Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 512: Strange usage of Tongren language increases

Later, the entry recorder refreshed, and Yu Cang had extracted the entry from Ao Xiang.

The entry extraction was completed, and the legendary entry was obtained: [Wash], the epic entry: [Reverse Scale], the rare entry: [True Name], and the common entry: [Cute]

That [Wash] should represent Ao Xiang's magical power.

It is only the epic-level laundry magical power, and it can already extract the legendary. This talent definitely has a lot of room for exploration.

However... [True Name] was extracted...

What does this entry have to do with Ao Xiang?

Yu Cang rubbed his chin.

The true name is the world's recognition of the existence of an individual, probably equivalent to a "household registration".

When a world is destroyed, the creatures that survived by chance are exiled to chaos, and they will lose their true names. From then on, the true name is just a few notes for the individual, and the world itself no longer recognizes this name.

In the chaos, the first thing to be eroded is the name. When the memory of the name is gone, the name completely loses its meaning.

Ao Xiang should have a real name.

Generally speaking, humans cannot tell whether a name is a real name or not just by perception. Unless the real name is accompanied by a large amount of legend.

Yu Cang cannot judge whether "Ao Xiang" is a real name, but... since there is no malice in the world, it means that Ao Xiang's real name is normal.

So, what characteristics of him led to the extraction of this entry... or was it just because he had a real name that it was extracted?

Yu Cang frowned slightly, and then put these behind his mind and directly launched the entry extraction on the Tianmen itself.

After a week of countdown, a mythical entry will appear.

Not bad.

After doing this, he returned his gaze to the blank soul card in his hand.

He has no idea about using the soul card to summon Ao Xiang.

Unlike the previous summons, Ao Xiang is a living individual, and the summoning of him cannot be as simple and crude as before.

In the past, when summoning the Weeping Girl and Star Dust, Yu Cang made them into soul cards, which was equivalent to them living in the soul cards and couldn't get out easily... But they didn't have their own bodies, so it didn't matter.

But Ao Xiang has his own body, and you can't let him give up his body directly.

Wouldn't that be making a banned card?

So, there are only two possibilities. One is to directly summon his body to reality and protect it with a soul card, such as Chengying. The other is to provide him with a temporary body.

The former is currently only available in the Four Seas Dragon Ruins, and the latter is more commonly used and weaker... Qi Kuochi is based on this principle.

Yu Cang doesn't know much about this field, so he plans to start with the simpler latter.

At first, he thought of the summoning method he created, but after trying it, he found that no matter which summoning method was used, Ao Xiang's body became a "burden"...

Yu Cang studied for a long time, summed up countless ideas, and eliminated them one by one before he found that... among the knowledge he mastered, the most suitable one was the upper summoning.

That is... banned card.

Only the most basic upper summoning can digest Ao Xiang completely.

It seems that this kind of physical body cannot be separated from the main deck... Could it be related to the integrity of the rhythm?

Yu Cang's current attainment in forbidden card learning is not low, so he can come up with many forbidden card transformation ideas at random... But every time he looks at Ao Xiang with an innocent face, Yu Cang will feel that he is simply too evil.

However... it is not that there is no way.

Yu Cang rubbed his chin.

Among the six summoning methods, most of them rely on extra decks and need to be guided by incomplete rhythms to summon... But there are two summoning methods that can be in the main deck.

That is ritual summoning and... pendulum!

Ritual summoning is reliable, and Ao Xiang does not need to give up his own body, but... it requires giving up the body of others.

After all, it must meet the equivalent.

Theoretically, Yu Cang can make such a ritual spell card, and then sacrifice some wild beasts in battle... But, it is still inconvenient, and too bloody, and it is no different from a banned card.

So, can the pendulum work?

The pendulum is the development of the inner side. In theory, all summoning cards have their own inner side, including the soul cards of the extra and main deck.

So... is there a possibility that he first uses the method of making a banned card to make a banned card that can summon Ao Xiang... but does not use it as a banned card, but only uses its inner side?

However, as long as the banned card is added to the deck, it will have a bad effect, which cannot be avoided even if it is not activated...

Yes, the ritual pendulum!

First, make a ritual spell card that can summon Ao Xiang and its corresponding ritual summoned beast, and then summon the inner side... The inner side cannot directly join the battle, but Yu Cang does not need Ao Xiang to fight, just take care of the logistics.

Yu Cang's eyes are full of thoughts.

Moreover, ritual summoning may not be so bloody... After all, there is the precedent of "My Name is Me" that can accomplish the equivalent with the real name.

Thinking of this, Yu Cang took out a blank soul card and a writing pen, and opened the entry library.

[Clean] + [Real Name] + [Ritual] +...

After selecting a formula, Yu Cang glanced at the success rate.

13%, not low.

Among them, there is a legendary entry [Cleanse], how can it be so high?


Yu Cang selected some other legendary entries for testing and found that the implantation success rate generally increased.

"Could it be... related to my strength?"

Yes, it makes sense.

Before, my active resonance could already speed up the extraction of entries, which means that my strength can definitely affect the recorder, and now that I have unlocked the third equipment slot, it means that level 6 is a new stage for the entry recorder.

Therefore, it is normal that the implantation success rate of these legendary entries has increased.

The success rate of 13% is not low, but the implantation of legendary entries has a cooling off period of one day, so Yu Cang is still not satisfied.

There is [Real Name]... What if I silently recite Ao Xiang's real name when implanting...

Yu Cang stared at the entry implantation button, and the moment this thought came up, the success rate actually fluctuated!

It works!

However, before Yu Cang thought about it carefully, Ao Xiang on the side suddenly raised his head.

"Mr. Yu Cang?" Ao Xiang blinked, "Are you... summoning me?"

"... It's okay, it's just an illusion... You must not respond to my summons next time."

"Oh... OK."

Ao Xiang didn't know what happened, but nodded obediently.

Yu Cang rubbed his brows, but he had a headache.

At that moment, the success rate soared to 78%.

But he felt it was not right.

If that's the case... Wouldn't it be a directional summon? If this succeeded, Ao Xiang would probably be swallowed by the blank soul card in his hand and melted in his mouth.

No, it won't work.

I'd better make the card normally... If I just summon Ao Xiang, I shouldn't need a world-class card. It's just an epic card, which is not a problem for me now.

Thinking of this, Yu Cang's eyes were full of stars, and he began to draw on the blank soul card with his own array writing pen.


At the same time

Fifteenth floor

Gu Jieshuang sat cross-legged in the clouds, meditating.

Pressure came from all directions, constantly stimulating every inch of her body, but she just frowned, and the overall reaction was very natural.

She was practicing on the fifteenth floor!

This was something that Yu Cang couldn't do.

For Yu Cang, starting from the fourteenth floor, although he could bear it, he couldn't stay for long, let alone practice.

But looking at Gu Jieshuang's appearance, it didn't seem difficult at all.

There was a reason for this.

The spatial tension of the high-level of Tianmen can temper the upper limit of mental pressure, but this tension is not only effective for the mind... the body bears more.

Yu Cang is a typical example. The physical pressure is greater than the mental pressure, and he reached the limit first, so he couldn't practice normally.

Although Gu Jieshuang's mental pressure coefficient is lower than Yu Cang, the child is strong.

As a mixed-blood, Gu Jieshuang's physical tolerance is much stronger than Yu Cang.

What's more, she has climbed the Fengyue Cangjian, and her mental toughness is not low.

After a while, she opened her eyes and frowned even more tightly.

After entering the Heavenly Gate, she only adapted for a short time before she immediately went to a higher level and stopped at the fifteenth level.

Although it was very painful to practice here... the effect was incomparable to that of the lower level, so she did not hesitate and directly chose the most painful way.

Now, she could feel that although her body could still hold on for a long time, her spirit was almost reaching its limit.

Gu Jieshuang raised her head and looked at the huge door in the cloud.

At this time, she had the same idea as Yu Cang in her heart.

Before going to the lower level to rest, go to the sixteenth floor to take a look.

Thinking of this, she came to the door, raised her hand, and when she was about to cross it, a strong sense of crisis rose in her heart.

She was very familiar with this sense of crisis. When she just climbed to the fifteenth floor, she wanted to continue to go up, but it was this sense of crisis that stopped her and made her choose to practice on the fifteenth floor first.

And when she was meditating just now, she was also thinking.

Before coming here, she had heard from Yu Cang that the limit of level six was on the seventeenth floor.

In other words, the sixteenth floor was absolutely safe.

She is confident in herself and her boss. Following closely behind her boss, she is absolutely qualified to reach this limit.

But... the sense of crisis in her heart cannot be faked. This sense of crisis even threatens her life.

Then, there is only one answer.

The method is wrong, and skills are needed.

Gu Jieshuang stood in front of the door, keeping her hand raised, and then, starlight rose in her eyes, and the world in her eyes slowed down.

Being in the upper echelons of Tianmen, she can feel the tension of space tearing the body and spirit at all times, as if... she is fighting with the whole world.

Tianmen's martial arts are at the top, and they can attack her from every direction at all times. It is impossible for her to defend against every move.

So, she needs to go with the flow.

It doesn't need to be so fast, nor does it need to be so hard.

Thinking of this, the starlight in her eyes became more intense, the world was visibly solidified, and in her eyes it was almost still, and even the trajectory of light was clearly visible!

This kind of nearly time-stopping vision only appears when the star-level perception ability is pushed to the extreme. Even Gu Jieshuang cannot enter it stably. The right time, place, and people must all be met.

Now, it's the right time!

In this vision, Gu Jieshuang's expression suddenly changed, and she directly let go of her body!

She no longer struggled to resist the tearing of the world, but chose to let it go. At this moment, countless forces acted on her body at the same time, trying to tear her delicate skin into pieces, but...

In Gu Jieshuang's eyes at this time, these forces were not without traces. She followed every tear of the space on herself and controlled every cell in her body.


The vision in front of her returned to normal, and Gu Jieshuang's body seemed to be violently pulled out for a moment, and then... she fell softly to the ground, as if her body had lost all strength.

Behind her, Ao Hai stood there at some point. He stretched out his hand, and seemed to want to take Gu Jieshuang away, but gave up the idea at the last moment.

"Huh?" Ao Hai said in surprise, "This girl... is it?"

On the first day of entering Tianmen, she can directly comprehend the skills of adapting to the tension of space?

And it didn't start from the lower level, but directly comprehended on the fifteenth level!

Under the horrible tension here, ordinary people probably don't even dare to think about relaxing their bodies, right? After all, this will kill you!

"Hiss... Not easy."

Ao Hai took a breath.

Although they are mixed-blood and spirit beasts, they have advantages in Tianmen, but he still hasn't seen anyone dare to play like this.

Thinking of this, he retracted his hand, and then turned around and disappeared.

He was here just to prevent accidents. Now that Gu Jieshuang can do it herself, she naturally doesn't need him.

After he left, I don't know how long it took.

Gu Jieshuang moaned, and then slowly climbed up from the ground.

It seems to have worked...

After completely relaxing, she didn't know how to control her body for a while.

It took a long time to adapt before she could stand up again.

From beginning to end, she didn't realize that Ao Hai had appeared.

Shaking her head, she raised her head again and looked at the door in front of her... Sure enough, this time, the sense of crisis in her heart was not so heavy.

There is still a little bit, but it should be a problem with her spirit, not related to the body... and there is no danger to her life.

She took a deep breath, no longer hesitated, and stepped through the door.


When she came to the sixteenth floor, the light in front of her eyes became more dazzling.

It seems... the higher you go, the brighter the light is.

Gu Jieshuang squinted and looked up.

However, the clouds became thicker and more numerous, so it was not difficult to bear.

Speaking of which, where does the light of the Tianmen come from?

There is no sun in the sky.

... Never mind.

Gu Jieshuang's brows, which had just relaxed, frowned.


It seems that her spirit has reached its limit... She still needs to practice on the fifteenth floor for some time before she can move freely on the sixteenth floor.

The headache made it impossible for her to think too much, so she turned around and planned to go back.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Excuse me, are you Yu Cang's spouse?"


Spouse, what kind of adjectives are these...

Turning around, Gu Jieshuang saw a little fox.

A spiritual beast...that's fine.

The headache made her not want to think too much, nor did she want to correct anything, so she nodded: "Yes, I am."

After saying this, the fox opposite suddenly smiled.


Gu Jieshuang blinked.

Hmm? What do you mean...wait!

Gu Jieshuang's eyes widened suddenly.

In front of her, the little fox turned around, and suddenly a light flowed on its body...and then, it turned directly appearance?

Myself? Myself!

I saw "Gu Jieshuang" came to her barefoot, jumping and skipping, and her expression changed. She looked at her with a tearful begging look and said:

"Good sister, I'm really sorry, but I really want to give Yu Cangsheng a child...I'm sorry for you."


Gu Jieshuang's ability to understand was challenged.

"Don't worry, dear sister. I know that you humans value status very much, so I used your face to mate with him, so it doesn't count as cheating on you."

Supernatural power, can speak human language!

Can speak human language, but will transform into the first person to respond to him!

Faced with her "innocent and pure" words, Gu Jieshuang's face twitched, and she felt very angry.

Not considered cheating...?

Do you want to hear what you are saying!


There is a feeling of powerlessness as if I want to kill a idiot but the person in front of me is a psychopath.

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