Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 303 Continuous Spell Card

Yu Cang began to look carefully at Wang Chu's deck. this the spell used originally?

Although Wang Chu's deck is mixed with many systems, and Yu Cang even saw the Sword of Judgment in the Dragon of Light and Shadow deck, the core card is still a soul card called "Burial of the Soul Abyss".

Soul card name: Burial of the Soul Abyss

Category: Spell Card

Quality: Epic

Properties: none


[Declaration]: When activated for the first time, the quality of this soul card is regarded as rare, and its ability becomes: Add "Mark of the Abyss" to all other spell cards in the deck.

[Gift]: When Soul Abyss Burial is on death cooldown, all soul cards carrying "Abyss Mark" will leave an Abyss Crystal after being used.

[Burial]: This ability must be triggered when Burial of the Soul Abyss ends the death cooldown as a rare card. Consume all abyss crystals, recover all abyss marks, activate this soul card regardless of consumption, create an "abyss" in the sky, the abyss will swallow all soul energy products, and continue to increase the mental pressure of the operator of the swallowed target.

Although this soul card is epic, it can be used directly as a rare one.

The general usage process is to [Declare] at the beginning, then continue to use spell cards [Salute] during the battle, and finally [Bury] directly when the death cooldown ends.

The death cooldown of this soul card is very long, as long as ten minutes. During this time, some soul cards can even be disconnected and reconnected.

In this case, a considerable number of abyss crystals can undoubtedly be accumulated, and the power and duration of [Burial] are bound to the number of abyss crystals, so...if it is done properly, once ten minutes are up, you will be your opponent. death date.

The soul energy burial with enough abyss crystals is completely as powerful as the corpse of the ancient demon... at least, its power is at the same level when it comes to dealing with soul card masters.

[Full Burial] can swallow soul energy products. During this process, all summoned beasts cannot escape. Forget about swallowing it, it will continue to increase your mental pressure and make you unable to operate.

This is a very pure soul card for soul card masters to use in civil war.

However, the ten-minute death cooldown is a very fatal flaw - taking the duels that Yu Cang has experienced, there are only a handful of duels that lasted longer than ten minutes, probably the only one where level four skipped a level to fight level five Xing Su. .

The same is true for other soul card masters - a normal duel will last no more than ten minutes. For those powerful soul card masters, it is extremely common for the battle to end quickly and early.

Therefore, Yu Cang also saw some soul cards in Xing Su's deck that can shorten the death cooldown of spell cards... To be honest, they are not very useful. Under normal circumstances, using them all will shorten the death cooldown to about seven minutes, which is still a long time.

Not to mention that the complex battlefield environment simply won't allow you to use so many non-combat cards.

Therefore, the spell card system centered on Burial of the Soul Abyss is not practical, at least not practical in single combat.

However, Wang Chu will eventually participate in a four-player battle. With three people fully covering the battle, and a strong field control player like Lan Jun among his teammates, the probability of lasting until seven minutes is still high.

But now, since Yu Cang has agreed to help transform the deck, he will naturally not let this shortcoming continue to exist.

With a wave of his hand, Yu Cang took the writing pen. After writing for a while, he drew an identical "Burial of the Soul Abyss".

In his eyes now, he can easily draw an epic soul card of this level.

Just open the entry library and put your eyes into it.

"Well, Burial of the Soul Abyss is very suitable for the term [Sustainability], then..."

The success rate of implanting this entry is 32%!

Without hesitation, Yu Cang directly selected [Sustainable] and clicked implant with confidence.

[Implantation failed]

Yu Cang:......

Okay, okay, let's play like this.

It doesn't matter, the cooldown for rare entry implantation is only ten minutes, he just needs to try a few more times.

But what he didn't expect was.

It was not until the seventh implantation that Yu Cang finally succeeded.

"...How could this be?"

After the success, the bright light in Yu Cang's eyes quickly disappeared, and he slumped in the chair, looking like he was questioning his life.

Seven, seven times.

This is a one-third success rate!

With such a high success rate, it actually took him an hour to successfully implant it?

Is this reasonable?

After sitting on the chair feeling depressed for a long time, Yu Cang looked at the soul card in his hand with his eyes fixed and gritted teeth.

You better be useful!

Soul Card Name: Soul Abyss Recruitment

Category: Continuous Spell Card

Quality: Epic

Properties: None


[First Gift]: When activated, the quality of this soul card is regarded as rare. After activation, add "Mark of the Abyss" to all other spell cards in the deck.

[Gift]: When the Soul Abyss is summoned, all soul cards carrying "Abyss Mark" will leave an Abyss Crystal after being used. And based on the number of abyss crystals, the quality of the soul card will be improved to the highest epic level.

[Final Gift]: When the quality of the soul card reaches the upper limit, a certain number of abyss crystals can be sacrificed at any time to summon the corresponding abyss to descend and devour the soul energy products.

Yu Cang's eyes couldn't help but light up.

It's what he wants!

Continuous spell card!

Sure enough, the [Sustainable] entry is the key to creating a sustainable spell card.

Not to mention the power of this spell card after implanting [Sustainability], it is definitely more practical than the original version.

It takes at least seven minutes to use the original version for the second time. In fact, during this period, if the soul card has been used, the abyss crystals accumulated would have been enough to complete an "epic level" attack.

But I had enough but couldn't use it, so I could only wait stupidly for seven minutes. If the battle situation was more anxious, I might have to complete these ten minutes.

But now, this soul card will always exist on the field after it is activated. As long as you accumulate enough abyss crystals that can launch "epic level" attacks, you can use the extra parts at will... which is equivalent to, after that, Each spell card has an additional "Abyss Devouring" effect.

Moreover, the use of this card is very flexible. You can use it to fight continuously, and you can always accumulate crystals and use them. Finally, like before, you can release them all at once and decide the outcome with one hit...even after the victory is determined with one hit. , you can continue to fight.

The improvement in flexibility and practicality of this card is obvious.

"Not bad." Yu Cang was very satisfied.

So next...

Yu Cang glanced at the [Sustainability] that was cooling down in the entry database, and did not choose to continue implanting it. Instead, he directly took out the developing potion, applied it evenly on the soul card, and began to study the differences in the lines. .

For soul card masters, only the knowledge they master can become their own.

He had already mastered the details of the pattern of the "Burial of the Soul Abyss". Now, facing this brand-new soul card in his hand, he only needed to make a little comparison in his mind to find out what made this soul card. The reason why the card becomes a permanent spell card.

It sounds quite simple, but when Yu Cang really started to study it, he found that it was not like that at all.

The pattern of the soul card in front of me is indeed somewhat familiar, but its rhythmic details are countless times more complicated. It's like replacing every line of a pattern with a smaller and more complex pattern. From a distance, it's still the same group, but once you get closer... you'll get a direct panic attack.

"Hiss..." Yu Cang took a breath of cold air.

Is the rhythm of this sustainable magic card so difficult?

He didn't realize this when he made the Yiyi Sword.

After all, the Autocratic Sword is a connecting summoning card, and its body is in the field of vision of the stars. The rhythm on the soul card is just an empty shell that serves as a guide, and has no research significance.

Now, when Yu Cang saw the rhythm of the permanent spell card for the first time, he was immediately deeply shocked.

This level of complexity doesn't even look like an epic soul card anymore.

The highlight in Yu Cang's eyes quickly disappeared again, and he slumped in the chair with a muffled groan.

It's broken, and it seems that I've found myself in trouble.

Isn’t this looking for trouble for yourself?

Yu Cang sighed faintly and sat up.

It's useless to complain... Anyway, the drawing method of the continuous spell card will be cracked sooner or later, so it's better to hurry up.

This study lasted from morning to evening.

When Feng came to say good night to him, he realized that it was already very late.

Opening her personal terminal, Gu Jieshuang sent a lot of messages - she had an exam today and needed to take it outdoors, so she was not on campus right now.

After tomorrow, her exam will be completed.

A smile appeared on Yu Cang's face.

the next day

Yu Cang arrived at the laboratory very early, but it took him until the afternoon to finally figure out the rhythmic pattern of the permanent spell card.

It has to be said that the rhythm of this kind of spell card is really complicated... The soul card directly output from the entry recorder is already the most concise and unencrypted version, and Yu Cang also has the information of the predecessor of this soul card. The way to draw it, even so, it still took me a day and a half to figure it out.

However, after figuring it out, Yu Cang was almost confident about how to draw the permanent spell card. Now, he can start to try to draw some permanent spell cards by himself without relying on the entry recorder.

But this way, more time will be spent on it... Yu Cang spent a day on research, and if he wants to design all the rhythms of a spell card into corresponding sustainable patterns... then he doesn't know how long it will take. How many are there.

If your thinking is slightly unsmooth, it may take you a lifetime.

Yu Cang's eyes froze when he thought of the terrifying workload that this might bring.

Well, it's better to rely on the entry recorder appropriately, it's not embarrassing.

He stretched, stood up, and called Lin Yunqing to the testing site.

It’s not urgent to create more permanent spell cards. Let’s test the characteristics of this spell card first.

In fact, when he used the Autocratic Sword, he had already felt that the use of this spell card was different from ordinary spell cards... One obvious point was that the Autocratic Sword did not take up mental pressure.

This is actually a very abnormal thing. If the continuous spell card does not take up mental pressure, wouldn't it be possible to use it indefinitely... There are definitely restrictions, but they are not obvious on the Autocratic Sword. , so certain experiments are needed to verify it.

"Senior, are you okay now?" Lin Yunqing looked at Yu Cang expressionlessly.

After returning to the card-making room yesterday, he couldn't sleep with such a soul card hanging in front of him.

Just get up and continue researching.

Because of this, he didn't sleep for long yesterday, and his face at the moment was naturally not very good. There were two conspicuous dark circles under his eyes, which were really eye-catching.

"Of course I'm fine." Yu Cang yawned, "Hurry up and get ready to record the data."

"...I will tell Jieshuang." Lin Yunqing turned on the computer as instructed.

Yu Cang's breath was stagnant, and the yawn in his mouth was suddenly stuck in his throat, and he couldn't come out no matter how hard he yawned.

"Ahem, that..."

"Senior, to borrow a sentence from you: Scientific research also has requirements for physical health." Lin Yunqing had already prepared everything, and his eyes became serious, "Shall we get started?"

"Um...did I say that?" Yu Cang said with a guilty conscience, but seeing her attitude of not giving him a chance to speak, he had no choice but to drop the topic, "Then let's get started!"

The Abyss of Souls is only equivalent to a rare card when activated, so there is no soul energy pressure at all. Yu Cang only consumed ordinary soul energy and successfully activated it.

Suddenly, a huge soul card shadow opened behind Yu Cang, and the mysterious formation inside became brighter and brighter. After the soul card shadow had gradually faded, the formation was still in the air!

The bright purple magic circle exudes bursts of evil light, with thick black mist surging in it from time to time, making it look very evil.

"Huh?" Lin Yunqing's eyes lit up, "This is... a sustainable spell card? Senior, have you finally found a way to draw a sustainable spell card?"

She naturally knew about Yu Cang's dictatorial sword.

As we all know, spell cards can cause a lot of damage or gains in a short period of time. If the spell cards can always exist on the field... then the strength will definitely be full.

No matter how you think about it, the superiority of this kind of spell card is far superior to that of normal spell cards. If all spell cards can exist forever... then there is no doubt that the deck composition of all soul card masters will need to be A change has occurred.

Lin Yunqing has lost count of how many times she has put the word "change" on Yu Cang's achievements. Anyway, now, she is no longer surprised.

Lin Yunqing asked Yu Cang when he saw the Dictator's Sword, but the answer he got was that he couldn't make a second sustainable spell, and he had no ideas for the time being.

Lin Yunqing, who has become a senior in Cangchui, will naturally not take this to heart. With the mind of a senior, he will definitely not be able to spare his time for the time being. When he is free, he will definitely be able to produce the results casually.

Now, sure enough.

"Well, it has been made, but..." Yu Cang frowned slightly, as if he was feeling it carefully, "The characteristics of this soul card seem to be a little different from what I imagined."

Lin Yunqing immediately looked at the computer aside, and after seeing the data clearly, he nodded: "...Indeed. Senior, the data shows that your current mental pressure usage has not changed at all, but... the upper limit of the soul energy well's capacity There’s a piece missing.”

Hearing this, Yu Cang clicked his tongue, and a look of "Sure enough" flashed across his eyes.

On the side, Lin Yunqing's eyes became brighter and brighter after carefully reading the data on the computer.

"That's it! Senior, is this how you solve the problem..."

The characteristics of spell cards are very obvious. They have a short effective time and can do the most with fewer souls.

Pure spell flow can still exist, and can occasionally play a competitive role, because the spell flow does not take up much mental pressure, which allows the soul energy of spell flow users to recover quickly, and there is sufficient soul energy to cast spells. field.

But in fact, the mental pressure of the spell card is very high, but the mental pressure of the spell card only affects the moment when the soul card is activated.

At this moment, the spell cards will directly put a lot of mental pressure into the brain. Some spell cards can even be filled up directly, or even exceed the upper limit... But it only takes a moment. After activation, the mental pressure will return to normal.

Fortunately, although the instantaneous mental pressure is very high, the soul card master can bear it normally under this situation.

The soul card master's mental pressure tolerance is somewhat flexible. If a lot of mental pressure is exceeded in an instant, as long as it does not last long, there will be no problem.

The greater the mental pressure, the shorter the time requirement.

This feature was actually used by Yu Cang back then.

When Yu Cang followed Gu Jieshuang to the Bloodline Empire and faced Yao Qi, Dragon Girl Qi'er, under the control of Weeping Girl, activated the legendary spell card Kuwei Ascension in a short period of time, thus obtaining the ability to hurt Yao Qi. the power of.

This time is only 0.02 seconds. This is because the blood space is special and has no physical limitations, so it can explode with all its strength.

The principle of the spell card is like this. When it is activated, there will be a high mental pressure, but the time is short. Even if the mental pressure is close to full before activation, it can be activated.

In Lin Yunqing's idea, if the spell card was turned into a permanent spell card, then the high mental pressure at that moment might become permanent... In this case, it would be somewhat worthless.

This problem was so fatal that she couldn't even imagine how Yu Cang would solve it.

But now, she finally sees the answer.

"Can you actually change the price... What an incredible idea..." Lin Yunqing couldn't help but express undisguised admiration in her tone.

No matter what kind of soul card, as long as it continues to exist, certain resources need to be paid. In this aspect, the permanent spell card is completely different from other soul cards!

Other soul cards require spending mental pressure, while the permanent spell card requires paying the upper limit of the soul energy well!

Although this change is subtle, the benefits it brings are huge.

The most classic thing is that without taking up mental pressure, the permanent spell card can really exist forever! Worthy of the name “sustainable”!

Moreover, this feature means that even if it is maintained all the time, the soul card master's soul energy recovery speed is still normal, and he can fight normally - in this way, one or two continuouss can be added to almost every deck without affecting it at all. The deck is functioning normally!

Yu Cang was the only one who couldn't add a permanent spell card. The lower-level key soul card actually required a whole tube of soul energy in the deck.

Yu Cang couldn't help but sigh.

Who can know this.

I really don't blame him... The dictatorship sword does not have the side effect of reducing the upper limit of soul energy.

But now it seems that this may just be the characteristic of the Autocratic Sword as the only family of connecting spell cards.

The general laws that I have summarized, at least in calculations, must be followed for most of the sustainability.

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