Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 1297: that is retribution

【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

"Don't you want me to come? Then I won't come next time." Xu Ran looked angry.

"Don't be angry. I didn't tell you not to come. You are an elder. You can go wherever you want, and I can't control you." Seeing that Xu Ran seemed angry, Ruolin said quickly.

She was just embarrassed to be with Xu Ran in front of so many colleagues. She was sure that after today, she would become the center of their conversation. Don't think that if you become a mentor, you won't gossip, it's just that they don't gossip about ordinary things. When they encounter a breaking point that is enough to make them curious, it is no different from a student.

"If you don't want me to be angry, take this flower and use that." Xu Ran pointed to Ruolin's bright red lips.

"you really!"

Ruolin stamped her feet in embarrassment.

Xu Ran is really out of shape. Just this, it was exaggeratedly called indifference by those guys.

If it weren't for the limitation of strength, he would definitely be a full-fledged dude! !

But Ruolin never refute Xu Ran's meaning, especially outside. Gritting her teeth lightly, Ruolin stood on her tiptoes and leaned towards Xu Ran, with her palm resting on Xu Ran's chest, her silver teeth lightly bit the slender branch of the flower.

However, the lips inevitably touched Xu Ran.

Ruolin almost lost control, and almost dropped the flower on the ground.

If it really fell on the ground, although Xu Ran would not be angry, he would definitely take this opportunity to punish her.

Speaking of punishment, Ruolin shuddered.

Naturally, Xu Ran would not be violent to her, but then... Sometimes she really can't laugh or cry.


There was booing in the room.

Especially those female mentors screamed when they saw this scene.

Xu Ran's method of flirting with women is really amazing! They were obviously just spectators, and they all watched with gusto.

Strong, gentle, and so understanding of taste, where can I find such a good man?

"Let's go!" Ruo Lin tugged at Xu Ran's sleeve, wishing to leave this place as soon as possible. This is too shameful.

Xu Ran smiled, and stopped teasing Ruo Lin, and followed him directly out of this place.

"Why are you looking for me? You're not looking for your little girlfriends anymore? Han Yue, Xin Lan? You guys took away some of the most beautiful girls in our college when you came here. You really have it. You are not afraid of being Those boys in the academy scolded me to death." Ruo Lin knew everything about the academy clearly, and she already knew about the relationship between Xu Ran, Xin Lan and Han Yue.

In the academy, Xu Ran really committed public outrage.

Originally, Xu Ran brought Xun'er, Hu Jia and the others into the inner courtyard, and it was already very infuriating to bring a group of beautiful girlfriends into the inner courtyard to practice. The result was not enough, and he reached out and took away the best few in the academy.

Han Yue is known as the number one beauty in the inner courtyard, and has many fans. If it wasn't for Yue Ling who only accepts women, Yue Ling would have been able to enter the top five of the academy by virtue of Han Yue's reputation.

And Xinlan is a genius pharmacist, and there are many people in the academy who want to curry favor with Xinlan. Those guys want Xinlan to help refine the elixir. She is also a very talented woman.

As a result, Xu Ran directly gave others a pot, and it was normal for them to scold their mothers in their hearts.

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

Originally, I was single, so everyone has a chance, even if I am not strong enough, at least I have a dream here. And Xu Ran directly shattered their dreams.

"You **** will only swallow jujubes, waste!" Ruolin couldn't help complaining.

Even if Xu Ran is non-stop 24 hours a day, it is completely impossible for everyone to be loved.

"We're in love with each other!" Xu Ran pouted.

"By the way, I asked you for leave. I could leave at will, but I thought you were my precious mentor wife, so I came to tell you."

"Ask for leave, won't you leave for a long time like before?" Ruolin looked at Xu Ran reluctantly. She is really reluctant to be separated from Xu Ran, and now she has gradually become dependent on Xu Ran, Xu Ran has become her backbone.

"No, I just left for a few days. I want to go back to Jia Ma Empire to see other people. I haven't gone back to see them after being away for so long. I'm afraid they will all blame me." Xu Ran smiled. After all, it has been a while since I came to Canaan College, and I will take this opportunity to see Yun Yun's wife and the others.

Whatever, eat Yun Yun's wife.

When he thought of Yun Yun's wife's beauty, he felt a little ready to move.

Suzerain Yunyun in the left hand, and Queen Medusa in the right, this is the correct open posture to embrace left and right.

"Is that so? You really should go back and have a look. Anyway, the right to act is in your hands, and I can't control you." Ruo Lin said angrily.

With Xu Ran's strength, it wouldn't take long to go back to the Jia Ma Empire.

"Master, let's go directly to the Jia Ma Empire now. The Yunlan Sect of the Jia Ma Empire has two confidante Xu Ran. When we catch them, Xu Ran will be suppressed by us. Then we will face Xu Ran doesn't need to worry about anything." Xiao Yan said cautiously to the nothingness Tunyan beside him.

"Hmm. If I shot alone, I'm not sure I can stop him." Nothingness Tunyan If he joins hands with Emperor Soul? He couldn't trust the Soul Emperor.

If it is really the Emperor Grade Young Pill, wait for your own strength to improve a bit, then relying on your own understanding of the Emperor Grade Young Pill will have a better chance of winning.

Now his own strength is no match for the Emperor Hun, so he will not speak out about the existence of the Emperor Grade Young Pill. Even Emperor Huntian only knew that Xu Ran was a strong man with good strength.

Void Swallowing Flame is not stupid. Although I don't know why the Emperor Grade Young Pill escaped from the Ancient Emperor's cave and appeared in the outside world, nothing is impossible in this world. The strength of the Emperor Grade Young Pill is already very strong, so it is not surprising that it has found a way to get it out.

It's just that he doesn't understand why the Emperor Grade Young Pill is so flirtatious and lecherous. Could it be that pills can also be lecherous?

However, he firmly believed in the guess that Xu Ran was the young emperor pill. Xu Ran's cultivation was different from other pharmacists, and his sudden appearance seemed to confirm his identity. As the incarnation of the elixir, the emperor product young elixir must have a good understanding of elixir, and it is understandable that it can refine magical elixir.

All in all, in the guesswork of swallowing flames of nothingness, Xu Ran is undoubtedly the young emperor pill.

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

"Yunlanzong, Nalan Yanran, I, Xiao Yan, am coming to you! Before you broke the engagement to humiliate me, now it's up to me to humiliate you! My precious fiancee?" color. How powerless was Nalan Yanran to annul her engagement back then? But now, the feng shui turns, it should be him who crushes the Yunlan sect strongly! This is the retribution for Yunlanzong's wrongdoing!

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