Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 382 Is the banned card harmless?

The swamp prison of the drowned has penetrated the entire arena into a dark dark green, and from time to time there are bubbles and narrow black shadows like seaweed swimming around. When you are in it, you will be under great pressure every time you move.

Standing in the arena and looking up, it feels like you are on the deep seabed, but it has a sticky touch more than the bottom of the sea.

This is Pei Ling's field.

In this field forbidden card, no matter who it is, even he, the user, must endure the suffocating feeling of dying. The difference is that he cannot relieve it by burning soul energy. He can only bear.

In order to be able to use this forbidden card flexibly, he had to conduct special training underwater and even in the mud every day, experiencing the desire for oxygen over and over again, allowing his body to adapt to suffocation step by step. He could not remember how many times he had His heartbeat stopped under the gloomy and lightless water, and he was forcibly rescued by the people from the reception bureau using the same forbidden soul card - this was also the source of his will and murderous intent.

Until now - all his fears of drowning and suffocation have been transformed into a desire to fight, and he can really use this forbidden card!

Similar to other forbidden cards, this forbidden card also has a "consciousness body", but the difference is that there are a total of forty-six resentful souls in this field card, and they will enter the "suffocation" state when Pei Ling After that, it kept dragging his soul, making it difficult for him to rely on his will to cancel this forbidden card. He could only experience the inescapable suffocation over and over again.

Once that happens... Pei Ling will be directly killed by this forbidden card, and will eventually become a new resentful soul in the Swamp Prison.

The use of banned cards is so dangerous and cruel.

As a price, this forbidden card is very powerful as long as it can be used.

Just a large-scale soul energy suppression is already over-strength, not to mention that it can be combined with other forbidden cards to complete some more extraordinary battles.

Moreover, this card is a banned card, which means... it can be used beyond levels!

Just like now, after Pei Ling uses it directly, the quality of this card is equivalent to an epic, but as long as he wants, he can directly break the level limit and make this forbidden card burn soul energy faster and faster until he breaks through. Heirloom level!

Of course, correspondingly, the feeling of suffocation he endures will become more and more absolute and real.

But... at this moment, when he saw the miserable green flame in this dark green swamp world... he suddenly couldn't do anything.

Whether it is breaking through the limits, forcibly improving the quality of banned cards, or using other banned cards to fight together, it is no longer possible.

A calm gaze fell on him, and the trembling murderous intention condensed and hung in the sky like a sea tide. In front of that vast ocean, his own swamp could only be called a small puddle.

But how could such a level of murderous intent appear in this arena?

Before Pei Ling had time to think clearly about what happened, he saw the miserable green luster in his sight burst out, covering his body in an instant!

Click! Click!

The shield on his body was directly shattered, and the sounds wrapped in water in his ears became clear in an instant. When the green luster in front of him slowly dissipated, Pei Ling only saw that a path was cut out in the dark green space in front of him. Towards the hole in the real world, the hole suddenly expanded in the next second, and his forbidden card was forced into death cooldown.


Pei Ling fell to the ground. The swamp prison of the drowned was forcibly destroyed, and a dark green rain began to fall in the arena.

The black forbidden card in the sky was like a dark cloud, with raindrops falling from it. After the raindrops hit the ground, they shattered into countless soul card fragments and dissipated in the air.

Yu Cang withdrew his gaze.

The rain splashed a lot of ripples on the light black shield around him, but it didn't fall on him.

The feeling just now was really uncomfortable. After studying the basic knowledge of forbidden cards in the past few days, he also knew very well how much torture Pei Ling would have to endure in order to master this power.

No wonder he looks so distracted, spending time with this kind of soul card every day, he is not crazy unless he is crazy. Pei Ling's mental state can be considered healthy.

But fortunately, he is more skilled.

It has to be said that Ranzhi's ability is very convenient and can perfectly assist Feng's ability.

Thousands of Freedoms is a very powerful soul card, but it is more troublesome to use.

After all...the power level of this soul card is 6, which is quite embarrassing.

The corresponding star level 6 is a virtual level. Normally, it cannot be summoned directly. It is very troublesome to get two of them together for a regular appearance.

And if you activate [Freedom] to directly summon the humanoid summoned beast... you must know that Feng himself can possess and control Yu Cang's humanoid summoned beast, and use this method to supercharge in battle. No matter how you think about it, A feeling of unnecessary effort.

The strength of this soul card, Thousands of Freedoms, lies in its ability to use all materials. If there was only one material, it would undoubtedly be much weaker.

The emergence of Ranzhi perfectly solves this problem - his power position is only 5, his summoning is simple, and his ability can also replace materials. It is easy to grab two high-quality materials from the deck!

After allowing Maple to exceed Ranzhi, it is equivalent to directly producing a three-material Maple. The abilities of the three soul cards are integrated into one, with full strength.

Just like just now, Feng directly used [Dark Flame Dragon's Breath] + [Where All Souls Return] + [End of Eyes], and then mixed with Feng's aura, and then he slashed out that sword of Dark Flame Dragon's Eye. There is no doubt that The ground crushed Pei Ling.

However, there is one thing worth noting when doing this - the Sword Saint of Dragon Eye obtained from the extra deck in this way cannot be sent to the death cooldown because it does not appear regularly.

In other words, even the effect of pulling out the material cannot be achieved.

This is where the soul card rules differ from the game rules in previous lives.


A roar came from the forbidden card in the sky, indicating that the winner was determined.

"Thank you for your hard work, Feng." Yu Cang said.


Feng nodded, sheathed his sword, and activated [Where Do I Go?].

Ranzhi is also his material now, so Feng can naturally use this ability.


Feng closed his eyes, his body turned into soul card fragments and dissipated in the air, and the shadows under his feet were sent to three different places.

The Sword Saint of Dragon Eye can only be returned to the deck, and this is not an option. Ranzhi was sent to death cooldown, and the corpse of the Mingyan Dragon Emperor was placed on the field again.

Seeing the dragon reappearing, Pei Ling on the opposite side fell into silence.

After launching an attack like that just now, you still have the energy to continue fighting? !

He stood up from the ground and looked at Yu Cang with complicated eyes: "...I lost."


"..." Pei Ling was silent for a moment, "The last one just now..."

"He is a comrade of mine." Yu Cang waved his hand to cancel the summons of the Mingyan Dragon Emperor Corpse, "He is very strong, there is no need to feel pressure if you lose to him."

"Is it similar to banning cards?"

"He is not a banned card." Yu Cang shook his head, "I said, he is a comrade."

Pei Ling swallowed.

There is consciousness in the soul card, and the consciousness can release such terrifying murderous intent. This shows that this consciousness is not a stupid natural spirit... What is this if not a forbidden card?

You can't possibly tell him that Yu Cang only used ordinary soul cards to kill him and the forbidden cards instantly, right?

This is unrealistic, or simply outrageous.


Pei Ling suddenly realized something in her heart.

You know, the person in front of you is the winner of the Flame Emperor Medal... His achievements in the field of card production are beyond doubt!

Although Pei Ling had provoked Yu Cang before, he only targeted the combat aspect. He had never doubted Yu Cang's card-making skills.

In other words, it was precisely because he was convinced of the gold content of the Flame Emperor Medal that he doubted the rumored Yu Cang's unreasonable fighting ability.

Card making and combat are impossible to master at this age!

Today, his eyes were opened.

But after thinking about it, Pei Ling noticed something.

Why did Yu Cang come to the treatment bureau?

He has created many summoning methods, and even created many systems with his own hands. Any paper signed by Yu Cang found on the Shangguan website is an absolute heavyweight... and Yu Cang's name has never been out of the works.

Why do people like this come to the treatment bureau?

No matter what, it is not a wise thing to come to a place like this when your career is on the rise and get involved with Ban Ka... Is it possible that Yu Cang wants to take action on Ban Ka?

Pei Ling opened her eyes wide.

Looking at the soul card Yu Cang used just now, it seems that it did not put any pressure on Yu Cang. It doesn't look like a banned card...

Banned cards are harmless!

Several big words flashed in Pei Ling's mind.

The weight of these words is too heavy.

Since its establishment, the Administrative Bureau has been trying to complete this process, working hard to remove the heavy costs involved in the production and use of banned cards, and incorporate them into the normal soul card system.

After all, the features of banned cards are too tempting.

Used and summoned across levels, the soul card can freely accommodate consciousness... If the secret hidden in it can be cracked, humans can even achieve immortality.

The leader of the undead village outside the Yan Kingdom is an example!

As the only mythical person in history who achieved success through forbidden cards, the Lord of the Immortal Village was as powerful as Emperor Sheng.

But... Emperor Sheng died a long time ago, but the Lord of the Immortal Village is still alive and well. In more than two thousand years, he has never been seen to grow old or weak.

Two thousand years is twice the life limit of a normal myth, and it seems that this is not his limit. He can live longer...even eternal life.

But it's a pity that even the Lord of the Immortal Village himself doesn't seem to know where the secret of his immortality lies - the card ban system is too complex and mysterious, the cost of trial and error is ridiculously high, and one wrong step will lead to an abyss of eternal destruction. .

Over the past two thousand years, the Lord of the Undead Village has taken in countless apprentices, trying to replicate his own feats, but... they all failed, and few of them are still alive.

If he hadn't been extremely powerful, no Shinhwa would be confident that he had a chance of winning or even 100% survival. He might have been besieged and killed long ago.

The key to this is to make banned cards harmless.

The reason why the research progress on banned cards has been unable to be accelerated is because the cost of experiments is too high.

Even if you catch a large number of test mice, it is not safe - those in-depth ban card experiments may be carried out, and the mice will inexplicably turn into yourself.

And if banning cards can be made harmless, all this can naturally be solved!

But... can it really be done?

This seems to be the result that points directly to the deepest principle of banned cards. If it can really be made harmless, maybe the mystery of immortality will have been solved long ago.

Pei Ling looked at Yu Cang in front of him, and thought about the murderous intention contained in that slash just now...


If he could really do it...he would not have to "die" at the bottom of the quagmire so many times.

"Okay." Pei Ling nodded, not questioning Yu Cang's comrade-in-arms, "I apologize to you for my previous provocation... It seems that your real strength is stronger than the rumors."

"Thank you." Yu Cang smiled.

"By the way..." Pei Ling suddenly said, "I couldn't use my full strength in front of that murderous intent just now... Is this what you said, the more you rely on something, the easier it will be to be defeated by it?"

"So be it."

Yu Cang said nothing.

It's not a shame to lose to Feng. Duan Feng had to lose his mind in front of Feng's murderous intent.

And he could see that Pei Ling's main fighting method was forbidden cards. His deck of ordinary soul seemed that it had not been upgraded for a long time, and it had a kind of beauty that had not been transformed by the star level.

After saying that, Yu Cang turned around and left the field.

Snap, snap, snap...

Cheng Mingye applauded and said with a smile: "Wonderful - I haven't seen you for a long time. My nephew has become much better."


"I care about those two consciousnesses very much." Cheng Mingye narrowed his eyes slightly, "I wonder if there is a chance to talk to them?"

"No need." Yu Cang refused, "They will not threaten me... You should have seen their information a long time ago, don't pretend to be so surprised."

"Tsk, you are so merciless."

Cheng Mingye thought silently in his heart.

He knew that there were many such beings around Yu Cang, and he had read some intelligence... But just looking at the descriptions in the intelligence was completely inaccurate.

Is it Feng? But the other one is not like Ye Lai either.

Yu Cang had no intention of explaining... Renzhi's information should have never been seen by Cheng Mingye, but he didn't say much and just took a guess.

The old man next to him seemed to want to come and chat with Yu Cang, but Dr. Ji knew that he was unwilling to participate in these social interactions, so he stopped him first.

With Yu Cang's current achievements and status, he is slightly higher than Zhenguo. Even if he leaves directly, no one will say anything.

Yu Cang cast a grateful look, opened a soul card door on the wall, and slipped away. Seeing this, Zhao Yang simply stood up and left the room.

"Yu Cang!"

"Huh?" Yu Cang turned around, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Yang stood still, took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "Um... I want to ask. How are you doing with the notes the teacher gave you?"

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Zhao Yang pretended not to care, "I've learned almost enough... I'm here to ask you. When you finish learning, we can start the follow-up project as soon as possible."

"Awesome." Yu Cang gave Zhao Yang a thumbs up, "I'm ashamed, I originally wanted to fish for seven days... Since you are willing, I can do it at any time. Just call me after you finish learning."

"Any time?" Zhao Yang was stunned, "Yu Cang is not good at it. To learn forbidden cards, the foundation must be laid firmly, otherwise it will be easy to have accidents... If you haven't finished learning, I can wait for you."

Yu Cang smiled softly: "No, I have already read those notes. I have been busy with a lot of things recently - so don't worry about my progress. Just call me when you are ready."

After saying that, Yu Cang left.

Zhao Yang was left alone, standing stiffly on the spot. kid, how can you be so good at memorizing books? !

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