Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 241 Implantation: 【Racial God】

Chapter 241 Implantation: [Race·God]

Yu Cang was stunned.

According to his guess... the malice of the world should come from the outside, and a passage to the outside world should be opened directly on the ruins...

He chatted with Ye Lai and Feng later, and added his own feelings, so he knew that, in theory, in this world, the malice of the world can be said to be invincible.

In particular, this relic still comes from outside the blue star... No matter how strong this kind of thing from outside the star world is, it will be short in front of the world's malice. It should be easy to make a hole in the relic .

After all, the malice of this world is aimed at this.

In other words...compared to myself, this princess is more in line with the definition of "smuggling".

But now, why is the malice generated directly in this room... That's fine, why is the source of that giant statue?


When all the thunders fell into the fusion vortex, there was a sound like a heavy object falling on the field. After the heavy noise, the vortex collapsed, and the figure of the dragon of the last dawn appeared in it.

The human-shaped giant dragon stands on the ground, as if standing in the center of the world. He slowly opened his golden eyes, and for a moment, Gu Jieshuang and Zhong Qi felt their hearts sink almost at the same time, and an unstoppable illusion began to rise in their minds.

Zhong Qi swallowed quietly.

This person who came to save himself...what is the origin of...

It seems to be about the same age as myself, how can I summon such an exaggerated thing?

He had thought before, whether he should secretly keep a back hand when acting, so as to prevent the other party from secretly having other careful thoughts, but now it seems... Even if he keeps a back hand, so what, he didn't even face this giant Long, I already had a feeling in my heart - my whole family in the card group may not be able to beat this guy!

The soul card master's intuition is very accurate, and Zhong Qi has just solved the mystery of the spirit son, which is when his intuition is most acute, so the current feeling is very likely to be true!

He sucked in a breath—it’s bad, now in this place, he can’t beat the princess in Lingziliu, Gu Jieshuang in body skills, and Yu Cang in summoned beasts. The most dangerous one...

Especially, it seemed that he had offended the princess.

Zhong Qi slapped his forehead.

I still want to be saved too much... I shouldn't trust Yu Cang so easily.

Forget it, this is the end of the matter, we can only hope that Yu Cang will not lie to himself.

Open up!


Ye Lai opened his eyes and gently raised his hand. The misty first light overflowed from the gap between the teeth. He breathed out, and the breath fell on the palm of his hand, and it automatically spread into a long sword with flowing glow.

Dragon Breath Sword-The End!

After getting ready to fight, Ye Lai raised his head and scanned the scene.

Well, the master of this body and Gu Jieshuang are both there... But, where is the enemy?

It seemed that he didn't see an opponent who needed his action.

Thinking of this, Ye Lai's eyes fell on Zhong Qi, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Could it be him?

"Eh..." Zhong Qi panicked, and he quickly moved to a place far away from Yu Cang, "That...Brother Yu Cang, that, that, is there some misunderstanding?"

Damn it, this summoned beast that was very difficult to offend turned its target on him as soon as it appeared. Could it be that this Yu Cang really wasn't here to save him?

"Ye Lai, he is not an enemy." Yu Cang shook his head, "The opponent just now has been temporarily killed by the 'world's malice', and it is unclear where she went."

"...I understand." Ye Lai nodded lightly.

"Zhong Qi, continue looking for permission." Yu Cang said.

"Understood!" Zhong Qi immediately stood at attention and saluted very cautiously.

He's super cowardly.

Yu Cang smiled, then raised his head and looked at the giant statue above his head, thoughtfully.

The malice of the world is no joke, it is impossible to say where it comes from... Even if the malice of the world has "evil taste", as a carrier, this colossus cannot be unscathed.

Therefore, this colossus... must not be simple.

He originally felt that this ruins was a bit incompatible with the style of the Colossus, as if it came from two places. Now it seems that maybe it is true.

Suddenly Yu Cang's eyes moved and he seemed to realize something.

He looked at the entry recorder.

The extraction here is about to end. Perhaps, something extraordinary can be summoned this time.




A stream of spiritual beings was generated out of thin air, and after a blur, it barely took on the appearance of a princess.

As soon as she appeared, she froze on the spot.

What...what just happened?

What suddenly broke itself apart?

Before she realized that she was about to be attacked, the thunderbolt had already reached her body, leaving her no room to react or dodge, and mercilessly broke up the flow of spirit particles... Logically speaking, above the blue star , there is no way anyone can do this.

Intuition is the keenest perception to control the existence of the spirit flow. Even if she just woke up from a deep sleep, her perception is still a little insensitive, but there is no reason why she cannot feel this kind of malice and attack against herself.

Even if it was Blue Star's mythical attack, I should have been aware of it... Moreover, this attack came from behind me. At that time, there was only...

An unbelievable guess arose in the princess's heart, making her eyes full of disbelief for a moment.

"Is it the will of the Star God?"

The Blue Star God has fallen, and there is a shortage, and it is impossible for the Star God to be resurrected. This is a fact that cannot be changed, but the will of the Star God will indeed survive through various methods.

Just like the giant statues of the ruins all over the ruins, they are actually the embodiment of the will of the star gods - the star gods know what their purpose is, so they agreed to provide shelter for them ten thousand years ago, which is what they agreed.

That's why she was able to keep herself safe after sleeping in Blue Star for so long.

Although the defense ability outside here is not strong, but with the protection of the star gods, any existence that wants to break through here is equivalent to opposing the whole world.

It is precisely because of this that... she is so surprised now!

She has an agreement with the Star God, and it stands to reason that it is impossible for something like the "maliciousness of the world" that contains the will of the Star God to hurt herself!

Don't look at this thing as a thunderbolt, but there is both the wrath of the star god and the pity for the people of the blue star. Except for the malicious target, other targets are impossible to be hurt.

Even if he was injured, it couldn't be in this situation!

The princess waved her hand, and the flow of Lingzi formed a screen in front of her eyes. Through it, she could clearly see that Yu Cang was still staying here well, not only did he not suffer any harm, he even used that malice for his own use. , constituted his own strength.

How can this be!

Even if Star God turned against him, how could it be that Yu Cang was unscathed while he was scattered, isn't Yu Cang a stowaway...

The malice of the world is such a trifling matter, even if Yu Cang uses some means to fuse Thunder and make it return without success, then he will definitely receive continuous malice in the future, how could it be like this? Condition!

The only possibility is that the Star God's will... allowed Yu Cang to accept this malice.

He even "punished" himself.

She couldn't read it.

He can even allow things like embezzling malicious things for himself, and he can violate the agreement he has maintained for thousands of years... Is this Yu Cang's face?

She knew that this was the only explanation for the current situation—could it be that Yu Cang was really not a stowaway, he was born with a complete body of rhythm... Is it really because of talent?

The princess couldn't help but feel her scalp tingling.

By the way...the princess thought of something again.

Since yesterday, the consciousness beast called Jieying has been making noise outside the fog of the ruins.

Talking about "despicable outsider", "Who on earth dares to oppose the saint", "If you know your senses, quickly clear the fog, otherwise he must ask the master to let you feel the power of a saint!" .

She naturally knew that the saint refers to the first person to enter the Xingtian vision...

Therefore, Yu Cang really accomplished all this with his own talent, and even obtained the approval of the will left by the Star God...

The queen was a little hard to accept.

The empire stands in the center of the star world and is revered as the co-lord of the starry sky. Its records can be traced back to before the era. Even so, she has never heard of someone as talented as Yu Cang. If that is the case... Isn't that even more amazing and talented than his brother?

Could this be the result of the Emperor Star being bred for thousands of years...

The princess' eyes suddenly became clear.

That's right, after all, this is the first death of the Emperor Star since countless epochs, and it seems normal that there will be a supreme person, right?

Maybe, the key to defeating Huang in this era is Yu Cang!

Thinking of this, her eyes immediately became firm.

It turned out that I made an own mistake, it doesn't matter, just explain clearly.

Thinking of this, she quickly turned her gaze to the screen, wanting to teleport it over to explain it carefully, but she saw that the giant dragon that fused the world's malice cast its golden gaze on herself.


The princess was taken aback.

He... can see himself?


at the same time.

"I seem to understand." Yu Cang looked at the majestic giant statue in front of him, and a clear understanding suddenly rose in his heart.

"Understood? What do you understand?" Zhong Qi on the side became nervous.

"Nothing—have you found the teleportation permission?"

"Not yet, give me a little more time..."

"No need, let me do it." Yu Cang smiled lightly.

"Boss, what do you want to do?" Gu Jieshuang cast his gaze.

"Of course it is—it's time to see the sun here."

"Huh?" Gu Jieshuang was puzzled, but he didn't say anything, but silently came behind Yu Cang and stood up.

At this time, in Yu Cang's card box, those soul cards were being disconnected one by one. His body burned into flames, and the physical pressure made the space he entered tremble non-stop.

"Ye Lai." Yu Cang said when the aura was almost at its peak, "Enter: 【The End of the Noble】."

"—as you wish."

"Wait!" The princess's voice suddenly came from an unknown place, "I know what's going on, it's all a misunderstanding, let's communicate well first..."

"Sorry." Yu Cang's face remained unchanged, "I don't want to hear your explanation now—"



In an instant, the sky is full of light!

The indescribable first light blooms on the "end", the ultimate hope and the same despair are mixed in the light, and after a time that is almost imperceptible, it instantly illuminates the entire space!

Zhong Qi and the princess felt their eyes turned white and almost lost their vision.

But this time, among the few people present, one person could barely see the sword energy clearly.

That is - Gu Jieshuang.

At this moment, she seemed to have an epiphany, and she seemed to have returned to the feeling she had when she sensed the star order for the first time.

Everything is twinkling with starlight, and the world is almost at a standstill!

The light has trajectories in the field of vision, and these trajectories are like meteors, intertwining and shuttling in front of the eyes, and among these rays of light, a dazzling "sword" is extending its edge unstoppably, wherever it passes, the light Twisted, as if retreating.

"This is the 'end'..."

This state lasted only for a moment, and after a moment, her vision also recovered, and when she turned her head, a straight vertical cut had already appeared on the wall in front of her.

This cut is very thin, so thin that you can hardly see it unless you look carefully, but it is also very deep. Gu Jieshuang can faintly feel that this cut extends all the way to the depths, and there is no material that can stop it even a little.

On the side, Zhong Qi's eyes trembled.

Frog fun... Everything here is made of that exaggeratedly hard white metal! Teacher Yun said that this kind of white metal has a market even in the handed down card. Ordinary attacks can only make it tremble, and it is impossible to cut it, and it is even difficult to deform it!

But now, your sword directly...

Are you really a fifth-level soul card master? I've been here for a month. Are all the fifth-level soul card masters outside so strong now...

Looking at the two strangers in front of him, Zhong Qi huddled silently in the corner, feeling pitiful and helpless.


In the field of vision of the stars.

The consciousness of the princess appeared here again.

Her rhythmic body trembled, which was the inevitable fear of being faced with the evil of the world.

A long time passed before the [Immobilization] and [Silence] that were forcibly attached to her slowly dissipated, and she finally began to breathe a sigh of relief.

Why can't she dodge this attack... Moreover, she is located a long way from the cabin where Yu Cang is, how did Yu Cang attack him?

Not to mention attacking herself, she found it incredible that Ye Lai could sense herself!


The princess wanted to regroup the spirit stream body, but found that she couldn't do it.

In that sword, it seems that there is a kind of blocking ability with a priority that is so high that it is desperate. Her Lingziliu body is cut into pieces, and it completely cuts off the possibility of returning to the present world again, even if she is already in the world now. It doesn't work even if the charging in the star field is over!

Isn't this ability cheating!

The princess pursed her lips.

Just now when Zhong Qi stole her authority and brought her to the Xingtian Sight, she could still come back with the help of Lingzi Flow, but now after being shattered by Ye Lai's [Noble End], she has no way to "resurrect".

How could she not listen to her explanation... She felt aggrieved, but at the same time, she knew in her heart that it was not Yu Cang's fault. After all, when Yu Cang wanted to explain that he was not a stowaway, she didn't give him a chance. It makes sense to take revenge on yourself...she just gets it.

It's her fault.

"I hope Yu Cang can calm down quickly..." The princess could only pray silently.

The empire's "Star Armory" still needs someone to use the authority to open the spirit flow... After all, the current Blue Star civilization is still a bit weak, and the war celestial bodies in the "Star Armory" are the key to helping them resist the invasion of the wilderness in the early stage.

From now on, it seems that this Yu Cang is the person chosen by the Star God's will... The Star God must be more accurate than himself in seeing people, so the task of restarting the Star Armory has to be handed over to Yu Cang...

The princess began to think silently in her heart about what she should say to Yu Cang later to ease their relationship.

After all, she saw that after Ye Lai swung his sword that night, the final force wrapped around the Dragon's Breath Sword gradually eased, and he should only be able to use that kind of attack once.

With just one hundred spiritual seeds in Zhong Qi's hand, it is impossible to activate the transmission authority outside the ruins, so if they want to leave the ruins, they must still communicate with her... Yu Cang should come to the star later Tianshiyu is looking for her. She must seize this opportunity and explain it clearly to Yu Cang!

"Well, wait, that's..." The princess suddenly sensed something. She raised her head and looked somewhere through the mist in the starry sky.

Then, her expression began to change, and her expression management was on the verge of losing control.

"He's going way...fuck, don't be too outrageous!" the princess swore on the spot.


Among the ruins.

Yu Cang looked at the blank soul card in his hand, with a smile on his face.

"Is it so impatient?"

Now, the entries of the entry recorder have been extracted, and as he expected, a handed down entry appeared.

At this time, the implantation success rate of this entry is constantly flashing at a dizzying frequency. Almost every second, the success rate changes dozens of times, and the most exaggerated thing is... no matter how it changes , The success rate is above 90%!

He has never seen a handed down entry with such a high success rate of implantation... It seems that the will in the dark is looking forward to becoming his own soul card.

"Then..." Yu Cang opened his hand, and this blank soul card floated up slowly under the influence of a mysterious force, and came into midair.

Gu Jieshuang noticed this, his eyes seemed to light up.

This feeling! Are you coming...

Hand drawn by the boss!

It's a scene I haven't seen in a long time...

What will it be this time?

In Gu Jieshuang's expectant eyes, at a certain moment, Yu Cang's mind moved slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

Implanted entry: [Race: God].


A crisp sound came from the air.

Gu Jieshuang's eyes froze.

The blank soul card in the boss's hand...was broken?

Moreover, there was not even slag left, it was directly turned into powder, and gradually disappeared in the air, disappearing.

This is... a failure?

She quickly looked at Yu Cang's face, only to find that the smile on his face didn't disappear, on the contrary, it got worse.


That appeared to be a success.

So, where?


Among the jungle.

Qiu Zhong sat on the stone chair, holding a teacup, drinking the tea one sip at a time.

On the other hand, the person drinking water with him was a little anxious.

"I said Lao Qiu, don't be in a hurry." The man knocked on the stone table, "I said, Lao Ning will come later, I think Yu Cang has been in the ruins for a while, why don't we... Try the level of this relic? Don't wait until the time when Mr. Ning comes to ask us about the situation, and ask again and again. "

"Zuo Yuhe, don't worry." Qiu Zhong chuckled, "Mr. Ning hasn't...huh?"

Qiu Zhong's eyes lit up.

On the side, Zuo Yuhe's eyes suddenly flashed with surprise, he got up quickly and looked in the direction of the ruins.

"What was that just now...why even I feel a threat? It's like...the end of the world?" Zuo Yuhe was shocked.

Moreover, he clearly felt Yu Cang's aura during the attack wave just now!

Was it Yu Cang's attack?

But, how is it possible, he is an eighth-level township, Yu Cang is only a fifth-level, there are three major levels in between, how could Yu Cang threaten him?

This this……

"Hehe... It seems that Ren Zheng didn't lie to me." Qiu Zhong clicked his tongue.

Integrating Huanghuang Tianwei, an attack that can even affect mythology... was actually sent by Yu Cang, a level five.

When he heard Ren Zheng mention this in a showy tone, he still had a look of disbelief.

The old boy just smiled inscrutably and let him see for himself.

Looking at it now... I don't know if the myth can threaten him, but he does feel threatened anyway.

This attack can hurt yourself.

Although it's just an injury - but it's already very strong, after all, Yu Cang is only level five...

Thinking of this in his heart, Qiu Zhong's expression did not change.

After all, he knew Yu Cang, so in front of his friends, he had to hold back his airs.

He said inscrutablely: "How about it, let me tell you, Xiao Cang can always make a big noise."

Zuo Yuhe blinked, and he touched his head: "Good guy... Really, I have learned a lot today..."

"You can gain a lot of knowledge." Qiu Zhong smiled and served tea and water.

Hmm... I also watched "The End". Next, it's their turn to work.

After all, this attack cannot be broken...

"I said, Lao Qiu." Zuo Yuhe's voice came from the side, "You said 'there are many', you mean...this?"

"Huh?" Qiu Zhong was taken aback for a moment, he raised his head, and in an instant, the flames falling from the sky illuminated his face.

"...Haha." Qiu Zhong had a stiff smile on his face, and when he put down his teacup, his palm trembled a little.

What a show.

This scene...he has never seen it before!


I saw, the horizon.

The thunder that burned like a flame danced recklessly in the clouds. Between the sky and the earth, a ball of flame seemed to descend from the sky with a terrifying momentum that could destroy the world. Qiu Zhong could clearly see that in the flame, there was a ...the relic colossus?

It can only be said that it looks like a relic colossus.

At a glance... this is a huge meteorite!

Yes, meteorites!

When the meteorite fell and rubbed against the air, it produced raging flames, but these flames were not like ordinary things. When they burned, they gathered into a thunder-like shape, forming an extremely long trail behind the meteorite!

It is not clear whether this is like the flame of thunder, or thunder with fire.

In short, the meteorite fell unstoppably carrying a blazing red thunder, just like a demon king who wanted to destroy the era, descending on the world with a grinning grin!

"This..." Zuo Yu closed his eyes wide, "Are you doesn't matter?"

"...Wait, look first, look first..." Qiu Zhong's voice trembled.

This meteorite is indeed Xiao Cang's breath on it.

But... darling, it's so scary!

A meteorite of this size, not to mention the ruins, really made it fall to the ground without slowing down. It is estimated that half of the gods... no, the whole god will be destroyed, right?

Xiao Cang, what are you playing!


Fortunately, their worries were not fulfilled.

When the meteorite fell halfway, Qiu Zhong saw that the inner core of the meteorite was suddenly torn apart, and most of the stone statues in it split apart and scattered in the sky, and then gradually disappeared in the air, and it is unknown where they went.

The size of the remaining inner core is not much, but it suddenly accelerated, drawing a straight red trajectory in the sky, and crashed into the giant ball on the top of the ruins in an instant!

The indestructible white metal shell of the giant ball did not act as a hindrance at all. After the exaggerated loud noise, a huge hole surrounded by densely packed red thunder appeared directly on its shell!


not far away.

Ning Lao's hand behind his back slowly relaxed, and a soul card turned over in his palm disappeared.

He looked at the horizon, where the red thunder still hadn't dissipated.

After a while, he smiled.

"Young people are terrifying."

Thanks to Taihuohu nv for the reward!

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