Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 304 Some stereotypes about old guys

It seems that there are some similarities between perpetual cards and field cards, but they are actually very different.

In contrast, the weakness of the field card is that it relies heavily on mental pressure and is difficult to move. Most of its abilities affect both the enemy and ourselves at the same time.

But at the same time, the upper limit of field cards is also extremely high, and outrageous effects can easily be produced.

"...Let's continue testing, there are still a few more." Yu Cang said.

During this day and a half, while deciphering the method of making permanent spell cards, he also used the entry recorder to make some permanent spell cards.

After the investment of these continuous cards, Wang Chu's deck has undergone a qualitative change.

Soul Card Name: Impact Plume Array

Category: Continuous Spell Card

Quality: Rare

Attribute: wind


[Falling Feathers]: After activation, a puff of feathers will condense every once in a while. There is a limit to the number of feathers.

[Impact]: When being attacked or actively activating this ability, a certain number of feathers can be knocked out in the form of impact.

Soul Card Name: Explosive Flame Killing Formation

Category: Continuous Spell Card

Quality: Rare

Attribute: fire


[Fire Seed]: Whenever the user plays a spell card, a ball of explosive flames will be generated in the explosive flame killing array. There is an upper limit on the amount of explosions.

[Kill streak]: After activation, all explosive flames will be released at the same time.

These two soul cards, coupled with the previous soul abyss summons, a system with both offense and defense emerged.

In addition to implanting [Sustainability] in the Explosive Flame Continuous Killing Formation, Yu Cang also made some fine adjustments to its texture, changing the way it accumulates Explosive Fire, turning it into the same system as the Abyss Recruitment Formation.

This step really troubled Yu Cang's brain a lot, but fortunately he was lucky. When he was studying the abyss to move into battle, he naturally thought of this method.

In this way, these three soul cards perform their own duties, their continuous combat capabilities are very comprehensive, and the use of resources is also much more efficient.

The Plume Formation can be actively triggered when attacked and is used for defense; the Explosive Flame Killing Formation requires all the explosive flames to be consumed every time it is used. Although it is not flexible, it is very powerful and can be used for offense; and the Soul Abyss Formation is prepared for attack. After success, it can be activated at any time to swallow soul energy products, which is very targeted at summoned beasts and used to clear the field.

If three spell cards are present at the same time, plus some small spell cards... then Wang Chu's field will become very three-dimensional, and there are many options. He can not only fight long-term battles, but also open an altar for explosive attacks.

When creating these three spell cards, Yu Cang deliberately adjusted their specific parameters. The final result is that even if these three cards are kept permanently present and the upper limit of soul energy is reduced, the remaining soul energy is enough to support ordinary spells. Card use.

It's just that at that time, you need a channel of soul energy to activate one... This is not a problem. Anyway, the soul energy of the spell flow is restored very quickly, so just use them one by one.

It is worth mentioning that compared to normal spell cards, the soul energy consumption of permanent spell cards is much greater, even greater than the soul energy consumption of some summoning cards. Even the two tubes of soul energy at the end of the silent round are not enough. Soul Card Master activates two cards.

Moreover, if one continuous is pasted and the upper limit of soul energy is damaged, then it is even less likely that the second continuous will have enough soul energy to activate. This is a problem.

There is a solution to this problem - cover it up.

To open it, you only need to pay 80% of the soul energy first, and then replenish the rest at any time, and then you can open it and use it normally. As long as you use this technique, there will be no problem in covering up the two continuouss when the silent round ends.

When the spell card is set but not activated, the upper limit of soul energy is not affected!

Then you only need to cover the three spell cards first, and then fill up the remaining soul energy, and then you can expand normally.


Yu Cang thought briefly.

The "Soul Source Me" I just made... seems to be very suitable for pure magic flow?

Soul Source I can store soul energy, and the storage amount is equal to the upper limit of my own soul energy. In the spell flow, this is equivalent to doubling the remaining upper limit out of thin air. In this way, I only need to control the number of continuous cards, and even Let yourself maintain the original upper limit in disguise...

But the problem is that Wang Chu doesn't seem to have a soul card that can be used for dark synchronization... The requirements for using spell cards to synchronize are too high, and Wang Chu doesn't meet the requirements.

No matter, the deck has already upgraded him anyway, and it’s up to him how he matches them later.

What he is thinking about now is whether he can add a few continuous cards to his deck.

Although using sustainability will lower the upper limit of soul energy, this ability is really good.

It might not be obvious in a duel...but what about in the wild?

Continuous spell cards do not account for mental pressure, which means that during an exploration, you can maintain it from beginning to end, whether it is normal combat or temporary rest, there will be no problems!

You only need to slightly lower the soul energy consumption of other soul cards in the deck to make them meet the lowered soul energy limit.

Not to mention, this kind of magic circle that can be carried around is very handsome.

"Senior, the data has been sorted out." Lin Yunqing stroked his glasses. "After doing a few more soul card experiments, we can publish a paper... There are no risks in using this kind of spell card, and it is very suitable for disclosure."

"Okay." Yu Cang nodded and retreated from his thoughts.

"Then...senior." Lin Yunqing said, "Can you teach me how to make the permanent spell card? I will make a few more in my free time to add some data, and senior can focus on other projects. .”

"Ah, you said this." Yu Cang took out the impact plume formation, and casually took out a bottle of developing potion and applied it on it, saying, "The sustainable manufacturing method is not easy, let me demonstrate it to you. …”

Lin Yunqing came closer and watched as the developing potion quickly spread on the soul card, and then... dense lines on the soul card suddenly appeared in front of her.

Her eyes suddenly widened.


She never expected that the soul card pattern of a rare soul card would be so complicated!

"Yeah...otherwise why would it take me so long." Yu Cang sighed, "Let's listen first."

after a while

After Yu Cang told Lin Yunqing how to make the permanent spell card and some important points to pay attention to, he returned to his room.

Lin Yunqing was left alone, standing there blankly, with a confused expression.

Just now, it took Yu Cang a full two hours to explain everything clearly.

Lin Yunqing naturally couldn't remember this amount of knowledge at once, but fortunately, she recorded it.

"...It's so outrageous."

It was the first time she had seen that it was so complicated to transform a soul card into one with the same quality and similar abilities. It required replacing every rhythmic pattern with other rhythms.

She felt that it would take a long time for her to learn these things step by step just by following the instructions of her seniors.

And the senior has built this framework bit by bit from scratch... If she remembers correctly, the senior just started building the sustainable spell card system yesterday, right?

Even if there is the Yi Jian, a rhythmic entity that exists in the realm of consciousness, that can provide a reference, it is... so exaggerated.

This is no longer something that can be explained by talent. To come up with such a complicated thing in such a short time requires the senior to think non-stop, and most of the inspiration can be done without mistakes and completely correct.

Not to mention, after the senior came up with the frame, he also made three continuous cards.

After seeing how the continuous cards are made, she already knows that if you want to transform the spell card into a continuous card, you need to redesign every rhythmic pattern of the soul card, so every new continuous spell The time it takes to create a card is terrifying...

Lin Yunqing was silent.

She just felt that... her previous impression of the senior was probably too conservative.

After returning to the room, Yu Cang slumped on the chair and squinted for a while.

It is indeed a bit tiring to do this thing.

If he knew what Lin Yunqing was thinking now, he would probably feel guilty.

After all, in the process of making sustainable cards, the research and development process takes a lot of time, but with the entry recorder, he does not need to do research and development at all, he can just take the entries.

Although it also takes a lot of time to crack, but... he has the "supercomputer" Jieying, which is very convenient. When encountering something that is not sure, he only needs to run through all the possibilities in Jieying's body. .

After thinking about it, he made a copy of the recording he had just taught Lin Yunqing and sent it to Old Man Ren. Attached was a document containing the experimental data compiled by Lin Yunqing just now.

This process is too complicated and we cannot summarize it in detail in a short time, so we will use recording instead.

Things like perpetual cards are definitely liked by stronger people.

Strong people have more upper limit of soul energy and have stronger control. Yu Cang felt that they could even carry one or two hidden magic circles with them without being discovered by others.

It’s really cool just thinking about it.


Not long after the two documents were sent, a phone call came directly from me.

"Xiao Cang!" Ren Zheng's voice was extremely loud, sounding very excited, "Are the experimental data in the document true?"

Yu Cang couldn't help but put his personal terminal away from his ears.

"...Am I going to lie to you?"

"What a good thing...this thing is wonderful!"

He thought the voice was too long and didn't listen, so he opened the document directly.

This sight made him excited.

Yu Cang's guess is not wrong. The stronger the user is, the more he likes it. The stronger it is, the better it is used.

But Yu Cang only thought about the first level, not the second level.

This kind of soul card is very suitable for use as a life-saving means for the elders like them to give to the younger ones!

Not taking up mental pressure means that it can be maintained forever, and Ren Zheng did some brain testing and found that as long as the data in the documents given by Yu Cang are true, then he can leave a legacy-level continuance in others!

Without seeing the specific perpetual card, he couldn't get more details. But if he thinks about it this way, he might be able to directly leave the triggering authority of this permanent card to the target and let him use it himself.

And all he paid was a little less upper limit of soul energy, which was nothing - if he encountered a battle that required all-out effort, he only needed to cancel the summons of the permanent spell card.

Moreover, for an eighth-level soul card master, the upper limit of soul energy reduced by an ordinary handed down card is really not that much.

The significance of this invention is really great!

In the past, it was extremely troublesome for elders to give their juniors a life-saving means, and they could only use disposable soul cards.

After level seven, the soul card master can activate a soul card in advance and inject enough soul energy into it to activate the effect, but does not activate it and just keeps it in a semi-activated state.

If you give this kind of soul card to someone else, you can activate it directly regardless of the conditions.

However, this semi-activated state is simple to say, but not easy to operate in practice.

The soul card itself is subject to "wear and tear" in the process of use, which is why the mythical soul card needs to be handed over to a card maker with relevant resonance attributes for safekeeping - a soul card of this level, unless it is in a state of being It is in a completely sealed state, otherwise "wear and tear" will occur all the time, which requires the card maker to use his or her own knowledge to maintain and repair it.

And one can imagine the "wear and tear" this half-activated soul card will cause to itself.

If a handed-down disposable soul card is handed over to Yu Cang, even if it is not used, it will probably be declared scrapped in less than half a month. To make a handed-down soul card requires a variety of precious and unusual materials, some of which are even non-renewable. , How can people be so excited?

Before the emergence of the sustainable spell card, the only one who could give people this kind of life-saving means at will was probably Ning Xingyi, who had understood the sword's intention... Even Ning Xingyi only had it after he developed a soul card that could carry the sword's intention. this method.

But now, today is different from the past!

Ren Zheng asked Yu Canglao to stay where he could control it because he was powerless. Yu Cang's parents have already passed away. If Yu Cang were to die again, he would not be able to bear the blow.

He is not that kind of pedantic person. He knows that if you want to become stronger, you must go through dangers. If he had already had such a life-saving trump card, he would not have restricted Yu Cang too much.

Maybe he would quietly put a piece of longevity on Yu Cang, and then watch with a smile as he went out to get into trouble.

It can only be said that for old guys like them, the temptation of this sustainable spell card may be more than the strange new summoning methods!

If only Shuhong and the others had had this when they went to the place where the real dragon died...

Ren Zheng's eyes dimmed for a moment, then he shook his head and put away these distracting thoughts.

"...Huh?" Yu Cang raised his eyebrows.

He seemed to understand what was so exciting about Ren Zheng.

Well, it fits his stereotype of an old guy.

"Xiao Cang, this invention of yours is really useful!" There was a sound of knocking on the table from the other end of the personal terminal, "Just are going to the Holy City in two days, right? I will give you some information before you go. You order something good..."

"...Come on." Yu Cang sighed, "If you don't have enough time, let's do it later...Well, I'll hang up first. I didn't sleep much yesterday, I was so sleepy."

Converting a rare card into a permanent is hard enough, the amount of work is prohibitive. Not to mention the extremely complicated textures.

Even for Old Man Ren, it is estimated that it will take ten days and a half... maybe more. If his thinking is just a little stuck, it may take longer.

It's better to wash up and sleep. Feng Yue Cangjian in the Holy Capital is known as the safest secret realm in the Yan Kingdom. This thing is definitely not needed.

Even in Zulong Snow Mountain, avalanches and other accidents may occur, as well as unexpected stumblings, but in Feng Yue Cangjian, it is impossible. As long as you are still a human being, you cannot be injured in it.

"Hey, Xiao Cang...!"

Before Ren Zheng could say anything, a series of busy signals came from the personal terminal.

"This brat..." Ren Zheng took the personal terminal from his ear and couldn't help but pouted, "There's no time... This brat, are you looking down on me?"

He is a national-level card maker. Is there anything he can't do?


If you dare to look down on him, just take a good look at him.

Ren Zheng sneered and immediately clicked on the recording file.

However, as the recording played bit by bit, the smile on Ren Zheng's face gradually began to fade, until the expression completely disappeared and sweat began to form on his forehead.

Two hours passed quickly.

There was no sound coming from the terminal, but Ren Zheng was still sitting where he was, with a solemn expression and sweating profusely.

It seems, it's really seems like there really isn't enough time.

After remaining silent for a long time, Ren Zheng silently dragged the audio progress bar to the beginning.

Well... let's listen to it a few more times...

He never thought that one day he would be studying the "online course" taught by Master Yu Cang.

Fortunately, fortunately, Xiao Cang hung up the phone quickly just now, and he didn't have time to boast about anything, otherwise, this person would be in great disgrace.

OK, you hung up the phone well!

Before the exam week is over, it can be seen with the naked eye that the Gudu University campus has become very depressed.

Some students whose exams ended early have packed up their bags and gone home early.

Now, the exam week has officially come to an end, and the campus has become completely deserted.

The streets were covered with fallen leaves, and the wind had become chilly. Only occasionally would a few students who were about to stay in school pass by along the street. Their footsteps fell to the ground, and the fallen leaves and dead branches suddenly made a crunching sound.


Gu Jieshuang put on her coat and jumped to Yu Cang who was lost in thought by the door. Fragrant water vapor exhaled from her mouth and nose, passed through the furry collar, and spread into the air.

She's not afraid of the cold, but she won't feel hot even if she's just wearing a coat.

The reason why she didn't dress as thinly as before was because she was worried that Yu Cang would "feel cold just looking at her".

However, even though Gu Jieshuang's clothes were a little bloated, they could not cover up her excellent temperament at all.

"How's it going? I didn't keep you waiting long, did I?"

"Well... I just arrived too." Yu Cang came back to his senses and showed a natural smile. He looked at the girl in front of him, "How did you do in the exam?"

"It's okay...although these cultural classes are not my strong point, but passing them is definitely no problem~"

Gu Jieshuang looked proud.

If she were in high school, she would never sink to "just pass."

But there is no way, this is university, and she is too busy now, and she usually doesn't have time to carry things.

Fortunately, except for cultural classes, she would not give the grader any chance to deduct points for any subject that required hands-on practice.

"Sister is so awesome!" Qi'er raised the little doll and cheered heartily.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ye Lai quietly squatted on Yu Cang's shoulder, flicking his little tail on Yu Cang's back, and his eyes were full of smiles.

"Okay, okay, let's not mention those things for now!"

Gu Jieshuang picked up Qi'er and let her sit in his arms. Then without any explanation, he put his other hand into Yu Cang's pocket, found and held Yu Cang's hand.

In such a cold weather, the boss will not be allowed to hold the chess pieces.

"My exams are over, let's go? It's time to go to the Holy City!"

"Okay." Yu Cang smiled softly, "By the way... Mr. Jiang told me just now that he has also won a quota for you to enter Feng Yue Cangjian."

"Really?" Gu Jieshuang's eyes lit up, "Do you still have something to do with me?"

"Of course, but there are conditions."

"what? What?"

"Well..." Yu Cang was a bit dumbfounded when he mentioned this, "Mr. Jiang said that he snatched our places from the students. Let's win over those two students first."

What you did was so unethical.

But I have to say that it has the style of Jiangshan.

Hearing this, Gu Jieshuang couldn't help but smile softly.

"Are they at the same level?"

"One level older than you."

"That's easy! Don't worry, boss, I won't embarrass you~"

Even the second fighting club in Miaodu has been defeated, and now Gu Jieshuang is full of confidence.

Come to think of it, he is probably the first and second best player in the Fighting Holy City Fighting Club.

The first is to let the boss solve it, and the second is to conquer it yourself... That's not easy!


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