Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 511: The Abnormality of the Entry Recorder

Gu Jieshuang knew that the opportunity to enter Tianmen was very precious, so she didn't dare to waste any time.

She was not a card maker, and the rare rhythms in the Tianmen secret realm and the enhancement of resonance had no effect on her, so as soon as she entered Tianmen, she immediately invested in the twelfth floor, began to practice in it, and tried to move towards higher levels.

Yu Cang was like this. Gu Jieshuang only needed to focus on improving the mental stress coefficient, while Yu Cang had a lot to consider.

For example, studying the magical powers of the little boy and thinking about how to summon him out.

The extraction of the Chengying Invisible Sword has been completed, but in the newly obtained entries... at least at first glance, there is no obvious idea

For the Tianmen system, he also took advantage of his free time to study it a little in the past two days, but the results were minimal.

There is no bottleneck in his learning, but the large number of requirements for comprehension in this system makes it difficult to achieve quick success.

Is there any solution...

While thinking, Yu Cang has already opened the entry recorder, swept his eyes, and locked an entry.

Well... change the entry equipment to see.

Equip epic entry, [Scholar]!

This entry is very useful at first glance!


A flash of light flashed on the entry recorder, and the entry was successfully changed. Suddenly, Yu Cang felt as if a layer of cool touch was cast in his brain. Under this feeling, he felt that even the world in front of him was much clearer.

The effect is very good, it can be said to be immediate.

Yu Cang looked at the recorder, and the effect of this entry has been displayed.

It can make the knowledge learned during the equipment period not be forgotten, and greatly increase the understanding!

Sure enough, it is what he wants.

Yu Cang smiled, and then took out some Tianmen system soul cards given to him by Ling E again, and entered the Xingtian vision to analyze them. This time, just after reading for a while, his brain quickly became active, and various small inspirations kept colliding in his mind, which made his understanding of Tianmen melt in his mouth.

It is worthy of being an epic entry, too strong.

Yu Cang affirmed this.

And just when Yu Cang was surprised, Ao Xiang on the side... looked a little surprised.

This feeling is... no way?

He blinked and looked at Yu Cang, looking like he wanted to say something, but he was a little embarrassed.

Ao Xiang's actions attracted Yu Cang's attention. He turned his head and said, "What's wrong?"

Today, Ao Wu and the others wanted to bring the spirit wine to a banquet, but he refused.

Banquets are not good to be held every day.

He still has a lot of things to do in Tianmen, and he doesn't have time to hold banquets every day.

Therefore, Yu Cang only let Ao Xiang come to his side to cooperate with his research.

"Uh..." Ao Xiang thought for a while, "I don't know if I sensed it wrong... Yu Cang, did you suddenly get a new talent just now?"

"Oh?" Yu Cang raised his eyebrows, "The talent you are talking about, is it the kind of talent that can be strengthened into a magical power?"

Ao Xiang nodded: "Yes, that kind... Did I, did I say something wrong..."

Looking at Yu Cang with a slightly strange expression, Ao Xiang shrank his head and said quickly:

"Well, I'm very weak, my perception is not that accurate, maybe I saw it wrong..."

"... Ao Xiang, it's okay, have more confidence in yourself."

Yu Cang took a deep breath.

I suddenly got a talent?

In that time period just now... Then this talent must refer to the [Scholar] entry that I just equipped!

Is that so, the entry equipment system of the entry recorder actually directly changes people's talents?

It seems to be very reasonable to say this... Then what does this mean?

Yu Cang thought for a moment and asked again: "Ao Xiang, is it difficult for you to obtain talents normally?"

"Difficult... not really."

Ao Xiang organized his words and said:

"Generally speaking, when a spirit beast is just born, it will get two or three talents. We mixed-bloods will have fewer, usually only one, but the quality will be much higher... As the spirit beast gradually grows up, all his talents will be gradually strengthened. Of course, they can also be actively strengthened through cultivation.

"For powerful races, even if they don't practice, when they reach adulthood naturally, their core talents will directly become magical powers, just like the dragon race. If you are not satisfied with your talents, you can also perform blood awakening to obtain new talents... However, this awakening ceremony requires a lot of resources, which ordinary spirit beasts cannot do by themselves.

"The talent that each spirit beast can awaken is actually the magical power that its ancestors once possessed. Awakening is like drawing from this pool, and what you can draw depends entirely on luck... Theoretically, it can be awakened an unlimited number of times, but the more talents, the better. On the contrary, more talents will hinder the progress of cultivation. Therefore, some spirit beasts will use materials to wash away useless talents, but that also requires a lot of resources. .

"In addition, some drastic changes in the external environment may cause blood mutations, thereby producing new talents... However, this method is more unstable than awakening, and much more dangerous.

"Well... there is another way, and that is to donate blood. Just like Taize, his natal magical power is divine speed. This magical power was produced by Shouzu myth through blood mutation. It is not found in the blood of other black turtles. And Taize also If he is not a descendant of Shouzu, he does not have this in his awakening pool.

"But Taize still got this talent because Shouzu gave Taze a drop of true blood. In theory, with this drop of true blood, Taize can choose one of Shouzu's magical powers to awaken... But He was unlucky and the speed he drew was not the strongest.”

Hearing this, Yu Cang nodded.

That’s it… isn’t this a card-drawing mobile game!

These four ways to obtain talents are: guaranteed novice pool, public pool, mission gift and limited pool directional draw.

Listening to the description, if you want to draw a card once, you have to spend a lot of money... and the backpack is limited, so if you draw an unwanted card, you have to spend money to disassemble it.

too dark.

Speaking of which, theoretically all spirit beasts are descendants of Chao Ci... So is it possible that once a soul enters the public pool, he can directly draw the ultimate prize and gain Chao Ci's magical powers?

Doesn’t that mean that even myths can be surpassed?

This large group of spirit beasts should have been living on the Blue Star for hundreds of millions of years. During this time, haven't there been any people who had the magical power of Chao Ci? It’s time for this guarantee to come out.

Ask later.

While he was thinking, Ao Xiang continued:

"That's why I thought maybe I was wrong... Obtaining talents out of thin air, whether it's awakening or bloodline mutation, can't happen so quietly..."

Yu Cang came to his senses.

"Well... you can understand that this is my 'supernatural power'."


Yu Cang smiled: "That's right! Flexible switching of talents is exactly my magical power! With this magical power, those useless talents no longer need to be washed away!"

"Really?" Ao Xiang opened his eyes wide, with admiration shining in them, "What an amazing magical power... that, that..."

Ao Xiang bit her lower lip, and then she seemed to have made up her mind, and suddenly said: "Then, Mr. Yu Cang, can you give me a drop of your true blood?"


"I want to give it a try, I also want such magical powers!"

He has done many awakenings since he was a child, but all of them failed... It stands to reason that the current awakening rituals are so mature that this would not be the case.

And the attempt to wash off this laundry magic power also failed.

If there is such a magical power, doesn't it mean that you can switch to other magical powers?

want to!

Looking at Ao Xiang's eyes, Yu Cang's smile was a little embarrassed.

What he said casually... did he actually take it seriously?

However, it does not rule out the possibility that the entry recorder is one of his magical powers.

Will anyone inherit their own entry recorder...such as their own children?

Seeing Yu Cang's expression, Ao Xiang immediately knew that she had asked a question that she shouldn't have asked.

"I'm sorry!" He quickly stood up and bowed to the end, "I was presumptuous!"

"It's okay." Yu Cang naturally didn't care.

However, he had another thing on his mind.

Since the entries in the equipped state are regarded as talents... doesn't it mean that they can also be enhanced into magical powers?

It should be feasible, but if you do that, it must be the same as breaking through the seventh level of the [Jedi] equipment, and you will never be able to change the entry.


Yu Cang rubbed his chin.

After equipping the entry, the talent can be strengthened...then the entry itself can be strengthened?

Enhance common to rare, and even continue to enhance... Myth? Beyond myth?

Yu Cang's face solidified slightly.

Yes, beyond myth!

Along the way, he has seen many beings who are definitely beyond mythology, but no matter what they are, the upper limit of entry extraction is only seven days, which means that only mythical entries can appear at the highest!

However, there are six empty slots in the equipment interface of the entry recorder. According to the current rules, there must be entries that transcend mythology... Therefore, there must be another reason why it cannot be extracted.

Could it be that the terms beyond the myth cannot be extracted directly, but the existing terms must be strengthened?

It's possible!

In this case, all entries may become transcendent myths.

So the question is, how can we strengthen the entry...

Yu Cang narrowed his eyes slightly, moved his eyes away from the entry equipment interface, and looked to another place.


There are only a few products in the store, which are refreshed every day. Occasionally, a few items with unknown meanings will appear... There is no product introduction, and he has no idea what the use of those items is.

It seems... In my impression, how many times have I seen something related to strengthening?

So, is this really how the store is used...

If you use the entry recorder normally, the limit is already reached when you reach Mythology. If you want to get higher have to hunt wild beasts?

Reasonable, this should be the truth of the matter.

...No, wait!

Yu Cang suddenly stood up, his back suddenly covered with cold sweat.

This is just one of countless possibilities. How could I accept this setting so naturally and think it is right?

...It’s the [scholar] entry!

Yu Cang's breathing became heavier.

The understanding provided by [Scholar] told Yu Cang that his conjecture was correct, that is... In other words, the entry recorder confirmed this conjecture!

Does the entry recorder… have its own consciousness?

Yu Cang looked at the interface in front of him that only he could see, with a look of doubt in his eyes.

This interface floated silently in front of his eyes as usual, as if it was just a very ordinary program.

...Calm down.

In fact, I had already guessed this possibility a long time ago, didn't I?

It's impossible to say that I didn't doubt the powerful force that appeared out of thin air.

However, in the early stage, he needed the entry recorder to turn the tables, and after seeing Huang's despair, he had to hold on to all the power he could use. There was no way to rely on the entry recorder.

He was already trying his best to analyze the things he got from the entry recorder by himself to ensure that even if it suddenly disappeared, he would not be left with nothing.

So, what is the purpose of this entry recorder?

From what I saw just now… his purpose seems to be to kill as many wild beasts as possible… In other words, he is hostile to Huang?

In that case, there is no contradiction with him for the time being.


This function is the one he uses the least in the entry recorder.

The store does not sell physical goods. Basically, all goods are centered around entries... and after consuming wild crystals to buy, those wild crystals will disappear directly and be eaten by the entry recorder.

This process is actually very strange. A bunch of matter and energy disappear out of thin air, which makes it difficult for Yu Cang not to think too much.

What did the entry recorder do with these substances and energy?

Yu Cang rarely uses the store. On the one hand, it is because he has no time to hunt wild beasts himself, and on the other hand, he instinctively hates this opaque process.

Now it seems...

Perhaps the entry recorder realizes that it has enough strength.

Borrowing the enlightenment of the [Scholar] to remind itself that it is time to hunt wild beasts?



Ao Xiang stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Yu Cang.

"What's wrong with you? You look so ugly... Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Yu Cang came back to his senses.

He took a deep breath and shook his head.

"It's nothing... I just suddenly thought of something."

"Is that so..." Ao Xiang relaxed, "I heard from my father that the outside world is about to experience many disasters, sir, you have been trying to stop it... Were you thinking about those things just now?"

"...I guess so."

"So awesome." Ao Xiang looked at Yu Cang, "I also want to be as awesome as you...Unfortunately, I have never been able to do it, and it seems that no one needs me."

"It will happen."

Yu Cang put away those thoughts.

He patted Ao Xiang on the shoulder.

"You are my comrade-in-arms-since you promised me, you have to face the things I have to face with me."

"Huh? Really?"

"Of course-you can still regret it now."

"I don't want to regret it!"

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