Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 254: Big clearance of villain dolls!

This [Skillful Spirit] is undoubtedly the ability he wants!

Yu Cang couldn't conceal his excitement, and quickly entered the starry sky and began to observe carefully.

A new rhythm flowed in front of his eyes. The deeper Yu Cang's gaze went, the brighter his eyes became.


This is exactly what he wants!

He could see that this rhythm was closely related to the racial attributes of this soul card. This was the unique ability of the creation soul card!

"The Creation Race still has this characteristic... can it be linked with spiritual abilities?" Yu Cang thought thoughtfully.

The Creation family is inherently easy to add various sustainable effects, and is one of the best choices for auxiliary cards in various decks. If it can still move and form combat effectiveness, then the combat effectiveness of this race will undoubtedly increase dramatically.

"Wait, why does it feel familiar..."

Suddenly a flash of light flashed in Yu Cang's mind. He quickly took out the card box and took out a soul card.

The corpse of the Mingyan Dragon Emperor!

This dragon will summon a piece of hell rock when it appears. All our summoned beasts that die on the hell rock will automatically generate a hell rock puppet with the same panel and invalidated abilities. This hell rock golem was born based on the power of the soul.

This ability... seems to be very similar to the characteristics of the Creation family.

The hell rock puppet can be regarded as a derivative of the creation family.

Perhaps, the principle is the same?

After thinking about it, Yu Cang put this soul card on the table again.

When the Mingyan Dragon Emperor Corpse was born, it was already on the verge of being passed down from generation to generation. However, due to its lack of endurance, it fell into the realm of epics. In the process, abilities are severely damaged.

Yu Cang didn't know about this characteristic of the Creation Clan at the time, so when he made the soul card later, he could only design its abilities according to the performance.

"Then now..." Yu Cang scratched his head.

It's still a bit difficult.

However - the power of the soul is classified as a spiritual ability, so Long Wei should also be regarded as a spiritual ability, right? And, the emotional power of the weeping girl should be the same!

Thinking of this, Yu Cang knocked on the table.

Suddenly, a soul card was opened on the table, and a little doll jumped out of it.

"Master!" The weeping girl bowed slightly, "Are you looking for me?"

"How much emotional power have you accumulated?" Yu Cang asked casually while writing and drawing on a blank soul card with a writing pen.

"Master, there are already quite a few. If you let me control the mechanical swordsman of that day to fight again, I can guarantee a high-intensity battle of two and a half minutes just by relying on the power of burning emotions. If I further evolve into a conscious body... You can fight for three seconds.”

Don't look at it. It only lasts three seconds. If you grasp it properly, it is enough to kill any ordinary legend, even a high-ranking legend.

In human cities, there are very few occasions for dramatic changes in emotions. Not everywhere is like the Bloodline Empire, where emotions can become intense and substantial.

There are so many now, which is the result of the hard work of the crying girl.

"That's right." Yu Cang nodded, his expression unchanged.

On the side, the crying girl was a little nervous.

She carefully observed Yu Cang's face and asked cautiously: "Master...does he need me to fight with the power of my emotions?"

"It's not a battle." Yu Cang paused, and when he raised his hand again, there was already a brand new soul card in his palm.

They are still little dolls, but the difference is that there are five little dolls on the face of this soul card!

Soul Card Name: Villain Doll Clearance!

Category: Summoning Card

Star level: fifth level

Quality: Rare

Attribute: land

Race: Creation


【Big clearance! 】: Each mini doll has an independent death cooldown. When activated, you can choose to summon several or all of them. The star level of a single little doll is considered to be level one.

[Price]: When each villain doll enters the death cooldown, it can choose a soul card whose race is humanoid or creature to reduce or increase its soul energy consumption. If the soul card is at the same star level as the villain doll or below, it can be summoned directly regardless of consumption.

[Spirit]: When this soul card exists in the spiritual ability of the holder, it will gain a certain number of [Spirit] layers over time. The higher the [Spirit] layer, the more wisdom the soul card has. The higher it is, the corresponding [Heaven Induction] will be obtained.

"This is?" Weeping Goddess looked curious.

"It's a new soul card." Yu Cang placed the soul card on the table and activated it at the same time.

Now his understanding of the creation clan is not weak, not to mention that he has only made similar soul cards before, so it is relatively easy to make such a soul card.

The consumption of the fifth-level soul card is not low, but because it is a creature clan, it only consumes one-half of the soul energy.

There was only a "click" sound, and the five villain dolls broke through a layer of broken soul card fragments and were ejected from the soul card.

Big clearance!

Seeing so many "selves" being thrown out of the soul cards, the crying girl subconsciously shrank her head.

These little dolls did not have the consciousness of the crying girl, so after they appeared, they fell to the ground without moving at all.

"Weeping Girl." Yu Cang said, "Try to activate them with the power of your emotions."

"Eh? Is it the new ability created by the master?" The weeping girl blinked, and then followed her words and applied a little emotional power to each of the little dolls.

Then, visible to the naked eye, a spiritual light suddenly lit up in the eyes of the little doll. Then their stiff bodies moved together and tried to get up from the ground.

These little human dolls made bursts of babbling sounds with no regularity, and their movements were like a bunch of strange creatures... In view of the excellent art style of the little human dolls, they can barely be regarded as cute strange creatures.

Yu Cang couldn't help but smile.

The emotional power injected by the Weeping Girl is a bit lacking, and each of these little dolls only has one [Spirit] layer.

However, this also shows that it is effective.

Yu Cang glanced at the soul card. Based on the power of emotions, this card has evolved corresponding heaven-human induction.

[Heaven Sensing]: When the villain doll has a [Spirit] layer, it will gain the ability to move freely and can exist for a long time. When the source of emotional power exists within a certain range, the villain's attacks will cause mental damage.

It is very similar to the ability of the spine beast, but the ability of the villain doll is more systematic.

But, the mental damage caused by the attack... is really a bit useless. After all, Yu Cang doesn't expect these little dolls to participate in the battle.

Moreover, the little mental attacks attached to the little human dolls can at best make them hurt more when they hit people. It is a bit difficult to think of any decisive effect.

It doesn't matter, after all, it is just an additional ability.

"Weeping Girl, inject some more emotional power."

"Oh, okay." The crying girl did as she was told.

With the injection of emotional power, the level of [Spirit] in the little dolls increased rapidly, and correspondingly, the light in their eyes also quickly became active.

"Hey!" A little doll ran up to Yu Cang's eyes, staring closely at Yu Cang, the light inside was shining brightly.

Then, more little dolls came over and looked at Yu Cang without blinking.

All of a sudden, the sounds of babbling came and went.

"Um..." Yu Cang scratched his head, "What do they mean?"

These dolls are now considered intelligent... but they still don't look very smart and they don't understand human language, which is far from Ning Xingyi's spine beasts.

"I don't know either." The weeping girl put her little hand to her mouth and felt it carefully for a moment before she said with uncertainty, "Emotionally, it seems that she is... praising the master for being so handsome?"

Yu Cang:......

It doesn't sound even smarter.

However, this ability is okay.

Free movement is the ability of the villain doll itself, including the subsequent ability to cause mental damage, and does not require the consumption of emotional power.

Therefore, as long as Weeping Girl injects a certain amount of emotional power into these little dolls at the beginning, they can always maintain a very high level of [spirit]. Even if Weeping Girl follows Yu Cang far away, this spirit level will remain intact. Wisdom will not disappear.

Of course, without the weeping girl by his side, the power of these ownerless emotions would easily dissipate.

From this aspect, this ability is even more useful than the Ridge Beast. After all, after Ning Xing moved away, there was no guarantee that the sword intent would continue to affect those creations.

If Ning Xingyi had not found the corresponding natural spirits for all the creations, as long as he left, these creations would immediately return to their original state, making it impossible to move.

Ning Xingyi can inject sword intent into these creations. But in this way, the sword intention is likely to cause irreversible damage to the natural spirit... Not everything is qualified to carry the sword intention for a long time, otherwise Ning Xingyi would have made the sword intention soul card in the past few days.

But while Yu Cang was thinking, the weeping girl's eyes widened.

The master...created life?

Yesterday, the princess said that there are many races in the starry sky that can reproduce their own offspring without the need for sexual union.

Although in my own impression, humans should not be such a race, but the master... he is so awesome, it seems normal to be special?

The weeping girl stared blankly at the group of babbling dolls, which were a head smaller than her.

So, these are the master's children?

The weeping girl immediately covered her mouth.

"Weeping Girl." Yu Cang didn't notice the change in Weeping Girl's expression, and just said, "These little guys will be left to you to take care of from now on."

He could feel that after activating [Qiaodu Tianling], the burden of this soul card on his mental pressure was reduced a lot in an instant.

Although it is a rare card, it is actually very easy to maintain it now.

To a certain extent, this kind of soul card already meets the definition of "card pet"!

Card pets have always been a hot topic in Blue Star.

The reason is that there are no normal pets in this world!

Except for humans, plants and some microorganisms, almost all other animals have been infected by waste!

For animals infected by famine, their inner desires will be infinitely magnified and they will be unable to control themselves. And as time goes by, the bottom of my heart will gradually become only pure desire, and can no longer accommodate anything else.

Such a being cannot be treated as a least it cannot be treated as a pet by ordinary people.

Only those very powerful high-level soul card masters would be able to raise cats and dogs that are not seriously infected by Huang. However, this has to go through layers of review, and the qualifications cannot be approved easily.

But people’s desire to pet cats and dogs cannot be controlled.

Therefore, using card pets as a replacement is a good way.

Card pets have more advantages than ordinary pets, but at the same time, the disadvantages are also very obvious.

Now, the little doll in front of me... After activating [Heaven Sensing], the little doll seems to have become a part of nature. The connection with myself is almost invisible, and the mental pressure has been reduced to a very low level. , in this way, maybe some third- and fourth-level soul card masters can adapt to the long-term existence of card pets after a little training!

In the past, even if you choose an ordinary soul card with the lowest mental pressure, only a soul card master of level five or above can maintain it all the time, otherwise there is a risk of sudden death at any time.

Although this improvement is only slightly lowered by one level, it is just this level that includes ordinary people!

For those who do not have the talent for meditation, the natural growth limit is around level three.

There may only be a few fifth-level soul card masters out of 10,000 people, but there are definitely a lot of third-level soul card masters. Adults with a little training can reach this level.

In other words, as long as Yu Cang thinks about it and improves it a little, this little doll can be sold as a mature product!

However, there is still a problem. The premise for the doll to be intelligent is that it is always under the influence of mental abilities, but if it is maintained for a long time, it will still consume mental pressure...

The Weeping Girl's ability to store the power of emotions is the effect of the card. If you just leave emotions in the card pet in advance, then if there is a slight change, the power of emotions will dissipate and the villain doll will turn back to dementia.

Suddenly, an evil idea came into Yu Cang's mind.

Why not... sell some cards?

Only by coming to him to buy emotional power point cards can your card pet have a normal personality and wisdom!

Mr. Customer, you don’t want your son or daughter to become dementia, right?

Yu Cang was stunned. In a daze, he only felt that behind the golden mountains in front of him, a lamppost was waving to him.

He shook his head quickly.

No, no, this kind of behavior is taking advantage of people's love for card pets. What is the difference between it and selling feelings?

Apart from anything else, he is now the recipient of the Yanhuang Medal, and to a certain extent, he also represents the Yan Kingdom. It is better not to do this kind of behavior that is too focused on profit.

Let’s find a way to satisfy everyone.

Yu Cang thought briefly.

Maybe... a spirit child?

His eyes lit up.

The power of emotion is elusive, but the spirit child itself has the characteristic of absorbing rhythm. As long as the properties are adjusted well, the spirit child may be used as a container for the power of emotion!

When Yu Cang was thinking, the weeping girl's eyes were already a little moved.

Wuwuwu... The master actually entrusted his child to him. This is obviously a sign of trust in him!

"Master, don't worry, I will take good care of them!"

"Hmm...?" Yu Cang suddenly noticed something, and he turned his head suspiciously, "Take care of... what do you do to take care of them?"

"Huh? They are not your children..."

"..." Yu Cang's eyes suddenly became strange.

With such eyes, the weeping girl spoke slower and slower.

She realized something, and slowly came forward, taking a look at the soul card introduction of the villain doll clearance.

His face turned red.

"I-I know...I will teach them how to do housework!"

The weeping girl covered her face and ran away. Behind her, a group of little dolls chased after her with babbling sounds.

"...This is true." Yu Cang shook his head in confusion.

At this time, a ray of light flew from other rooms, it was the princess who was covered in holy light.

"Yu Cang, look for me."

"Yes." Yu Cang nodded and said directly, "I would like to ask, can a spirit child store energy such as emotional power?"

"Yes." The princess nodded, "Theoretically, all energy can be stored using spirit seeds, but our spirit flow is not possible - industrial spirit seeds are needed."

"How to make industrial spirit seeds?"

"It's very simple. As long as there is a spirit generator, a sentient insect can do it."

"That's great." Yu Cang showed a smile.

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