Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 242: Will of the Emperor's Son Star God

Chapter 242: Son of the Emperor: Will of the Star God

Yun Yan and Qu Shao huddled together in front of the computer screen, frowning more and more as they watched the piles of data flashing across it.

It seems that something is different.

Just now, at a certain location, the space factor suddenly fluctuated for a moment. Although the source is still not found, it seems that some clues can be found from the data analysis here.

"The way the space coefficient fluctuates is somewhat familiar..."

Yun Yan and Qu Shao looked at each other.

"Old Qu." Yun Yan said, "You are good at air attributes. In this case, can you use the teleportation array?"

"This..." Qu Shao frowned and kept thinking, "It's hard to say, the data is a bit small...but it exists in theory, you can try it."

After finishing speaking, Qu Shao immediately tapped the card box, and several soul cards were opened beside him, and creations fell from them to the ground.

At this moment, what appeared from these soul cards were countless totem stone pillars made by special processes.

Combining Creation Race and Totem is a relatively popular method now, but this method is very restrictive. Those totems with complicated abilities often cannot be completely made into soul cards. This requires the soul card master to summon these creations, Then engrave some more detailed totem patterns on it.

Qu Shao grabbed a special writing brush, arranged these totem stone pillars, and wrote and drew on them with a very serious expression.

The data that can be observed from the instrument is too little, so if you want to open the channel, you must use larger, more, and more complex totems.

This is the brain circuit of playing totems. If things are not resolved, I will add a few more groups of totems. What? Problem still not solved? It must be that the number of totems I used is not enough, and the size is not big enough!

Qu Shao's eyes were serious, and the moment he picked up the writing brush, he had already devoted himself to it, and there was no other distraction in his eyes.

And beside him.

Yun Yan suddenly seemed to sense something.

Is it an illusion... How could there be Yu Cang's breath above his head?

He looked up at the sky, the majestic flames gradually illuminated his face, and his eyes gradually became dull.

Fuck... Fuck...

It's so big...flying in the sky!

"Old Qu...Old Qu." Yun Yan still raised his head, and stretched out his hand to grab Qu Shao's arm.

"What are you doing?" Qu Shao frowned, turned his arm, and said impatiently, "What's the matter, wait until I finish these totem formations..."

"No, I mean... It seems that we don't need to open the portal."

"What?" Qu Shao frowned and raised his head, "What did you say..."

Qu Shao was taken aback, looking at Yun Yan whose face was flushed, he seemed to realize something, raised his head stiffly, and then his eyes gradually widened.

It's broken, I didn't check the weather forecast when I went out.

Down the meteorite!



Qi'er hugged the doll, raised his head, opened his mouth slightly, and stared straight at the meteorite in the sky with shining eyes.

As the meteorite crossed the sky, Qi'er's gaze shifted from left to right, and it was only when the meteorite was about to hit the ground that he suddenly realized that he stretched out his small hand to cover his ears.


An exaggerated loud noise exploded above the head, and the fiery red energy wove into thunder, spreading in a ring in mid-air. When Chess looked up again, he saw a huge hole appearing on the giant ball. Because of the angle problem, she There is no way to see the structure inside through this cavity, only to see countless thunders entwined around the edge of the cavity, lingering for a long time.

Not knowing what she felt, the girl breathed a sigh of relief.

"My brother is amazing..."


Among the ruins

The traces of burning and melting stretched all the way, and the sunlight outside shone in for the first time after thousands of years.

Yu Cang rubbed his brows, and after a while, he managed to drive the headache out of his head.

The mental pressure is a bit high... After being summoned, Yu Cang could no longer maintain the Dragon of the Last Dawn. Before the meteorite landed, Ye Lai was bounced back into the deck by the increased mental pressure.

After all, all the soul cards in Yu Cang's card group have been disconnected now, and there is no way for Ye Lai's [Day Never Again] to take effect.


Yu Cang's eyes fell on the summoned beast in front of him, and his eyes were a little surprised.

It seems that this is a relic colossus.

However, compared to the rough colossal statues seen in the ruins before, this one is undoubtedly much finer. The dark blue ancient stones are inlaid and assembled piece by piece to form the sturdy and stalwart body of this colossus. It slowly dissipates around the body, making it slowly emerge in the gust of wind like a mountain.

At the position of its chest, there is a dark and deep cavity, in which there seems to be a little bluish shimmer. Yu Cang took a closer look, and it seemed... a piece of luminous crystal?

The giant statue is about ten meters high, and just standing there can already make people feel tight in the chest.


The eyes of the giant statue shone with a dim light, which made the surrounding air tremble.

Yu Cang looked at him, behind the faint light, he seemed to feel a vicissitudes of will, communicating with himself.

"Thank you for calling... Son of Heaven."

"Huh?" Yu Cang raised his brows, "Why do you call me... Emperor?"

This address is a bit incomprehensible. The strange thing is that Yu Cang knew right away that the other party was referring to the word "Emperor", not disciple or anything else.

The colossus did not move, but the information appeared in Yu Cang's mind as the dim light flickered.

"The emperor's star falls, and everything is born. All the creatures on the blue star are the sons of the emperor's star."

Yu Cang frowned slightly, "Emperor Star... what is that?"

"... someone will give you the answer."



The giant statue moved suddenly, he slowly raised his thick giant hand, bent down, and made his palm level with Yu Cang.

Then, the colossus slowly uttered its first words since its birth: "Stardust·Universe·Ayutianola"

The voice of the Colossus did not contain any emotion, it was dull and trembling, as if it contained some kind of irreversible will.


As the voice fell, Yu Cang heard a sound like a large piece of mirror breaking, and then he clearly saw that the space above the palm of the giant statue was cracked with dense cracks, and countless light spots leaked out of these cracks. And quickly condensed into a female figure in the palm.

It is the queen.

At this moment, the will of the colossus entered Yu Cang's mind.

"You—you can ask her."

Being pulled out of Xingtian's field of vision by the unreasonable force of the giant statue, the princess looked very flustered, but she still hurriedly condensed the spirit flow into her body, forced herself to be calm, and stood on the palm of her hand. got up.

"Hello, Mr. Yu Cang... hello, Star God. Yu Cang, thank you for giving me a chance to communicate. I have realized my previous mistakes, which are related to the peace of the starry sky. Please listen to my explanation! "

The princess bowed slightly, and her every move was in accordance with etiquette.

"Oh?" Yu Cang raised his eyebrows.

Looking at the sincere eyes of the princess, Yu Cang temporarily ignored it, but turned his attention to the soul card in his hand.

This soul card suddenly flew into his hand from an inexplicable place after the giant image appeared.

Soul Card Name: Emperor Son Star God Will

Category: Summon Card


Attribute: God

Race: Creator


[God Chosen One]: This soul card cannot be added to the deck in any way. It exists all the time after activation, cannot enter the death cooldown, and the user is always Yu Cang. The coming of the Star God's Will requires the consumption of [Rules]. When Yu Cang cancels the summoning, the Star God's Will will be completely disconnected, and return to the Xingtian Sight, slowly replenishing the [Rules]. When Yu Cang initiates a summon, the soul card will appear in Cang's hand in the way he likes, and will make the star god's will consume all [rules] to descend, and obtain the corresponding existence time.

[God's Grace]: The will of the star god will descend from the sky. During the descending process, the user's mental pressure will gradually increase. The actual quality of the soul card will also continue to increase, until the mental pressure reaches the upper limit and the will of the star god comes down completely. When the actual quality of the soul card is handed down and above, change its race to: God.

【Name of God】: The will of the star god speaks the real name, and all the owners of the real name will be directly summoned to the will of the star god. During the existence of the will of the star god, all the abilities of the owner of the real name can only affect the will of the star god. Existences whose quality is higher than the actual quality of the star god's will can refuse to summon.

[God's Grace]: The star god's will can refuse to accept the influence of all his abilities whose actual quality does not exceed him.

[God's Mercy]: When the time of existence ends, the user cancels the summoning or dies, the Star God's will will return to the star field, and take away all the damage, destruction and death caused during its existence.


Very strong card.

Yu Cang hissed.

The first effect [God Chosen in One] is a bit difficult to understand, Yu Cang read it many times before he understood it.

The use conditions of this soul card are different from other soul cards. Other soul cards need to be stuffed into the deck first, and use the power of the card box to establish a connection with the soul energy well before they can be used normally.

But this soul card is very special, as long as Yu Cang uses this card for the first time, he doesn't need to keep connecting with it all the time.

When not in use, this soul card will enter the Xingtian field of vision and slowly absorb the [rules] in it. When Yu Cang wants to use it, it will immediately appear in Yu Cang's hand, and it will be linked with Yu Cang's soul. The connection can be established directly.

There is no process of putting the soul card into the deck and connecting it first, which is required by normal soul cards, and it will not even enter the death cooldown.

Now, under the condition of ensuring the efficiency of retrieving soul cards, Yu Cang's main deck can hold forty soul cards, and this Star God Will will be the forty-first card in Yu Cang's deck!

It is not connected at ordinary times, it only appears when in use, and it is directly connected. Even this extra card does not affect the retrieval rate, which is quite convenient.

Even if something happened to Yu Cang and his entire deck was stolen, when he wanted to fight, the Star God's will would come immediately and fight for him.

However, the Star God's Will cannot enter the death cooldown, and only has two states of connection and disconnection... This actually has disadvantages. The inability to enter the death cooldown means that many effects cannot be linked with it... However, the advantages are even greater That's it.

The most notable point is - summoning this soul card does not need to consume soul energy!

Because after Yu Cang used it for the first time, this card is equivalent to being used all the time, in a state of being summoned... It's just that when it returns to the star field, it doesn't take up mental pressure.

It's just a little uncomfortable. When this card is summoned, Yu Cang's mental pressure will gradually increase until it reaches the upper limit. During this process, other soul cards summoned by Yu Cang will be put into death cooldown one after another due to the soaring mental pressure. This process cannot be stopped, that is, Said, after activating this card, there is a high probability that Yu Cang will only end with this card.

"God" is too aggressive. When he raises his mental pressure, other soul cards can't resist.

But... it can be used as a stand after using the Dragon of the Last Dawn.

The Dragon of the Dawn of the Last Dawn will destroy the entire deck by using [Supreme Finale]. Although this sword will be very strong, but after one sword, Yu Cang has no fighting power... Coincidentally, the will of the Star God is not usually in the deck , the Dragon of the Last Dawn has no way to disconnect it, after [The End of the Sublime], just change the star god to appear on the stage.

It's just that the Star God's [God's Mercy] will cause it to take all the damage it takes when it leaves the field... This effect sounds like the ability of a ghost in the meeting. But in some places, it seems to work well too.

Yu Cang raised his head and looked at the princess.

Well, in that case, this [God's Name Sign] should be the ability he used to summon the princess just now.

Wang Nu can be summoned directly while staying in Xing Tian's field of vision. It seems that the priority of this ability is very high... By the way, Wang Nu's "real name" is very long, and it is also a mouthful.

After roughly understanding the ability of the new soul card, Yu Cang put it away, and then looked at the princess with a smile.

"Okay, now, let's talk."

When Yu Cang was checking the effect of the soul card, the princess kept her original posture, motionless. Seeing that Yu Cang was finally willing to communicate, she let out a long sigh of relief.

Seeing that there was no more fighting, Gu Jieshuang canceled Bing Xinjian with a wave of his hand, and then came behind Yu Cang, stood still, and his expression returned to normal.

On the side, Zhong Qi glanced at the huge hole on the side.


He thought of countless ways to get out of trouble, but he never thought that a fifth-level soul card master would come to him and summon a meteorite to smash through the wall.

Is this reasonable?

The freedom that has been begging for a month is in front of him, but Zhong Qi dare not move.

Well, I still have some eyesight.

That horribly strong colossus was right in front of him, and Yu Cang who summoned him hadn't spoken yet. At this time, he wanted to moisten... not so good.

It's still like talking to Cang... Don't wait for him to run away, the giant statue shouted "Zhong Qi", and he was caught back bitterly like a princess.

"Tell me about your purpose." Yu Cang raised his head.

The princess took a deep breath: "I came here to solve the crisis of Huang."

"Oh?" Yu Cang was thoughtful, "You come from ten thousand years ago... so is this so-called 'Emperor Star' related to Huang?"

"Yes, it is very relevant." The princess nodded, she thought for a while, and then said, "The empire is the co-lord of the starry sky, but even if it is as powerful as the empire, it cannot resist the power of Huang—the infection of Huang is absolute. All wisdom, no one can escape."

Yu Cang frowned slightly: "I see that you are no longer a body of flesh and blood, so will you be infected by Huang?"

"Yes—Huang's infection is aimed at wisdom. As long as there is wisdom, no matter what kind of life form it is, it will be infected indiscriminately. And when all wisdom is infected, the 'star gods' of this world will also be difficult. Get away with it, and the whole world will disappear like a bubble."

"... Star God?" Yu Cang glanced aside, at that stalwart giant statue.

"The star god is the ruling will of one world. You can simply understand it as—the star god is the existence of the stars in this world as the life star. The star god has almost absolute authority in his own world."

"Then you..." Yu Cang looked at the Star God's will and hesitated to speak.

At this time, a voice came into Yu Cang's mind: "I am not a star god, the star god of Blue Star has long since fallen, and I am just a part of his will."

Yu Cang was silent.

The amount of information was a bit overwhelming, and he didn't know how to react.

At this time, the princess continued: "The empire has a part of the documents of the previous era, so I know that in the last era, and even the last era, there used to be a 'barren' raging, and whenever this time, the perennial hidden in the The "Emperor Star" in the starry sky will appear, and at this time, there will be a man of destiny with the Emperor Star as his destiny star. This person will be immune to Huang's infection to a certain extent, and can use the power of all things in the world... Only this destiny Only those who can fight against the famine."

Yu Cang's pupils shrank.

To a certain extent, it is immune to Huang's infection, and can also draw on the power of all things in the world... Isn't this talking about the Blue Star and Soul Card Master system?

Could it be that the life star of everyone in the entire blue star is the emperor star?

...That's not right either.

The princess continued: "Originally, the empire has found detailed documents from the documents of the previous era, and summed up a set of rituals. Through this ceremony, we can artificially guide the choice of fate stars to a certain extent—father The king decided to let my brother Wang be the man of destiny."

"Oh?" Yu Cang looked at the princess, "Can this kind of thing be decided by others?"

"...Actually not." The princess shook her head, "Brother Wang is definitely qualified to be the man of destiny, and, according to the prophecy of the high priest of the empire, he is the one who will end the invasion of wild beasts. Xing also has a high probability of choosing Brother Wang, but it's just safer.

"But...until Brother Wang became an adult, his fate star did not appear. At this time, the imperial astrologer discovered..." The princess's face was serious, "The emperor's star has not returned to its place at all...the entire starry sky can't find it. Traces of Emperor Star!

"In order to find out the truth, the empire's astrologers have deduced it for several years, and even the chief astrologer died because of this, and then it is calculated... The Emperor Star has already fallen!"

The princess clenched her fists, but her tone was calm: "We suspect that Emperor Xing was plotted against by 'Huang' when he was still in seclusion, so... At that time, it was already too late. The battle has already begun and we don't have much time to wait.

"So, my father asked my brother and I to come to the place where the emperor star fell, to see if we could find some strength to fight Huang."

Yu Cang glanced at the ruins around him.

"It seems that you didn't find it."

"...But we understand the will of Emperor Star." The princess sighed softly, "Emperor Star...was indeed plotted against, but in this era, He didn't want to rely on just one person to fight Huang... This time, Emperor Star... chose civilization."

Gu Jieshuang's eyes widened slightly: "...So, it's Lan Xing?"

"Yes." The princess nodded, "The emperor star fell, and everything was born. He fell on the blue star, everything was torn apart, and merged with this land. When we arrived, this process has been irreversible. .We learned about the will of the Emperor Star when we communicated with the Blue Star God."

"Then you are now..."

"...This is the choice of the king." The princess said calmly, "Knowing that he is no longer the man of destiny, the king is very disappointed, but he chose to believe in the emperor star—when the emperor star fell, the famine had already begun. Invasion, although Blue Star is remote, it won't take long for Huang to find it. This time may not be enough for the birth of civilization...

"So Brother Wang decided to go deep into the starry sky to buy some time for Blue Star."

Yu Cang raised his brows slightly: " did he fight for it?"

"I don't know either." The princess shook her head, "It stands to reason that Dixing didn't choose Brother Wang, so he shouldn't be able to resist Huang's infection... But since Brother Wang said so, then he will definitely be able to do it, He is such a person—you see, the current Blue Star has successfully given birth to civilization, isn't it?"

Seeing the confident look of the princess, Yu Cang was noncommittal.

He continued to ask: "Then what about the Star God, how did he fall?"

"The Star God... committed suicide." The princess said, "Although the Star God has obtained a sliver of the power of the Emperor Star, it is far from enough for him to resist famine, so...he decided to fall into an eternal sleep in order to speed up the birth of civilization. ..."

"...Is that so?" Yu Cang and Gu Jieshuang looked at each other.

Next to him, Zhong Qi looked at Yu Cang, then at Gu Jieshuang, and found that no one wanted to meet his gaze, so he went back to the corner and shrank back.

It seems that I heard something incredible...

"What about you, did you arrest Zhong Qi a month ago to speed up the progress of the Blue Star civilization?" Yu Cang asked.

"No, that's not my purpose." The princess shook her head, "To be honest, I don't understand Brother Wang for Blue Star. Our race is not a long-lived species. I can live until now because of the legacy of the Star God. The protection of the power of the world - for me, it may have been a better ending for me to die in war thousands of years ago.

"For Blue Star's civilization, I don't have any special feelings, and I don't want to interfere too much—I'm still here just because I support my brother Wang, that's all. Brother Wang will be in charge of the authority of the 'Star Armory' Handed it over to me, and entrusted me to hand over these permissions to Blue Star when Blue Star civilization matures. I am just waiting for this opportunity... After this matter is over, I may return to the Empire, or I may go to Look for the trace of Brother Wang."

"Star Armory?"

"There are war celestial bodies of the empire in the star armory, which can help Blue Star survive the initial wild attack-as long as people are infected, no amount of weapons in the star armory will be useful. Therefore, the father will send most of the empire's star armory Brother Wang brought them out."

Yu Cang looked at the princess.

After a while, he said: "Then, how do I get this authority?"

"It's not the time yet." The princess shook her head, "You are still too weak, even you have not yet reached the standard to open the star armory."

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