Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 1289: Just out of the wolf's den, and into the tiger's den

【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

Han Yue and Xin Lan dare not underestimate the importance of this token.

Xu Ran dared to call Banhun Temple alone, and Xu Ran was the boss of Xu Clan, plus Xu Ran's other resources, Xu Clan was definitely no less powerful than Soul Palace in their hearts.

Joining the Xu Clan has almost the same meaning as joining the Soul Palace. Even, the Xu Clan might be stronger than the Soul Palace. In fact, they guessed right, the Xu family is not comparable to the Soul Palace, and the Soul Clan is not far behind.

The disciples of the Soul Palace, they dare not even think about it for the time being. If you want to enter the Soul Palace, you must at least reach the level of Dou Zong.

And Han Yue was even more delighted. The rivals of the Han family are so arrogant because they are favored by the Fenglei Pavilion because of their extremely high talent, and sometimes even use the Fenglei Pavilion to suppress them.

And now, I have joined the Xu Clan. Although the Xu Clan's reputation is not obvious now, it will definitely be famous in the mainland in the future.

My status as a disciple of the Xu Clan should be higher than that guy from the Fenglei Pavilion.

In this way, that guy should not dare to trouble the Han family anymore.

"Then I will accept this token. Don't worry, we will do our best to serve the Xu family." Xin Lan carefully put the token into the ring. Although she came here just for the Ye family to return to the Danta, it doesn't mean that she will join the Danta.

Obviously, following a newly established powerful sect like the Xu Clan would have a better future.

The Xu family will definitely rise in the future.

But now the Xu Clan doesn't have any available people, they can be called the veterans of the Xu Clan if they entered the Xu Clan so early. At that time, when the Xu family grows stronger, even if their strength can't keep up, there will always be hard work if there is no credit. At that time, maybe he can become a small official like a deacon.

"I will do my best for the Xu Clan, and I, Han Yue, swear that I will never betray the sect."

"It's just a newly established faction, why is it so exaggerated?"

"Although it is a newly established faction, with such a powerful person as the head of the sect, the Xu sect will definitely flourish. By then, our place may become the center of the cultivation world."

Han Yue and Xin Lan's intuition as women told them faintly that joining the Xu family was definitely one of the most correct things they did in their lives.

Even if Xu Ran doesn't give them tokens, they will take part in the assessment after knowing the relationship between Xu Ran and the Xu family. There is no problem with their character and talent, and passing the assessment is a sure thing, but Xu Ran omitted this step.

"The center of the cultivation world?"

Xu Ran didn't expect them to have such high expectations for Xu Men. Now the core of the cultivation world is Zhongzhou.

But now the Xu family seems to have more than a dozen Dou Sheng powerhouses, but most of them are his wives. It can be said that besides the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan, there is also the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, and the Xu Clan should be no worse than any other force.

In the final analysis, the fight between forces is a direct confrontation between the top powerhouses.

"By the way, what else do you want? Tell me, it's only this time today. After passing this village, there will be no more shops here." Xu Ran is in a good mood today, and he has always been very kind to beautiful girls. .

"I, I want to ask Lord Xu Ran to help protect the Han family. My family is willing to become a vassal of the Xu family." Han Yue only thought for a while, and then quickly expressed her thoughts.

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

Although the word vassal does not sound good, for a small power, being a vassal of a big power is actually something to be proud of.

Just like the Mo family that was attached to the Yunlan sect before, as long as there is a big power to protect them, there will be fewer people who covet the Han family.

In Zhongzhou, many small powers disappear every year, and many powers rise again. The Han family is just a small family in Zhongzhou, and it may fall into crisis at any time due to some accidents. Therefore, even if there is no Wind and Thunder Pavilion, the Han family urgently needs a big tree that can protect it.

"Oh? The Han family?"

Xu Ran closed his eyes. Hearing the name of the Han family also brought back some of his memories.

In the original book, Han Xue has always been a regret. Although Han Xue's strength is not strong and her talent is not high, Xu Ran really thought that she was one of the heroines when she first saw the plot.

But it seems that that is also one of the plots in Doupo's book that was copied by countless fantasy techniques. Except for the divorce and the ring grandfather, he went to other planes and was seriously injured and was rescued by the beautiful lady. Then the beautiful lady encountered trouble and then Make a decisive shot and add one to the harem.

This kind of plot, which has been borrowed by countless fantasy stories in later generations, will still make people look forward to it when it first started fighting.

The classic fantasy routines have been condensed into a formula by countless authors, which also reduces the difficulty of writing fantasy web articles and creates the fantasy wonders that have been brilliant for more than ten years in later generations.

"Yes, yes, I can agree that the Han family is attached to the Xu family. But what can I get? Your Han family must have encountered some trouble?" Xu Ran joked.

"It's because of the Hong family. The Hong family and the Han family have always been fighting openly and secretly, but now there is a genius in the Hong who is already close to the strength of the Dou Huang, and it is said that he has been valued by the Fenglei Pavilion. Although He hasn't joined the Fenglei Pavilion yet, but as long as he makes a breakthrough, he will definitely be able to enter the Fenglei Pavilion. And the Fenglei Pavilion is the dominant force in Zhongzhou. And..." Han Yue frowned, showing a disgusted expression.

"I'm in Canaan Academy, so there's no problem for now. But Xue'er will definitely be very embarrassed in the family. I won't let Xue'er marry that kind of person." Han Yue clenched her fists tightly.

If that guy from the Hong family is really appreciated by Fenglei Pavilion, then they will have nothing to do.

Fenglei Pavilion is one of the four pavilions, and it is an existence that their Han family cannot afford to offend.

"So, if no one helps you, the Han family may be annexed by the Hong family, and you and your sister will be forced to marry that guy, right?" Xu Ran stretched lazily. He actually knew all of this.

He must be in charge of this matter, Han Yue and Han Xue sisters, he wants it.

Beautiful girls and sisters, is there any reason to let them go?

As for the Hong family, he could send the Heavenly Fire Saint to destroy them directly. Even, if Fenglei Pavilion is not honest, he can even destroy Fenglei Pavilion.

"Sect Master, why are you looking at me like that?" Han Yue felt a little uncomfortable under Xu Ran's gaze. Under Xu Ran's eyes, she seemed to have no clothes on, and Xu Ran's eyes seemed to be able to see the essence through the clothes.

"Aren't you afraid that you just came out of the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den again? Such a beautiful sister has told me all her weaknesses, do you think I will be moved?" Xu Ran raised Han Yue's chin, The snow-white and slender neck is really appetizing. The silver-haired sisters, even in the Douqi Continent, have very rare hair colors.

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