Clan, you don't have to take the exam. This is the ID card of the Xu Clan's disciples. You can go directly to the Xu Clan to register." Xu Ran took out two tokens of the Xu Clan.

The Xumen here and the Xumen on the Douluo Continent are of the same standard, so the tokens and Zongmen costumes have not changed.

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

"Thank you Master Xu Ran." Both Han Yue and Xin Lan were ecstatic.

They had already heard about how rare this Xu Clan's disciple's token was. They had heard that there was a genius in the top 20 in the inner court who had failed the assessment.

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