Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 505: Wild Thoughts

Ye Lai naturally knew that Chao Ci had no desire for mortal spirits, but he was just angry because he might be misunderstood by him... It was difficult for him to evaluate.

He coughed lightly, and seeing that Chao Ci was still staring at him, he simply sank his mind into the land of the descent and began to manipulate the chaotic clouds to change the background.

This operation was familiar to Ye Lai.

With a thought, the chaotic clouds around him suddenly settled, and the color changed rapidly, with a touch of golden color rendering from it. After a while, a beach was formed, and the clouds in the distance turned into sea water, rolling out grid-like water foam, gently spreading on the beach.

"That's good."

Ye Lai stretched out his slender little tail and pulled it down. The clouds near the tip of the tail immediately turned into a pair of sunglasses, which he wore on his eyes.

Chaotic clouds are indeed very convenient things... It's a pity that the clouds in the land of the descent can only exist in the venue, and there is no way to take them out, and there is no way to use them in other places... Even if the clouds are transformed into some natural treasures, they are just empty forms.

In essence, these clouds and mists are no different from those in the chaos.

After finishing the beach and waves, Ye Lai was about to add some vegetation, but suddenly heard a voice that seemed to be gritting his teeth.

"Do you think you are humorous?"

Ye Lai turned around and found...

Chao Ci, who looked like a white-haired dragon girl, was sitting cross-legged on the chest of "Yu Cang", with his hands on his chest, staring at him with unfriendly eyes. And "Yu Cang"... was floating on the sea level, looking at the sky with empty eyes, like a dead body.

The waves rose and fell, and Chao Ci and "Yu Cang" also followed up and down. This scene was quite funny.

"Uh... sorry." Ye Lai apologized, "This is the first time I manipulate the chaos clouds outside the chaos, and I am not careful enough..."

After that, he quickly manipulated the chaos clouds to rise, causing the sea surface near Chao Ci to recede immediately, and the beach floated up, forming a small hill.

"... Hum." Chao Ci snorted coldly.

She stood up, bent down, picked up "Yu Cang" and carried him on her shoulders. She walked barefoot along the beach, found a good place, and gently put "Yu Cang" down.

Then she turned around and turned into a dragon in the aurora, coiling on "Yu Cang's" chest.

"The light is too dazzling, adjust it to be more comfortable."

Ye Lai smiled: "Naturally."

With a slight thought, the chaotic clouds in the sky turned into clouds, stars, and the moon. On the beach, the grass and trees grew vigorously, and even some small spots of light began to wander in it, like fireflies.

Ye Lai's eyes were serious. Under his control, the clouds at the border continued to settle and outlined layers of details... Although the place where the chariot was descended was not large, the border created a sense of depth of field, making this space look more profound.


The next day

After getting up, Yu Cang and Gu Jieshuang simply packed up, had lunch, and went to Tianmen.

In Tianmen, his learning speed of some rhythms was indeed greatly accelerated.

In the case of resonance, Tianmen is already a top secret realm, not to mention that he can enter the Starry Sky Vision.

In the Starry Sky Vision, many high-level rhythms that could only be seen in the depths of the Starry Sky Vision can be revealed without touching, and the perception is also melted in the mouth. For him who has just broken through the card making master, it is a good opportunity to consolidate and continue to break through.

This can be seen very intuitively from the extraction speed of the entry recorder.

The entry recorder is now extracting the seven-day countdown of Chengying Sword. Originally, entering the Starry Sky Vision can indeed shorten the extraction time, but it can only be shortened by more than one day at most, but in Tianmen...

Once you enter the Starry Sky Vision and enter the perception state, the countdown is directly reduced to a little more than three days... The time is saved by more than half!

And this is only the most basic benefit that the card maker can get from it. As for the advanced... All the spirit beasts in Tianmen, as long as you ask to resonate and perceive them, generally speaking, they will basically not refuse. Even if you want to resonate with Ao Hai, as long as the relationship is established, it is also possible.

There are many high-level rhythms that can be obtained.

On the other hand, the space after the twelfth floor is thin, which will certainly make it difficult to survive, but relatively speaking, the rhythms in it will be more exposed, and a very important point is that practicing while resisting the tension of the space in the deep layer can have the effect of tempering the soul energy well.

In other words, increase the mental stress coefficient!

This is the effect on the soul card master.

Just like yesterday, Yu Cang entered the Tianmen Secret Realm alone, and Ao Hai was already waiting.

All the way to the twelfth floor, to the martial arts field yesterday.

Before landing, Yu Cang looked from a distance and found that there were many more spirit beasts and hybrids in the martial arts field at this time.

Yu Cang showed a puzzled look on his face: "Brother Ao, what is this...?"

"Sir, I know you don't like the big scene of Yunyan, so I specially asked someone to hold a small banquet today. This time, I called young people, who will definitely be able to chat with you... Don't worry, the specifications are definitely top-notch. The Dragon Palace Spirit Brew is selected from the oldest years. Drinking a sip can increase the upper limit of the soul energy well!"

"Oh?" Yu Cang's expression moved.

But it was not because of this small banquet, but because of the Dragon Palace Spirit Brew.

From what he said, the Dragon Palace Spirit Brew can increase the upper limit coefficient of soul energy? This is generally recognized to be difficult to increase.

If it really has this effect, then I really have to try it... It is indeed the Tianmen Secret Realm, and there are treasures everywhere.

At this time, Ao Hai said again: "The young people who came today are all descendants of families with some status in the Dragon Palace... You can get to know them more."

Well... This is to help him cultivate the power in the Dragon Palace.

If I become the president of the Yan Country Soul Card Master Association in the future, the relationship with the Dragon Palace power is indeed important, and it is only natural to cultivate it in advance now.


Yu Cang looked at the group of beautiful women in front of him, and his face became strange.

The descendants of your family with status... Why are all women... All female?

Female dragon people, female minotaurs, female turtle people, a white-haired tiger with a very charming expression that is obviously female, a little fox with a shy face... and Ao Xiang.

It must be said that Ao Xiang, the only male, did not feel out of place in this group of people.

Yu Cang looked embarrassed.

I came to the Dragon Palace to study card making, and females are very troublesome.

He could have remained calm before, but now that he had tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, his desire was at its strongest. Even if he didn't have that idea, too frequent close contact would easily cause a physiological reaction.

This reaction would affect his thinking.

That's how hormones work.

It's okay for spirit beasts... those half-bloods are dressed cooler than each other, it's hard not to think too much.

"Brother Ao... are there no more men in our Dragon Palace?"


Ao Hai looked at Yu Cang's troubled face, blinked his eyes, and suddenly widened them.

"Sir, you... do you like men..."

He looked incredulous, his body shuddered, and he looked like he wanted to retreat but hesitated.

"... What are you thinking about." Yu Cang rolled his eyes almost to his back, "I don't like to take care of socializing while working. If necessary, I hope it's better to be a man... and I have a girlfriend."

He knew exactly why Ao Hai arranged these people.

When he introduced them just now, his eyebrows were almost raised to the sky.

Obviously, Ao Hai was willing to let Yu Cang and those hybrids have a deeper exchange.

Ao Hai: "It's okay, we won't tell anyone."

Yu Cang: "..."

Feeling the deafening silence, Ao Hai gradually felt a little guilty.

"Ahem... Then I'll ask them to wear more clothes before coming."


"Uh... Then, then I'll change people."

"That's better." Yu Cang breathed a sigh of relief, and then suddenly said, "Wait, Ao Xiang stay."

"Okay... ah?" Ao Hai widened his eyes.

So your XP is...

"... He can use soul cards, I may need someone to help me test it."

"Yeah... I know."

Yu Cang: "..."


Yu Cang just said hello to them briefly, and Ao Hai called the group of spirit beasts and hybrids to leave.

Looking at their eyes, they were all looking at Yu Cang and were about to be pulled out of their tethers. They were dragged away by Ao Hai, and they looked reluctant. Some even looked at him and wanted to force their way to Yu Cang's side.

The white tiger roared loudly, and even punched and kicked Ao Hai, but unfortunately, Ao Hai was a myth after all, and they had no resistance when he wanted to take people away.

Yu Cang could only maintain a professional fake smile.

These hybrids are really...

He had heard that the hybrids and spirit beasts in the Dragon Palace respected the strong, as long as you were strong enough, you could have everything and be understood by others. Looking at the appearance of those hybrids... I'm afraid no one would refuse if I proposed to have a silver party with them.

That's right... After all, I just showed my fighting power in the Dragon Palace, and I fought against myths at level 6. I guess my legendary degree should have been maxed out.

On the side.

Ao Xiang knelt in front of the wine table, sitting upright, looking at the wine bottle on the table with a serious expression, but in fact, cold sweat was already coming out of his forehead.

Yu Cang didn't understand the roar of the white tiger sister, but he did...

It probably meant that he wanted to create a new hybrid bloodline with Yu Cang, with both human and beastman.

Maya, Jenny...

However, although the White Tiger elder sister's speech was shocking, judging from Ao Xiang's brief contact with Cang, it was expected that he would let Ao Hai take him away.

The only thing he didn't expect was...why wasn't he taken away?

No, this, isn't this right?

Originally, he was confused when he was called to entertain Yu Cang today...he was the only male among so many females, this is very strange!

But now...thinking of the whispers between Yu Cang and Ao Hai just now...could it be that Yu Cang's target is?

But how could this be!

Ao Xiang's eyes were already dizzy.

No, don't...although I am a little weak, my orientation is normal...but if Yu Cang wants that...can't I refuse?

Yu Cang is a distinguished guest of the Dragon Palace, and he just saved the Dragon Palace. It seems that he will be an important existence in Yan Country in the future...If I refuse, then, that should be a diplomatic incident, right?

But I really don't like it...

At this time, Ao Xiang's heart fell into a deep struggle.

The conflict between the righteousness of the country and his own XP made him confused and at a loss.

Yu Cang on the side: "..."

No, buddy, why are you blushing?

Ao Hai didn't leave for long, and soon, he returned.

At this time, Ao Xiang took a deep breath and raised his head with a firm look.

For the Dragon Palace!

At this time, he just saw... Ao Hai brought a group of tough guys to the martial arts arena.

Ao Xiang also saw his brother Ao Wu among them.

It's everyone... Wait!

Steam came out of Ao Xiang's face.

What is this doing?

Open, open a silver party?

No... Don't do that!

He can't accept this kind of thing anyway! !

It will break down!

Suddenly, a pair of hands slapped his shoulders.

Yu Cang: "I said..."


Ao Xiang made a sharp explosion.


Fortunately, with Yu Cang's explanation, Ao Xiang realized the truth of the matter.

In fact, under normal circumstances, Ao Xiang would not have thought wrongly, but the atmosphere created by the females just now was too ambiguous, which directly led him astray.

After realizing that Yu Cang kept him only because he could use the soul card simply because of his talent, he let out a long breath, but at the same time, his face became redder.

What was I thinking... I actually imagined Lord Yu Cang, who saved the Dragon Palace, to be that kind of person. I am so unforgivable... I am too ashamed to see the dragon...

"Mr. Yu Cang!" Ao Wu smiled, "We meet again... I'm sorry, sir, I doubted you before, it's all my fault for being blind!"

Yu Cang waved his hand: "It's okay."

"Mr. Yu Cang."

A bull-headed man stood up: "My name is Niu Chongtian... I have to thank you, it was you who saved my father and my great grandfather!"

"It's just a little effort."

His father and great grandfather are naturally Uncle Niu and Grandson Niu on the battlefield... In addition to the two super-position heirs, it can be seen that the Niu family is definitely one of the most prosperous families in the Dragon Palace.

However, Uncle Niu is a spirit beast bull, and Grandson Niu is a bull-headed man... It seems that there should be a story between them.

I'm afraid that someone couldn't resist the temptation in a scene similar to the previous one.

The remaining one was a ghost man, with dark blue skin that was as solid as rock, and a pale green tortoise shell that had transformed into a half-body armor attached to his body. The arm that stretched out from it was muscular and unusually thick, looking extremely domineering.

There was also a white tiger and a fox with six tails, each of which had a strong aura.

Yu Cang met them one by one and began to think in his mind.

On the one hand, he wanted to get to know them and get familiar with the power of the Dragon Palace in advance, and on the other hand... they wanted to become "battle partners" with him.

Yu Cang certainly couldn't use the means of banning cards to make them into soul cards, but in the Tianmen system, there were means to summon them out to fight.

For example, Chengying Sword and Ao Hai were very famous examples.

The summoning objects of the Four Seas Dragon Ruins were limited to the bloodline of the dragon clan. Yu Cang could make his own soul card to summon them out - this was a very tempting option for them who had been staying in Tianmen for many years... In fact, the role of the Dragon Palace Cloud Banquet was to allow the soul card masters who came here to choose a good battle partner.

No matter if he has the means to summon it in the end, it won't be a loss to pick it first.

And, as for myself...

Yu Cang glanced at the entry recorder.

Don't be in a hurry.

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