Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 504 Scholar's Parts

Theoretically, as long as one of the two coefficients reaches 1.5, you can start to break through, but the difficulty of improving the two coefficients is also different.

The improvement of the upper limit coefficient of the soul energy well is much more difficult than the improvement of the mental pressure limit.

Whether it is experiencing a life-and-death crisis or using some natural treasures, mental pressure may increase, but the upper limit of the soul energy well... it is extremely difficult to increase it by 0.01. Except for some really rare opportunities, there is basically no way to change the upper limit coefficient of the soul energy.

And if it grows naturally, basically 1.3 is already the limit, and this still requires a very good talent... Obviously, this is far from reaching the breakthrough standard.

So, basically, the coefficient that the soul card master relies on to break through the seventh level is the mental pressure limit - this coefficient is indeed very important.

At this time.


Yu Cang suddenly felt that his personal terminal was shaking, and someone sent him a message.

He took it out and looked at it, but his eyebrows raised.

"Old man Ren?"

The person who sent the message was Ren Zheng.

What did he want to do at this time?

Yu Cang looked at it intently. Ren Zheng said nothing, but just threw a file to him. The name was "New Document (36)". A careless atmosphere came over him.

"... It's time to clean up old man Ren's computer desktop."

Just by looking at the name, he could already imagine that Ren Zheng's desktop must be filled to the brim.

Thinking of this, Yu Cang clicked on the document and read it from the beginning... As soon as he saw it, his eyes changed immediately, from carelessness to frowning, then to surprise, and finally to seriousness.

"Hiss... this..."

The contents of the document were nothing else but the detailed information of several soul cards.


Soul Card Name: Limbless Shell

Category: Summoning Card

Anchor Points: 1

Quality: Connection

Attributes: None

Race: Beast/Humanoid


Fully Connected Soul Card * 1

[General Knowledge·Residual]: This soul card can only be activated when there is a rhythmic body that meets the conditions to accept the summon.

[Carrier]: When this soul card exists, other "scholars" connecting soul cards can also be connected to this soul card.


The first soul card made Yu Cang frown.

What is drawn on this card...

A body, no arms and legs, no head, just a simple body.

The human stick at least has a head, but it doesn't even have a head!

Just as the name of this soul card, this is a "limbless body".

The luminous ring composed of countless rhythms surrounds this body, and countless rhythms flicker on its skin... This makes the painting style not so weird, but a little sacred, as if it is some kind of holy relic.

If it weren't for the abundant particle effects, he almost thought this card was a banned card.

At first glance, this soul card is somewhat confusing. The [Carrying] ability... does it mean that the Scholar's Self can be connected to it?

The Scholar's Self has [General Knowledge] and must be connected to the Soul Energy Well to exist. This is a limitation, but to remove this limitation, adding a limbless body that has no effect... It's too weird.

Moreover, this summoning condition is not easy.

"Complete connection" is a new concept...If you want to fully connect with a soul card, you must reach level 7!

When you are promoted to level 6, you can improve your basic ability by climbing two coefficients, and when you reach level 7...At this time, the soul card master can directly use the legendary soul card, and the card box is not very strong for the connection bonus of the legendary soul card, so generally speaking, the soul card master will choose to fully connect with his core soul card.

This is both a choice to become stronger and a last resort.

Generally speaking, when you are promoted to level 7, even if you are very talented, you are almost 30 or 40 years old. At this time, the soul card master often connects with his main battle deck for decades, and the soul energy well will be affected by the deck in turn.

At this time, it will become very difficult to change the deck, and even if you change, you can only choose from decks with similar attributes, races, etc.

This is actually a primary full connection...In other words, as long as you use a deck for a long time, full connection will come naturally.

The soul cards that can be fully connected are all soul cards that are highly compatible with themselves, and can even be said to be the embodiment of themselves in some aspects, and are their own soul soul cards.

This connection method allows you to fully exert the power of a soul card, even beyond the limit, but it also has limitations - that is, even if you don't activate the fully connected soul card, a part of the mental pressure will be occupied.

This is why full connection is the iconic ability of level seven - because after the coefficient enhancement of level six, the soul card master's mental pressure tolerance will be greatly improved. At this time, even if there is a little mental pressure, it will not cause sudden death.

For those soul card masters who are less than level seven, in order to avoid the soul card being fully connected naturally over time, they even need to change the deck every once in a while.

And this limbless body uses a fully connected soul card as material... which means that this is a soul card that can only be used at level seven... Then isn't this strength a bit insufficient?

... No, the soul card that Old Ren gave to me must not be that simple.

So, Yu Cang continued to read on... and what appeared below were soul cards with almost the same description.

They are:

No Face, Support Heel, Hip, Si Qu, Zang Yu Er, Li Mu, Shi Qu

Together with the limbless body before, there are eight... human body parts.

They are a head with a nose, two feet, hips and thighs, two arms and hands, ears, eyes, and mouth. Each soul card has a [General Knowledge·Incomplete] and an ability that is better than nothing.

Put together, it happens to be a complete person... that is, the scholar me.

Weird, too weird.

But Yu Cang soon realized what Ren Zheng was doing.

Although these eight soul cards do not have the entry of "scholar", they have [General Knowledge·Incomplete]. Although this ability is incomplete, it only lacks the restriction of having to connect to the soul energy well, so it is more flexible.

And having this ability means... it can also summon the corresponding rhythmic body to the present world! It's just a part.

This is already very meaningful.

You know, not everyone is like Yu Cang, who is born with a complete rhythmic body. Most people only have a little bit. Even if Ren Zheng, who has cultivated to this point and has made the fastest progress, still lacks half of his body to fully condense the rhythmic body.

And this incomplete rhythmic body... although it can also be used to summon the scholar's self, it is not very stable and can't last long. There are always limitations.

So, can these eight parts be regarded as incomplete "scholar's self" and can be used for those who don't have a complete body?

From this point of view, it is indeed a good creation.

However... if it's just like this, it shouldn't be enough for Ren Zheng to send it to himself.

That is to say...

Yu Cang's eyes flashed with a thoughtful look.

He closed the document and returned to the chat interface.


Old man Ren, what is this?

The other side was silent for a moment, and then a message was sent.


It takes eight people to activate the Jieying Library every time. It's too bloated. I originally wanted to find a method that can be used by one person.


But failed? -

Well... these soul cards do not meet the material requirements.

The material needed for the Jieying Library is the Scholar Summoning Beast. After all, these parts do not have the Scholar entry and cannot be used for link summoning. Otherwise, one person can pull out the library, which would be a very powerful operation.

But, is that all?

Obviously not.

The terminal soon sent another message:


Summoning the Jieying Library is one aspect, and on the other hand... I am trying the "path to becoming a god" you mentioned.

Sure enough!

As soon as these words came out, Yu Cang's face became completely serious.

It was speculated before that the six kinds of "I" hide the opportunity to become a god.

Not many people know this speculation, Ren Zheng is one of them... It just so happens that he is also a national guardian, only one level away from the myth, and has a concept of this realm, so these days he has simply followed Yu Cang's thoughts and continued to study.

So... is this the result of the research?

Ren Zheng continued to send messages:


Scholar's I am already a perfect soul card. As for strengthening this card... I really don't have any ideas. I just want to split it first, weaken it, and then think about how to strengthen it... So, I divided Scholar's I into eight parts according to the eight trigrams... I was just trying it out, but I didn't expect it to succeed in one try.


What then? -

Then - my intuition tells me that I should be on the right path. As long as I split it and put it back together, I may be able to find a clue to the path to becoming a god... However, my rhythmic body is incomplete and probably can't be put back together, so... I want you to try it first.


... I can't try it either.


So, break through level seven quickly, I can't wait any longer.


Uh... I think it may be faster for you, old man, to try to perfect the rhythmic body.


Don't give me that - But, not to mention this, I have a hunch that even if you can reintegrate the eight parts, you are still at least one step away.


That step? -

Link summoning, there is still a "skill" missing.


... I understand.


Hmm? Judging from your tone, do you have an idea? -

I don't know, I'll try my best.


Okay, this is really only you who can do it... Then I won't bother you, you go to bed early.


Putting down the personal terminal, Yu Cang fell into thought.

Before, he thought that the "skill" of linking summons was to be able to sense the starry sky vision.

But later, as he used linking summons more and more times, he found that this was a bit far-fetched.

Perceiving the starry sky vision is an ability unique to scholars... It has nothing to do with combat and cannot increase combat power. This is indeed difficult, but the skill of linking summons is definitely another skill.

What could it be?

Yu Cang's eyes turned and he had a guess in his mind.

If it is that... How to achieve it?

Yu Cang's eyes were full of thoughts, while Gu Jieshuang curled her lips.


She shrank into the quilt, holding the edge of the quilt with both hands, with only half of her head exposed.

"Are you going to think about the soul card all night again tonight?"

"Huh?" Yu Cang was stunned.

I smiled immediately.

Hearing about the possibility of becoming a god, I was a little bit crazy.

Yes, I can't think of anything here, or...

But before that.

Yu Cang stood up, walked to the side... and opened the door of the toilet.

Behind the door, two eyes looked over at once.

It was Chao Ci who lost his bed, and Ye Lai who was designated by the Creator.

Chao Ci was perched on the toilet lid, and Ye Lai was squatting on the sink. Originally, the two dragons should have stared at each other in silence, but when Yu Cang came, they all looked over.

"Ahem..." Yu Cang coughed lightly, "Good evening, both of you..."

Chao Ci: ... stare

Ye Lai: (suppressing laughter)

Yu Cang: "Okay, okay, don't be so resentful... Chao Ci, the bed I promised you is ready."

Chao Ci raised his eyebrows slightly: "... huh?"

Yu Cang brushed his hand across the card box, took out the land of the descent, and then handed the soul card to Chao Ci.

Suddenly, the pattern on the card surface flowed like clouds, as if opening up a passage to another space.

"You can set the chaotic clouds inside as you wish. No matter what shape or texture you want, you can adjust it. You can also set the background. You can realize any scene you want!"

"Is that so?" Chao Ci moved closer and moved his nose.

Immediately, a hint of disgust appeared in his eyes.

"Ah... It's the sour smell of the Emperor Star."

Yu Cang's face froze.

Oh no, I forgot about it.

But before he could think of how to explain it, Chao Ci turned around and said, "But there is also your smell... It's acceptable."

After that, he flew up and plunged into this soul card.

Yu Cang blinked.

Uh... Fortunately, he was not rejected.

"Master of this body." Ye Lai stood up, "Can I experience it too?"

"Of course." Yu Cang agreed.


In the land of the chariot.

Ye Lai emerged from the vortex of chaotic clouds, flapped his wings, and slowly landed on the ground.

He looked up... The environment here is exactly the same as the chaos, with chaotic clouds everywhere.

The difference is that the soft light of unknown origin is filled in it, and in the center of the venue, there are three stone statues of the blue-eyed king dragon.

Unlike in the chaos, the soul has no vision and light is meaningless. Here, Ye Lai's body is not a false sustenance condensed by clouds and mist. He can see the light and touch the wind.

"Not a bad place." Ye Lai smiled.

When he turned his head and looked at Chao Ci... his expression suddenly became strange.

How did Chao Ci... use the chaotic clouds to mold Yu Cang? And then lie on his chest! ?

Chao Ci: "... What kind of look is that in your eyes."

"No, it's just..." Ye Lai didn't know what to say.

Yu Cang was making love with others outside, but Chao Ci could only guard Yu Cang's "doll" in a place just one card away?

Is this plot a bit...

"..." Chao Ci's mouth twitched, "Are you overthinking it?"


"...Asshole, you must be overthinking it!" Chao Ci was angry, "I am the Creator, don't look at me with the desires and thoughts of a mortal spirit!"

Ye Lai coughed lightly and looked away.

"I understand."

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