Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 383 Desolate Remaining Consciousness

Yu Cang returned to his room.

The hidden king, Yu Cang, took off his coat and hung it on the hanger. The crying girl also controlled the little doll to pour a cup of hot water for Yu Cang.

Yu Cang sat on the chair and glanced at him.

"Weeping girl," he said, "Since you came to the reception bureau, you seem to have been very dull."

"It's nothing." The little doll's face remained as usual, "It's just that I stayed here for a long time before, so it's a bit emotional to come back again."

"Should I take you to see the researcher who was in charge of you before?"

Yu Cang knew that the researcher who was previously in charge of the Weeping Girl project treated Weeping Girl quite well. In addition to maintaining the vigilance and protective measures against banned cards, she was just raising her like a daughter.

"No need." Weeping Girl shook her head, "They saved me before and also killed me. I have nothing to do with them anymore. Now I am just the Master's Weeping Girl."

"That's fine." Yu Cang didn't force it.

Looking at the little doll in front of him, Yu Cang fell into thinking.

After learning the basic principles of banned cards, Yu Cang can already understand why Cheng Mingye and the others are so wary of banned cards.

Forbidden Cards can give birth to consciousness, but that is just a nice way of saying it. Due to the existence of pseudo-personality disorder, the so-called "consciousness" in Forbidden Cards is actually more similar to a program. No matter how kind their character is, When a certain switch is triggered, it will instantly become a machine with multiple lives.

In principle, this seems inevitable.

But... regardless of Qi'er's special situation, the weeping girl in front of her didn't seem to show such a pseudo-personality disorder.

Is there anything special about the crying girl?

Is it because the entry recorder draws its power from it?

It doesn't seem like it. After all, according to the data, the Weeping Girl's mood was very stable when Yu Cang didn't summon her. The reason why the Reception Bureau decided to destroy the Weeping Girl was because the card banner who made the Weeping Girl turned on the "self-destruction" ability before she died. , cannot be terminated.

It seems that the crying girl also has some secrets in her body.

Will that be the key to making banned cards harmless?

Yu Cang stretched out his hand, and the soul card of Forbidden Engine·Bitter Ascension appeared in his hand. He looked at the words "Race: Unconscious Body" on it and fell into deep thought.

When he obtained the entry [Race: Consciousness Body] from Weeping Girl, he speculated that this race might have a certain connection with the banned card. However, he did not have many experimental samples at that time and was unable to conduct in-depth research.

The characteristics of the race of consciousness are very similar to the characteristics of forbidden cards, including the later will of the ancient Hantian and the spirit child state of the princess in the distant starry sky, all of which verified Yu Cang's conjecture to a certain extent.

Now that we are at the admissions bureau, there may be an opportunity.

Yu Cang rubbed his hands.

There seem to be a lot of banned cards in the game that will be dealt with soon? Then let him "degree" it!

These are all ready-made materials.

At this time.

Ranzhi's call suddenly came from the chaos, and Yu Cang was stunned for a moment.

Then, he summoned two half-dragon hunter heads, stacked them up, and summoned Ranzhi.

"What do you want from me?" Yu Cang asked.

"Greetings to you! Dear scholar!" Ranzhi put his hand on his chest and knelt down on one knee. "Thank you very much for your trust in allowing me to participate in such an important battle just after I joined your command!"

Yu Cang: "...Um, so you just came to thank me?"

"Words alone cannot express my gratitude. I will use actions to explain my service to you in the future!" Ranzhi's eyes were excited.

Sure enough, fighting in this world is the most satisfying!

Although he just came out for a formality, this feeling of using his abilities in the real world... If it weren't for the fact that there seemed to be a lot of people watching just now, he probably wouldn't be able to control his senses.

Of course, he didn't come out this time just to get mad.

"Well, respected scholar." Ranzhi raised his head and seemed to hesitate for a moment before saying, "Excuse me...are you still satisfied with the lines I said during the battle just now?"

Yu Cang: "...?"

Lines...oh, lines.

He was wondering at the time why Ranzhi only appeared for a few seconds before and after, but judging from the momentum with which he recited his lines, it seemed that he was his final trump card.

The words "come in response to an edict" and "all of you listen to the order" sound quite true.

Seeing that Yu Cang's expression was a bit strange, Ran Zhi shrank his neck, and then asked tentatively: "Um... you are not satisfied?"

"First of all, I have no desire to read lines during a fight." Yu Cang's face was as calm as ice, "Secondly, I respect your idea of ​​wanting to read lines."

"But don't you think he's handsome?" Ranzhi seemed a little anxious, "I just joined your staff this time, and I haven't had time to think of my lines in various scenarios, so it may look a little weak, but please Believe me, give me some time, I will definitely surprise you in the next battle!"

Yu Cang:......

The new guy seems to be particularly persistent in this strange place.

Forget it, it doesn't matter anyway, just let him recite it casually to increase his momentum.

"It's up to you." Yu Cang said noncommittally, "If you miss me, just remember... that, try not to be too embarrassed."

"do not worry!"

"Any thing else?"

"No, I just came to talk to you about this."

"……Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard!" Ran Zhi chuckled, "By the way, do you need me to find some souls? The secret method in my body seems not to be affected, and the Imagination Palace has not discovered that I abandoned the dark and turned to the light... I used the power of the palace, Maybe we can find some better souls for you.”

"How high quality?"

"At least, he's not particularly crazy."

Yu Cang thought for a while, "You should be in the state of 'performing a mission' now. At this time, using the power of the palace to do these unnecessary things, won't you be discovered?"

"Don't worry about this. Looking for some souls to have friendly exchanges is a normal pastime for some souls. After all, chaos is too boring, so this is normal."

"That's okay." Yu Cang nodded, "You don't need too much, and I don't need much material for the time being."


After giving Ran Zhi a few more words, Yu Cang let him return to the chaos.

"The new guy is a middle school boy." Yu Cang sighed.

A middle-aged boy who is hundreds of thousands of years old...maybe.

Gudu University, Bingcheng

Sixty-two consciousness beasts floated above the ice city, filling the nearby starry sky.

The princess's spirit body was standing on top of the tallest house in Ice City, looking a little tired.

At this time, a burst of starlight suddenly appeared around the princess. After solidifying, a figure appeared on the spot.


Yu Cang's rhythmic body fell to the ground.

"How's it going?" Yu Cang asked.

"...Yu Cang, you're here." The princess seemed stunned before saying, "The operation on the first consciousness beast has been completed. It can be said that the situation is simpler than I imagined... Look, That’s the one.”

Yu Cang followed the princess's direction and looked up, only to see a consciousness beast as big as a hill lying in the middle of the ice city, its body covering countless buildings.

The appearance of this awareness beast is very similar to an octopus, but it has far more than eight limbs, and they are all extremely huge. One of its legs happened to pass by the building where Yu Cang was standing, and its width was almost as wide as the height of the building under its feet. .

The legs were constantly squirming, and Yu Cang could see the starlight flowing in them at a glance.

Now, this consciousness beast is trembling non-stop and looks to be in pain - this is obvious, just look at his current body. It is full of pits and shocking holes.

But judging from his expression... there was probably a huge amount of relief mixed in with the pain.

After all, there is no trace of famine in his body now.

At this time, the princess continued: "After Huang lost that absolute contagion, it is no longer difficult to deal with. In addition, my spirit son has a special attack effect on it, so the operation went very smoothly."

Yu Cang turned to look at the princess. After noticing the fatigue in her eyes, he couldn't help but said: "It's been a hard time."

"...Why are you talking about this?" The princess shook her head, "Don't be too happy. Although the operation went well, there are still problems."


The princess's eyes dimmed for a moment: "This operation takes a long time, but there are too many consciousness beasts waiting for the operation, and I am the only one who can perform the operation. I am worried that I will not be able to save all the consciousness beasts in time..."

Yu Cang was silent for a moment: "...How to do this operation? Teach me."

He should be the person with the largest number of spirit children on the Blue Star now, besides the princess, and he should be able to help.

"You can't do it either." The princess shook her head. "Currently, only the blinding ability in my spirit is suitable for this operation. Your spirit has no ability and cannot do it."

"Have you forgotten? I can use your spirit son."

"...Then you try it first, I don't have any expectations." The princess sighed, "Your control over the spirit is too weak, and the upper limit is not high, so it probably won't work."

"It's okay, let me try first."


The octopus-shaped consciousness beast in front of him calmed down after resting for a moment.

After he excitedly expressed his gratitude to the princess and Yu Cang, he flew out of the ice city.

After he left, the second consciousness beast couldn't wait to fly down from outside, lay down on the ground, and looked at the princess expectantly.

The operation on the first telekinesis lasted for almost two days. At first, everyone felt embarrassed and didn't want to believe it. But after seeing that the octopus was really healed... all the telekinesis became excited!

But because the princess had determined the order of the operations from the beginning, they could only squeeze outside the ice city and did not dare to mess around. Those at the bottom of the list are now beating their chests and regretting why they didn't take the initiative two days ago.

On the side, Lin Yunqing's rhythmic body also floated over, bringing with it a large number of industrial spirits.

In the past two days, she has been helping the princess - there are not many ways for others to help the princess. They can only look after the breeding farm and speed up the production and transportation of spirit seeds when the princess is busy. But even so, Lin Yunqing's You can also see some fatigue in his expression.

"Look carefully." The princess said, "With your understanding, you should be able to read it once."

The shape of the second awareness beast... is difficult to comment on.

It just looked like a bunch of grotesque bodies twisted together, and there was no telling what they looked like. If I had to say it... maybe the twisted seaweed ball would be more vivid.

The operation went smoothly, but Yu Cang soon discovered that he really couldn't do much to help.

It's really not difficult, Yu Cang can do it after reading it once, but although he can use the princess's blinding spirit son, the upper limit is not high, and this amount really can't help much.

The princess even has to give some spirit seeds to Yu Cang from time to time, which has seriously slowed down the progress.

Therefore, the princess kicked Yu Cang out of the "operating room" very decisively.

"Okay." Yu Cang touched his head.

In fact, his current spirit level is already very high. According to the princess, he estimated that if converted to Blue Star's system, he should have reached the threshold of epic.

But still in the way.

And when it comes to implanting words... Yu Cang is a little afraid. After all, this is surgery, which requires high precision. He doesn't have that much control over the details of word implantation. When it comes to the consciousness beast, it completely changes the person's body structure, so it's hard to explain.

With nothing to do, Yu Cang had to accept the fact that he was useless, and secretly decided to increase his efforts in practicing Lingzi after returning.

"...It's almost time."

Yu Cang came to Ice City through the "Fate Star·Consciousness Realm Pathway". Although this soul card allows Rhythm's body to teleport within the field of starry sky, maintaining the teleportation state requires gradually increasing mental pressure.

At this time, using the scholar's self to come to the world, naturally there is no need to bear the mental pressure, but the location of the surgery is in the field of starry sky, so there is nothing you can do.

After such a long time, the mental pressure Yu Cang endured has almost reached the critical value.

It's time to go back.

Seeing that the princess was concentrating on the operation, Yu Cang didn't interrupt him and was about to go back directly when he noticed something from the corner of his eye.

There, countless limbs infected by Huang were piled up, in various shapes, all of which had been cut off by the princess in the past few days.

These limbs are all dark in color. They were temporarily imprisoned here by the princess with spirit seeds, but they are still moving continuously, as if they are living creatures.

"These things..." Yu Cang rubbed his chin, "Can I make use of them?"

At this time, the mental pressure had reached the extreme, the path to the world of consciousness was automatically disconnected, and Yu Cang was kicked back.

Admission Bureau

Yu Cang sat on the chair, looked at the soul card in his hand, and fell into silence.

Um... No, can this be done?

Just now, when the path to the world of consciousness was disconnected, he was distracted and took out a blank soul card, implanted [Desolation] + [Connection], and tried to summon the severed limbs. .

Yu Cang didn't look carefully at the success rate, but from a glance, it should be at the level of a few tenths.

As a result, the implantation was successful!

Okay, okay, let's play like this.

Soul Card Name: Desolate Remaining Consciousness

Category: Summoning Card

Number of anchor points: 1

Quality: Connected

Properties: none

Race: wild


A summoned beast

[Desolation Advent]: When you are not controlling the summoned beast, this soul card can also be summoned by any summoned beast or rhythmic entity as the material.

[Final End]: Activates after the summoned beast is killed, marking the killer. When the soul card's death cooldown ends, directly use the killer as the material to perform a link summon. During this period, the marked person cannot leave the field in any way.

Thanks to Weihuohu nv for the reward!

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