Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 253 The ingenious spirit

After Feng finished speaking, he turned around and left, going into the chaos.

It stands to reason that without a real name, he would not be able to communicate with the world anyway.

This world includes the star realm and all the small worlds included in the star realm.

Logically speaking, the Xingtian Vision is also within this range, but Yu Cang has a bug in this place—as we all know, if you want to enter the Xingtian Vision, you must already be in the world, so that you can enter the Xingtian Vision. The life star in the communication star world.

But Yu Cang sneaked in when Yu Cang opened the "door" directly in the Xingtian Vision, and then somehow, with the help of Yu Cang's summon connection, he had the ability to enter the Xingtian Vision near Yu Cang.

This may be related to Feng having a complete rhythmic body, or it may be because of some deeper reasons, because Yu Cang's current understanding of the star field and the chaos outside the world is still unclear.

When Feng left the sword intent in Xingtian's field of vision yesterday and asked Gu Jieshuang to borrow the power of the sword intent, he actually felt something was wrong. It seemed that the malice of the world was about to discover him.

But maybe the world's evil intentions really didn't react. Why couldn't Feng be found in the present world, but he could still enter the starry sky... So the card was gone.

It may indeed be because the Blue Star God has fallen and the current world is a bit malicious.

Even though he said that, if Feng really came a few more times, the evil in the world should still be able to be located.

So in fact, even if Feng wanted to teach Gu Jieshuang seriously, there was nothing he could do - even if Yu Cang could keep watching obediently, the world would melt away when maliciousness appeared, and Gu Jieshuang would not meet the requirements.

Because Gu Jieshuang did not enter the Xingtian field of vision through a scholar, she could not see the rhythm in it, and the level of comprehension yesterday was already the limit, and if she wanted to go deeper, she would not be able to do it.

Seeing Feng's figure leaving, Yu Cang fell into deep thought.

Feng's unwillingness to get a real name is related to Feng's state of mind, and Yu Cang will respect it.

However, it seems that there is no way to keep this thing stuck here... Can we find a way in the soul card?

Yu Cang frowned.

After a while, he looked aside.

Outside the bubble world, a dark cyan giant statue sleeps there. Even if it is motionless, it exudes a majesty that makes countless rules subjugate.

That is the will of the Star God.

The world of bubbles blurs the appearance of the Star God's will, making it seem like a bubble in the water.

Yu Cang stepped forward and slowly walked out of the bubble.

Star God's will seemed to be aware of Yu Cang's approach, and a faint light lit up in his empty eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the rhythm of the surroundings was pushed out to the surroundings under the action of some kind of coercive force, opening up a space similar to the world of bubbles for Yu Cang.

"Yu Cang." Star God Will nodded slightly.

He is a part of the former Star God, and for him, calling someone by their first name is the greatest respect.

"Star God." Yu Cang asked, "Is there any way to allow souls from outside the world to come to the present world without relying on their true names?"

"...No, and I don't recommend it." Star God Will shook his head, "It is the 'instinct' of all worlds to reject chaos, and the real name means the acceptance and restriction of chaos. If you can move freely without a real name, then chaos will Devour everything.”

"That is to say, as long as I find an alternative means of 'restraint', then this step is theoretically feasible, right?"

Star God's Will fell silent for a moment, and the light in his eyes changed. After a while, he said: "...Maybe so. But I don't suggest it."

"Speaking of it." Yu Cang rubbed his chin, "You are a star god, so in Blue Star, you should also have authority... Can you add a white list to Feng? I don't know about other souls, but Feng can trust her." of."

However, the will of the star god just shook his head: "I am not the star god... just a part of his will. Because of my mission, I was able to have some authority in the ruins. Outside the ruins, I am just a mortal spirit. "

From here we can also see how overbearing Yu Cang's entry recorder is and how inclusive the soul card system is.

According to common sense, the former star god left the star god's will, then the No. 8 ruins are all the world he can see, and when the person the princess is looking for appears, then the life of the star god's will will be over.

This was the fate that the Star God had set for him.

However, the call of the recorder freed him from this irreversible fate.

Hearing the words of the Star God's will, Yu Cang could only nod: "Okay... I understand."

It's okay. He didn't have any expectations in the first place. Now that he can't find a way, he can just study it in the future.

Entry recorder, there are infinite possibilities!

"Yu Cang." The Star God's will became more serious, "If you insist on finding a way to remove the restriction on your real name, I will not stop you...but I hope that you must do this after you are absolutely sure. .”

Yu Cang smiled, and said seriously: "Don't worry... I'm not that kind of reckless person. If I really find that method, I will naturally find the corresponding restrictive power."

"That's good."

"Okay, then I'll leave first."

Turning around, Yu Cang returned to the bubble world, took a few more glances at the rhythms on the resonance stones, and prepared to return directly to the real world.

At this time, Jieying's voice suddenly came.

"Dear scholar." Jie Ying approached the bubble world, "Excuse me...has there been any progress regarding letting me participate in the battle?"

Seeing that the Star God's will and the role of the princess were gradually revealed, Jie Ying became more and more anxious every moment.

As soon as he saw the opportunity, he immediately stepped forward to ask, for fear that Yu Cang would forget about it.

"So impatient?" Yu Cang said with a smile, "Don't worry. I already have an idea. When you return to the ancient capital, you will be able to fulfill your wish."

In this world.

The princess’s small class seems to have come to an end.

Gu Jieshuang sat on the edge of the bed, burying her head in her knees, her face flushed, not knowing what she was thinking.

Qi'er stood aside with his arms folded, holding his chin with one finger, lost in thought.

The princess is floating in the air, exuding holy light, like an angel saint walking in the world and spreading the truth.

As soon as Yu Cang came out of the starry sky and opened his eyes, he saw this scene.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Yu Cang stood up and stretched.

"Ah! It's okay!" Gu Jieshuang's eyes panicked, "Um...boss, you're back, it's getting late, why don't you go to bed quickly?"

Yu Cang blinked.

He looked at the weeping girl suspiciously, and saw her shaking her head quickly, with an innocent look on her face, as if to say: It's really not me.

"What are you..."

"Okay boss! Good night!" Gu Jieshuang quickly picked up the chess piece that was still thinking and rushed to her own bed.

"Um...ok, good night..."

It will take a few days for Ning Xingyi to turn his sword intention into a soul card, so Yu Cang needs to stay here these days.

After all, Ning Xingyi had never tried to make a soul card out of something as personal as Sword Intent before. You don’t need it for yourself, and if you give it to others, they won’t be able to use it.

This is the first time, even Ning Xingyi still needs to explore.

At first, Ning Xingyi seemed a little worried, Yu Cang was not used to the leisurely life here, but after seeing that Yu Cang was also very happy here, he was relieved.

Yu Cang was indeed very happy about this, because he really needed a reason to stay with Ning Xingyi for a long time!

Don't forget, there is also a seven-day entry for Ning Xingyi in his recorder.

As long as the countdown ends, he will get the first mythical entry in his life!

In the past few days, Yu Cang has been using the resonance method and the star-sky vision to speed up the countdown, but should it be said to be a mythical entry? Yu Cang’s resonance has little effect on the countdown speed. Roughly, it takes seven days The resonance has been maintained internally, so it is estimated that it can only be accelerated by half an hour.

It can be said that almost nothing has changed.

Compared with the previous extraction of legendary and epic entries, the feel is far worse.

Yu Cang had no choice but to wait slowly.

For a mythical entry, it's worth the wait.

Yu Cang is happy to stay here, and Gu Jieshuang and Qi'er naturally have no complaints. They are all people who have no requirements for living conditions. It is too late for them to be happy that they can live such a "secluded" life with Yu Cang.

Especially Gu Jieshuang - he will definitely become busy when he returns to the ancient capital. He will be entangled in various affairs and won't even have many opportunities to see Yu Cang. Of course, she enjoys this kind of leisurely life at the moment.

It is worth mentioning that after almost a day, Yu Cang was able to capture all the spirits in sight with his intuition.

Perhaps it's because these spirit sons have already surrendered to his will? In short, Yu Cang basically didn't feel any bottleneck in the process of controlling the spirit son.

"This..." The princess's eyes widened slightly, "In less than a day, how can this... ahem, it's not bad, almost at the same level as me!"

But she knew in her heart that it took her more than a day and it would soon take two days. And Yu Cang's day has to exclude the evening... This is a talent that far exceeds his own, and is comparable to his brother!

You know, as a person of destiny, my brother's talent is the theoretical pinnacle in the starry sky, no matter what talent he has!

"Really?" Yu Cang looked at the spirit flowing on his fingertips with a strange expression.

After capturing the spirit son with intuition, it does feel different.

In the past, when those spirit sons surrendered to their own will, I had to devote my mind to deliberately controlling them. Moreover, I could only guide them as a whole and could not do some micro-management.

After all, there are a hundred spirit children in his sight, but he can't use his full attention.

But it's different now - now, these spirit children have become an extension of my own intuition, and every move I make can pull the spirit children unconsciously, extremely smoothly.

"But..." Yu Cang felt for a moment, "I still don't seem to feel the ability of the spirit child?"

"What?" The princess was stunned.

"...No." Yu Cang frowned, " spirit son's ability is still hidden, and I need an opportunity to awaken."

There was a puzzled look on the princess's face: "How could this happen... I have never seen it before."

"I think it's normal." Yu Cang smiled softly.

He was very familiar with this plot. If he were reincarnated into the princess's empire, it would obviously be a plot about a loser counterattacking and pretending to be a slap in the face.

When others thought he was a waste without the power of a spirit child, he suddenly awakened and quietly amazed everyone!

"It doesn't matter. For me, the ability of the spirit child is not a necessity."

He cultivated the spirit son just to gain access to the Star Armory.

Moreover, even if it has no power, this spirit child is still convenient.

With a move of Yu Cang's fingers, Ling Ziliu automatically flew to the table and brought him a water glass.

"And it seems..." Yu Cang seemed to have thought of something.

Putting his hand on the card box, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and his whole body exuded the aura and belief of a duelist!

The princess seemed to be intimidated by this momentum and quietly stepped back a distance: "Um...Yu Cang, are you going to..."

"Hmph... it's my turn next!" A smile appeared on Yu Cang's lips, "The deck, respond to my will!"


The souls automatically gathered on the card box. As Yu Cang pulled out the soul card, these souls suddenly flashed magnificently, as if symbolizing the purest hope!

"Flash draw card!"


A light flashed!

Hum, he will have special effects when he draws cards from now on!

"Ah!" Gu Jieshuang, who had just walked to the door, quickly turned around, pretended not to see anything, and left as if nothing had happened.'s better not to show up when the boss is in his second year.

Yu Cang:......

The princess also quietly turned her head.

Before the tea table.

"Brother Cang, how are you doing with the rhythms I taught you?" Ning Xingyi smiled.

"I'm still learning." Yu Cang nodded, "There are still some things I haven't figured out yet."

"Hey, you haven't come to ask me for advice in the past two days." Ning Xingyi pretended to be unhappy, "Xiao Cang, even if you are a genius, it is difficult to achieve results by just researching on your own."

"Senior Ning, I will definitely not hesitate when I need you to answer my questions." Yu Cang said with a smile, "It's just that I want to understand all the rhymes first, then the questions will have meaning."

In fact, the main reason was that he didn't want to disturb Ning Xing too much before he made the Sword Intent Soul Card.

Making a soul card of this level generally requires concentration. If you are distracted by other rhythms at this time, it is easy to make mistakes.

"By the way, Senior Ning." Yu Cang asked curiously, "Besides you, has anyone else understood the meaning of the sword?"

Since Sword Intent has a great amplifying effect on Gu Jieshuang, he must help her find a way to collect it. Gu Jieshuang's improved combat effectiveness is also good for herself.

"Others..." Ning Xingyi thought for a moment, "In my impression, I have never seen them before."

"Is this so?" Yu Cang was a little disappointed.

"However." Ning Xingyi raised his head, "There is a person. In the early years, I once glanced at him from countless distances. He...may have also mastered the sword intention."

"Oh?" Yu Cang raised his eyebrows.

When he mentioned this person, Ning Xingyi's tone suddenly became cautious... Who could make Ning Xingyi show such an attitude?

Ning Xingyi didn't show off, he put down his tea cup and said directly: "He is the most powerful card banner in the world today——"

Yu Cang's pupils shrank suddenly: "The leader of the immortal village outside the Yan Kingdom?"

"It's him."

Yu Cang was silent for a moment.

More than six thousand years have passed since the emergence of the soul card civilization on Blue Star. During this period, there were many amazing and talented people who achieved mythical status in their mortal bodies.

But...he is the only one in history who has achieved mythology with forbidden cards!

The Lord of the Immortal Village!

This myth existed before the founding of the Yan Kingdom, and its lifespan has already exceeded the thousand-year limit of the myth, but for some reason, it is still alive and well.

Although Yan Guo has zero tolerance for banning cards, because the owner of the Immortal Village had given a helping hand before Emperor Changan founded the country, and because he had been staying in the Immortal Village, never going anywhere, and never approaching the border, So no one will care about him.

Going to war with a myth is never a cost-effective thing.

"Back then, I didn't understand the sword's intention. I once saw the undead village leader take action from a distance when I was on a mission... Later, I thought about it, maybe it was the sword's intention. But I'm not sure yet." Ning Xingyi shook his head. , "If you want to collect sword intent for Miss Jieshuang... I don't recommend that you go find this myth. After all, he is... a forbidden card master, and he is too mysterious."

Yu Cang thoughtfully said: "I understand."


Ning Xing gave Yu Cang a piece of "Running Ridge Beast·Anglong" for reference.

However, this Anglong is just an ordinary soul card. It does not contain natural spirits. It was made by Ning Xingyi casually.

At this moment, stars flashed in Yu Cang's eyes, and he was observing the rhythm of this soul card.

Ning Xing's method of using Sword Intent to give birth to wisdom in the Creation Race was indeed exquisite, but Sword Intent was not something that everyone had after all, and he needed to find a substitute that could form a system.

What is it... Yu Cang stretched out his hand and looked at the spirit son that was constantly flowing between him.

The spirit child is a very wonderful thing. It originates from the consciousness insect. Sometimes, Yu Cang really feels that the spirit child seems to have life.

If you use spirit sons...

Yu Cang thought for a moment.

Then the recorder was turned on.

After thinking about it, Yu Cang pulled out a set of entries and clicked on implant.

Ning Xingyi said that there are many such soul cards out there, so if Yu Cang has any inspiration, just try it and don't worry about changing it.

It's as if this is not a handed down soul card, but a rare and common one.

Yu Cang originally just randomly found a set of formulas with decent efficiency, but when he saw the finished product, his eyes couldn't help but widen slightly.

Wait... you won't hit it once, will you?

At this moment, the first two abilities of the soul card in Yu Cang's hand have not changed much.

Only [Heaven Induction] has become another ability:

[Spirit]: When this soul card exists in the spiritual ability of the holder, it will gain a certain number of [Spirit] layers over time. The higher the [Spirit] layer, the more wisdom the soul card has. The higher it is, the corresponding [Heaven Induction] will be obtained.

This time, his formula is: [Thinking] + [Advanced Evolution]!

An ordinary entry, an epic entry, but produced a wonderful chemical reaction.

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