Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 1298: Xiao Yan's Hunting

【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

The entire Yunlan Sect, and even the entire Jia Ma Empire felt a sense of crisis that was about to come.

The strong murderous atmosphere made the atmosphere of the entire empire dark.

The power of the Soul Palace is divided into three groups, one goes to the Snake Clan, and the other goes to the imperial city of the Jia Ma Empire, while Xiao Yan and Void Tunyan go directly to the Misty Cloud Sect, intending to directly take down Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran .

As long as these two people are in his hands, Xiao Yan believes that even if Xu Ran abandons them ruthlessly, it will be enough to make Xu Ran very angry.

In the past, it was Xu Ran who shot at him and teased him all the time, but now the role has changed, it's time for him to hunt.

Void Tunyan is now his master. Although it is only in name, his status in his heart is far less than that of Yao Lao, but at least Void Tunyan's strength is real and they share a common goal.

Wuwu Tunyan hopes to break through Doudi with Xu Ran's strength, but he hopes to die!

Xu Ran is dead, let him inherit Xu Ran's harem group. In this way, it is cool.

"Xu Ran, I don't know which way you will protect if the army is divided into three groups? If you come to Yunlanzong, you can see that I have captured Nalan Yanran and Sect Master Yunyun. As long as Master entangles you, with me The fighting strength of the Soul Palace here is enough to crush the rest of the Misty Cloud Sect, and when the time comes, Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran will be trampled under your feet, I wonder if you will feel distressed?"

"If you go directly to the Mittel family, that's better. We can directly take down the Yunlanzong and the Snake People. If you go to the Snake People, then we will kill all the members of the Mittel family. By then I don’t know if Yafei will continue to love you or hate you? If it weren’t for you, the Mittel family would not have been wiped out by us.”

Xiao Yan analyzed it playfully.

The Soul Clan is the number one force in Zhongzhou, and also the strongest force under the Ancient Clan. The Soul Palace has always been extremely arrogant. Even if the methods are a little evil, they will not do some dirty tricks such as threatening family members. Words spread It's too embarrassing, and with the strength of the Soul Palace, there is absolutely no need to do that.

But after experiencing two setbacks in Soul Palace, they don't care anymore, as long as they can kill Xu Ran. Because Xu Ran, not only the Hall of Souls, but also the influence of the Soul Clan has been greatly reduced, and has been secretly reduced to a laughing stock among many ancient families. This made all the powerhouses of the Soul Palace and the Soul Clan secretly hold their breath, and their hatred for Xu Ran was second only to Xiao Yan.

However, Xiao Yan knew Xu Ran too well. Countless confident operations in the past resulted in repeated failures. After summing up his experience, although he believed that his own strength had a great advantage, he was still not too careless. This time the troops are divided into three groups. Unless Xu Ran can conjure up three people, he will win this time anyway. However, the Mittel family and the royal family can be wiped out by him directly, and Xu Ran should not interfere. Even if he wanted to save, Xu Ran would go to save Queen Medusa or those two people from the Misty Cloud Sect. But it doesn't matter, no matter what Xu Ran chooses, Xu Ran will lose this time.

This time it's Xu Ran's turn to make a choice!

Xu Ran! Didn't Xu Ran use this method to force him to make his helpless choice? The physical pain and frustration of seeing himself lose everything in the choice seemed to tear his soul apart.

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

These days, he has been living in this kind of pain, and the pain seems to be suffocating every day.

Everything about him, his harem life was ruined by Xu Ran.

As a time traveler, he only needed to go through the painful stage in the early stage before he could soar into the sky and enjoy the blessings of everyone. This is called suppressing first and raising later. As a time traveler, according to his own conditions, he is undoubtedly a character of this kind of protagonist level.

Moreover, he is also a descendant of the ancient Xiao clan, and he also possesses an important fragment of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

If it is as expected, he estimated that in the early stage, he relied on Yao Lao's wretched development, and in the later stage, he could accidentally activate the blood of Emperor Dou, and then find a way to gather all the fragments of Qi Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, open the Cave of Ancient Emperor Tuoshe, and then get Emperor Dou Inheritance, leaping to become a generation of Doudi powerhouses.

Such a clear upgrade path.

He often had this dream in his dreams, as if he should follow this route, and finally become a fighting emperor, stepping on countless creatures and becoming the real overlord. At that time, there were only ten beautiful girls by his side, who hung on him physically and mentally, and he also lived a happy and beautiful life in the harem.

But Xu Ran ruined his way, and when he went to the Soul Palace, he also blocked the possibility of his future. Under the eyes of Emperor Huntian and Wuwu Tunyan, he can only be their slave for the rest of his life! As a time traveler, he is definitely enough to be mixed up like this!

He only hated why he didn't have a system. As a traverser, he could have no other cheats, but he couldn't live without a system. Although he has Yao Lao and the like, meeting Xu Ran who is so unreasonable will completely destroy his growth If he can have a system, he only needs to do it whenever he wants Tasks can gradually become stronger, no matter how strong Xu Ran is, he will be able to defeat Xu Ran sooner or later.


Xiao Yan withdrew the distracting thoughts in his mind, and his eyes became firm.

Even if he can't be number one in this continent, he can't make Xu Ran happy. Xu Ran has been bullying him for so long, it's time to pay off the debt.

Xiao Yan naturally didn't know, every move of him and Wuwu Tunyan was under his nose. The dreams they have are just dreams after all. How happy they are laughing now, how painful it will be when the dream is broken.

"Master, let's go directly to the Misty Cloud Sect, arrest those two women, and wait for Xu Ran to come over. At that time, his identity can be verified by you, Master." Xiao Yan said in a low voice.

"Okay!" Wu Wu Tunyan opened his closed eyes.

"Then I'll go to the snake-human tribe. I'll come to you for a round after I kill those ants, and then go and destroy that Canaan Academy that doesn't know what to do."

"The rest of the Soul Clan went to destroy the Jia Ma Empire for me. I don't want to see anything related to Xu Ran."

There was a strong killing intent in Hun Miesheng's indifferent voice. It was because of Xu Ran that he disgraced the soul clan. Originally, he had a good life in the Soul Palace. Although his strength is not the top among the Soul Clan, because he is the Lord of the Soul Palace, his status in the Soul Clan is not low. Before the soul clan was born, he was the soul clan's right-hand man on the mainland.

Relying on the Soul Palace, he lived a comfortable and comfortable life, possessed real power, and had a very high status in the Soul Palace. But Xu Ran affected his status in the Soul Clan. If he can't get the place back this time, then he, the Lord of the Soul Palace, will probably be replaced as well.

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